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Chapter 14 She Who Giveth Can Also Taketh Away (Jakes POV)

She was like a feather in my arms as we walked down the staircase. I couldn’t tear my eyes from her face. She looked just like herself again, well minus the swollen stomach. She was cute pregnant when it wasn’t killing her. Something about the fact that she was carrying my child made her all the madami attractive to me. Se was glowing with happiness and it was contagious.
As we stepped into the living room there was a burst of applause and shouts of happiness. Everyone had thought that she and the baby were at deaths door, immortal or not. Amore came up to us and hugged her.
“I told you that everything would be alright.” She sinabi a little smugly. “Godmother knows best.”
Nessie groaned at her and then giggled. I stepped past her and started to place Renesmee on the couch.
“No, Jake! We are going to the garahe now; I can’t wait to see your face!” I picked her up and headed out to the garage. Everyone followed us curiously although I knew for sure that a few of them already knew what it was.
Amore smiled widely, “Oooh Jake you are going to pag-ibig it!”
I turned to her, “You do know that you are kind of annoying, right?”
She nodded, “and you are pretty pushy.”
“Alright you two…” Nessie chastised us for arguing, but she shook her head and smiled. “Jake let my father take me you will need to have your hands free…”
I reluctantly passed her into Edward’s awaiting arms and Emmett pulled the tarp off of something that was sitting in the back corner of the garage.
My mouth hit the floor…if I was still human there is a small chance that I might have passed out.
Renesmee laughed, “Jake, honey- are you alright?”
I picked my jaw up off of the ground and stammered, “Th-th-this is for me?”
She nodded her head excitedly, “Do you like it?”
I stared at her in awe, “Like it? I pag-ibig it! I cannot believe you!” Staring back at me from underneath an oversized white bow was a brand new Black 2009 Ducati Desmosedici RR; my dream bike. I walked up to her and kissed her. It was quite a kiss, I was so happy that she was alright and now this?
“Ahem…” Edward winced as he tried to look away from us.
I chuckled. I had forgotten that she was still in her father’s arms.
She smiled at me, “So go check it out… go for a ride…”
I shook my head as I took my wife into my arms. “Uh-uh, I am not leaving your side until the baby is born and that’s final. Stop trying to get rid of me.”
Emmett glowered at Rosalie, “Babe, how come you never bought me a Ducati for our wedding.”
She rolled her eyes at him, “Emmett don’t be ridiculous. I bought you a car. Besides the greatest gift you could have received was me.”
He rolled his eyes as groans amassed from various family members. He continued to mope, “But babe…it’s a Ducati… I would look awesome on it…”
Amore cracked up at her parents.
Edward smiled at him, “Em, you can have mine now that Bella is out of that phase I never use it.”
Nessie perked up in my arms, “No way! Daddy I want that bike so I can go with Jake.”
Emmett winked at her, “It’s ok Nessie, I can share.”
Edward, Charlie and I both growled, “No,” at the same time.
She wrinkled her nose at us, “Geez… overprotective much? Daddy you just sinabi mom used to ride one…”
Edward glared at Bella, “Thanks love… now we can’t even tell her no.”
Bella rolled her eyes, “Lighten up Edward she takes after you with the reflexes and coordination she would be fine.”
Renesmee smiled at her mother appreciatively.
“Get through this pregnancy first Renesmee and then maybe I will teach you how to ride.” She winked at her daughter.
I snorted to myself in remembrance of how much Bella sucked at riding a motorcycle. The fact that she was a vampire now held no weight on my view of her as dangerous behind wheels period…especially when there were only two wheels…
“No way, IF she ever learns it will be from me.”
Edward looked at me in betrayal, and I shrugged at him.
“You never saw Bella learning…it was bad…”
Charlie glared at me, most likely remembering that he was still mad at me for hiding the bike thing from him. He spoke up changing the subject purposely, “Renesmee how on earth could you afford that!”
She smiled charmingly at her grandfather, “Grandpa I always save all of my birthday and pasko money.” Peals of laughter rang out amongst the Cullen’s at the ridicule of her statement.
Charlie scowled and turned to my father, “Billy are you seriously going to let him ride that thing after the accident he had? He almost killed himself.”
Renesmee stiffened in my arms as she spoke venomously through her teeth. “How odd. You never told me that story Jacob.”
I looked away from her and briefly met Bella’s glance before she turned her head away from me. She seemed like she was still mad at me.
“It was a long time nakaraan Nessie. It’s no big deal.” I hated lying to her.
“No big deal?” Charlie scoffed as Sue tried to calm him down. “Jake crushed the Buto on an entire side of his body! Billy, you can’t seriously allow this…”
My father looked at Charlie in amusement, “And what would you suggest I do Charlie. Tell my full grown son who is out of my house, married and about to be a father that he cannot ride a bike. I cannot tell him what to do.”
Nessie arched an angry eyebrow at me, “Oh yea? Well I can…”
Emmett hooted, “Ha, the patient ones shall be rewarded! I call dibs on Jake’s bike.”
Nessie flashed her eyes at him angrily and his laughter quietly abated. She turned back to me and whispered viciously, “You and I are going to have a little talk later Mr. Black…”
I smirked at her she was really adorable when she was angry; it was even madami endearing ibingiay that she was so pregnant.
“Ah, the mood swings are back.” I teased.
She looked at me savagely as she snarled, “You haven’t seen anything yet.” Chuckles rang out through the crowd of people in the garahe and outside.
“I will wear a helmet…” I offered.
She narrowed her eyes at me. “I suggest you wear it for the rest of the night if you are going to be anywhere near me.”
I snorted at her but when I saw how angry she truly was I quieted down. “I’m sorry I never told you about it.” She looked away from me. I kissed her cheek and whispered into her ear, “I pag-ibig you; you are the best wife ever to buy that for me. You know… you are awfully cute pregnant…”
That seemed to do the trick; she looked at me and smiled as she kissed me.
“Oh, EW!” Amore groaned, “Can you two refrain from the PDA please its kind of overkill…”
We smiled at each other as I carried her back into the house.
“Do you want to go back into the living room for a bit?” I asked her.
Renesmee yawned, “I’m kind of tired, can we go back upstairs?”
I smiled at her as well as the thought of having alone time with her now that she was back to normal. “You got it.”
We were about to head upstairs when Bella came up to us.
“Jake… I am sorry. She sinabi as she looked away in embarrassment. “I was a complete jerk; none of this has been your fault.” She finally looked at me, her eyes riddled with worry and remorse. “Can you forgive me?”
I smiled at her, “Always do, Bells.”
She rolled her eyes, “This kind of thing hasn’t happened that often.”
I snorted, “What are you referring to being mad at me or the death threats?”
She laughed, “Ok, I know I haven’t always been the easiest to get along with I am sorry.”
I winked at her, “its ok mom.”
She groaned, “Do NOT call me that Jake its weird.”
I laughed, “Ok grandma…”
I held back my laughter, “Ok, ok Bella…”
She nodded and then looked at Renesmee and whispered so low that no human in the house would have heard her. “Jake didn’t lie to you, he wasn’t injured on a bike. He has always been good on bikes even when he was human. He stood up with us years nakaraan when we had to fight in order to save my life from a vengeful vampire who was after me when I was still human. So please don’t be mad at him. I hate that story and have asked him not to tell you about it.”
Renesmee looked from her mother back to me with wide eyes.
I nodded, “It’s true Nessie, I wouldn’t lie to you and I hated never telling you everything but your mother really wanted to keep it from you. I had to respect her wishes.”
Her eyes searched my face in concern, “How bad was it, honestly don’t sugar amerikana it.”
I shrugged, “It was bad, my entire side was crushed sa pamamagitan ng a vampire…” I hurried to the better part because her face fell. “But it was alright, your grandfather took care of me and I healed in no time…wolf remember?”
She settled back into my arms looking relieved, “I’m glad that you didn’t lie to me Jake.”
Bella looked at me, “He saved my life Nessie, quite a few times. He is a good guy. Let him ride the damn bike.”
Renesmee smiled at her mother. “Thanks mom, you know you can tell me all of this stuff now, I am an adult I can handle it.”
Bella smiled fondly at her daughter as she kissed her forehead, “You know I'm too young to be a grandma, right?”
Nessie laughed at her. Everyone had filed back into the living room and the wail of a couple of unhappy mga sanggol filled the house. Nessie looked up.
“Are Sam and Levi here?”
I smiled at her, “Obviously, Sam and Emily have been basically living here so that Emily can help with you.”
Nessie turned towards the family room as though she were struggling to see the babies. “Can we go in thee for a little bit, I have been dying to see them.”
I knew that she should go lay down but I can’t ever say no to anything that she wants. The three of us headed to the living room where I set Nessie down gently on the couch. My dad and Charlie and Sue left leaving Sam and Emily. Everyone was lounging carelessly around the room, some watching TV, or on the computer. Amore was drawing the mga sanggol as Seth watched her; adoration shining in his eyes. Leah and Nahuel were off in their own little world sitting in the dining room. I had managed to block the thoughts of my pack out pretty well the past few days as I was otherwise occupied when Renesmee was at her worst but now their thoughts came back loud and clear.
“She looks really good Jake.” Seth observed silently.
“I’m relieved.” Leah chimed in never looking away from Nahuel.
“Thanks guys,” I didn’t know what else to say. I still couldn’t quite believe that they had followed me into vampirism. Their loyalty towards me as their leader was very similar to the fortitude of Renesmee's pag-ibig for me. It was unconditional and I knew that they would follow me to hell and back if need be; they had already proven that in Italy. I cringed as I remembered that the Volturi might be a problem yet again hoping that it would all just blow over.
My attention was pulled back to Nessie as Emily handed her Levi. He was a few weeks old now and was filling out nicely. He quietly observed her as she cuddled him to her halik his cheek. He smiled at her briefly. She looked so natural holding a baby. I knew that she was going to be a great mother. Amore and Rosalie had sat with Nessie on the sopa flanking her as I stood back and watched. They were discussing the perfection of the little baby in her arms and discussing Sarah when Renesmee yelped wincing in pain as she quickly handed Levi off to Amore. Rosalie grabbed Nessie as she slumped over. I ran to her in panic and scooped her up in my arms.
“What happened Nessie?”
Carlisle was at my side examining her.
“I think it’s a rib or two,” She cringed as her grandfather checked.
His face paled, “It is every single rib on her right side.”
Nessie grunted, “I don’t think that Sarah liked being sat on sa pamamagitan ng Levi.” She smiled weakly.
Carlisle ushered us upstairs and began to tape Nessie’s ribs. I felt as though my throat were closing up on me as I had a flashback of him taping Bella’s ribs. It wasn’t over. The danger was imminent. Bella had followed us and looked at me worriedly, “How is she?”
“Mom I’m fine, it’s not so bad.” She was a bad actress though, her forehead had beads of sweat on it and she wore a constant grimace. Carlisle grabbed the measuring tape to measure her stomach.
“Well, you are now measuring 32 weeks.” He sinabi quietly.
I looked at him in alarm, “She was just 30 weeks yesterday.”
He nodded solemnly, “I know. Listen to me Renesmee, you cannot get out of kama anymore except to use the bathroom. You are officially on kama rest.”
She nodded and then cringed in pain as she emitted a small shriek. Buto cracked and tears rimmed her eyes.
I panicked, “Carlisle do SOMETHING.”
He checked her again, “its two madami ribs on her other side, they are cracked.”
Bella headed for the door, “EDWARD!” She screamed
He was at the door before she had finished yelling for him, the burning man was back.
Bella looked at him urgently, “You need to talk to he baby, try to read her mind convince her to stop moving… Renesmee doesn’t have too many madami ribs left to be broken…”
Edward walked briskly to my side, I moved over and he got down onto his knees.
“It’s ok Nessie, daddy will make it stop, ok?”
She nodded as she bit her lips to keep from screaming in pain.
He turned his head to Nessie’s stomach, “Sarah, its grandpa. Can you hear me?”
He paused for a moment and then smiled, “Good. I need you to do something for your parents. Every time that you ilipat you are hurting your mommy badly. You are very strong, can you please try to stay very still?”
He smiled widely and then looked at me and Nessie. “You are right, she is a girl. Sarah says that she loves you and Jake very much. She keeps saying it is her job to protect them… speaking of you I am sure. She sinabi that from now on all will be still.”
Nessie sank back into the pillows in relief. Her hand swept across her stomach as she whispered through her tears, “Mommy and daddy pag-ibig you too Sarah. You don’t need to protect us… we are supposed to do that for you.”
Edward concentrated, “She sinabi that she is hungry.”
Nessie smiled, “I am starving myself.”
I grinned at my wife, “What will it be now?”
Her eyes twinkled, “Mountain lion?” She asked hopefully.
Edward smiled, “I will talk to Sam and see what we can do.” He and Bella slipped out of the room after halik their daughter on the forehead. Carlisle wrapped her other ribs up and then tucked her in.
“You need to get some rest,” He told her.
She mumbled an unintelligible response as her eyes drifted shut.
Carlisle eyed her, “She’s quite the trooper.”
I agreed, “She is remarkable.”
I turned to him in a panic, “If the baby is growing at this rate when will she deliver?”
He shrugged. “I cannot say for sure, but it could be nay time now.” I looked at him in horror. It had been less than a month.
Carlisle looked at me calmly, “You have to stay as composed as you can. She will feed off of your energy and it could be the difference between life and death here. She needs to see that you think it will be ok.”
I squeezed my eyes shut as he patted my back and stepped out of the room. I lay down carefully susunod to my beautiful wife stroking her hair. On a whim I leaned my head down to her stomach.
“Please Sarah, be ok, and go easy on mommy.”
I felt the gentlest nudge and knew that Sarah was doing her best. pag-ibig for my child overwhelmed me as we shared a common goal for the first time. Keeping Renesmee safe.
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