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    One could literally hear a pin drop as the Great Hall fell suddenly so silent. The gaiety and frivolity of moments before was halted sa pamamagitan ng just a few spoken words. Guinevere had dreaded this instance since the araw she accepted Arthur’s proposal. She knew assenting meant taking center stage at court as well as facing the still ailing King.

Convincing Arthur not to announce their engagement immediately had been challenging to say the least. He was adamant that the sooner they shared their news the sooner everyone could begin to accept the new order of things.

Guinevere, though, was still unprepared to face the inevitable scrutiny she was sure to face once their official announcement came. So she turned to duty to distract him, persuading him that the alliances he was trying to build in his father’s stead were of far madami importance at the moment. The announcement would only be a distraction right then. He wanted to argue but grudgingly conceded that her logic was sound.

Eventually they compromised with him agreeing to put it off until after the negotiations he was currently in the midst of could be settled but the moment they were done they would delay no longer. Guinevere initially sighed for any reprieve offered. It turned out, however, the postponement was anything but a comfort. The wait instead gave her plenty of time to work herself into a frenzy about the reactions their news would receive from both Uther and the court.

Neither she nor Arthur were naive enough to believe there would be no resistance yet Arthur seemed madami optimistic than she did about the general response to come. While Guinevere was preparing for all out protest at the match and disbelief to boot, he seemed to believe, because of her madami kamakailan and prominent role within that very court since he had knighted her brother and became Regent, that the nobles were already in the right frame of mind to accept her as his chosen.

She also believed much of his positivity flowered from how well telling his father had gone. Much to both of their surprise, the frail king had been very supportive of the match. Both knew much of that had to do with his current, and probably permanent according to Gauis, mental state but also Guinevere’s constant nursing and companionship had played a role in his easy acceptance.

When Arthur presented her as Lady Guinevere his father never batted an eye. Even as he had often hoped to broker an alliance with his son’s marriage, the genuineness of his offspring’s feelings for this lady of Camelot did his ailing puso some good. He finally gave his blessing, commenting on what a fine choice Arthur had made.

The instant the pair stepped outside the king’s chamber door, Arthur embraced her fiercely and spoke of destiny indeed being on their side. Guinevere returned the embrace if not fully the sentiment. She knew that if Uther were in his right mind he would have been nowhere near as accommodating. Which was why she was anxious about the susunod hurdle . . . the court.

Not only would they be in their right minds but slow to accept the idea of a former servant as their future sovereign. Arthur tried to assure her things would work out in the end but now as her mind returned to the present her worst fears were being realized.

She stood sa pamamagitan ng his side at the head mesa taking in the silent shock reverberating through the room. This whole evening had been a “compromise” on how to finally go about announcing their engagement. Arthur had suggested a feast to mark the occasion as opposed to a formal court pronouncement. Merlin,who along with Elyan, were the only one’s privy to their engagement, for once wholeheartedly agreed with his master and friend.

He then went on to propose that their news should come after the festivities were well underway. Then with everyone nice and jolly with good pagkain and drink, Arthur would make the announcement with her at his side. Guinevere was initially unconvinced thinking “buttering them up” with alcohol might backfire but both men felt like it wouldn’t be any worse than simply announcing it at court.

To be honest, she had expected immediate uproar and upset but as she remained standing at her betrothed’s side, his hand resting gently at the small of her back, she decided the quiet disdain was ten times worse than the most hateful onslaught.

Though no words were being spoken at the moment, she could sense the disapproval and hostility their declaration had wrought. Guinevere had always been quite sure the “acceptance” she had gained since becoming a lady of the court was mostly due to the fact they were convinced their prince’s interest in the former handmaiden was a passing fancy.

They figured once he became madami involved in matters of state he would realize he needed someone madami appropriate at his side permanently. A part of her could not blame them, as she had made the same argument madami than a few times over the course of their relationship but Arthur had rarely wavered in his belief that they would be together. Unfortunately for the court, her prince’s stubbornness had shattered their hope and they were now being forced to face and accept a reality few ever thought would come to pass.

As the silence unmercifully persisted in to what could have been mistaken for hours instead of minutes, Guinevere briefly wondered if the reaction would cause Arthur to falter some in his resolve. Despite his numerous declarations of not caring what the nobles thought, she knew it mattered on some level. She estola a quick side glance at him and could instantly feel his own intensity. His gaze was steady and his jaw tensed and relaxed with each moment of quiet that passed.

She knew he was hoping for some kind of reaction other than silence. He was a man of action and fared much better when there was something or someone to fight against but the court seemed unwilling to offer him a foe to face.

Guinevere returned her attention to the gathering surrounding them and found herself searching for any supportive faces. There was Merlin, of course, at Arthur’s right but of those seated around the hall she was having trouble finding any sympathetic looks. Just as she was about to give up her eyes trailed to the knights of Arthur’s inner circle. It was there she found her first inkling of acceptance.

Her brother gave her a small smile of comfort before Percival and even Lancelot offered nods of encouragement. It was Sir Gwaine, though, who finally broke through the silent stalemate as only he could. He deliberately rose from his upuan with a serious mug at first. Then as he stood to his full height he began to clap very loudly. Soon a devilish grin crept across his face during his one man standing ovation and he proceeded to lobo whistle to the shock of all but those who really knew him. His brazen disregard for propriety usually got Arthur’s ire but this araw the head knight appeared genuinely grateful for his friend’s lack of etiquette.

Many of his fellow knights, one sa pamamagitan ng one, eventually joined him standing and respectfully clapping for their leader and his betrothed. This gestured seemed to embolden the prince as he first pulled Gwen a bit closer to his side before turning his gaze on the nobles who still appeared to at a loss as to how to react. He urged them with his eyes to liven up.

Softly at first a few and then madami of the nobles began to sumali the applause around them.
Again, Gwen was not naïve enough to believe this display was anything madami than a ipakita to keep their future sovereign pleased but she couldn’t deny the jolt of relief. As the polite, if less unenthusiastic, applause continued Arthur took the moment to run his hand lightly over her back and leaned in to whisper in her ear, “I told you it would be fine.”

She turned and held his gaze for a moment before giving a strained smile and nodding. Eventually, the yungib settled and the musician struck up again and the servants began to serve once more. Sitting at Arthur’s side again, Guinevere was anything but convinced but she refused to dampen his hope with her negativity so she sipped from her goblet and held her peace. Arthur, for his part, relaxed madami after the announcement and was now chatting with some lord sitting nearby on state matters.

She, though, felt as tense as ever especially since she now knew that the topic of conversation, with few exceptions, would be her. Every now and then she would catch the eye of some whispering ladies or a leering lord and cringed at the daggers they threw her way. She briefly recalled her time as Morgana’s maiden and how the ward had often been subject to such viciousness. Guinevere knew it came with the package of falling for the Prince of Camelot but were it not for her deep, abiding pag-ibig for the man himself, she wasn’t sure she would be willing to endure it. Yet she did adore him and could not imagine her life without him now. So taking another sip from her cup, she resolved to rise above their pettiness and find comfort in her pag-ibig for him and his for her.

Just as that notion played across her mind, she was alerted to a presence before her. When she looked up, she found the smiling face of Sir Leon staring back at her.

“My Lady,” he respectfully stated.

Guinevere couldn’t keep the blush off her face as he used her title. She was unsure she would ever get used to such formalities directed at her.

Her smile brightened, “To what do I owe this pleasure.”

He, surprisingly to her, held out his hand, “I was hoping to have the honor of a dance with the future Princess of Camelot.”

Gwen was momentarily speechless. As one of the noble born knights of Arthur’s inner circle, it was significant that he was addressing her properly and formally requesting her company. Leon was, after all, one of the most respected knights in all of Camelot sa pamamagitan ng nobles and commoners alike. Her eyes fleetingly darted to some of the other nobles who had also taken notice of his actions.

It touched her deeply that Leon was willing to use his own reputation within the court to assist her. Her gaze returned to his and then sought the attention of Arthur. His eyes were already on her when she turned to him and with a soft smile for both her and Leon he gave a small nod of approval to the request. Gently, Guinevere placed her dainty hand in the knight’s and allowed him to lead her out into the dance area.

As they deftly joined the other couples on the floor, the pair allowed their concentration to focus on the choreographed moves at first. Once they found their rhythm, their palms rested together and propelling them pasulong and back, Sir Leon finally broke their quiet interlude.

“So, how are you handling everything?”

Guinevere held his gaze and replied, “Fine.”

His smile broadened, “You know, it’s very unladylike to lie to a friend.”

She smiled at his teasing, “I am sure there is plenty madami that makes me less of a lady in many eyes.”

Leon’s countenance became madami solemn at her words.

“You mustn’t let a small minded few rile you. Many of these so called nobles are anything but.”

“Yet they were born to it and I was not. I often feel as though I am playacting at being one of them,” she firmly retorted.

He shook his head, “You are what nobility should be, Guinevere. You are the most honest, loyal and compassionate person I know. Don’t ever try to live up to their ideals.”

Her smile brightened at his encouragement, “You are too kind. Thank you for your words and the dance.”

“It is my pleasure and besides I sort of owe you.”

Guinevere pulled a bemused grin, “For what?”

His smile returned, “Why for saving me from the dungeons during Morgana’s reign of terror for one but madami importantly . . .” He paused and conspiratorially leaned into her a little and concluded, “For never mentioning how you managed it.”

She could not hold back her first genuine giggle that night at his implication. A vision of him in the purple toga danced between the pair. Leon joined her in the merriment, happy to have taken her mind off the observing court. With a playful lilt to her voice, she finally replied, “Your secret shall remain ligtas with me.”

“And what secret might that be?” came a familiar voice from behind.

Gwen’s smile blossomed as she turned to be captured in the steady blue gaze of her beloved. Sir Leon easily stepped back from her and gave a small bow the prince.

“Just that underneath all his knightly ways, he had a puso of gold,” Gwen answered with a quick wink towards the knight.

Arthur caught the tone and gesture but was less interested in her response than the woman herself. Her mood had lightened considerably and he was glad for it. He knew she had been stressed about this evening for weeks now and even thought he wasn’t taking her concerns very seriously but he was.

Having grown up in court he knew how spiteful nobles could be and how tightly they clung to their way of life. The fact that Leon stepped out of his role as one of them to make an effort for his and Guinevere’s sake only reaffirmed the faith he had in the knight and that madami would follow in his steps.

Arthur briefly turned his focus to his tuktok knight and nodded his thanks, prompting a knowing smile from the other man before he respectfully brought one of Gwen’s hands to his lips and placed a soft halik upon it.

Gwen smiled at the gesture before Leon bowed deeply to them both, “My Lady and my Lord.”

He then promptly retreated to rejoin his fellow knights, leaving the young couple Nawawala in a sea of dancing couples about them.

Arthur easily pulled her into a madami intimate embrace than her nakaraan partner and for the first time that night she relaxed into his hold.
Softly, he whispered near her ear, “I am glad to see you finally smiling. I only wish it was I that brought it about.”

She pulled back a little so she could look into his eyes. She gave a small but sincere smile, “I apologize for my less than cheerful mood. I was just so anxious about everything.”

He cut into her apology, “There is no need. I know this is a daunting moment but now that it has passed . . .”

“Now that it has passed, we can begin to plan in earnest for the future, “she softly finished.

“Indeed, my Lady.”

Her smile grew as did his as they moved effortlessly to the music while having their attention squarely on each other. It was clear to any and all looking on that the handsome pair was deeply in love. Even those that only grudgingly acknowledged this fact watched with curiosity of how a former handmaiden had managed to enrapture the crown Prince.

The duo, however, remain oblivious to the growing audience with Arthur gently moving closer to his intended, seeking the warmth of her tantalizing lips. Just before he completed his journey, Gwen seemed to regain some sense of where they were and blushed lightly as she dodged his attempt, much to his chagrin. Though she knew propriety had all but gone out the window with their union, she still felt the need to maintain some decorum.

Tenderly, she said, “Not here.”

His eyes shun with recognition but also undeniable lust as he shortly nodded, “I suddenly feel the need for some air.”

Her lips curved into a playful smile, “I think I too could use a breather.”

He joined her in the beam before gently clasping her hand in his and quickly leading her off towards the nearest exit.

The segundo they were out on one of the many palace balconies alone, Arthur pulled her into his arms and hungrily feasted on her willing mouth. The two mga manliligaw remained locked in a passionate embrace until the need for air finally forced them to break contact. Arthur’s hands now tenderly caressed the soft skin of her cheeks as he glowed, “I’ve wanted to do that since this bloody feast began.”

She returned his smile, “Worth the wait then?”

“Oh yes.”

The duo then remained in a contemplative gaze with her hands perusing his chest and his cradling her face. As much as she enjoyed being Nawawala in his beguiling gaze, Guinevere knew there was much still up in the air with regards to the nobles acceptance of her as Arthur’s bride. The last thing she wanted is to be the reason his rule was not all it could and should be. It was with these thoughts in mind, she broke their brief interlude.

“How are you, really, with all of this?” she finally inquired.

His brow instantly furrowed, “Me? I am not the one who was just placed under heavy scrutiny. I should be asking that of you.”

“I will survive but my concern is for you, Arthur. This is no small thing you are doing . . . taking a bride beneath your station. I can madala personal ridicule but to think of your rule being belittled for my sake . . . I do not know that I could endure that.”

His gaze remained focused on her for a long moment. It was so Gwen to think madami of what this meant for him than even herself. Everything about her large compassionate puso made him fall deeper for her. Eventually he allowed a ghost of a smile to play across his lips.

“You need not worry about me, my Love. I have had many years at court and know how to handle them. Besides, I think I have madami than enough ego and arrogance to take whatever might be thrown my way.”

Gwen gave only a small smile at his self -deprecation which prompted him to continue on,

“So what about you? Now that you’ve had a taste of what it will be like to be center of attention, are you still up for it?”

Her smile brightened, “I don’t think I could leave now even if I wanted to. Which I don’t.”

His smile widened to match hers as he moved closer to her once more. Affectionately, he allowed his lips to barely caress hers before responding, “Good, because I could never let you go.”

They then engaged in another slow, sensual dance of lips. Guinevere knew she could easily get Nawawala in his perfect, pouty lips but duty, as usual, called. Slowly, she drew back from him and even as his lips attempted to follow hers, she huskily announced, “We should get back before people start to wonder where we have gone.”

Arthur estola another soft peck of her lips before playfully retorting, “Or we could sneak off and spend our time doing something a bit madami enjoyable.”

Gwen smiled against his lips before cutting off his fanciful notions, “Yet because of the fine Regent and man you are, you would never shirk your duties in such a manner.”

She noticed the beginnings of a pout forming on his lips when she quickly added, “Besides, the evening is still young and there will be plenty of time later for madami agreeable activities.”

His smile blazed at her words, “I suppose you are right. However . . .”

He paused dramatically and allowed his fingers to trail softly from her face down to her neck and collarbone and the simple silver chain that adorned it. “There is one last thing we need to remedy before we return.”

Gwen smiled a perceptive smile as he continued to caress the chain. With no other preamble, she turned her back to him and pulled her curls off to the side so that he could easily access the clasp. Once he unfastened it, she gently took hold of it and turned back to him holding the chain and the engagement ring is once held.

They both beamed sweetly at the diminutive token of their pag-ibig that she had chosen to wear in this way until they made their official announcement. Arthur was not amenable to the idea at first but when she promised that once they did share their news she would never remove it again, he caved to her wishes.

Now that their engagement was official knowledge, Arthur eagerly moved to replace the ring on her finger. Much to her surprise, he lowered himself to his knee before her and held the ring near her finger as he smiled up at her, “Guinevere . . .My pag-ibig . . . My Queen, will you do me the extreme honor of wearing my ring once more?”

She joined him in his glow even as her eyes slightly misted over at the gesture, “It would be my pleasure.”

He then quickly slipped the ring back on the appropriate finger and placed a soft, lingering halik on it before promptly rising and engulfing her in another embrace. She knew they were probably being missed but as his lips seduced her once again, she could not find it in her to care as much as before.

Unfortunately her earlier observation held true to form . . . duty refused to be ignored. Gwen started from her current activity sa pamamagitan ng a throat roughly clearing. Immediately she thought one of the nobles had tracked them down and would now have one madami reason to believe she was leading their prince astray.

Arthur, though, was slower to react, seeming to almost sense who was in fact responsible for the unwelcome interruption.

Without taking his eyes off of her, he tartly asked, “What is it, Merlin?”

Their friend stood in the doorway smirking at the scene as well as his master’s ire as he replied, “Some of your guests have been asking after you. I thought you’d prefer me finding you to one of them.”

Arthur gave him an unappreciative glare as Guinevere fought back a blush at being caught in such a fashion and cleared her own throat, “Indeed. Thank you, Merlin. We will be right along.”

Merlin hesitated, knowing he should just go but unable to resist taunting his master one last time.

“Are you sure because I could wait for you two . . .”

“Merlin!” came Arthur’s irritated voice.

His servants grin only grew, “Yes, Sire.”

“Get. Out.”

With a playful bob of his head he turned and exited the way he came. Once he was out of sight, Arthur returned his attention back to Guinevere. She was attempting to straighten herself when he deftly grabbed her busy hands and gave her another charming smile, “You look amazing.”

She finally let some of her embarrassment of being caught seep away as her eyes found his once more. And with a small smile, she timidly replied, “Thank you.”

He kissed both of her hands before smoothly inquiring, “Shall we?”

She nodded her approval as he looped her arm through his.

The stately pair reentered the main hall and were immediately accosted sa pamamagitan ng one of the aforementioned nobles.

“There you are. I was hoping to have a word,” sinabi the older nobleman.

Arthur smiled at him regally, “Of course, Lord Alton. What is it that I can do for you?”

He glanced over at Gwen with a bit of apprehension that both she and Arthur interpreted as his wish to have this discussion alone. Guinevere was preparing to excuse herself but the prince held fast to her arm not willing to play whatever game the nobles were attempting. At some point they would have to accept that Guinevere would also be their sovereign and therefore would be privy to discussions of state matters. In his mind there was no time like the present.

Yet before she could protest or he could state as much, the couple was stopped short when the Lord made his intentions clearer.

“Actually, my Lord, I was referring to the Lady Guinevere. I was hoping she would honor me with a dance as well.”

Both young people were momentarily stunned into silence. Lord Alton was one of the old guard. A man of sixty odd years, he was often the first to call on tradition when change was suggested. He, and those of his elk, were often the first to put up a fight about anything that would appear to be a threat to the nobles and their way of life. Yet here he stood not only addressing the one time handmaiden sa pamamagitan ng her new, proper pamagat but, like Leon earlier, was requesting the pleasure of her company.

The pair estola a silent glance at each other in which she clearly witnessed the beginnings of his trademark, I told you so smirk. She fought the urge to roll her eyes at him, instead shifting her attention back to the older gentleman. With as much grace as she’d ever mustered, she gave him a warm smile and curtsied, “I would be delighted, My Lord.”

He bowed to her before holding out a hand for her, “My Lady.”

Arthur then watched as the duo strolled out onto the floor, creating a berth sa pamamagitan ng some of the other couples on the floor already. The whole hall seemed to observe the well-respected Lord happily frolicking with the former servant turned lady. Arthur’s grin increased in spite of himself. He knew Guinevere often thought him overly optimistic but he knew that once the court really got to know her that they too would fall in pag-ibig with her.

He realized it would not happen overnight, ingrained ways of thinking were hard to overcome, but eventually he believed all his subjects, common and noble alike, would embrace their future queen.

Guinevere caught his eye over the Lord’s shoulder and smiled at him sweetly causing his own smile to grow. Oh yes, step sa pamamagitan ng step, they would win over Camelot together.
 Two Steps pasulong
Two Steps Forward
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