Young Justice OC'S!!! Club
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posted by rachele_X
Okay so I know what you're all thinking: Oh great. madami OCs. Just what we need. But these guys aren't gonna roleplay or anything. I'm just posting their bios for an artikulo series that I'm gonna write after Broken Wings. You know that story Coming Out I wrote, that I only got to the prologue? Well I'm transforming that into something else, and making Caitlyn, Reese, and Constance have a whole mini-team called Outcasts. Here are the bios for the new members (I'm not posting the others aka Caitlyn, Reese, and Constance because you already know them).

Name: Dawn Baker
Alias: Obsidian
Age: 16
Occupation: Hero
Affiliations: Outcasts
Appearance: About 5’4”, average build, long dark hair that partly covers her face, dark eyes, she is half Asian.
Clothes: leather jacket, dark clothes (but not goth), dark jeans, boots or flats
Costume: Navy blue ninja-type outfit, domino mask
Personality: Dawn is extremely quiet, and she rarely talks. When she does talk, she is often sarcastic, although she is not rude, and can be sensitive and caring. She is determined and doesn’t like attention to be focused on herself. Although she can often be perceived as cold or uncaring, she is actually quite sensitive to other people’s needs or emotions. She doesn’t like to ipakita her own strong emotions, however.
Powers: Dawn manipulates darkness, and she mainly uses it to either turn herself invisible (she still makes sound and can’t go through solid objects, similar to an invisibility cloak, but she becomes visible in special light), or as an attack, and can send waves of darkness which paralyze and confuse enemies. However, she sometimes has trouble controlling this power.
Weapons and skills: Dawn fights similar to a ninja. Her weapons of choice are darkness waves, katanas, and projectiles (throwing-star type). She knows martial arts and what she lacks in strength, she makes up for in speed and agility. She is extremely nimble and a skilled acrobat.
Bio: Dawn was raised sa pamamagitan ng her mother in Japan, although she is only half-Asian. Her father was unknown, her mother never spoke about him. Dawn’s powers first emerged when she was seven, but they were uncontrollable and only came out in brief instances. When Dawn was ten, her powers of darkness grew out of control and engulfed her entire town in complete darkness for 2 weeks until she could gain control of them again. Her mother sent her away to a Buddhist monastery so she could learn to control her powers and her emotions, and so that she wouldn’t put people in danger. While in the monastery, she secretly began looking for clues about her father, and eventually it led her to a girl named Eve, who sinabi she knew Dawn’s father. She told Dawn that her father was actually a demon of darkness, sworn enemies of the Light Demons, Eve’s heritage. Dawn, upon discovering that Eve was only helping her so that she could then hurt her, fought Eve, trying to extinguish her light. Demons of light are the only ones that can extinguish Dawn’s darkness, and vice versa, so when the battle wouldn’t end, Dawn escaped and found the Outcasts, who offered to protect her if she would help them.

Name: Adam Salinski
Alias: Compression
Age: 15
Occupation: Hero
Affiliations: Outcasts
Appearance: Adam is about 5’7”, and of average build. He has curly brown hair and green eyes.
Clothes: He wears collared button down oxford shirts, large horn-rimmed glasses, and black slacks.
Costume: whatever...
Personality: Adam is very nerdy and is extremely into the sciences. He loves to read and always tries to put his all into everything, leading him to be headstrong and determined. Because of his quiet, nerdy nature, along with his unusual powers, Adam had very few mga kaibigan growing up, and as a result, he can sometimes be socially awkward. Although he might seem weird at first glance, Adam is extremely caring and sensitive, and he is willing to stand up for himself or others whatever the cost. He is also very loyal.
Powers: Adam can grow or shrink to any size, whether enormous or miniscule. When he changes his size, his strength, speed, endurance, etc. is also changed to be proportional to that size. For example, if he grows to be 20 feet tall, he will become that much stronger, but if he shrinks to 20 inches tall, he will be weaker but faster.
Weapons and skills: Adam doesn’t usually use weapons, he prefers martial arts (when he is his normal height or smaller), or regular combat with his enhanced strength (when he is larger than his normal height).
Bio: Adam’s father was a mad scientist and genius inventor, and when Adam was a small child, his father brought him into his lab while he was testing a growth ray. This led to Adam accidentally being grown to a height of 20 feet tall, and it took two weeks before his father created a shrink sinag that could shrink his son back to normal size. However, the shrink sinag shrunk him to be about 1 inch tall, and sa pamamagitan ng the time he was brought back to normal height, the growing and shrinking messed with his body chemistry and gave him the ability to grow and shrink at will. However, because of this, the maximum height he can grow to is 20 feet, and the minimum is 1 inch. It took several years for Adam to gain control of his power, and when he did, his parents tried to use him as a “freak show” act to get money for themselves. In the end, they had so much money that Adam felt like he wasn’t appreciated as their son anymore, and he realized he could be using his power for good, so he ran away and found the Outcasts.
Name: Veronica “Veri” Jenkins
Alias: Miss Matter
Age: 15
Occupation: Hero
Affiliations: Outcasts
Appearance: Veri is 5’5” and on the skinny side. She has short blonde hair cut in a bob that is dyed purple at the tips, and blue eyes.
Personality: Veri is rude and arrogant, but covers this up with a fake, overly nice, demeanor. She likes to gossip about people behind their back, people that she acts overly kind to in their face. She is selfish and always needs to get her way. Also, she hates getting dirty, because it will mess up her clothes, hair, nails, etc.
Powers: Veri can change her state of matter sa pamamagitan ng transforming herself into a liquid or gas, and she can do the same with any object that she is touching. However, this doesn’t work with any human or animal, or anything in the animal kingdom, but it does work with other living things like plants and fungi, and inanimate objects.
Weapons: Veri uses martial arts and occasionally throws knives.
Bio: Veri refuses to reveal her past.
 Veri/Miss Matter
Veri/Miss Matter
posted by Robin_Love
Started out sad and somehow got this so....enjoy!

He woke up in a cold sweat. He panted for breath, unaware that he had screamed. No one was there to hear him. He heard a flutter of wings and the snow white hawk landed on his leg. The full moon shimmered on the feathers and he pet the large bird. After a few minutes, he calmed down entirely. The hawk let out a small squawk.
“Same nightmares.”
He listened to the squawks and clicks of the hawk's graceful tongue, knowing the words and emotions behind each one.
“Been over five years now, Bella.”
He listened to the beautiful chattering in his...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Name: Brendan Adams.
Alias: Fang
Occupation: Hero
Age: 15
Relationship: Uhmm….I think I’ll explain later xD
Powers: Flight (wings) if he stays still A doesn't make sudden movements he can blend into his surroundings, can draw metal to his body, mimicking peoples voices, super strength (not superman strength but its above average mans strength), super senses (RAPTOR VISION FTW!)
Past: Created as an experiment in a place called “School” Fang grew up dark, and drawn back, escaping from pure hell at the age of 10, the flock traveled the world, determined to end all experiments. At age 12, Fang...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Set in 5 years from now.. In case you were wondering, Fang does sumali the military..Not sure that will settle well with Devin...

Brendan sat on a couch, staring at a wall. He looked over his shoulder as his phone started to ring and vibrate. 
"What now?" Getting up, he picked up the car keys hesitating to answer the call. Brendan shoved the phone in his pocket and swung open the door to exit the house to find a general standing there.
"Glad your tahanan Adams. Your needed at this address." The General shoved a piece of paper in Brendan's hand and left. Brendan sighed and closed the door behind him...
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posted by BloodyMascara_
 The Broken paruparo
The Broken Butterfly
Dark. Sick. Twsted. Name it whatever. I just had it on my mind.

Let’s go to sleep; Close our eyes,
And dream of broken butterflies
That tore their wings against a thorn.
We know the pain that theyve indured.

Silver metal, shine so bright.
Scarlet blood bath feels so right. .
 Silver Metal Shines So Bright. Scarlet Blood Bath Feels So Right......
Silver Metal Shines So Bright. Scarlet Blood Bath Feels So Right......

Dream of blood tickling down,
And wake up just before we drown.

The moonlight’s shining off our tears,
As we bleed out our own worst fears.
 Moolight Shines Off Our Tears.....As We Bleed Out Our Worst Fears.....
Moolight Shines Off Our Tears.....As We Bleed Out Our Worst Fears.....

So tonight we start to cry,
And sing...
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posted by MercyYJ
**Anything like (this) means it is a translation of what was just said, and anything in italics is a letter, and anything that isunderlined and italicized is the lyrics because THIS IS MY FIRST EVER SONG FIC!! Just a quickie one-shot of how Mercy feels! :) Enjoy! ** You also might want to scroll to the bottom of the artikulo to get the link to the background music, if you want!

There's a faraway land so the stories all tell.Somewhere beyond the horizon,

"Ek weet nie meer nie, Nala!Ek het regtig nie ..." (I don't know anymore,Nala! I really don't...) She sighed and fumbled around again with her...
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posted by SilverWings13
Time line- some point in the past. I'll let you figure out exactly when ;)

How could you still be yourself when you look nothing like... You?
If the person looking at you in the mirror doesn't look like anyone you could put a name to, then who is it?
What if you don't know what you're supposed to look like?
I'm too young for an identity crisis, Mutt thought to himself as he stared at his reflection in the mirror.
His blue eyes were the same deep sapphires he had been born with, but they didn't seem.. young enough to belong on the face of an eleven taon old. The dark, shaggy hair that hung in his...
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posted by Robin_Love
She opened her eyes, lifting her head. Everything was cloudy and dust misted over the ground. She coughed and managed to get on her hands and knees.
“Devin!” She coughed again. “Becca!”
She crawled pasulong and found someone. Pale skin, flowing hair. Dressed in black, silver. She scurried back and coughed again.
“No way.”
She heard a moan and headed over towards it.
“Erin? We get out?”
“Yeah. You okay?!”
“Just woozy.”
“I hear ya. Bec, we got a problem.”
“Wait! Where's Devin?!”
“Over here!”
The two crawled to where Devin's voice came from.
“Thank goodness...
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posted by The_Writer

The USB stick was worth Artemis’ life if she was caught. Kaldur’s too, if they made the connection. But if the information on it was accurate, and not some sort of ruse to root out any spies, then it was could save hundreds of other lives.

Artemis only contemplated that for a moment before secreting the flash drive into a hidden pocket. A sense of predatory anticipation filled her.

“Don’t worry Kaldur, I know just the way to get this to Nightwing.”

- - -

Nightwing and Artemis had sparred countless times in the past, but they’d never...
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posted by SilverWings13
This is long onver due, but since he's part of te team now...

Hero ID: Thirteen

Alter ego: Aleksander Felis

Age: 14

Appearance: 5'8", golden-blonde hair, Esmeralda green eyes, a scar on the under-side of his jaw

Hero Uniform: similar to Rocket's, but green primary and black secondary instead of purple primary and brown secondary.

Personality: very easy going, sensitive toward others, a bit protective over SilverWings (his partner and "sister"), relaxed, quick thinker.

Skills: speaks English and Russian, martial arts, gun handling, staff handling (I'm sure there's proper terminology for it. Don't know...
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posted by Robin_Love
She walked into the center of light in the pitch black area. The child was in her arms, sound asleep. A voice spoke and a red light shined.
“Do you have the child?”
“Yes Bella Morta.”
“You have done well, pawn.”
“Thank you.”
“Place the child down gently and leave.”
Becca put Flynn on the ground gently and left. The red light came closer.
“Such an innocent child. I would hate for anything to happen to you. Let us hope your parents do as I say. Oh Devin.”
The angel stepped into the ring of light.
“Yes Bella Morta?”
“I have a message I want delivered. Find the parents of this...
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posted by SilverWingsYJ
tanong I, Princess Ducky the Ninja Rebel, came up with tanong for Loki, A. K. A. Beloved_Robin the Magnificent, to ask Charmante Rio, The Diva. Out of curiosity, I asked SilverWings. Yes, there are 13.

1) If you could dye your hair any color, what color would it be?
Dark blue with silver streaks! Do they have silver hair dye?
2) How will the world end?
The world's going to end? O_O
3) paborito catch-phrase?
I am the guardian of the innocent. (Stop laughing, Nic!)
4) Sports car or private jet?
Motorcyle! It's harder to crash...
5) Leather or snake-skin?
Dragon scales!
6) What's you war cry?
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posted by -BelovedRobin
‘Ello there, how do you do? As for I, I am doing well. I got my bitches, err, OCs with me! Say hello, kiddos!

Bonnie: Hi, hi!! –waves-
Blitz: Hi..,
Charm: Pleasure
Power Lad: Dude, lighten up! –slings arms over Vash’s shoulder- Oh, hey, sweet cheeks. –winks-
Orion: Hello. –blank stare-

Ain’t they the cutest bunches of oats you ever seen? Anyways, let’s get on with the show! We have out first tanong f—

Blitz: Do you know him? –whispers as he points at Charm-
Power Lad: No, I thought he was one moon boys freaky diky friends. –whispers back-
Charm: -gets up from upuan and pulls...
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Hauntings part VI- All Nightmares End
"Daddy!" the girl screamed. She ran toward the house, her vision blurred sa pamamagitan ng tears.
"Ary, stop," her brother yelled after her. He reached her just as as the inferno exploded outward, throwing them back into the grass.
The apoy raged on. It engulfed the whole house, encasing the roof, the windows, her room in angry flames. The sound of breaking glass joined the chorus of splintering timber as a window exploding outward. A scream amplified over the chaos.
"Mommy! Daddy!" the girl screamed again. She rose from the grass, but a hand grasped her wrist before she...
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posted by BloodyMascara_
 Lyla (Aftermath)
Lyla (Aftermath)

Height: 6'7

Weight: 95 pounds

Eyes: Red.

Hair: Black

Weapons: Pistol, hidden dagger.

History: Raised sa pamamagitan ng the joker and abonded sa pamamagitan ng
parents. Joker taught her evil, but she realized it was wrong and refused to continue. She still keeps close with him and visits him in jail. She joined the team and loved it. She had a demon haunting her and everyone got fed up. She walked away from it all before it went any futher. She has taken the path of evil. Her hair turned black and her eyes are permenently red from the hate she feels.

Powers: Teleportation, Flight(Wings), levetation, transformaition(Humans and animals.)

Skills: Good with guns.

Civies: Black turtleneck and jeans.

'Stume: Black turtleneck dress and kuwintas with keys symbolising being the keeper of hell.
posted by SilverWings13
 Maddex Howard (civvies)
Maddex Howard (civvies)
Hauntings part V-Allies

"So you're saying Gordon Tin was dead when you got to his apartment?"
"Actually, he was alive. They were talking when I came in."
"They were talking?"
"It sounded madami like arguing. Gordon was yelling when the assassin shot him."
"How did you get in the apartment? Did you have a key? Pick the lock?"
Batgirl stepped in susunod to Robin. "What were they arguing about? Did you hear anything about the Key? The Weapon? Was there any mention of-"
Nightwing cleared his throat. "Why don't we give Mr. Howard a little break. Let him rest."
"Nightwing," Robin contradicted, "he's a witness...
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posted by Robin_Love
 Secret-Day time
Secret-Day time
Name: Trevor Wright
Alias: Secret
Occupation: Hero
Powers: Trevor posses different powers at different times of day. Day-strength, light, fire, wind. Night-speed, shadows, darkness, water. Trevor is also a master spy and trained extensively in combat. He has never been detected and has endurance that lasts twenty-four hours. Trevor loves to use a gun in the araw and a sword at night.
History: Trevor was raised on the streets of London, England. He is, as far as he knows, an orphan. His powers manifest from his X-gene. He was taken in sa pamamagitan ng a sly shape-shifter, who intended to sell Trevor to the highest...
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Mount Justice 6:00pm
Kaldur, Robin and KidFlash were at KidFlash's room. They were finding something 'formal' for Kaldur to wear and since KidFlash was the only one out if the three of them to be around the same height as Kaldur they were going to hunt down there.
"Uh, could you for once clean your room? It reeks plus its so messy!" Robin exclaimed, picking up one of KidFlash's dirty clothes with a pair of kusina thongs-he did not DARE touch it with his own hands.
"Well, dude, quit with the chatter and lets start searching." KidFlash said, tossing a already used sando at Robin's head.
Robin glared...
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Ravage Part III 5

Chapter Twenty:

Artemis grabbed another guy and slung him to the ground, but didn't kill him or wound him badly. That was her motto. Few followed it. Even few escaped her.

Artemis was weary from battle. It was all she had been doing for the past two days; too afraid to sleep, too afraid someone would murder her and she would never see Wally again. 

Or Sam. Or M'gann. Or any of her friends. Everytime she thought of them, she wanted to cry. But to cry in this arena would be to ipakita weakness. And she wasn't going to let that happen. 

She had gathered three people she trusted with...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Despite the lies that you’re making
Your pag-ibig is mine for the taking
My pag-ibig is
Just waiting
To turn your tears to roses...

A grim smile broke out on her face as she whispered the crude lyrics harshly, her throat dry from lack of water and too much inhaled rubble. Barefoot and barely alive, she stood from her crouching position and began to run on the rooftops, her hair practically taking a mind of it’s own as it flew out behind her in wild patterns. She wiped her nose with the back of her hand, coming back with a streak of blood, but she paid no attention as she leapt across the gap between...
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There is a three taon time jump between Season 2 and the Arrowette Series. A few things have happened...

Darkseid invaded Earth and was repelled, but Batman, Aquaman, Hal Jordan, and Flash were killed (Batman unbeknownst to the public) during the invasion forcing Wally and Dick to fill the respected roles of their mentors. One taon later, Barbara Gordon was paralyzed and forced to leave the cowl of Batgirl behind and become Oracle. Stephanie Brown took her place.

Red Robin, leader of the Teen Titans (That's right, I changed their names) is still Tim patong lalaki (There will be NO Damian Wayne). Aqualad...
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