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The Nightmare

I carried Rensemee, we ran to a burol and watched the kastilyo being swallowed up sa pamamagitan ng the flames… Renesmee woke up, “What’s going on?” she whispered, she was still very weak. I felt even closer to her now, now that MY blood ran through her veins, I was literally part of her. “We’re burning the Volturi, go back to sleep.” I whispered, she looked confused, but then sank back to asleep again. Bella came over to stroke her hair,
“She’s been through so much, even madami than I, in one month, I think. I don’t remember much of my human life.” Bella murmured , I agree.
“… no- NO! You can’t, NO! CYN- Argh!” Renesmee shrieked.
“What’s wrong?!” I asked worriedly, Renesmee’s head sank in her hands, her hair jingled over her head.
“Oh, it was just a bad dream, it was – CYNDDYLAN! Where is he? Is he out there? Did he get away?” She gasped, fear returned to her chocolaty brown eyes, and her skin was deathly pale.
“Sh-h-h, he’s dead, Emmett killed him with his own hands.” Edward told her, she led out a loud sigh of relief, but she still didn’t look sure, how could we prove he was dead, he just ash now!
“He’s strong… you have no idea ho strong he is,” She sinabi dangerously, “I, for one, doubt he’s dead!” She admitted with hands on her chest.
“Well we’re stronger!” Emmett laughed.
“Physically - yes. Mentally- doubt it.” Renesmee reasoned
“I put my shied around us!” Bella broke in, Renesmee leaped of my arms.
“Is it possible that someone could penetrate Bella’s shield?” Renesmee asked Edward, he remained silent for a moment.
“Yes, but he needs to be exceptionally strong to do it. Which is – I think – beyond Cynddylan’s gift.” Edward murmured softly.
“So is he alive or not!?” I demanded. A clear answer would suffice. Edward glared at me, his eyes wide, and his red lips, pursed in a straight line, quivering slightly.
“I don’t know, but I hope not…” Edward sinabi in a dangerously low voice.


This is torture! I want to sleep, but I’m scared of the dreams I know I’ll have. Now, sleep is like a doorway to hell for me. And not just that, I can’t help thinking that this isn’t over, it just doesn’t seem so. Even though, I’m tahanan in Forks. Jacob tries to calm me down just like the rest of the Cullens try.
“I want to sleep, but I can’t! C’mon, Carlisle, you’re a doctor! Give me a sleeping drug or something! I can’t go on like this!” I whined, he shook his head.
“I’m sorry, as you say, you have bad dreams – which you’re scared of – so, the only thing I can do is send you to sleep. This can’t go on, you need to have your strength.” He replied, then added “Unless I could watch you sleep, and if I see any trace of bad dreams, I’ll wake you up.”
It just didn’t seem right. For him to watch me sleep, but at least I knew it’s ligtas to go to sleep.
I thanked him and jumped on my kama and immediately I felt the sweet, sweet sleep coming…


I watch her sleep carefully, looking for any sign of a nightmare. So far there was non, in fact, she seemed to have a sight smile on her face. What could be causing such problems for her? Was it the sudden release of Cynddylan’s powers? If so, it shouldn’t be nightmares… fascinating! I could the rhythmic beating of her heart, it was speeding, but her face showed no sign of fear… her puso slowed to it’s normal pace. Intriguing. Her smile turned from a smile of an angel, to the frightened face of a little girl. She looked like a frightened child, searching for her mother in the supermarket after running off…


As I entered the world of dreams, something was following me, something evil. But it wasn’t just that that was bothering me. The setting of my dream was all erroneous. The usual nightmares took place in Volterra, where the Volturi lived. This dream was different. This dream was set in a forest, near Forks high school, where my mum, dad, and now where Jacob I go. I was walking steadily, waiting for the drama of some bizarre motion or for Jane to pop out from a puno and serve her revenge to happen, but it didn’t. It was a sinister, misty night and the sky had a dark emotion of anger and depression on it’s enormous, dirty grey face.
Beneath my feet was rock and mud, crackling and crunching as I walked over it. Suddenly, there was a laugh a dreadfully menacing laugh. It made me jump. The ground crackled and the laugh grew closer and physically powerful on my mental thoughts. The laugh came from the in front of me. I stood there, stuck in a position that I could not ilipat from. My head swilled and ached and my feet were weak. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. My lungs burned for it, but it didn’t come. It felt as if a weight was pushing all the air out of me. The atmosphere. The atmosphere was pushing pinning me to the base of the forest. I tried to think of something to distract me. I thought of the laugh. It had a familiar ring to it. It was a voice of something evil and dark. My thoughts bubbled and brewed. I couldn’t think my air supply was evaporating. The World swivelled round and round until it completely disappeared and all I could see was darkness. I could still hear the laugh ringing in my ears but it was very faint. I going to die in my dream or reality? I thought. This dream felt so real. My lungs were on apoy and begging for some oxygen to survive. The laugh was behind me now. A sudden flurry of air blew to me and I breathed it into my burning lungs and coughed with relief. The air was returning. I breathed again, happy and grateful that the unpleasant pain of my lungs being pressed was over. The laughing had stopped. I could have stayed there all night, if it wasn’t for the laughing again. My eyes popped open to find a dark and hazy fog engulfing the forest. I hadn’t realised that I had fallen to the floor when I couldn’t breathe, but my head hurt and I was staring into the angry sky. My eyes started stinging and they filled with tears. The tears spilled over and sank down my cheeks. I felt cold, wet spots on my forehead. It had started to rain. I sat up and rubbed my bare arms. I had nothing on but my nightwear that consisted of a short kulay-rosas vest tuktok that wrapped around my figure and showed how slender I was, and kulay-rosas checked, spacious; silk trousers. My feet were bare and muddy. I was freezing. My usually slightly cold hands were now numb with cold and felt like…well like a vampire’s. I wished Jacob were here, but then I took it back. If Jacob were here he would see me suffer. This place was bad. This place was evil. This place wasn’t even a place. It was hell or worse. If hell could get any worse, this place was probably it. The sweet scent of aftershave lingered around me and a quite laugh filled my ears from behind me. The hairs on my neck and arms stood up. Goose-bumps became visible on my skin, some from the cold and some from being hideously scared. Tears slid uncontrollably down my cheeks. Luckily the cold rain drops falling disguised them. I whirled around to the strange figure standing behind me was Cynnddylan. I gasped loudly. That was all I could do.
“Oh I’m so very sorry Renesmee, I didn’t mean to spaventare il mio prezioso.” Cynddylan spoke insincerely and sarcastically. I just stood there still, looking at him with bulging eyes. He swivelled round to the left and took two big steps, hands behind his back, hands holding each other. Like the morning sun, my chocolaty brown eyes followed him.
“What? What-why-how?” I struggled to get my words out but finally I blurted out,
“What do you want?”
“You.” He answered lifting one pure black eyebrow and smiled. I looked at the vampire with coal-black hair spiked downwards in a wavy line around his pale forehead and the rest of his head, with a tinge of brown at the tips of the spike, in a confused way. Cynddylan was wearing a black tuxedo, a tuktok hat and a kulay-rosas rose on his jacket. I continued to stare until he walked again to the left. He turned to face me, a cheeky yet smug smile on his perfect, beautiful, pallid face. “Come and sumali us Nessie. Oh you would pag-ibig it if you did.” He added negotiating with me. I was too sad and scared to even consider being angry after calling me Nessie.
“Who? What?”
“The Volturi of course.”
The Volturi? I thought they were dead. “But…how?” I questioned, then he was gone I blinked hard and saw that Carlise, Edward, Bella and Jacob were staring at me from above.
“Why didn’t you wake me up?!” I demanded, and at the sound of my voice I realised I had been crying.
“Edward read you’re mind, to see what you were dreaming about, sorry.” Carlisle explained softly. His reason was good, so I nodded.
“Well, that’s what I dream of every time I sleep… but in different ways.” I murmured. Edward and Bella came to sit susunod to me but Carlisle remained standing.
“Tell me what you dream about…” Edward whispered. I had no way of explaining to him.
“I’ll ipakita you.” I said. I closed my eyes as I touched Bella with one hand and Edward with the other. I tried to channel the dream, but then I realised I was falling asleep, which is even better because they’ll see every detail. And the dream began to play in my head.
I was running from someone, or something. Tears ran down my cheeks, I heard snarling, hissing and evil laughter, all rolled into one hideous sound, I knew that this was like part two of where I left off, for, Cynnddyan stood at the end of field staring at me cruelly with a humourless smile on his face.
“The Volturi are dead, so how can I sumali them!” I demanded, I was surprised at how confident my voice sounded, but I still knew I was crying.
“Or so you think…” he hissed his voice dark, mysterious and cold, I clenched my fist and I told myself that he can’t do anything to me. This was a dream, or was it? It so real!
“Either way I wouldn’t sumali you!” I yelled to him, again surprised how bravo my voice sounded. And in a fraction of a segundo he was a mere metre away from me.
“You want me? Why?” I shouted, I couldn’t help feeling proud of myself!
“Ah, simply because I know you need us- no, you WANT us, so sumali us!” he answered. His voice frightened me, madami than anything.
“I know what you are, what you do, I would NEVER want to be like you. Ever!” I hissed.
“I want you to have what you always wanted. A place amongst the Volturi, don’t you get it? WE want you. You SHALL sumali us!” he hissed angrily. He pushed me with all his might to the muddy earth, I hit my head. As concussed and confused as I was; I got up and ran. And ran, the evil hissing laugh returned this wasn’t a dream. It was too real. Then it stopped.
I wasn’t in the field, but in the puso of the forest. Figures appeared; my parents, the Cullens… Aro… Jane… even them. They looked as if made from particles of dust,
“I’m scared…” I whispered.
“Good.” A voice from behind said, I turned. No-one there, the word echoed from everyone around me. I fell on my knees, wishing it would stop, all of it.
“ARGH! PLEASE! STOP!” I screamed. Then my body started shaking all over, I closed my eyes hard, then I opened them. I was in a room now, with Edward, Bella, Carlisle and Jacob staring at me. tahanan again. Finally!

“What happened?” Carlisle asked worriedly after a few seconds. You would think that after that nightmare, I would be surrounded sa pamamagitan ng a pool of sweat and tears, but I wasn’t. My cheeks were wet and my bare arms hot. I suddenly realised Jacob had put his arms around me to warm me up. I cuddled into him and started crying again. I didn’t want to answer Carlisle’s but, everyone was waiting. My answer was muffled sa pamamagitan ng Jacob’s chest and my tears, but they heard me.
“Cy-n-Cynddylan.” Just the sound of his name collecting tears in my eyes. I was sobbing. I was glad I had Jacob as comfort. He was always there with me. He always stood up for me. I loved him so much. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed as hard as I could. He kissed my hair and rubbed my back. “What did he do?” Rosalie asked quietly in the corner of the big living area. I sat away from Jacob reluctantly and peered over the white loveseat I was sitting on over to her. She was standing susunod to Emmett, with his arm around her. She was wearing a dayap green palda that sat on her hips flatteringly, a coal-like coloured vest tuktok that wrapped around her body tightly and a white amerikana with one big round button. Her face was perfect as ever and her golden waves hung down sa pamamagitan ng her shoulders, shining in the light of the ceiling light in the centre of the room. I got up, took Jacob’s hand and brought him to where Emmett and Rosalie were standing. I felt ligtas in his arms. Secure. Our hands interlocked. “Nothing Cynd-he” I burst into tears again and Jacob hugged me. My father stepped in and commented,
“I read her thoughts while she was asleep. It was appalling, how charming and alive Cynddylan was. Renesmee couldn’t breathe and he tried to convince her to sumali to the Volturi. You woke her up at the right time Carlisle. If hadn’t of woken her up then, well…” He didn’t finish and grimaced. He then added to Carlisle, “Thank you.” A wave of calm came over me and my tears stopped at once. I was very grateful for what the Cullen’s and Jacob had done for me and risked their lives in order of me to survive.
I first hugged Rosalie and whispered “Thank you.” Then followed sa pamamagitan ng her was Emmett, Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Edward, Bella a thank you for Jasper and a smile and a halik for Jacob. I then announced to everyone “Thank you for saving me. Thank you for not leaving there. Thank you Jasper for…” I stopped. Jasper? But Jasper was one of them, wasn’t he? Jasper saw and felt confusion I felt and chuckled. “Well once you have a few doses of animal blood you become humane again.”     
I smiled at him and that started the tears all over again. Before they were about to collapse over the edge of my eye lids, Jasper calmed me down and I smiled at him gratefully. Alice elbowed Jasper and he apologised.
“I am very sorry for what I did to you, I wasn’t in control...” He was about to say madami but I interrupted him,
“Don’t…I know.” I waited a few milliseconds but Jacob didn’t say anything. Then Edward, Bella and I punched him playfully in unison.
“Ow!” He sinabi sarcastically. I pointed my sharp elbow in his chest and this he grunted in real pain. “All right, OK, I apologise!” He pleaded. I looked at Alice, she looked at me we caught each others eyes and sniggered. Alice and I laughed and joked at nearly everything but this was laughter was hard to contain. We put our hands over our mouths and didn’t look at each other. “Sorry.” Jacob whispered shyly and he looked at me. I looked at him and lifted one slender eyebrow and shook my head. He sighed and looked at Jasper again. “I am very sorry that I attacked you when you attacked Renesmee and I am sorry you now have madami scars.” Jasper smiled and he nodded in exception to Jacob’s apology.
I then patted him on the back and sinabi “Good dog.” Everyone laughed except Jacob. He turned to me looked at me with a serious expression. He then laughed sarcastically and added my head has fallen of that was so funny. I took his hand, sinabi goodbye to the Cullens and dragged Jacob outside into the Cottage that we lived in on the edge of the forest. I was scared of the forest since I had that dream but as long as I had Jacob I would be ok.
posted by Renesmee_08
uy guys! I know its been so long since I haven't written any article.So here you go!:) Thanks for reading!

Chapter 2 : Birthday.

I was trying desperately to not let myself fill my mind with hope and excitement.I was imagining how we would celebrate.School zoomed sa pamamagitan ng quickly. I paid hardly any attention to teacher.My mind was not at school..but far away,at home.Once class ended I ran tahanan as fast as I could.I ran inside the lovely house and hugged my mother..Suddenly, I noticed my mom held me in a tight embrace.Something just wasn't right. "Sweetheart, Edward, your father couldn't make it today.He...
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posted by emmaliecullen18
Emmett’s POV.

“I know where she is. He has change the place but it is nearer ” sinabi the Pixie.
All I wanted. Why is God in lets – piss – Emmett – Off mood.

I couldn’t hide my nervousness and excitement both. Nervousness because we didn’t know if he had a backup plan and excitement because I’ll finally get to meet Rose. Somewhere in my puso I felt that some ultimate power did exist and also for the first time I felt that we were against the nature. I cannot afford to be distracted, I reminded myself. From where are these weird godly thoughts coming anyway? Separation side –...
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posted by 2468244
Every time, I close my eyes
I can touch the mga kulay around me
Suddenly, I realize
Everything I thought was impossible is here
And my puso sings
In a world so incredible
And everything
Burns much brighter

I want to fly
Into this beautiful life, I think it'd be nice with you
I want to fly
Into this beautiful life, I think it'd be nice with you
With you, with you, with you

Fingertips, northern lights
Tracing mga kulay right through the sky
Underneath a lullaby
I never felt as blissful as I do here
And my puso sings
In a world so incredible
And everything
Shines much brighter

I want to fly
Into this beautiful life, I...
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posted by 2468244

I drove a nail in the bottom of my walking boot
So I wail every time I hit the floor
I'm dragging and I'm bleeding
I'm begging and I'm pleading
‘Cause I thought you had another
And you cannot have another lover

I don't believe in loving with a ball and chain
‘Cause I feel how it crippled me inside
I thought you were a cheating
I couldn't madala you leaving
Now I know you didn't do it
I need you to believe me

When I say I didn't mean it
I didn't mean it
When I sinabi I didn't mean it
Baby, I didn't mean it

So I accused you wrong
Now I'm the guilty one...
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posted by 2468244
Touch me I'm cold, unable to control
Touch me I'm golden and wild as the wind blows
And tumbling, tumbling, don't go fascination

If just for tonight darling, let's get lost
If just for tonight darling, let's get lost

Let me come closer, I'm not your shadow
With our eyes shielded from the oncoming count
It's not hard for us to say what we should not

If just for tonight darling, let's get lost
If just for tonight darling, let's get lost

Touch me I'm cold, unable to control
Touch me I'm golden and wild as the wind blows
And tumbling, tumbling, don't go fascination

If just for tonight darling, let's get lost
If just for tonight darling, let's get lost
If just for tonight darling, let's get lost

Let's get lost
Let's get lost
Let's get lost
Let's get lost
Other lives, always tempted to trade
Will they hate me for all the choices I made
Will they stop when they see me again
I can’t stop now I know who I am

Now I’m all yours, I’m not afraid
And you’re all mine, say what they may
And all your pag-ibig I’ll take to the grave
And all my life starts now

Tear me down, they can’t take you out of my thoughts
Under every scar there’s a battle I’ve lost
Will they stop when they see us again
I can’t stop now I know who I am

Now I’m all yours, I’m not afraid
And you’re all mine, say what they may
And all your pag-ibig I’ll take to the grave
And all my life starts

I’m all yours, I’m not afraid
And you’re all mine, say what they may
And all your pag-ibig I’ll take to the grave
And all my life starts
Starts now
posted by 2468244
Up with your turret
Aren’t we just terrified
Shale, screen your worry
From what you won’t ever find

Don’t let it fool you
Don’t let it fool you, down
Down’s sitting round
Folds in the gown

Sea and the rock below
Cocked to the undertow
Bones, blood and teeth erode
With every crashing node

Wings wouldn’t help you
Wings wouldn’t help you, down
Death is around
Prayer in your smile

You barely are blinking
Wagging your face around
When’d this just become
A mortal home

Won’t, won’t, won’t, won’t
Won’t let you talk me
Won’t let you talk me, down
Will pull it taut
Nothing now
posted by 2468244
There’s a possibility
There’s a possibility
All that I had was all I’m gonna get


There’s a possibility
There’s a possibility
All I’m gonna get is gone with your stare
All I’m gonna get is gone with your stare

So tell me when you hear my puso stop
You’re the only one that knows
Tell me when you hear my silence
There’s a possibility I wouldn’t know


Know that when you leave
Know that when you leave
By blood and sa pamamagitan ng me, you walk like a thief
By blood and sa pamamagitan ng me, and I fall when you leave

So tell me when you hear my puso stop
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Emmett's Pov.

"Ummm...R..Rose I'll ca..catch up with later d..dear." I stuttered.

(Half an oras later - Emmett is in the garden)

Oh! Of course fool you will see her later :P
but at that time she will be holding a listahan of tanong for me. What a great excuse you made! And Breck... Oh god why did it had to be him, I thought to myself. For the past two years Rose and I are together...and now suddenly I feel that she will go far far away from me. I realized I had been thinking hard for the past half an hour, which was a little too weird for a personality like me. Emmett relax, I told myself.Is...
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posted by emmaliecullen18
Rose Pov.

"Correct" I sighed."Hey, I gotta go....Have you seen Emmett? I need him to know about this.I figured you may be knowing where he will be from your 'special gifts' ". I asked him focusing especially on the word 'special gifts'."Rose"He said. "yes Eddie" I replied."You must be kidding...all he ever thinks is about you in bed,night gowns(lol...there was no victoria's secret at that time) and well some cartoons...I really don't know where he is but I feel he is not far way.""That is so wonder you like to stay 4 houses away from us"I grinned and disappeared.After running or rather...
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posted by emmaliecullen18
Rose POV.

The story is set after two years of emmett's transformation.

i don't own emmett,rosalie,edward...or anyone else...Stephanie Meyer does :'( ....(waaaawaaaaa)

I knew it...that sick creature had some1 behind him. Royce was not the one who was after my life,it was all planned,those flowers,messages,kisses, OH that fake stupid pag-ibig .He was not man enough to do that to me. He had done it for something and for someone . I was waiting for edward to come up because i knew he must have read my mind .After my transformation he was the one whom i had leaned on but in a bro -sis way,unlike what...
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I dreamed I was missing
You were so scared
But no one would listen
‘Cause no one else cared

After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving
When I’m done here

So if you’re asking me
I want you to know

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I’ve done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed

And don’t resent me
And when you’re feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest

Don’t be afraid
I’ve taken my beating
I’ve shed but I’m me

I’m strong on the surface
Not all the way through
I’ve never been perfect
But neither have you

So if you’re asking...
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posted by 2468244
When the thorn palumpong turns white that’s when I’ll come home
I am going out to see what I can sow
And I don’t know where I’ll go
And I don’t know what I’ll see
But I’ll try not to bring it back tahanan with me

Like the morning sun your eyes will follow me
As you watch me wander, curse the powers that be
‘Cause all I want is here and now
But it’s already been and gone
Our intentions always last that bit too long

Far, far away, no voices sounding
No one around me and you’re still there
Far, far away, no choices passing
No time confounds me and you’re still there

In the full moon’s light I listen to the stream
And in between the silence hear you calling me
But I don’t know where I am
And I don’t trust who I’ve been
But if I come tahanan how will I ever leave
posted by 2468244
How can I decide what’s right
When you’re clouding up my mind
I can’t win your losing fight
All the time

How could I ever own what’s mine
When you’re always taking sides
But you won’t take away my pride
No, not this time
Not this time

How did we get here
When I used to know you so well
Well, how did we get here
Well, I think I know

The truth is hiding in your eyes
And it’s hanging on your tongue
Just boiling in my blood
But you think that I can’t see

What kind of man that you are
If you’re a man at all
Well, I will figure this one out
On my own

(I’m screaming I pag-ibig you so)
On my own
(But my thoughts...
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posted by marvel517639
K so i was thinking that it's 13 years later and all the mga lobo have imprinted except for seth. Jake and Nessie. Quil and Clarie. Sam and Emily and have one boy Alex Uley. Paul and Rachel. My friend Karen is a Shapeshifter Werewolf Eri Raeka and Brady. My friend sharon a hybrid and Collin. Jared and Kim. Leah and nahuel. My friend Natalia a hybrid and embry. Edward and Bella. Emmett and Rosalie. Alice and Jasper. Esme and Carlisle.Lydia is a vampire Hope Collins and micheal a human. They live in fork washington still. Nessie, natalia, Sharon, Eri, Clarie. Lydia and micheal are in their last...
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Chapter 2 is up, please read and comment below. The chapters are getting longer now. I've got some ideas for later chapters, maybe something in Esme's point of view (we never really see her, thought it would be nice), I'm thinking of posting chapters weekly, some of them might be a bit late, I've got a lot on, but please look out for them. See you all with Chapter 3 Soon

Edwards POV
"Alice where are we going, can't we just go tahanan with the others?" I said. All I wanted was to go tahanan to my Bella and make sure she was ok.
"Edward she will be fine. Bella is a eighteen taon old woman, I'm sure she...
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HELLO EVERY ONE!! This artikulo is about the 1st part of breaking dawn the movie, if you have NOT read the book then do not read any further.

They have split it into 2 parts the first part is when Edward and Bella get married and when she figures out that she became pregnant.

The segundo part is ALL about Jacob and how he feels when he figures out how Bella is prego with a cute devil child! (Or a bloodsucker/human) It is going to be the best movie in the whole world!!!

Well CHOW until susunod week on Monday

MOOSH!!!! <3
posted by flynnismine
My phone was ringing as I parked my car into my parking puwang at tahanan and got out. I answered it, as I walked up to my front door, grabbed my key from my school bag, unlocked the door, walked inside, up the stairs and into my room, locking the door.

Hey, Alice, I sinabi not very excited

Hi, Bella, she sinabi in her excited squeal. My birthday party is on tonight. You're coming aren't you

But, Alice, I groaned. You know that I don't have anything to wear.

Don't you even think about using that lame, old excuse on me. You are coming to this party if you like it all not, she all but growled at me

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posted by Twilight-girl-x
here you go

As the two people hurried towards me I could finally tell there was a woman and a man but other than that nothing, it was nearly pitch black down that alley so I couldn’t see much. The people finally reached me and the woman crouched down, she placed one cold hand on my arm and began to speak.
“Oh Honey you look frozen, are you ok?” The woman’s voice was beautiful like music her concern was obvious.
“Em, Give me your coat” The woman said, I’m guessing she sinabi it to the tall guy behind her as we were the only three people there.
“Huh, What?” The man’s booming voice...
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Chapter 5: Everything is in black and gray.
Renesmee’s family were scattered around the room, looking at ease. Her parent’s faces brightened as soon as she walked in and her mum rose out of her father’s arm and danced towards her to give Renesmee a hug. She saw her wrinkle her nose as she pulled away.
“Not my fault,” Renesmee muttered to herself. They all laughed and Alice danced towards her, pulling on her hand. She sat Renesmee down on the couch, curling her legs under her. Her mum fell back into her father’s lap on the floor and he kissed her cheek.
“So you probably are wondering...
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