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wow.. hmm.. im not gonna lie... this one weirded me out.. its VERY weird.. but it needed to be portrayed for the susunod chapter.. EVERYTHING will be explained eventually, so.. just wait for it!! lol.

Chapter Twenty Seven

Glory wandered through her dream like state with ease. She was pretty used to being in these realms sa pamamagitan ng now. But things were getting weirder and weirder. She couldn’t tell if she was she was imagining things of if they were real. They felt so real, so lifelike. Like right now, she was walking through a field filled with wild flowers. It was night time, the sky a dark blue/black littered with stars above her. She walked through the field, the tall damo whispering softly as it was tickled sa pamamagitan ng a breeze. The cool air soothed her face. Glory looked down at herself, taking in the flowing white dress she was wearing. Why she was in a dress, she had no idea, but she liked it. It hugged her curves, but billowed out around her at the same time. She felt like she was being called, summoned, deeper and deeper into the field. So she kept walking. Farther and farther she went, but she was never in any discomfort. Her dream body was never tired or ached in pain. Trees lined both sides of the field, looking mysterious but not scary. Glory felt a sense like she was almost there, where ever “there” was. A burol gently sloped up, still covered with thigh high damo and flowers. As Glory crested the hill, a lone weeping willow puno stood at the top. She drew closer in curiosity, smiling as she took in its appearance. It was a truly magnificent tree, madami than fifty feet in height. Its branches were full and its boughs touched the ground. Glory paused a moment, fighting the urge to go inside. The boughs of the weeping willow were parted in one spot, looking like a parted curtain, beckoning Glory to enter. She walked pasulong slowly, and entered. A wonderful sight met her eyes. She could see the trunk of the puno and its curtain like boughs surrounding it. But that’s not what shocked her the most. Laying at the base of the puno was a sparkling pool of water. Glory blinked and looked around. It was like the puno had grown to surround and protect the pool of water. Her emotionless body suddenly felt a pang of thirst. She knelt sa pamamagitan ng the pool, and started to drink, but was momentarily stunned at what she saw. In her reflection, she looked almost pretty, shining with a light that radiated softly out of her pores. She stopped admiring herself for a moment, and cupped her hands in the cool water. As her hands made contact with the water, a tingle shot up her arms. The water felt like it was fizzing, but it looked still as a mirror. Glory drank deeply, and the water soothed her dry throat. A soft “whoosh” sounded behind her and she sat up quickly, turning. Her eyes were filled with the sight of the person standing in the “entrance” of the tree. It looked like a human male, but had large wings, surrounding it. Glory blinked and looked again. They must of have a wing span of at least thirteen feet if completely spread out. The wing’s inky blackness blended in with the dark sky barely visible behind them. Now that Glory focused, she could tell it was a male, and looked quite striking from her current position. Its arm extended, motioning for her to follow him back outside. Glory rose and quickly followed it back into the field. She was afraid that any minuto he was going to disappear. But no, he was there waiting for her. And now that she was close, she could see that he was stunningly gorgeous. Dark hair fell across his brow, and his eyes were the same color as the night sky behind him.
Glory jumped about a foot in the air. His wings were no longer in sight. She had pictured him as a silent angel of death, so hearing his warm, deep voice say her name was like a manuntok to the gut.
“ Yes?” Glory stammered. “Who are you?”
“ I’m Quinn. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” His dark eyes smoldered, causing a unexpected warmth to blossom in Glory’s stomach.
“Um…What are you doing here?” Glory could have kicked herself for sounding so stupid.
“ I came here to stop you.”
Glory stared at him silently. “ To stop me from what?”
“All will be made known in time.” Was Quinn’s only cryptic answer. He stepped closer, and Glory felt like she was melting.
“ Don’t be concerned of Aden and Damien’s trivial games.” His large hand cupped her face, feeling masculine but soft at the same time.
“ What do you mean?” Glory frowned, trying to make sense of his words.
Quinn leaned forward. Glory felt her puso rate pick up as his full lips came just that little bit closer.
“ You are not meant to be with either of them.”
“What?” Glory gasped.
Quinn smiled, his teeth standing out brightly against his tan skin. The idea that Glory had to be with Aden had been drilled into her head over and over since she met them. This came as a huge shock.
“ But don’t worry. I’m coming. We’ll sort things out then.”
“ You’re… Coming? To me? Like… when I wake up? I am dreaming, right?” Glory stammered.
Quinn chuckled quietly.
“Yes.” He stepped back, and Glory felt cold. His dark wings unfurled, and she blinked. When she opened her eyes, he was gone.

Glory sat up with a gasp, her eyes flying open.
“ Glory!” Lupe’s voice called out excitedly.
“ Lupe.” Glory breathed in relief.
“ I don’t believe this! You don’t have a fever at all! How do you feel?” Lupe peppered her with questions. But Glory wasn’t listening. She was scanning the faces of everyone in the room. None resembled Quinn at the least bit. Even Aden’s glorious face looked a little madami ordinary compared to Quinn’s. She made a quick tally of everyone in the room. Everyone was here, minus Damien. She hoped he hadn’t been killed sa pamamagitan ng Aden after all of her efforts.
“ Glory, What’s wrong?” Lupe persisted, her face frowning in concern.
“He’s coming.”