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*by Stephenie Meyer*


During lunch the clouds started to advancce, slinking across the blue sky, darting in front of the sun momentarily, casting long shadows across the beach, and blackening the waves. As they finished eating, people started to drift away in twos and threes. Some walked down to the edge of the waves, trying to skip rocks across the choppy surface. Others were gathering a socond expedition to the tide pools. Mike - with Jessica shadowing him - headed up to the one tindahan in the village. Some of the local kids went with them; others went along on the hike. sa pamamagitan ng the time they all had scattered, I was sitting alone on my drifwood log, with Lauren and yler occupying themselves sa pamamagitan ng the CD player someone had thought to bring, and three teenagers frmo the reservation perched around the circle, including the boy named Jacob and the oldest boy who had acted as spokesperson.
A few minutos after Angela left with the hikers, Jacob sauntered over to take her place sa pamamagitan ng my side. He looked fourteen, maybe fifteen, and had long, glossy black hair pulled back with a rubber band at the nape of his neck. His skin was beautiful, silky and risset-colored; his eyes were dark, set deep above the high planes of his cheek-bones. He still had just a hint of childish roundness left around his chin. Altogether, a very pretty face. However, my positive opinion of his looks was damaged sa pamamagitan ng the first words out of his mouth.
"You're Isabella Swan, aren't you?"
It was like the first araw of school all over again.
"Bella," I sighed.
"I'm Jacob Black." He held his hand out in a friendly gesture. "You bought my dad's truck."
"Oh," I said, relieved, shaking his sleek hand. "You're Billy's son. I probably should remember you."
"No, I'm the youngest of the family - you would remember my older sisters."
"Rachel and Rebecca," I suddenly recalled. Charlie and Billy had thrown us together a lot during my visits, to keep up busy while they fished. We were all too shy to make much progress as friends. Of course, I'd kicked up enough tantrums to end the fishing trips sa pamamagitan ng the time I was eleven.
"Are they here?" I examined the girls at the ocean's edge, wondering if I would recognize them now.
"No." Jacob shook his head. "Rachel got a scholarship to Washington State, and Rebecca married a Samoan surfer - she lives in Hawaii now."
"Married. Wow." I was stunned. The twins were only a little over a taon older than I was.
"So how do you like the truck?" he asked.
"I pag-ibig it. It runs great."
"Yeah, but it's really slow," he laughed. "I was so relived when Charlie bought it. My dad wouldn't let me work on building another car when we had a perfectly good vehicle right there."
"It's not that slow," I objected.
"Have you tried to go over sixty?"
"No," I admitted.
"Good, Don't." He grinned.
I couldn't help grinning back. "It doe great in a collision," I offered in my truck's defense.
"I don't think a tank could take out that old monster," he agreed with another laugh.
"So you build cars?" I asked impressed.
"When I have free time, and parts. You wouldn't happen to know where I could get my hands on a master cylinder for a 1986 Volkswagen Rabbit?" he asked jokingly. He had a pleasant, husky voice.
"Sorry," I laughed, "I haven't seen any lately, but I'll keep my eyes open for you." As if I knew what that was. He was very easy to talk with.
He flashed a brilliant smile, looking at me appreciatively in a way I was learning to recognize. I wasn't the only one who noticed.
"You know Bella, Jacob?" Lauren asked - in what I inagined was an insolent tone - from across the fire.
"We've sort of known each other since I was born," he laughed, smiling at me again.
"How nice." She didn't sound like she thought it was nice at all, and her pale, fishy eyes narrowed.
"Bella," she called again, watching my face carefully, "I was jsut saying to Tyler that it was too bad none of the Cullens could come out today. Didn't anyone think to invite them?" Her expression of concern was unconvincing.
"You mean Dr. Carlisle Cullen's family?" the taller, older boy asked before I could respond, much to Lauren's irritation. He was really closer to a man than a boy, and his voice was very deep.
"Yes, do you know them?" she asked condescendingly, turning halfway toward him.
"The Cullens don't some here," he sinabi in a tone that closed the subject, ignoring her question.
Tyler, trying to win back her attention, asked Lauren's opinion on a CD he held. She was distracted.
I stared at the deep-voiced boy, taken aback, but he was looking away toward the dark forest behind us. He's sinabi that the Cullens didn't come here, but his tone had implied something madami - that they weren't allowed; they were prohibited. His manner left a strange impression on me, and I tried to ignore it without success.
Jacob interrupted my meditation. "So is Forks driving you insane yet?"
"Oh, I'd say that's an understatement." I grimanced. He grinned understandingly.
I was still turning over the brief comment on the Cullens, and I had a sudden inspiration. It was a stupid plan, but I didn't have any better ideas. I hoped that young Jacob was as yet inexperienced around girls, so that he wouldn't see through me sure-to-be-pitiful attempts at flirting.
"Do you want to walk down the tabing-dagat with me?" I asked, trying to imitate that way Edward had of looking up from underneath the eyelashes. It couldn't have nearly the same effect, I was sure, but Jacob jumped up willingly enough.
As we walked north across the multihued stones toward the driftwood seawall, the clouds finally closed ranks across the sky, causing the sea to darken and the temperature to drop. I shoved my hands deep into the pockets of my jacket.
"So you're, what, sixteen?" I asked, trying not to look liek an idiot as I fluttered my eyelids the way I'd seen girls do on TV.
"I just turned fifteen," he confessed, flattered.
"Really?" My face was full of false surprise. "I would have thought you were older."
"I'm tall for my age," he explained.
"Do you come to forks much?" I asked archly, as if I was hoping for a yes. I sounded idiotic to myself. I was afraid he would turn on me with disgust and accuse me of my fraud, but he still seemed flattered.
"Not too much," he admitted with a frown. "But when I get my car finished I can go up as much as I want - after I get my license," I he amended.
"Who was that other boy Lauren was talking to? He seemed a little old to be hanging out with us." I purposefully lumped myself in with the youngsters, trying to make it clear that I preferred Jacob.
"That's Sam - he's nineteen," he informed me.
"What was that he was saying about the doctor's family?" I asked innocently.
"The Cullens? Oh, they're not supposed to some onto the reservation." He looked away, out toward James Island, as he confirmed what I'd thought I'd heard in Sam's voice.
"Why not?"
He glanced back at me, biting his lip. "Oops. I'm not supposed to say anything about that."
"Oh, I won't tell anyone, I'm just curious." I tried to make my smile alluring, wondering if I was laying it on too thick.
He smiled back, though, looking allured. Then he lifted one eyebrow and his voice was even huskier than before.
"Do you like scary stories?" he asked ominously.
"I love them," I enthused, making an effort to smolder at him.
Jacob strolled to a nearby driftwood puno that had its roots sticking out like the attenuated legs of a huge, pale spider. He perched lightly on one of the twisted roots while I sat beneath him on the body of the tree. He stared down at the rocks, a smile hovering around the edges of his broad lips. I could see he was going to try to make this good. I forcused on keeping the vital interest I felt out of my eyes.
"Do you know any of our old stories, about where we came from - the Quileutes, I mean?" he bagan.
"Not really," I admitted.
"Well, there are lots of legends, some of them claiming to petsa back to the Flood - supposedly, the ancient Quileutes tied their canoes to the tops of the tallest trees on the mountain to survive like Noah and the ark." He smiled, to ipakita me how little stock he put in the histories. "Another legend claims that we descended from mga lobo - and that the mga lobo are our brothers still. It's against tribal law to kill them.
"Then there are the stories about the cold ones." His voice dropped a little lower.
"The cold ones?" I asked, not faking my intrigue now.
"Yes. There are stories of the cold ones as old as the lobo legend, my own great-grandfather knew some of them. He was the one who made the treaty that kept them off out land." He rolled his eyes.
"Your great-grandfather?" I encouraged.
"He was a tribal elder, like my father. You see, the cold ones are the natural enemies of the mga lobo - well, not the wolf, really, but the mga lobo that turn into men, like our ancestors. You would call them werewolves."
"Werewolves have enemies?"
"Only one."
I stared at him earnestly, hoping to disguise my impatience as admiration.
"So you see," Jacob continued, "the cold ones are traditionally our enemies. But this pack that came to our
territory during my great-grandfather's time was different. They didn't hunt the way others of their kind did - they weren't supposed to be dangerous to the tribe. So my great-grandfather made a truce with them. If they would promise to stay off our lands, we wouldn't expose them to the pale-faces." He winked at me.
"If they weren't dangerous, then why...?" I tried to understand, struggling not to let him see how seriously I was considering his ghost story.
"There's always a risk for humans to be around the cold ones, even if they're civilized like this clan was. You never know when they might get too hungry to resist." He deliberately worked a thick edge of menace into his tone.
"What do you mean, 'civilized'?"
"They claimed that they didn't hunt humans. They supposedly were somehow able to prey on mga hayop instead,"
I tried to keep my voice casual. "So how does it fit in with the Cullens? Are they like the cold ones your great-grandfather met?"
"No." He paused dramatically. "They are the same ones."
He must have thought the expression on my face was fear inspired sa pamamagitan ng his story. He smiled, pleased, and continued.
"There are madami of them now, and new female and a new male, but the rest are the same. In my great-grandfather's time they already knew of the leader, Carlisle. He'd been here and gone before your people had ever arrived." He was fighting a smile.
"And what are they?" I finally asked. "What are the cold ones?"
He smiled darkly.
"Blood drinkers," he replied in a chilling voice. "our people call them vampires."
I stared out at the rough surf after he answered, not sure what my face was exposing.
"You have gansa bumps," he laughed delightedly.
"You're a good storyteller," I complimented him, still staring into the waves.
"Pretty crazy stuff, though, isn't it? No wonder my dad doesn't want us to talk about it to anyone."
I couldn't control my expression enough to look at him yet. "Don't worry, I won't give you away."
"I guess I just violated the treaty," he laughed.
"I'll take it to the grave," I promised, and then I shivereed.
"Seriously, though, don't say anything to Charlie. He was pretty mad at my dad when he heard that some of us weren't going to the hospital since Dr. Cullen started working there."
"I won't, of course not."
"So do you think we're a bunck of supersticious natives or what?" he asked in a playful tone, but with a hint of worry. I stil hadn't looked away from the ocean.
I turned and smiled at him as normally as I could.
"No. I think you're very good at telling scary stories, though. I still have gooes bumps, see?" I held up my arm.
"Cool." He smiled.
And then the sound of the tabing-dagat rocks clattering against each other warned us that someone was approaching. Our heads snapped up at the same time to see Mike and Jessica about fifty yards away, walking toward us.
"There you are, BElla," Mike called in relief, waving his arm over his head.
"Is that you're boyfriend?" Jacob asked, alerted sa pamamagitan ng the jealous edge in Mike's voice. I was surprised it was so obvious.
"No, definitly not," I whispered. I was tremendously grateful to Jacob, and eager to make hhim as happy as possible. I winked at him, carefully turning away from Mike to do so. He smiled, elated sa pamamagitan ng my inept flirting.
"So when I get my license...," he began.
"You should come see me in Forks. We could hang out sometime." I felt guilty as I sinabi this knowing that I'd used him. But I really did like Jacob. He was someone I could easily be mga kaibigan with.
Mike had reached us now, with Jessica still a few paces back. I could see his eyes appraising Jacob, and looking satisfied at his obvious youth.
"Where have you been?" he asked, though the answer was right in front of him.
"Jacob was just telling me some local stories," I volunteered. "It was really interesting."
I smiled at Jacob warmly, and he grinned back.
"Well," Mike paused, carefully reassessing the situation as he watched our camaraderie. "We're packing up - it looks like it's going to rain soon."
We all looked up at the glowering sky. It certainly did look like rain.
"Okay." I jumped up. "I'm coming."
"It was nice to see you again," Jacob said, and I could tell he was taunting Mike just a bit.
"It really was. susunod time Charlie comes down
to see Billy, I'll come, too," I promised.
His grin stretched across his face. "That would be cool."
"And thanks," I added earnestly.
I pulled up my hood as we tramped across the rocks toward the parking lot. A few drops were beginnig to fall, making black spots on the stones where theey landed. When we got to the Suburban the others were already pagkarga everything back in. I crawled into the backseat sa pamamagitan ng Angela and Tyler, announcing that 'd already had my turn in the shotgun position. Angela just stared out the window at the escalating storm, and Lauren twisted around in the middle upuan to occupy Tyler's attention, so I could simply lay my head back on the upuan and close my eyes and try very hard not to think.
posted by VanessaBrooke
Renesmee's POV
As I reached the kusina of my parent’s cottage, I pulled on some black converse shoes and sprinted out of the house with my super human speed. Then my mind started to wander, the topic: Jacob. I thought about our relationship. It wasn’t extremely serious, I mean yes we kissed and held hands and he slept susunod to me (full clothing included, which means for a werewolf, only a pair of pants/shorts) I mean my parents know this, and my mom is OK with it, and my dad tries to ipakita no emotion about it but I can tell, it pisses him off. The only reason they allow any of this is because...
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posted by DeadlyDarkness
Chapter 4

Screams were coming from all around me. Foot steps of the humans running. I closed my eyes and covered my ears. How could they do this to those poor humans? I thought. They hunted quick. Which means I had to leave. Leave now.

While they weren't looking I sprinted towards the door. Suprisingly, it wasnt locked. I didnt know my way around the kastilyo yet so I phased into a white lobo with bright green eyes. Oh great. I thought. This is when I wish I had black fur. But if I ran fast enough maybe they wouldnt see me.

I ran as fast as my legs would could go. I ran into walls often but...
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posted by anna0789
emma' pov

"emma darling we miss you so much !" my grandparents sinabi and hug me

" i miss you too" i sinabi
"do you want some pancakes for breakfast?" my grandma ask
"yeah i pag-ibig your pancakes!" i sinabi and went with my grandma to the kusina while my grandpa stay in the living room watching tv

"the pancakes are great gran" i sinabi

"thanks sweety and now do you mind telling me where have you been all night ?" gran ask me and look at me angrily

i look down ..i forget to close my door before i went out of my room and run to seth's house

"i was at seth's gran" i sinabi casually

i usaully did this or sometimes...
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posted by lollipopszx3

I put down my last box when the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs carefully so I didn't knock down any boxes on my way.

"Why thank you Edward. So kind of you." sinabi my mother, Renee before she closed the door on someone. Who was that? Edward?? Very old name. Was he our neighbour?

"Bella. You just missed him. Edward, our neighbour, just came and dropped off his mother's homemade cookies." she smiled. "Chocolate chip... your favourite." "How old is Edward?" I asked. "He's 12. Same as you. I think he told me he is in Ms. Kerko's class at Fork's Junior High." she said. "Really? Didn't you tell...
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posted by gossipgirlstar2
Before Twilight, Cam Gigandet has mostly appeared in recurring roles on TV and on some small-budgeted movies. But that all changed when he was cast in last year’s Twilight, where he played the bad vamp James opposite Robert Pattinson. According to the actor, Twilight has opened new doors for him in Hollywood.

I imagine since being part of Twilight you’ve been able to make a lot madami choices in terms of the roles you take.
Yeah, that’s opened up so many doors, and I’m so grateful for what that movie’s done. It was really kind of a special little slice of life that brought me where I...
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posted by teamalice_0
YAY! I'm on the 12th one. Thanks you guys for reading!

I sat on the bed, looking out the window. Watching the clouds drif infront of the clouds, listening to the sounds of night. Almost peaceful. Everytime I closed my eyes, I saw flashes of that night I was changed, the same night my mom died.

I looked over to the clock it read 3 AM. Four madami hours, until everyone will be awake. I closed my eyes trying to remember my human days. I remembered me and my mom sitting under the will willow puno in grandma's front yard.

I remember her sitting...
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posted by surfergal
Sorry for the wait on this chapter. I have major writers block. Sorry if this isn't that great I'm trying to get through it.

Once we got off of the plane we got into a car and drove to a small airport. I don't even know if it would be classified as an airport. I saw the plane that we would be flying in. It was a small plane, although it was bobbing up and down I couldn't quite figure it out. I turned toward Nathen and I was about to ask why but he seemed to know my tanong already.
It's a float plane, Addi don't be scared. Nathen told me.
Oh, okay. I sinabi looking up at him smiling.
Nathen leaned...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Taylor's POV
I wanted to ask a ton of tanong but I didn't know how or what to ask. I was confused, this was a weird exsperence. Bella drove us to Jake's house. It was quiet no one sinabi anything. We told her thanks for driving us, she sinabi no problem. I wonder what it us going to he like with Billy. I don't even really know what happen to. I wanted to know but than again I didn't want to know anything. Thank goodness you're both okay. Billy sinabi as Bella drove off. I just gave him a funny look. Sam was was inside sitting at the table, I walked in and sat on the couch. I saw Jake and Sam...
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posted by Twilight597
Chapter 2

“Lamia?” I asked slowly.

“Vampire that can age and have children.” she answered.

“Who are you? What are you really?” I asked slowly again.

“My name is Victoria, and I’m a made-vampire, there are three types of Bampira in the world. Made-vampires like myself, Lamia, you and venomous vampires.” Victoria replied.

“Venomous? How can you come up with this stuff? Your sick making me drink your blood. What are you? A cannibal?” I said, and ended up with an inhumanly matunog na halik on my face. I will never believe this bitch.

She walked back up the stairs as I fell unconscious from...
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posted by surfergal
Before I could say anything Nathen spoke up first.
Addi, I pag-ibig you with all my puso amd I want to be with you for forever. Nathen said.
I started crying when he was speaking.
I know you don't want to get married this young but please, Will you mary me later in life? He ask.
I couldn't even say yes I was so happy, so I nodded my head. He slid the ring on my finger and then he gave me a big hug, you know the kind where they sweep you off your feet. It was perfect, I had my family with me and I had a fiance. The family went back to the hotel and me and Nathen stayed out on the tabing-dagat for awhile....
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posted by surfergal
 Addi's Dress
Addi's Dress
The susunod morning I woke up and still had no clue to where I was at. I opened the curtains and saw the tabing-dagat and palm trees and expensive cars driving by. I figured we were in California. I woke Nathen up sa pamamagitan ng letting all the sunlight in the room even though it was cloudy.
Sorry. I told him.
It's ok. He said. Happy araw after your birthday!
Thank you. I said.
Me and Nathen always slept with each other but all we did was sleep never anything else. We both knew until we were married we wouldn't do anything. We walked into the living room witch joined all the rooms together. Everyone was in the livingroom....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Thanks for the idea TwilightSagaLdy!

I don't know if you could really call it a party. Everyone just sat around and talked. All the sudden asked to see me and Sawyer in the dining room. We went in there, she looked sort of sick. Alice, whats wrong? Sawyer asked. The Volturi is coming to kill you two. I haven't look for the others, but I saw him killing you two. Alice said. Why, I thought they wanted me to be a vampire? I asked Alice. They do but they think the family is to big, so there going to wipe out 2 of the newest members. Alice said. No, no they can't do this. Look, I will just turn into...
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posted by patrisha727
Not the best title.... but I hope you enjoy the artikulo anyways. I hope that most of the people who are hating the Meebo chat signed the petition made in the forums on my spot spot. If you didn't.... DO IT NOW!!!!!!!
link ^_^

Jasper? That name was so familiar. Isn't that one of Alice's brothers? I looked at Angela, Jessica, Lauren, Mike, and Tyler. They all had startled and confused expression.
I stood up from my chair, since my pagkain was finished.
"Do you want to check out what's going on?" I asked.
They nodded and we all went out of the cafeteria door. They were still confused.
"Where do we go?"...
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posted by twihardfreak13
Esme I sat beside mason then he intertwined his hand with mine as everyone conversed nessie and jake would look at us together and they would smile at each other but then I asked Carlisle “ Carlisle what happened to all my family and friends?” “I’m sorry to tell you this but they all think that you have passed away.” I looked down and I started to let out dry sobs I couldn’t cry no tears mason untwined my hand and laid my head in his lap and ran his fingers through my hair I was devastated that I wasn’t going to able to see them again ever no matter what we got up from the couch...
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Here's one interview I used for some questions, but since it is originally in Spanish, I decided to translate it to English ;D
Maybe it's not that good, I don't know if I translated it that well :)

CM: All right , let's begin
Rob: OK.

CM: Which is your paborito music band?
Rob: van Morrison.

CM: paborito song?
Rob: Amm Beside you sa pamamagitan ng van Morrison.

C: And your paborito drink?
R: Whisky.

C: paborito food?
R: basura pagkain or teen pagkain x) As you want to say.

C: paborito city?
R: London * =O tahanan pag-ibig x3*

C: London or LA? Which do you feel as your home?
R: Neither.

C: paborito movie? Only one option.
R: "One Flew Over...
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posted by Isabellaashley

Chuck had to pay special attention when mapping out clothes for the blood-sucking Cullen brood. ''I didn't want to go too traditional black... I wanted them to feel cold and frozen.'' So she outfitted the family in grays, whites, and blues, while being careful to not go too over-the-top. ''The Cullens have wildly expensive taste and money. At the same time, I had to anchor them in the practical world of going to school and being able to blend with everyone else.''

Along with a blazer from GUESS, Rosalie (Nikki Reed, left) wears a...
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posted by jamiesue00
I grabbed my passport and ran with the rest of the family to the Cullen house. “Edward, where are we going? Do you know where Nessie is, who took her?” I had no idea what was going on. Everyone was on a phone talking too fast and too low for me to hear. “Jake, we need to make a few phone calls, we have some idea who may have taken her but we need to make sure first.” Edward told me. I knew he was as worried as I was. I felt helpless; I didn’t know what to do. “Jake, why don’t you go and tell your pack what’s going on.” Edward knew what I was thinking, he knew I felt helpless....
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posted by Edward_lover101
Reneseme was the size of a 7 taon old. But she was only a few weeks old. I was fixing her a cup of blood before bed. A little vampire who sleeps. Edward and I tucked her into her bed, and truned out the light. We walked into the living room.
"Edward?" I asked as I was sitting.
"Yes" Edward sat beside me.
"Where are the others?"
"They each got their own house. Except Alice and Jasper, I told them they could stay with us. There out hunting right now. Is that ok?"
"That's fine." I sinabi leaning to halik him. We were interuped sa pamamagitan ng a knock at the door. I got up to answer the door. Edward grabed my hand...
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posted by jamiesue00
I never left our house; I never left my kama for too long. Alice and Rose would come sa pamamagitan ng and try to get me out of kama but, it never worked. I would end up screaming at them and throwing what was closest to me at the pader susunod to them. I knew I should feel bad for being so mean to them, but I couldn’t really feel anything. Everyone was trying to push me to get on with my life. Mom, Rose and Alice would come sa pamamagitan ng everyday and try different methods to get me out of bed. Sometimes they would sit and not say anything. Other times they would get angry and try to force me to get out of bed. It just...
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posted by Inmagic_x3
This is what Ive read on a Twilight-site.

Please! I beg of you, do not like Twilight. I hate this. I use to pag-ibig Twilight way back in October 2007 and I totally got made fun of because I liked it so much, now almost 2 years later the people who laughed at me for pagbaba it are OBSESSED and its not fair.
Also, all you Twlight lovers, i hope you realize that those Meyerpires arent even real vampires. they are poser vampires, which is why they are Meyerpires. She needs to do some research cause she got it all wrong.

Every time I go out of the house, I see, hear,...
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