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I feel like I REALLY need to work fast on this. I'm only on page 40 in the actual book. So starting after this, I'm going chapter sa pamamagitan ng chapter. It will be faster, and it will A LOT longer for you guys to enjoy. Hope you like it.

“You’re really not that good of a mechanic, Edward. Maybe you should have Rosalie look at it tonight, just so you look good if Mike decides to let you help, you know. Not that it wouldn’t be fun to watch his face if Rosalie showed up to help. But since Rosalie is supposed to be across the country attending college, I guess that’s not the best idea. Too bad. Though, I suppose, for Mike’s car, you’ll do. It’s only within the finer tunings of a good Italian sports car that you’re out of your depth. And speaking of Italy, and sports cars I estola there, you still owe me a yellow Porsche. I don’t know that I want to wait for Christmas…”

I laughed under my breath at my sister. If there was one thing she was good at, it was filling a silence. I looked over at Bella, who had long since tuned Alice out. She knew I was up to something, and I’m sure she also realized that sooner or later, I would have to be alone with her. Soon enough, we were at our driveway, and Alice began to exit the car. You’re on your own now. I think you should tell her the truth, Edward.

“See you later,” I told her. I’m serious, Edward. She won’t be happy if she finds out you lied to her. I nodded slightly, letting her know I heard her, as she shut the door and disappeared up the driveway.

The drive to the sisne residence was silent. I didn’t know if Bella was waiting to see if I would bring up what happened at lunch on my own, or if she was strategizing a way to get the truth out of me. This was one of those times when pagbaba her mind would be of great help. When we were parked in her driveway, I could take the silence no more.

“Light homework load tonight,” I offered lamely, attempting to make small talk.

“Mmm,” was all I got in response.

“Do you suppose I’m allowed inside again?” I inquired.

“Charlie didn’t throw a fit when you picked me up for school.” She said. At least out loud, he hadn’t complained. His thoughts, however were a different story. They had ranged from anger at me, to regret at himself for not keeping Bella grounded until she was thirty.

We entered the house, and went up to her room, where I lounged on her kama as she sat at her old computer. I knew she was getting wary of my evasiveness, but I still didn’t have a solid plan of action. Bella caught my attention as she drummed her fingers against the mesa loudly, her slow computer not easing her impatience. I stood and quickly crossed the room to her, placing my cool hand on her warm one. “Are we a little impatient today?” I asked, leaning forward, inches from her face.

She turned around, quickly forgetting what she was about to say. I knew the best way to distract her from her mood was to “dazzle” her, as she so often put it. Listening to her erratic heartbeat as she felt my cool breath on her lips, I could take the temptation no longer. I brought my lips to hers, with madami force than usual. One hand combed through her hair, as the other ran down her back, crushing her closer to me. The feeling I got from halik Bella was indescribable. As much as I loved the warmth and softness of her lips, I only had so much self control, so our kisses usually ended after a few short seconds, leaving both of us unsatisfied. But I couldn’t risk losing control and accidently hurting her.

She seemed to sense that I was about to pull away, because she used all her strength to hold me to her body. She knew I could break her grasp easily, but this didn’t stop her attempt. Then, suddenly, the tip of her tongue slipped through to trace the outline of my lower lip. The feeling was unlike anything I had ever felt before, so tempting and amazingly pleasurable. I wanted to keep going, but knew I had to break away from her immediately, or risk losing the sense of control I fought so hard to perfect.

As I pulled away, I saw the smug look on her face, and laughed. “Ah, Bella,” I sighed.

“I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not,” she sinabi breathlessly.

“And I should feel sorry that you’re not sorry, but I don’t. Maybe I should sit on the bed.”

“If you think that’s necessary…” she trailed off, looking a little faint. Her face was flushed a beautiful pink. I smiled lovingly at her, and untangled her body from mine.

“Tell Renee I sinabi hello,” I told her as I made my way across her bedroom.

“Sure thing,” she replied.

I took in her room, trying to think up something I could say that would get her to leave Forks this weekend on her own accord. That’s when I saw it. Her open closet revealed the box of presents from my family she had received on her horror of an eighteenth birthday. As much as I hated thinking about that day, the gift from Carlisle and Esme could be escape I was looking for. Of course, she would insist I sumali her, as there was a ticket for me as well. I quickly decided that keeping Bella ligtas was worth missing Victoria being destroyed. I grabbed the box and glanced through it, stopping when I saw what once must have been her stereo, but was now a mess of wires.

“What did you do to this?” I asked, horrified.

“It didn’t want to come out of the dashboard,” she replied innocently.

“So you felt the need to torture it?”

“You know how I am with tools. No pain was inflicted intentionally.” She shrugged.

I shook my head, amused. “You killed it.”

“Oh well.”

“It would hurt their feelings if they saw this. I guess it’s a good thing that you’ve been on house arrest. I’ll have to get another one in place before they notice.” I told her.

“Thanks, but I don’t need a fancy stereo.”

“It’s not for your sake that I’m going to replace it,” I said, and she sighed. “ You didn’t get much good out of your birthday presents last year,” I continued, fanning myself with the plane tickets to Florida my “parents” had bought her. “Do you realize these are about to expire?”

She looked at me, becoming visibly upset as she thought of her disastrous birthday party. “No. I’d forgotten all about them, actually.”

She didn’t seem happy. I tried to be positive, but not overly eager so she’d suspect what I was up to. “Well we still have a little time. You’ve been liberated…and we have no plans this weekend, as you refuse to go to prom with me. Why not celebrate your freedom this way?”

“By going to Florida?” She gasped.

“You did say something about the continental U.S. being allowable,” I joked. She glared at me, as if trying to see through me to my true motivations. This would be madami difficult than I originally imagined. “Well? Are we going to see Renee or not?”

“Charlie will never allow it,” she tried.

“Charlie can’t keep you from visiting your mother. She still has primary custody.” I countered.

“Nobody has custody of me. I’m an adult.”


She seemed to think it over, her face conflicting. I knew how badly she wanted to see her mother, and I hoped the temptation would make her accept my proposal. She sighed. “Not this weekend.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t want to fight with Charlie. Not so soon after he’s forgiven me,” she said. I really couldn’t argue with that.

“I think this weekend is perfect.”

“Another time,” she said, shaking her head.

I resorted to being desperate. “You aren’t the only one who’s been trapped in this house, you know.” I knew that wouldn’t work. She knew that I loved being trapped anywhere as long as I was with her.

She gave me a suspicious look. “You can go anywhere you want.”

“The outside world holds no interest for me without you,” I told her. It was true, if not over the top, but she rolled her eyes at me. “I’m serious.”

“Let’s take the outside world slowly, all right? For example, we could start with a movie in Port Angeles…” she hinted.

I groaned. “Never mind. We’ll talk about it later.”

“There’s nothing left to talk about,” she countered.

I shrugged, letting it drop for now. I knew that with some careful guidance on my part, she would eventually agree. I didn’t like having to use my power of persuasion to convince Bella to do things my way, but desperate times…

“Okay, then, new subject,” she said, breaking my chain of thought. “What did Alice see today at lunch?”

I kept my face composed, a mask. She was measuring my expressions as I spoke. “She’s been seeing Jasper in a strange place, somewhere in the southwest, she thinks, near his former…family. But he has no conscious intentions to go back. It’s got her worried.”

I wasn’t exactly sure where that story had come from. It was not even close to the truth, and I instantly regretted lying to her, but I quickly pushed those thoughts to the side. If it meant keeping her safe, then I had to do it. She seemed to believe me. “Oh. Why didn’t you tell me before?”

“I didn’t realize you’d noticed,” I lied. “It’s probably nothing important, in any case.”

I could tell she felt guilty for thinking I was hiding something from her, which in turn made me feel guilty because I was hiding something from her. But once again, I had to push those thoughts to the side to keep her safe.

We went downstairs then, doing homework until Bella decided to make Charlie’s dinner. I helped the best I could, trying not to look as thoroughly disgusted as I felt handling human food. Bella laughed at my expressions. Charlie was much less hostile towards me than normal when he came home, his thoughts on an upcoming fishing trip. I excused myself to the family room while they ate, my mind plotting the susunod phase of my plan to get Bella to Florida.

“That was great, Bells.” Charlie’s voice rose from the kitchen. They had apparently finished their meal, both of too Nawawala in thought for conversation while eating.

“I’m glad you liked it,” she replied. “How was work?”

“Sort of slow. Well, dead slow really. Mark and I played cards for a good part of the afternoon. I won, nineteen hands to seven.” His thoughts shifted then, to my chagrin. “And then I was on the phone with Billy for a while.”

“How is he?” Bella asked, seeming disinterested. I knew what she really wanted to know was how Jacob was.

“Good, good,” Charlie replied conversationally. “His joints are bothering him a little.”

“Oh. That’s too bad.”

“Yeah. He invited us down to visit this weekend.” I stiffened as he spoke. “He was thinking of having the Clearwaters and the Uleys over too. Sort of a playoff party…” he trailed off.

“Huh,” Bella replied, knowing I would be listening. I stood then, heading to the kitchen. I was now even madami determined that Bella would be out of town this weekend. I walked to the kitchen, standing in the doorway. I knew Bella would be irritated with me after this, but I also knew it wouldn’t be too hard to be forgiven.

“Charlie,” I said, as he stood from the table.

“Yeah?” What does he want?

“Did Bella ever tell you that my parents gave her airplane tickets on her last birthday, so that she could visit Renee?”

The plate Bella had been washing clattered to the floor, her eyes growing wide as she looked towards me like a deer caught in the headlights. I was going to be in trouble later, but she needed to go, and she really did miss her mother.

“Bella?” Charlie asked her, surprised. Why wouldn’t she have mentioned that earlier? I know she wants to see her mom. He wondered.

“Yeah, they did,” she replied, not meeting his eyes.

Do I even want to know where this is going? “No, she never mentioned it.” He sinabi to me, glaring.

“Hmm,” I replied passively, watching Bella as she nervously tried to gain her composure.

What’s he trying to get at? “Was there a reason you brought it up?” He asked me, agitated.

I shrugged, feigning passivity. “They’re about to expire. I think it might hurt Esme’s feelings if Bella doesn’t use her gift. Not that she’d say anything.”

As much as Charlie despised me as of late, he pangkalahatang liked and respected my family, particularly Alice and Esme. I knew he wouldn’t want Esme’s feelings to get hurt.

Bella should go see Renee. Renee misses her. And it was pretty thoughtful of the Cullens to get her the tickets…”It’s probably a good idea for you to visit your mom, Bella. She’d pag-ibig that. I’m surprised you didn’t say anything about this, though.” There must be a reason she didn’t want to tell me.

“I forgot,” she sinabi simply.

“You forgot someone bought you plane tickets?” Not likely, he thought.

“Mmhmm,” she replied, obviously wanting the subject to drop as she turned back towards the sink.

Wait a minute…”I notice you sinabi they’re about to expire, Edward. How many tickets did your parents give her?” Charlie asked.

So he had caught that. I knew that Charlie would get angry when I told him I was going as well, which in turn would make Bella angry, and she would then insist on going. I was playing dirty, but it was necessary.

“Just one for her…” I started. “And one for me.”

Bella dropped another plate, this one landing in the sink. I saw her neck heat up with anger, directed at me. I would have to deal with that later. Her puso rate sped up as she started to panic.

Charlie glared at me, his thoughts an intangible jumble of words and curses as he grew angrier. Letting out an exasperated breath, he yelled at me, “That’s out of the question!” If he thinks I’m going to let my daughter run off to Florida with him, he’s sadly mistaken. I’ll…I’ll…lock her in her room for a year…for ten years!

I had to stifle a laugh at his thoughts, and composed my face into a mask of innocence. “Why? You just sinabi it was a good idea for her to see her mother.”

Smug little…”You’re not going anywhere with him, young lady!” This time his anger was directed at Bella.

Just as I knew she would, Bella got immediately defensive. “I’m not a child, Dad. And I’m not grounded anymore, remember?”

“Oh, yes you are. Starting now.”

“For what?!” She practically screeched. I knew this would end badly, but what else could I do?

For having bad taste in boyfriends. “Because I sinabi so!” He sinabi in an equally aggressive tone.

“Do I need to remind you that I’m a legal adult, Charlie?” Bella asked acidly.

She called me Charlie. She must be pretty mad. But, damnit, she can’t go with him! “This is my house – you follow my rules!”

She glared at him. “If that’s how you want it. Do you want me to ilipat out tonight? Or can I have a few days to pack?” She knew that was a low-blow, but Bella could be stubborn, and it was her natural reaction as a human teenage girl. I leaned against the counter, watching amusedly.

She wouldn’t…she has nowhere else to go. Right? She’d probably ilipat in with the Cullens. Then I wouldn’t have any say in how much time she spends with him. At least here I can keep my eye on them. And use force, if necessary. Why does she always play the move-out card? Okay, calm down, Charlie…

”I’ll do my time without complaining when I’ve done something wrong, Dad,” Bella continued. “But I’m not going to put up with your prejudices.”

I’m not…she can’t…what can I… Charlie’s thoughts were becoming incoherent.

“Now, I know that you know that I have every right to see Mom for the weekend. You can’t honestly tell me you’d object to the plan if I was going with Alice or Angela,” she countered.

“Girls,” Charlie replied. Girls can’t get you in the trouble that he can.

“Would it bother you if I took Jacob?” At the sound of his name, my jaw clenched shut. Of course she had to pick the dog, out of everyone, to prove her point. I saw her glance at me with worry etched on her face, and quickly composed myself.

Jake didn’t hurt you. Jake actually deserves you. If it got you away from Edward over there, I would be completely okay with it. “Yes,” he replied in a flat tone. “That would bother me.”

“You’re a rotten liar, Dad.”

“Bella –“ he started, but was cut off.

“It’s not like I’m headed off to Vegas to be a showgirl or anything. I’m going to see Mom,” she emphasized. “She’s just as much my parental authority as you are.”

Maybe…but I know Renee and she isn’t exactly observant. The things they could get away with behind her back…

“Are you implying something about Mom’s ability to look after me?” Bella threw out.

Charlie winced. Perceptive.

“You’d better hope I don’t mention this to her,” she warned.

“You better not. I’m not happy about this, Bella.” He said, giving up. If I hear about any inappropriate actions from Renee, it’s over. I’ll shoot him, I swear to God.

“There’s no reason for you to be upset,” she stated, pulling the plug out of the sink. “So, my homework is done, your hapunan is done, the dishes are done, and I’m not grounded. I’m going out. I’ll be back before ten-thirty.”

Getting a little attitude, isn’t she? I never sinabi anything about going out. “Where are you going?” he asked, his face red, again with anger.

“I’m not sure. I’ll keep it within a ten-mile radius though, okay?”

No, not okay. Damn teenagers and their hormones. She’s so stubborn, just like her mother. Charlie’s thoughts trailed off as he stomped out of the kusina to watch the game.

I looked at Bella, who was staring at me, irritation evident in her eyes. “We’re going out?” I asked, not able to contain the enthusiasm I felt.

She glared at me. “Yes. I’d like to speak to you alone.”

I maybe should have felt apprehension at the prospect of being yelled at, but she was quite adorable when she was angry, and I couldn’t help the slight smile that graced my face with her words. We walked out the door and to the Volvo in silence. Once I was in the driver’s seat, she turned to me, apoy in her eyes.

“What was that?” She demanded.

“I know you want to see your mother, Bella – you’ve been talking about her in your sleep. Worrying actually.” That much was true. Bella was used to taking care of her mother, and she needed to see first-hand that she was alright with Phil.

“I have?” She asked, her anger dissipating.

I nodded. “But, clearly, you were too much of a coward to deal with Charlie, so I interceded on your behalf.”

“Interceded? You threw me to the sharks!”

I rolled my eyes at her overdramatic outburst. “I don’t think you were in any danger.”

“I told you I didn’t want to fight with Charlie,” she stated, as if it were my fault she had decided to argue with her father, rather than having a mature conversation.

“Nobody sinabi you had to,” I pointed out.

She sulked, knowing I was right. “I can’t help myself when he gets all bossy like that – my natural teenage instincts overpower me.”

I laughed. “Well, that’s not my fault.”

She stared at me, but I stared out the windshield, pretending not to notice. She would eventually figure out that I had deceived her, and I was hoping that I could make her understand when that time came.

“Does this sudden urge to see Florida have anything to do with the party at Billy’s place?”

Now it was my turn to get defensive. “Nothing at all. It wouldn’t matter if you were on the other side of the world, you still wouldn’t be going.”

She clenched her teeth together, and I knew she was trying exceptionally hard to bite her tongue. I didn’t want her to think I was trying to control her, but with all the danger surrounding us right now, I didn’t have much of a choice.

However, I didn’t want to fight with her either. I sighed, hoping to change the subject. “So what do you want to do tonight?”

“Can we go to your house?” she asked. “I haven’t seen Esme in so long.”

I smiled, Esme would be ecstatic to see Bella. She had been asking about her frequently, waiting for Charlie to set her free so she could come bond with the family. Esme considered Bella another daughter, and the fact that she had been “locked up”, so to speak, was heartbreaking for Esme. “She’ll like that. Especially when she hears what we’re doing this weekend.” She groaned, and we were off.

We spent a relaxing evening with my family, Bella catching up with everyone, as no one other then Alice and myself had seen much of her since we had returned from Italy. Esme was, as expected, exceptionally happy when she heard of our plans to visit Renee in Florida over the weekend. She knew the real reason I was taking Bella away, and was thankful her gift was of good use. After playing chess with my siblings, we headed back to Charlie’s. The lights were on when we arrived, and I listened for his thoughts, gauging his mood.

“You’d better not come inside. It will only make things worse.” Bella sighed.

Charlie’s thoughts interrupted her.
Good they’re back. I can’t believe I have to do this, but if they’re going away together for the weekend, I guess I don’t have a choice. She’ll need to know the facts, so she doesn’t do anything stupid. Why me? Well, might as well get it over and done with.
I almost Nawawala it when I realized that Charlie was planning on giving Bella a sex talk. But I composed my face, not giving away anything. “His thoughts are relatively calm.” I smiled, suppressing laughter.

She glanced at me suspiciously, as she opened the door to leave. “See you later.”

I laughed at her expression, and kissed the tuktok of her head. She looked like she was headed to the gallows. “I’ll be back when Charlie’s snoring.”

She got out of the car, and I briefly considered listening in on her and Charlie’s conversation. Although it would most definitely be entertaining, I decided against it, figuring Bella was going to have madami than enough embarrassment for one night, without the knowledge that I had heard every word.

It was still relatively early, and I wasn’t sure how long Charlie’s “talk” would last, so I decided to go hunting in the woods a few miles north of Forks to pass the time. I parked the Volvo on the side of the deserted road and started running into the dense forest. I thoroughly enjoyed hunting. Letting my senses take over was exhilarating. I had just picked up the scent of a pack of deer when the phone in my pocket vibrated. I growled, annoyed, under my breath. I considered not answering, but it was Alice, and there was too much going on at the moment to not be informed of any important visions.

“Yes, Alice?” I replied, not bothering to hide the irritation in my voice.

“Edward? Where’s Bella?” She sounded slightly panicked.

“She’s at home, Alice. Charlie is still awake. I’m hunting. Is there something you needed?”

“Edward, I was watching out for Bella’s future just like you asked me to, but it just disappeared! I don’t know if the mga lobo showed up at her house, or what. I can’t see anything!”

“I’ll take care of it, Alice,” I sinabi hotly, slamming the phone shut. I ran all the way back to Bella’s house, figuring I’d get there faster than I would in the Volvo.
posted by NeeNee14
I had all my classes with Seth,but this one girl kept giving me the evil eye. I just ignored her.I sat with Seth and his mga kaibigan Jacob, Paul, Quil,Kim, and Nessie.
Seth came over after school. He waited for me to change because I had to go to Ballet practice. I came down with my hair in a bun , my leotard and some shorts on. I sat my bag sa pamamagitan ng the door.
Seth stared at me and smiled. He motioned for me to come sit sa pamamagitan ng him on the couch.
"Lanise, I need to tell you something.OK?It may sound weired but its all true."He sinabi to me. I shook my head
"Seth I will believe anything you say."
"I' m a werewolf...and...
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posted by basketballstar
This short story is told from Edward's point of view. It's based on Twilight, and maybe a bit of Midnight Sun. It's about Alice's obsession of wanting to talk with Bella. I guess it shows Alice's determination and Edward's stubborness. Please comment and tell me what you think!

Even before Bella, the strongest relationship I had in my family was with Alice. We had always been freaks among those who were already freaks, with my mind pagbaba and her future seeing. We looked out for each other, we kept each other’s secrets, and we annoyed the hell out of one another.
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posted by jacob_lover5253
I skipped Jacob's chapter to put Bella's chapter in...Jacob's chapter will be susunod though.

Chapter 14. (Edward)

I stormed off the porch. I was going to look for no matter what. I found her. She was with Jacob and Leah. Leah? They heard my presence. Bella snapped her head up. Leah and Jacob growled. Bella tried her hardest to looked away but she couldn't. What's wrong with her. "Jake." Leah started. Her expression softened. Jacob looked from me to Bella then back to me. What!?!? I'm seriously confused.

Chapter 15. (Bella)

I couldn't help not to look. "Jake." Leah said. Jacob looked back and forth...
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posted by jacob_lover5253
Chapter 14. (Edward)

Did Bella just phase in to a werewolf? When she wasn't looking I took off into the woods. What the hell just happened? I walked into the house with a horror struck expression. 'Edward what happened?' Jasper thought. "Bella just-just..." I trailed off. Alice came out of the kitchen. "Phased." She finished for me. "What?" Everyone asked together. I caught a glimpse of Alices vision. It was my future of course. And it was blank. Is this the end of my life?

'Edward what now?' Alice thought. "I don't know." I answered her thoughts. I stormed out of the house. I have to find Bella....
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posted by karpach_13
"uncle emmett when i sinabi i can keep an eye on everybody i meant, i can keep an eye on everybody except my parents" i told him, and my parents relaxed.
"how can you have two powers?" my grandma esme asked me.
"three" i corrected her. her eyes widened. then i got an idea.
"uncle emmett wanna fight?" i asked him. and he turned to me with a great big smile.
"nessie no" my mom said.
"this is the best part of my power, relax mom" i told her.
"i'd pag-ibig to fight, and i'd pag-ibig to warn u watch your back," uncle emmett told me. i nodded. we went into the backyard to fight.
"you start" i told uncle emmett. he...
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posted by groovychicklisa
Chapter 12


I knew what my subconscious wanted. It wanted Edward. I walked over to his house and knocked on the door.
Carlisle and Esme were on a trip visiting Emmet and had only left a few hours ago. Edward was tahanan alone. I knocked lightly in case he was asleep. After about 5 minutos he came to the door- his eyes swollen, tired. Like he’d been crying. “can i come in?” i whispered. My teeth chattering. He nodded and moved aside. I entered his house- i heard the door close behind me. “Are you alright?” he whispered as i rubbed my arms to get friction to warm me up. “Just cold”...
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posted by groovychicklisa
Chapter 11


She was right in front of me I could feel the pain already consuming me from within. She quickly turned away making it obvious that she didn’t want to talk to me. Well tough she would be talking to me tonight whether she likes it or not. I watched her carefully waiting for the right opportunity to appear. I saw her walk over and grab a bottle of beer. Since when did she drink? Just after she had taken a drink I grabbed her arm and pulled her around to face me. (B)Can I help you? (B) She grunted. I knew I was looking at her but she wasn’t the girl I knew. I was looking through...
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posted by groovychicklisa
Chapter 5


Running to class I took my upuan in English and thought about what had just happened. Then Tanya came and sat susunod to me and grasped my hand and began running it up and down her thigh. God I wasn’t in the mood! I may have just Nawawala my best friend and she’s horny? Oh God just cause I wasn’t in the mood doesn’t mean HE wasn’t. Before thinking twice as soon as English was over she dragged me out to her car and began driving to my house. Before I could say anything she pulled me up to my room and flung me onto my kama before she jumped on tuktok of me she noticed the photo...
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posted by groovychicklisa
Chapter 4


I was heartbroken I knew he loved me just not in the way I wanted it. I needed to be loved. I grabbed my phone and text Jake.
J, what you doing I really need you can we meet ? –Bx Then I placed my phone down shocked at what I was doing I was going to Jake to loose my V-card. I pag-ibig him but not like I pag-ibig Edward oh well Edward was one to be kind with details when it came to Tanya and him. Infact he shared with me every agonizing detail with me. I was dragged out of my thoughts sa pamamagitan ng my phone buzzing. 1 new message.
Bella babe, im at my house everything okay? You coming round? –Jx...
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posted by groovychicklisa
Chapter 3

The ride to school that araw was beyond hellish. Neither one talked. When Bella arrived at school she had to get Edward form his araw dream (B) Edward? (B) (E) What…? Oh sorry I was araw dreaming(E) A small smile spread across my face at just how childish he was, (B) Yeh I guessed that Edward! Do you need me to give you a ride tahanan after school? (B) Oh god if he says that asong babae Tanya is taking him tahanan I may cry! It’s no secret that Esme and Carlisle don’t like her; infect no one but Edward and herself like her! (E)Erm ofcourse! Why do you have something else planned with...
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posted by groovychicklisa
Chapter 2

I awoke to the noise of my buzzing alarm; I threw my arm out the kama in an attempt to shut my alarm clock the hell up. As I finally grasped it, then it fell on the floor along with something else that made a clatter I jumped out the kama in an attempt to see what it was it was lying on the floor was the picture of Bella and I from a few Christmases nakaraan I picked it up and laid it on my kama to notice there was a crackdown it. Crap! I muttered under my breath. I made a mental note to get it fixed as soon as possible. As I grabbed my clothes I wandered into my bathroom to get ready...
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posted by karpach_13
 this is renesmee's hotel room
this is renesmee's hotel room
Chapter 5
“this is not my daughter” my father said. And shook his head.
“our daughter just grew up and needs madami attention Edward” my mom said.
“bella this isn’t our renesmee this is…” I cut my dad off.
“this is who? Dad just because I changes doesn’t mean im not ur daughter” I told him. It took him a very long time to say anything. I got so tired of everything I left then and ran to my room. I gathered a lot of clothes and put it in my luggage. I went down stairs and to my car.
“nessie wer r u going?” my mom asked. I didn’t want to hurt anyone here, it was all an accident,...
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posted by jacob_lover5253
Here is the end of Jacob's POV then to Edward's POV.

Chapter 9. (Jacob)

Billy handed me the phone. "Hello?" I asked. Who is it? "Hey, um, Jacob. It's Edward. I need you." Edward sinabi awkwardly. "What do you want? Why should I help you?" "Because Bella is gone." He sinabi sadly. "No, duh? She left you." I laughed. "No, Jacob. You need to take this seriously. Bella left Charlie!" Edward screamed at me. She did what now!

I dropped the phone and headed full speed to the woods. I'm gonna help Edward find her. But maybe she won't go back to him and she'll come running into my arms! I smiled my wolfy...
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posted by jazzerpie
Edward's pag-ibig for Bella is an undescribable sensation of protective instincts.Although he craves her blood he cares for her like god cares for the world.He would do anything for her even if it meant being away from him. Even if something good for her causes a burning whole in his body, he will do it...for her. The pag-ibig for her can be described in such a way no one knows what it is.People think pag-ibig is when your partner will spoil you and do whatever you want. But, its not. It's when you will do anything for that person to make them happy. No matter what it is.
His pag-ibig for her is <3
edwards pov.

what was happerning? no matter how hard alice looked she couldnt see anything nothing of out daughter. i and bella were starting to get worried. in a matter of time she has gone from sight and from hearing range. i couldnt bare it.

bellas pov.

this really was something i couldnt handle. edward leaving me was the hardest time in my human life. now losing my daughter seams like the hardest in this life. the gapping hole is back and ontil i got my daughter back it was going to remain there. who lmows how long.

alices pov.

nessie was gone and i felt as uslass as i did when she was...
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posted by CarlislesLover
I'm soooo sorry I haven't posted in ages. It's a long story why but here's part 11.

I stood up and kissed Jacob with all the energy I had. He pulled me in gripping to me tightly. I couldn’t breathe but I didn’t want to let go. Jacob started to pull me off of him, but I pulled closer. He was stronger than me so he managed to pull me of. I got really moody and stared at him evilly. “Bella honey I pag-ibig you but you’re pregnant and we can’t halik for so long when you’re pregnant”

“Stuff pregnancy”

“Bella I want our kid to survive as well as you. Do you have any idea how much I’m...
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posted by Tatti
Here's new chapter from Jasper POV, I hope you'll like it. Thanks to all of you who reads and comments it, I really appreciate that.

6th chapter Learning


"Now try from the left side" I advised Jalley and she knocked me down. I could block her manuntok very easily but I didn't - my little girl worked so hard today and she deserved it. I was surprised how quickly she learned every technique I showed to her, too bad, she needed madami strength so it would be effective. "Enough for today?"
"Yap! I'm hungry" she ran into my arms. I lifted her cheerfully and we went to the kitchen. Usually Alice...
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posted by DestinyGirl
Hi! Thank you so much for those who read and commented!!!:D And now, here's madami of Starlight!

2. First Day

susunod day, I rose up with the sun and Kyle and Annie decided to hunt before the first araw of school——so I got ready. Annie had laid out an outfit for me to put on after my shower.

It was a lovely v-neck brown mahabang manggas fitted sando (and I always wear a backless tank-top underneath whatever I'm wearing since when I summon my wings, they tear right through the clothing) with blue jeans and the same brown sandals she wore yesterday.

I brushed my long, thick, mahogany brown hair which...
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 Bye Guys-post madami tonite I am going swimming right now!!!!♥
Bye Guys-post more tonite I am going swimming right now!!!!♥
Rosalie’s P.O.V:
I led the man to the sopa with his grandmother. I sat down and turned the telebisyon off, “So, what did you need sir?” “I need you to turn me and my grandmother.” He said. “Excuse me?” “Turn us, please.” I started freaking out, because my identity was a secret, “CARLISLE!” I screamed at the tuktok of my lungs, “Miss, please I will paliguan you with wealth.” Carlisle came running down the stairs, “Umm, can you excuse us for a second?” I asked him. “Sure, Rosalie, I’ll just talk to my grandmother about preparations.” I nodded, “You do that.”...
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posted by Tatti
Here comes new chapter and I hope you'll like it. Big thanks to all who supports my fanfic and all nice comments you leave.

3rd chapter Running


I can see that Bella is worrying and I even can understand it - three half-vampire mga sanggol pops out of nowhere and only short letter from mysterious vampire Doreen informs us that they are abandoned and we should take care of them. At first, I was a bit suspicious too, but now I can't see what would be the point of leaving these kids if someone would meant harm to us. Volturi already know about vampire and human hybrids and accepted them as not...
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