Young Justice OC'S!!! Club
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White walls surround us
No light will touch your face again
Rain taps the window
As we sleep among the dead

Days go on forever
But I have not left your side
We can chase the dark together
If you go then so will I

There is nothing left of you
I can see it in your eyes
Sing the anthem of the angels
And say the last goodbye

Cold light above us
Hope fills the heart
And fades away
Skin white as winter
As the sky returns to grey

Days go on forever
But I have not left your side
We can chase the dark together
If you go then so will I

There is nothing left of you
I can see it in your eyes
Sing the anthem of the angels
And say the last goodbye
I keep holding onto you
But I can't bring you back to life
Sing the anthem of the angels
Then say the last goodbye

The small girl stood, taking in her last glance of home. Holding back tears, the young girl looked down at her outfit. Black jacket, gloves, pants, and combat boots. "Guys... I gotta head out." She looked back up. "It was a pleasure doing business with you." She saluted, her tears would leak through barrier soon. She adjusted her backpack, and ran out zeta, her last words the most meaningful...

...Your're dead alive...

...Your're dead alive...

...Your're dead alive...

...Your're dead alive...

I took off running.

There is nothing left of you
I can see it in your eyes
Sing the anthem of the angels
And say the last goodbye
I keep holding onto you
But I can't bring you back to life
Sing the anthem of the angels
And say the last goodbye



7:00am. December 25th, 2012.

They fall in line
One at a time
Ready to play
...I can't see them anyway...
No time to lose
We've got to move
Steady your helm
...I am losing sight again...

Last time I was at the School, I had planted bombs, courtesy of our dear Uncle J. I had them planted, and ready to detonate. I ran down the hall plowing through Erasers and scientists. If they didn't get out, they would be blown to smithereens. I ran, fast as I could. If I didn't, I would fail. I wont fail. Not now. Not ever. My boots hitting the floor, my arms pumping at my sides, my heart pounding. I kicked open a door, and ran inside. I ripped open cages. Just because I had to die, doesn't mean they had to also. I ran back out of the room, and weaved through, visiting as many as I could. Freeing the Experiments, failed and somewhat OK, luckily, there was a somewhat intelligent Experiment, that knew this place was bad ju ju. It directed the Experiments out of the School. Good. I ran, I had to ran as fast as I could down these halls, if I didn't. I would fail everyone. I wasn't going to fail. I kicked open a door, and grabbed an Eraser swinging it into the room. I jumped over another Eraser, and kicked a scientist's face in.

Fire your guns
It's time to run
Blow me away
...I will stay, in the mess I made...
After the fall
We'll shake it off
Show me the way

I activated a bomb. And ran as fast as I could, each bomb was set an exact time, so they would all detonate at the same time. I ran as fast as I could, avoiding Erasers and scientists. Every heartbeat, every breath, every pound of my boots on the floor counted. I activated another bomb, ten minutes to activate thirty bombs. And this would slow down the School. There are multiple bases, this would create time for my family to destroy the School completely. I knew I was going to die here. Ciel gave me multiple briefings. Now it was the real thing. It wasn't a simulation, this was the real thing. I clenched my jaw as a scientist grabbed my arm. I elbowed her, and threw her into a wall. Blood spewed, and the scientist died on impact. An Eraser threw me into the wall, at least, he tried. It's the thought that counts, right? I kicked his snout in. And if that wasn't enough, another Eraser threw a cage at me. Heck no. I ran

Only the strongest will survive
Lead me to heaven, when we die
I am the shadow on the wall
I'll be the one to save us all

I roundhouse kicked an Eraser, and it fell back into a wall. This was my time. I activated the bomb, and bolted. Eyes eyes glowing red, more people screamed, and exploded. Three to go, then... the end. A fairly useful power allowed me to throw a syringe into a scientist's face.

There's nothing left
So save your breath
Lying in wait
...Caught inside this tidal wave...
Your cover's blown
No where to go
Holding your fate
...Loaded I will walk alone...

I ran as fast as I could, Erasers snarling, scientists shouting, alarms screeching. I blocked out all the noise, and focused on one thing, the final bomb. I my family will be the last thing I see. Crap. I shook my head dismissing the thought. An Eraser caught up to me, and threw me into a wall. This knocked the wind out of me. I sucked in air, and launched myself through the crowd of Erasers. I'm not dying yet thank you. I activated another bomb.

Fire your guns
It's time to run
Blow me away
...I will stay, in the mess I made...

My lungs were screaming for air. I ignored it, and ran faster than ever. This is what all my training was for, to save everyone. I kicked open doors, and activated another bomb. Whipping around, all I saw was no escape. Erasers blocked the exit, scientists came closer. I will not fail. I lunged, and pushed through the scientists, syringes pressing into my arms, liquid flushing into my bloodstream. My eyes got droopy.
No Mel. Not yet. Go a little farther. For Lexi. I told myself. I pushed through. Kicking a panel in, I activated another bomb. Then, the last bomb.

After the fall
We'll shake it off
Show me the way

I kicked an Eraser in the chest, earning a wheeze, and a casualty. A scientist stabbed a syringe into my neck. I ripped it out, whipping around, and stabbing it into his chest.
"Kill it!" "Destroy it!"
I kicked a scientist into the wall. Now I was fighting for my family. To make the School suffer. I grabbed a scientist's neck, and snapped it. Now, I didn't even mind killing. Now this was payback. For all the suffering they put my baby through. What they put my brother through. What they put my father through. What they put all the Experiments through. I mashed an Eraser's head in, then pulled my swords, slashing, earning cries of pain. I whipped around. An Eraser through me into the wall. I smirked, peeling myself off the wall, and dodging a paw. This was going to be fun. The Eraser decided he wasn't going down easy. I stabbed it in the arm. The Eraser snarled, and attempted to claw my off. Heck no. I pulled my sword out of it's flesh, and swung as hard as I could, decapitating it. I laughed, I had gone mad. This mission had pushed my will to the breaking point. This is what I have been training for. To kill. This is my destiny. I swung my sword at a scientist, and sliced her arm off. She screamed in pain.
"How do you like it!? Huh!? Answer me!" I sliced off her other arm.
"Please stop! Stop! Please! God it hurts! Stop!" She begged. I laughed, and decapitated her. I was going to have fun with this, whether anyone liked it or not. I kicked an Eraser's face in, and sliced another scientist's face off.

Only the strongest will survive
Lead me to heaven, when we die
I am the shadow on the wall
I'll be the one to save us all

"THIS IS FOR EVERYTHING!" I yelled, slitting the throat of a scientist. Two were huddled up in the corner, whispering their last words to each other. Hell no. They aren't dying in peace, or with satisfaction. I stabbed one in the back, earning myself a blood curdling scream from another one. I pull my sword out, and slashed at another's face, earning a cry. I stabbed her through the heart, and pulled out my sword. Another scientist attempted to protect himself. Pathetic! I laughed, I actually laughed.
"You are a pathetic wimp that deserves to DIE!" I yelled my final word and stabbed him in the stomach. He collapsed. The bombs would go off soon. I whipped around, and started killing Erasers with no mercy. I was letting rage take over.

Wanted it back
...Don't fight me now...

Jaime flung cookie dough at me, flour covering his face.
"NO!" I ducked and rolled behind the counter, grabbing the milk from off the counter.
"AH-GYAH!" Jaime started to laugh, instead he got a bunch of milk up his nose.

I pulled the blankets over me and Lexi, who coughed. I rubbed her back. Lexi let out a sneeze. I held her, and I wasn't letting go. She was burning up. Her fever was pretty bad...

My head rested on Ciel's lap. I looked up at the purple eyes. Ciel smiled. I reached up, and played with his snow white hair, it was somewhat comforting...
"Having fun?" Ciel asked. I nodded, earning myself a kiss on the forehead. I yawned.
"Goodnight Hiccup."
"Night Buh buh."

I sneezed in Daddy's chest. He patted my back. Right now, I felt like dying. I didn't want to move, I was sick. I kept my arms around him, and my face in his chest. He was warm, and I wanted to sleep, but it's hard to sleep when your cave-buddies are yelling and screaming.

Mom put her hands on my arm, and started to heal it.
"How many times are you going to break your arm in crash landings?" She asked.
"Depends on how many crash landings." I said, and her hands pulled away.
"Be careful Mel." Mom said. I nodded and hugged her.
"I love you mommy!"

I growled, my wrists and ankles raw from struggling.
"Hold still." A man said in a deep voice, slight Russian accent. I was bare.
"This will only hurt you, not me." He said.
"Damn you."
"Shut your mouth ебет игрушка."

I cried, and cried, and cried into Ciel's chest. What was wrong with my life? What was wrong with, me?
"Sh... Mel you're okay..." He stroked my hair, down my back.
"Its okay..." He whispered. I gripped his shirt, a tried to settle my crying. I was successful, somewhat.

"Karate chop!" I shouted, doing just that to an Eraser. Ciel was fending off some, but not enough to survive. I grabbed him, snapped open my wings, and blurred. Ciel shut his eyes and buried his face in my stomach, holding on tightly. I landed, softly, and Ciel stood up.
"Your hair looks crazy." I said, smoothing out his hair.

"We can watch Disney movies and eat fried butter!" Fin said, Mel dragging her into Fin's room.

"Sissyyyyyyy!" Mel whined at Silver.
"No, Mel, I have to go meet Blaze! He's gonna batter and fry me!" Mel still continued to cling to her leg.
"But I have a present for you!"
"Can it wait?"

I don't know what happened, but now, tears started streaming down my face. I was going to die. I was going to miss Lexi, and Jaime, and the rest of my family. All the good things in life would be gone. I smiled, tears still streaming down my face. I looked at all the dead bodies of scientists and Erasers on the floor. Everyone was dead. No survivors. Daddy would be proud of me. Everyone would be proud of me. Now I wouldn't have to worry about making them mad. Now I just had to wait... Wait to die. My throat tightened, I was going to miss everyone... Richi promised me a place in Heaven. So I could look forward to that. But... Lexi... I was going to miss her smile. I would miss her laugh. I was going to miss everything about that little goofball. Jaime... I would miss him. How we teased each other. How we would get into fights and I would always go to Dad and win with my adorable innocence. Jaime would always get mad at that. But I would miss Jaime's smile, his laugh, and his irreplaceable personality. Daddy... I was going to miss how he would always hold me, and love me. When I was sick, he would take care of me. He would always love me through anything. No matter how many times I let my rage hurt him, we loved each other in the end of everything. I already missed Mommy... How her blue eyes comforted me, how she would smile. How she loved me. And no matter what, we would always love each other. Aunty Infinity... Aunty Crystal, it feels weird since I'm older than her in this time... Aunty Delta, which still feels weird since I'm older than her in this time. Aisling.... Rene... Mercy... Seb... Sissy Silver... Sissy Blade... Not so brother but still in a way brother Alek... Richi... Katana... Ciel... Jack... Nudge... Scotty... Cat... Becca... Shane... everyone. Everyone I would miss.

Only the strongest will survive
Lead me to heaven, when we die
I am the shadow on the wall
I'll be the one to save us all

Tears streamed down my face. I was remembering my past, good and bad. This was the only time I was sure, Fang was my Daddy. Devin was my Mommy. Lexi was my sissy. Jaime was my brother. I wasn't just a misfit chosen for them. Finally, the bombs went off to end my life. I crossed my arms in front of myself, the fire braced me for the pain it would take. I wailed, fire burning my flesh, my eyes burned, everything burned. I hated the pain. I hated it. I wanted it to end.
This is to save us all! I screamed in my head. I screamed in pain, and I grew weak, falling to my knees. It hurts so much, God I just want it to stop! Stop! Please! Stop!

Save us all....

Save us all....

Save us all!

...*Hands you tissue box and hides*
 walang tiyak na layunin pic!
Random pic!
This artikulo has been in my Drafts section for TOOOO long.
To keep note this is what I originally wanted Shadow to be when I first got introduced to this "OC club thingy". But since I thought about the character I thought it was just "Not modern".
I don't know if this should be made into a different person or what, your choice. (write in comments please!)
I just wanted you to see it 'cause from memory, it took me AGES to make her.
Note: ^ I just added that now. Down is the bio.

Name: Maria Kyle

Code Name: Black Phantom

Other Aliases: Sakura, Cheery (Only in civilian life)

Age: 13

Occupation: Ninja/Hero/Orphan...
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It was a crisp fall araw in the city of Melbourne, and a 2 yr old girl was perched on a red wooden dumi ng tao in front of the huge glass window. Watching the bustling city, cars and stinky drivers, hotels filled with taxi cars and malls bursting with a large amount of shoppers. She wasn't so far up in the apartment, hardly on the segundo floor so she was able to see most things, her hands greedily moving up the window, wishing to go outside.
Her eyes followed traces of flying autumn leaves, rustling in the wind and dancing in the sky.
A big black van gave a big abrupt stop on the side of a jewellers...
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Name: Samuel Grant
Code name: Red Revenge
Age: 24
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 213 lb.
Eye and Hair Color: True blue eyes, shaggy dark hair with natural streaks of blonde
Physical form: Muscular, masculine (no they aren't the same thing), clean shaven
Normal "Civvies": Khakis, T-Shirt, Suit Jacket
Uniform: Black stab/bullet-proof body suit with red cape, mask, markings, outlines, and gloves.
Attitude: Nice guy, sympathetic for those who deserve it, harsh and cold when needed. Very much a politician and businessman. Cold and dark when Red Revenge.
Job: CEO of Grant Industries
Home: New York City
Powers: None
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Don't worry, this isn't a whole new series.. I kinda got carried away, so it’s probably gonna be at least 3 parts (would that be a three-shot or a series?? lol). BTWs this takes place when Aisling’s 8 so that’d, you do the math.
His eyes widened as he stepped into the alley, wrinkling his nose at the stench that wafted toward him in thick clouds. He had to walk on his tiptoes to avoid the piles of filth and unidentifiable substances, and he grimaced at the squelching noises his combat boots made on the ground. Pinching his nose shut, he scanned the alley, praying that no one...
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Timeline: 3 years in the future...

“Cʼmon, cʼmon, cʼmon,” Aryess muttered.
“Patience, kiddo,” Nic sinabi through the communication unit in her ear.
“Itʼs freezing up here!” She wrapped her arms around herself, trying to gain warmth.
“What did you expect? Youʼre 102 stories up and itʼs the middle of the bloody winter.”
“Oh.. yeah.” The teenager tried to focus on the spectacular view from the tuktok of Empire State Building. The city lights were a dazzling light ipakita of yellow, red, blue, white. She was grateful for the full head mask that tucked her long fair hair away and kept...
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posted by BentleyYJ
Interviewrer : uy so this week I'm interviewing one of gothams most mysterious ( cheeks redden a bit and says idiotically in pag-ibig ) and one of the biggest puso throbs Bentley Thompson I mean uh nice ( cheeks redden more)

Mclovin: he has a girlfriend you know....Ughhh don't think silver will let you flirt with her man...

Bentley: puso throb?...( looks at both of you confused)

Interviewer: so Bentley whats your paborito colour?

Bentley: umm.... ( shrugs) well I guess black I dunno

Interviewer: yeah black bumagay you....( stares at you lovingly)

Bentley: ( looks at you confused ) I have a girlfriend...
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posted by Robin_Love
I had to write this!!! It's just....Oh you'll have to read it! Enjoy!!!!

The smell wafted through the base. It was warm, comforting. Trevor, Zero, and Todd looked up from where they were playing cards in the living room. Zeth stood at the counter, piling tsokolate chip cookies onto a plate. Terror ventured out of his room, eyebrows raised.
“You know Zero doesn't like this,” he said.
“Screw that.”
Terror watched Zeth place a tagahanga sa pamamagitan ng the cookies, aimed at the vent.
“There are reasons it's not allowed,” Trevor chimed in.
“I know. Couldn't help it.”
“What are you talking about?” Todd...
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posted by CoaxochYJ
Just cuz I was borrrrrred.

This one~shot has no moral, its just stuff to read if your bored.

I woke up, covered in soft, warm blankets. I groaned and rolled over, not wanting to ilipat from my nest of blankets.
"Come we go..." Ciel sinabi as he picked me up.
"Good morning." I said, groggily, and cheerfully.
"Morning sleepy feathers." He said, throwing me over his shoulder. I rubbed my eyes and felt the inconsistencies as he walked down the stairs. I felt like a lump of potatos. My legs thumped against Ciel's chest with every step he took. Ciel walked into the kitchen, pulled me off his shoulder,...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Brennan broke off the call with the team, turning to Joker. “Make it believable. We want them to think that’s actually her.”
The madman grinned. “I’ll do my very worst!”
Brennan rolled his eyes and walked out. “Idiot,” he muttered, walking out to another room. “Good thing I have that program.. incredible likeness to the real thing.”
Fin woke up to an indescribably strange situation. She sat in a large chair, one that towered over nearly the whole room. The room itself had little to no light, shadows dancing on the edges of the walls. She tugged at her arms, and found...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Earlier that week everything had been perfectly normal. Fin, Delta, and Robin were relaxing on the couch, flipping through channels (Connor was not pleased that they’d fixed the static--he’d disappeared into his room some time nakaraan complaining about his paborito show.) M’gann was in the kitchen, Artemis was sitting on the counter. Wally was eating the burnt cookies that M’gann had pulled out some time ago, and Kaldur was sparring with Nathan in the main room.
Fin’s hand began to go even faster, smoke coming off the remote as she sped up to a Wally-like pace. The T.V. couldn’t keep...
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posted by InfinityYJ
BAH... Another one-shot... Fluff, kinda to get the oblivious people madami aware of this.. :D
I hope I nailed Epsilon right. *shrug* oh well.

Fin stumbled back, running into another form behind her. She didn’t have to glance back to see who it was she’d run into. “You doin’ alright, Ep?”
“Fine,” the shifter grinned, smacking another guard away. “You have quite a history with these guys.”
“Eyup. I hate them, they hate me. Feelings are mutual between us.” She lit her hands on apoy and blasted a couple of them away. “But these guys.. they seem different. They’re better fighters...
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posted by InfinityYJ
BAH. I'm working on Living Remains, I swear, but I was pressured into posting this.
Rated PG-13 for gore and over-description.
Kind of AU-ish, where Nathan Stone is real and not Ryan Zucco, but not dating Fin. At all. :D

The linoleum tiles were splattered with a crimson liquid, and Dick could've sworn it was taunting him. Some of it was just walang tiyak na layunin splashes of coppery scented color against the pale walls, most of it was in patterns and words. Widened grins of a crazed madman were prominent, Bruce noted dutifully, but some were crude letters scribbled with a finger. Among these were "help," "pain,"...
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posted by Hot_ShotYJ
 Image credit: Adonihs
Image credit: Adonihs
Name: Sebastienne Bellerose Moran

Alias: Hot Shot

Occupation: Assassin, professional sniper, black sinturon martial artist.

Appearance: Long and light brown hair but sometimes dyes it black for disguises, icy blue eyes, tall.

Personality: Loud, out going, kind, serious, can be aggressive very easily, caring, loyal.

Power: She heals but not rapidly, it is possible for her to die (obviously), and she age like normal people (also obviously) . She can also heal others as well but can’t bring them back to life.

Weapons: Rifle, two hand guns, knives, explosives.

Hero outfit: Black T shirt, black or...
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posted by MidnightYJ
((Too involved in RP to change accounts))

She adjusted the small mesa mirror, watching her reflected fingers braid her hair. She wasn't really paying attention to anything, just relaxed.
“Stop worrying, will ya? You're gorgeous.”
She jumped at the voice and turned to see the fifteen-year-old soldier sitting on her window sill.
“You scared me! I didn't know you were here.”
The young warrior shrugged.
“I have that affect on people.”
“Not all people.”
She shrugged again, her foot hanging out the window, swinging against the sheer cliff drop the little house was located by.
“What are...
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New York City
April 24, 04:09 EST


Sam yawned and slouched down even madami in his seat.

“Sam!” holly exclaimed.

Sam groaned and hauled himself up-right in his chair. “How much longer?” he asked, yawning again.

“Thirty minutos ago.” holly said, glancing at her watch. “They had a storm over Hong Kong when she took off, but I don’t see—“

“She’s fine.” Sam said, placing a hand on his girlfriend’s shoulder. “Except she’s late.”

Holly sat in silence for herself. Had Sam been awake, he would’ve noticed his girlfriend fighting an inner-battle...
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posted by SilverWings13
Declan stood in place, panting from the exertion. Feeling the adrenaline drain from his vein. The men remained unconscious and unmoving.
Though it had left him with a black eye and several bruises, Declan knew the fight had been too easy.
The floor beneath his feet shuddered slightly and shifted as the train made a turn, pulling Declan from his collective trance.
Every passenger was solemnly silent, even the baby. They gave him fearful looks. But another emotion glinted there. Accusation. He had beat these men. Declan realized it did not matter to them that the thugs had come after him with every...
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posted by The_Writer
Name: Eronica Val Huchezon
Identity: Spectre
Age: Immortal. Somewhere around 400. (Appears 12)
Hair: Midnight black (halfway down waist) except for flamboyant blue streak over right eye.
Eyes: Left Black, Right blue
Outfit: Close-cropped shorts, bikini, trench coat, knee-high boots.
Weapons: Sword and heavy phantom chains
Attitude: Sad, dismal.
Powers: Immortality, See the future, touch-fate (sees your fate sa pamamagitan ng touching you), retractable angel wings.

History: Eronica's parents were murdered sa pamamagitan ng KGB officials in the 17th Century. She was raped and abused sa pamamagitan ng her parents killers before being killed as well. She was sent to Earth to warn Red Revenge of his final battle. She occasionally fights with him and he feels a brotherly protection over her.
Sneak Peek Red Revenge Book 1: To Deny a Hero
Copyright 66DragonAnimations 2014/2015.


Sam was right were Rose thought he'd be: at his father's grave. She walked up as silently as possible and stayed half a dozen feet away, umbrella shielding her from the rain.

The araw was gloomy. Dark clouds once again covered New York. Sam jerked the weeds out from around his dad's grave. He could've paid someone to. He didn't have to get his suit dirty replacing the bulaklak on the grave, but he did. No one was allowed to touch his father's grave.

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posted by InfinityYJ
“Maldita sea! Confío en que los gilipollas con los hechos que Slade Wilson, el hombre que ha arruinado mi vida, está en la cárcel, y lo sabes, no lo está! Y noooo, ese tipo exacto el mismo se niega a sacarme de la misión sólo porque tengo un problema personal con el culo, y ahora me tengo que quedar siendo pequeño ayudante de Slade otra vez! Odio a la vida! Odio, odio, odio, odio ODIO LA VIDA!”
Fin nearly screamed in anger, clutching her head and making hand motions to Aisling, who was watching her worriedly. “Um.. what language.. is that?”
“Spanish!” Fin snapped, clearly pissed...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Some kids stood in front of the Memorial 
"Whoa! Scott Clancy! He was White Lightning!" The kids looked down at their Justice League sando then back up! 
"He was my hero!" The kids stood in awe 
"Why did he go into the Military? He was a super hero!"
"They needed someone to go undercover with powers like his!"
"But that blast killed him!"
"Which is why he done it! It would would've destroyed the Earth!" The kids argued back an forth, and Brendan stood and watched, a smile came to his face when kids would recognize Scotts name. He walked down the street, and slipped his hat back on.
"Dad! C'mon...
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