Arthur and Gwen Club
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posted by sportyshuie

    Merlin struggled with Arthur’s weight but his determination to get the king to the shores of Avalon was madami pressing than his concern of the burden. Almost dragging the king now, Merlin reaches the bangka that will take Arthur to Avalon.

    “What are you doing, young warlock?” Kilgarrah asks, looking at Merlin interestedly.

    “I’m taking Arthur to Avalon, to cure him,” Merlin says amid his struggle. He lays Arthur on the ground and pulls the bangka closer.

    “But it is not his time, Merlin.”

    Merlin stops in his stride and looks at the great dragon, clueless. “What do you mean it’s not his time? The prophecy came true, like you sinabi it would, and now Arthur is dying. I have to get him to Avalon to cure him and return him back to Camelot. There’s much he needs to do, much to work for Camelot for … I haven’t got much time, Kilgarrah. You have to help me.”

    “Merlin, I sinabi the prophecy will come true and it came to pass but I didn’t say anything about Avalon because it is not the time yet. For you or Arthur. Mordred’s presence in Arthur’s life will be a part of his beginning, a potion of his destiny and future. The battle of Camlann is where your destiny with Arthur truly starts. Remember when I told you and Arthur are two sides of the same coin?”

    “Yes,” Merlin says and eyes Arthur uneasily. The king is still struggling with his pain.

    “I meant every part of it. Your future and Arthur’s intersect for the Golden Age of Camelot, which will start after this battle. I told you to kill Mordred and then Morgana but you didn’t listen. That’s part of your destiny. It was needed to pass and it did. I told you to be aware of this battle for it is where Arthur will fall and he did. But I sinabi nothing of Avalon. Now is your time, young warlock. It’s time to change the fate of Arthur’s and your lives forever and make good of the future that lies ahead, for Camelot and the king.”

    “Are you saying that I can cure him, here? I tried, but it’s not working. My magic seems useless, Kilgarrah.”

    “That’s because the blade the druid boy used was forged using the dragon’s breath, just like Excalibur.”


    “I am afraid so. It’s an ancient magic, Merlin, and only the most powerful sorcerer can cure the wound inflicted sa pamamagitan ng the blade. And that’s you.”

    “But, Kilgarrah …”

    “Stop doubting yourself, Merlin. You are and you will always be the most powerful of all sorcerers who roam the earth. It’s been foretold before you were born that you will unite Albion and restore magic. And you are nearly there. It’s part of your destiny. All this … part of your destiny. There’s no turning back now. You have to believe, Merlin, in yourself and in your powers. Go now and fulfill your destiny. Hurry, for the king doesn’t have much time.”

    Arthur feels like he is dreaming. The dragon is talking to Merlin, and the servant is responding to him like a friend. Isn’t this the same dragon his father had kept tied in the lower dungeons beneath Camelot? How did it escape? How does it know Merlin? And what destiny is the dragon blabbering about? So many tanong that need answering and Arthur fears he doesn’t have the luxury to ask. His puso aches and his limbs are weak. He feels faint, yet he can hear everything the two of them are saying. And why on earth did Merlin bring him to the baybayin of this lake? He drops his head and waits.

    “Hurry, Merlin … hurry,” the dragon urges as Merlin nears Arthur. But suddenly Merlin is thrown back and the great dragon is flung towards a puno and he crashes on the ground, as if something just blew him off with a great force.

    Merlin’s head spins and he thinks he feels blood at the back of his head. He must have knocked onto something hard. He turns to his left and notices the dragon is wounded too. He inches up a bit to see Morgana climbing down from Aithusa.

    “No… you will not save my brother, Merlin!” Morgana shouts at Merlin and using her powers, she further flings him towards the tree. Merlin collapses on the ground.

    Arthur watches the fight helplessly. He wishes he could help but he can’t. He hasn’t any madami strength in him but his will is intact. He searches for Excalibur and tries to reach it. But Morgana nears him and kicks the sword away. She kneels down beside him, smirking.

    “How are you, Arthur? I thought you would have died sa pamamagitan ng now. Didn’t know you made it this far.”

    “I was expecting you sooner, Morgana. What kept you? Looks like you are grieving someone, is it Mordred? Did the boy live long enough to tell you how I killed him?” Arthur asks, sarcastically.

    Morgana’s face changes the moment Mordred’s name is mentioned. “I will see that you will endure a long cruel death, Arthur. For Mordred, I will personally see that happen.”

    “I am your brother, Morgana, what happened? Your anger, your frustration was with father. You knew you had my support, didn’t you? You could have come to me when you needed aid, support. You could have trusted me. I was willing to accept you … with or without powers. Why?” Arthur asks again.

    “You had a puso once, Morgana. You were kind to everyone. What happened to you? Where is s the girl who would give up her life for those she cares for?”

    “I sinabi enough!” Morgana covers her ears and turns away. This is devastating. She wants Arthur dead but why is she feeling remorse for him. What has he done to her?

    “There is still goodness in you, Morgana. It’s down there, hiding from all the wickedness that has happened to you all this years. Please tell me you’ll find that person again and I will take you back to Camelot. I will give you the trono and you can rule it anyway you want to. I promise you, I give you my word. But all this killing have to stop.”

    Morgana shouts and covers her ears. This isn’t happening. She recalls back all the memories she had with Arthur during their childhood years and it does something she didn’t expect. It warms her heart. She feels sad and lost. Behind her Arthur is still reminding her of her kindness, her goodness and it doesn’t serve the purpose she came here for. She closes her eyes and tries to shut his words away.

    “Morgana …”

    “Enough!!” she screams, turns around and holds her palm outright at Arthur. Her face stricken with grieves and eyes angry. She is breathing hard and fast. “I will kill you now, Arthur Pendragon!”

    “Not if I have anything to do with it,” Merlin says and with his palm, he forces Morgana away from Arthur. She crashes against the bangka and lays, groaning in pain.

    Aithusa growls and starts to breathe apoy but Merlin’s chant stop her and she bows her head, contrite and scared. Kilgarrah watches the confrontation sadly, as does Arthur. Merlin closes his eyes, gathers his strength and moves towards Arthur but Morgana’s voice stops him.

    “Why don’t you kill me, Merlin?” she asks, smiling as she gets up to her feet.

    “That was my first mistake, Morgana. I should have listened to Kilgarrah and did as he told me when I had the chance. My biggest mistake was letting Mordred live. If I only I had taken heed of the payo that was ibingiay to me,” Merlin says and with another force, he flings Morgana into the water.

    “Merlin …” Arthur calls. Merlin turns towards the king and notices Arthur’s condition is worsening. There is no time. He has to cure Arthur quickly. He turns back towards Morgana.

    “I wish we could have been friends, Morgana, but I am to blame partly for the person you have become. And I shall carry that deep regret with me always. Goodbye.” And with that, Merlin uses a chant he has never used before and forces the power from his eyes, using his surroundings to protect the rest, and throws Morgana off, towards the lake. Morgana screams, flies to the center of the lake and falls down. The water swirls around her. They heard her screams as the water envelopes and finally drowns her, the water pulling her into its murky depths. Her screams subside and the place becomes deathly quiet. Merlin drops his hand, sighs, and rushes towards Arthur.

    “Kilgarrah!!” Merlin calls as he inspects Arthur’s wounds. The dragon walks towards Merlin.

“What’s happening?” Merlin asks as Arthur’s body weakens.

    “He’s giving up, Merlin.”

    “I need to help him, how?”

    “You need a powerful ancient magic. And you also have to balance the bilog of life.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “A life for a life Merlin. If you want to save him, you need to take one first.”

    “But …”

    “You just did Merlin. Morgana’s life for Arthur’s. That will be the balance. Now ... heed my payo as it will be my last. This ancient magic will make you immortal Merlin and it will also give you powerful knowledge and wisdom. Use it wisely and rule like you are destined alongside Arthur. There will be a time where Arthur shall be brought back to Avalon, but you will not be a part of that journey. Your fate will be different. But fear not, my friend. Arthur is the once and future king. When Albion’s need in the greatest, he will rise again. And as for you, your legend and legacy will be remembered forever, sa pamamagitan ng men. Now… place your palm on Arthur’s chest,” The dragon instructs.

    Merlin does as he is told and places his hand on Arthur’s chest. The dragon breathes at Merlin and Arthur. The whole place turns windy as the dragon’s breath covers the two men in a warm gale. When the dragon is done, he looks at Merlin. “Now, young warlock. ipakita what you are made of.”

    Merlin feels confident. He closes his eyes, presses his hand on Arthur’s chest and chants. Arthur trembles. His eyes roll up and he starts to shiver. Merlin chants louder now. Arthur feels himself floating and something is lifted from his heart. He feels his puso thumping but not as loudly as it did a while ago. And his breathing is coming back to normal. His mouth is dry but he can feel and taste the air. His body collects the strength and he feels stronger. Merlin chants loudly and the entire place is filled with Merlin’s voice. Arthur opens his eyes and watches Merlin. For the first time in his life, he witnesses Merlin’s awesome powers. He witnesses Merlin’s strength and fears it. He knows what a sorcerer is capable of and despite meeting a number of sorcerers in his life; he hasn’t met anyone quite like Merlin. And to know that this boy once was his friend and now a powerful sorcerer makes it even madami difficult for him to accept the truth. And it frightens him. But he owes him his life. Arthur isn’t sure how to deal with the situation if he gets out of here alive. What will he do with Merlin? How will he accept him? How will he look him in the eye? How to impose any punishment on him when he owes him his life? Arthur is troubled and he doesn’t want to think of that now. He allows Merlin to cure him and accepts that magic can be used for better times, for now. He will decide on the rest later.

    Merlin concludes the chanting sa pamamagitan ng summoning the spirits of the five elements. He summons all the elements, and forces down on Arthur and concludes his magic with Arthur waking up, gasping for air. The wound is gone and Arthur is alive. Merlin laughs with relief and checks on the king’s wounds. There is nothing there anymore.

    “Kilgarrah … you have to see …” Merlin stops as the great dragon lying dead beside Arthur. Merlin is speechless. “Kilgarrah?” he calls as he kneels towards the dragon and touches it. “Kilgarrah?”

    Aithusa growls sadly from far. Merlin didn’t look at the younger dragon; instead he places his own head against the great dragon and cries. Kilgarrah was his friend here in Camelot. He had been advising Merlin, helping him in times of need and giving him his own powers to aid the warlock in battles. Now, he has ibingiay up his life for the king of Camelot. What’ll he do without his payo now? Merlin cries his puso out, wrapping his hands over the dragon’s head, and leaning against its body.

    ‘It’s been a privilege to have known you, Merlin’ Kilgarrah voice hovers over them as it passes on like the wind.

Beside him, Arthur, now completely healed, looks on sadly. The dragon might have been his father’s foe but he owes it his life. Just like he owes Merlin. What will happen now?

    Guinevere runs down the steps, carrying her gown, not afraid she might trip on it and fall. Her concern is not over her probable fall but on the man dismounting from a white dragon. She has no idea where on earth Arthur found this dragon, but she is glad to have him home, back at Camelot. She pushes her way through the people who had come to gather at the castle, witnessing in awe and fright at the sight of the dragon and through the knights who are keeping the dragon away from the people with their shield and swords.

    “My lady, be careful” Percival warns Guinevere as she runs past him.

    “Thank you Percival.” Gwen doesn’t even look at him and runs towards Arthur, who is walking towards her. The moment their eyes meet, he starts running to her.


    “Guinevere!” he says and catches her as she leaps onto him, wrapping her arms around him, hugging him close. Arthur’s own arms are around her as he embraces her tightly.
The young king spins his reyna in his embrace, happy and relieved to finally be reunited.

    “By the gods, Arthur … they sinabi you were hurt, that you …” tears flow down Gwen’s cheek as Arthur sets her down. She is emotional and was choking with tears, making her difficult to speak. She reaches up and cups Arthur’s cheek, caressing it. “I thought I Nawawala you, Arthur.”

    “You almost did, Guinevere. But not anymore.”

    “Don’t do this to me anymore, Arthur Pendragon. Don’t ever think about it,” Gwen punches Arthur’s chest and buries her face against it. She is still sobbing. The amount of relief when she spotted him through the window was no equal to anything madami precious. She didn’t want the kingdom, the wealth or fame here. She wanted only Arthur, her husband and the pag-ibig they both share. She can live without anything but not without Arthur. “Don’t you ever leave me alone ever again!” she warns him through her sobs.

    Arthur smiles, lifts her chin and bends low to place his lips over hers, silencing her sobs and engaging in a halik that sends the people of Camelot in a frenzy of happiness. Leon smiles happily while Gwaine slaps Percival’s shoulder. Arthur releases Guinevere and smiles, taking her hand and halik it as well.

    “I pag-ibig you, Guinevere.”

    “And I you, Arthur,” Gwen tells him.

    Behind them, Merlin dismounts Aithusa and looks at the couple happily. He has kept good of his word to Gwen. He brought Arthur back safely. His work is done. Beside him Aithusa growls sadly. Merlin looks at her and caresses her head. “It’s all right, Aithusa. You are safe. No one will harm you here. I promise.”

    Arthur wraps his hand over Guinevere’s and turns around. Gwen smiles at Merlin and starts to walk to him before Arthur’s announcement startles everyone.

    “Take the dragon and tie it in the same place where the other dragon was and place Merlin in the cells. He will be tried tomorrow,” Arthur says. There is a sudden heaviness in his voice.

    The instruction comes as a blow to Merlin. Guinevere turns towards Arthur, unable to believe he was actually saying it. The knights, especially Gwaine is stunned.

    “Arthur …”

    “Not now, Guinevere. I need some time alone … please. Knights, do as I say …” with that Arthur leaves, taking Gwen with him.

    Gwen turns back and offers her apologetic look before leaving with Arthur. The knights near Merlin and the dragon. Aithusa begins to draw back. Merlin calms the dragon.

    “Shh … it’s all right, Aithusa. Just do what they tell you. It will be fine tomorrow. I promise nothing will happen to you. I promise I will take care of you. Please don’t attempt anything.” Merlin assures her. The dragon looks at Merlin sadly and allows the knights to leash it with the heavy chain and be led away.

    “Merlin,” a knight calls and nears Merlin, ready to take him to the cell but Leon stops the knight. “No, let us do it.” He offers and the other knight nods and steps back. Leon looks at Merlin sadly. Gwaine and Percival surround Merlin.

    “Hello,” Merlin tries to cheer them up, like he always does with his smile but in truth he was sad and disappointed.

    Gwaine sighs, nears Merlin and hugs him. “I’ve missed you, my friend.” He says.

    “And us too,” Percival taps on Merlin’s shoulder while Leon stands there, smiling at Merlin.

    “Leon?” Merlin calls, still smiling though his eye are tear welled. “Any hugs?”

    “Why didn’t you tell us, Merlin?” Leon asks and wraps his arms around Merlin, embracing him. “We thought we were your friends.”

    “I didn’t want to put anyone in danger, Leon. You know the price one must pay if they are in the company of a sorcerer. I couldn’t do that to any of you.”

    “So now Arthur knows?” Gwaine asks.

    Merlin nods.

    “Is that why he is punishing you?” Gwaine asks again.

    “He is confused, Gwaine. He saw and heard a lot of things. Things he will never understand and will take him some time to do so. And there’s also the issue of trust. I betrayed his trust and now I must pay the price.”

    “But you saved him,” Gwaine says again.

    “Yes, and I always will, no matter what judgment is passed on me tomorrow. I will keep doing that. Because I was born to serve him.”

    Gaius waits until Arthur is freshly clothed and eaten before requesting to meet the king. He knocks on the door and waits for the order.


    Gaius walks in and bows at the king. Arthur looks up from his lunch, which he barely touched, and smiles in relief.

    “Gaius … I wanted to see you myself. Sit please. We need to talk.”

    “I am relieved to see you alive, Sire. And I came here to talk to you about Merlin. I won’t beat around the palumpong on this. Why have you placed him in the cells?”

    “Gaius …”

    “Did he not save your life?”

    “He did, Gaius. But he also betrayed my trust. He kept the secret from me and …”

    “For his own safety, Sire. He did it because you or your father would have had his head! Sire, didn’t you see anything in this journey? Didn’t you learn anything? That boy served you without seeking any credit because he was born to serve you. He was part of your destiny. And all this while, he almost gave up his life in place of yours so that you can live to be the king you are destined to. He didn’t lie to you, Sire, he merely waited for a perfect moment to reveal it to you. He wanted you to understand him, to trust him and accept him. He didn’t want any recognition for what he’s done, he just wants your acceptance, Arthur.” Gaius makes his point.

    “And what about me, Gaius? Don’t I have a say in this? You are looking at Merlin’s point of view because you care for him, but what about my say? I trusted him, Gaius … trusted! When my father dismissed him as nothing but just another servant boy, I stood up for him. Because I saw him as a friend. When he was wounded in battles, I feared for his safety not because I thought he was weak, but because I didn’t want to lose a friend. When my father died, he stayed up with me, like a brother. And then I knew, this is one man in Camelot for whom I will lay down my life. I listened to his advice; I took heed of his concerns and even his council. I never Nawawala hope in him,” Arthur says, pounding the mesa in frustration. “I have called him an idiot on many occasions, Gaius, but I never meant it. Not ever. He might be a servant, but he was madami my brother,” Arthur says and gets up, pushing the chair back in frustration. He walks toward the window and stares out. “Do you know how much it hurts me to punish him? Did you know how difficult it was for me to have him in the cells when I owe him my life?”

    “You are the only one who can do something about this,” Gaius says.

    “What, Gaius?” Arthur turns around. “What would you have me do?”

    “I am not the one judging him, Sire, you are. And only you can answer that question.”

    Arthur sighs and turns back to stare out of the window. “I understand why he did it, but what I can’t accept is the betrayal. Why this long, Gaius? Why didn’t he tell me when he had the chance? When we were out battling magic, he could have told me. He could have made me understand, teach me and perhaps made me listen. Why?”

    “The real tanong is: would you have ibingiay him the chance? Would you have listened? You need to answer that tanong first before you ask Merlin,” Gaius says.

    Arthur keeps quiet.

    “Sire, I know Merlin and he’s like my own son. I protected him before and I will do so again even if it angers you. Because I, too, owe him my life. Not once but twice. He is a sorcerer, the greatest and the only one destined for you and Camelot. No one stands a chance with him. Morgana learned this, and that is why she tried to kill Merlin. And she failed. And everyone who attempts to will fail as well. Do you really think that cell will hold him long, Sire? He could free himself in the blink of an eye. Merlin has magic, Arthur, but he remains in his cell because he believes he owes you an explanation. He stays out of his respect for and devotion to you. I am not asking you to release him based on what he’s done for you but based on your brotherly bond with him. See him for who is really is and not who you want him to be, Arthur. I can tell you that much … the rest is on you,” Gaius says and gets up. He walks to the door but before leaving, he turns back towards Arthur. “You gave that druid boy, Mordred, a chance. You were willing to give Morgana a chance … why not Merlin?” and then he walks out from the chamber, closing the door behind him.

    “Merlin?” Gwen calls from outside the cell.

    Merlin looks up, his smile flashing and he gets up and rushes to the cell immediately. Gwen smiles and clasps his hand with hers.

    “How are you, Gwen?”

    “Forget about me, how are you, Merlin? And is it true, that you have magic? Gaius told me and I couldn’t believe it in the beginning but after thinking a while, it does make sense.”

    “Are you angry with me, too?”

    “No, don’t be silly. Of course not. I am happy for you though it seemed mahirap paniwalaan at first. But after Gaius’s explanation and after I did some thinking of my own, I realize it’s quite believable. How can you think I’d be angry with you, Merlin? You are my friend and I owe you my life too, Merlin. I am just sorry to see you locked up. Arthur wouldn’t let anyone see him but I told Gaius to force him to listen. Hope Gaius manages to …”

    “He has every right to be angry, Gwen. I wasn’t honest with him. Anyone in his shoes would do the same.”

    “You saved his life, Merlin. Probably madami than once. Like you have done for all of us. And I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. It’s all in Arthur’s hands. But I will definitely talk to him today. I will not let anything happen to you, Merlin.”

    Merlin smiles. “Remember when I first arrived here, you were here in the cell for a wrong accusation? They accused you of witchcraft?”

    “Yes, yes … I remember now.” Gwen smiles and looks at Merlin suspiciously. “I am beginning to wonder if it was you, Merlin.”

    “It was, and remember what I told you?”

    Gwen smiles and clasps Merlin’s hands tightly. “That you will not let anything happen to me.”

    “Thank you, Gwen. For your friendship. Should anything …”

    “No, nothing will happen to you. Arthur will not harm you. I know him, Merlin. He is hurt and that’s all. But he will not see you hurt or worse. Furthermore, I won’t allow it.”

    “Thank you, Gwen.” Merlin says, silently hoping Gwen is right.

    The trono room is filled with all the council members, knight of the round table, Gaius, the reyna and then in the middle of the room, Merlin. Arthur stands on the dais, eye fixed upon Merlin with Guinevere sa pamamagitan ng his side. He is quiet just like everyone else. Merlin waits patiently but he keeps looking down.

    “Do you know why you are here, Merlin?” Arthur finally breaks the silence.

    Merlin looks up. He nods.

    “This man here,” Arthur points at Merlin and steps down from the dais. He circles Merlin and stands beside him, arms folded. “He is a sorcerer. He has magic.”

    The room murmurs in a frenzy. Gaius sighs. Gwaine shakes his head.

    “He kept this secret from me and my father before me, thinking only of his own safety. He gained my trust sa pamamagitan ng being a loyal servant and used that advantage to hide the truth from all of us. And I seriously begin to wonder how many times he has used it under our very own noses?” Arthur says. Merlin remains quiet.

    “What have you to say for this Merlin?” Arthur asks.

    Merlin looks up. He looks around and then fixes his eyes upon Arthur. “I am not ashamed of what I am. And I will not be either. I didn’t know magic was outlawed in Camelot when I first arrived because I believe it can be used for goodness. To help people. But I didn’t understand why it was so hated and feared. I hid it from Uther because the king didn’t understand it, but not from you Arthur. I didn’t want to hide it from you, but unfortunate events turned the tide against me, putting me in the spot where I had no choice but to continue to hide it. I would have done it, in the presence of the entire Camelot should I be ibingiay the chance, but unfortunately I couldn’t. Yes, you sinabi I was selfish and looked out for my own safety. But I did it because I needed to protect you. I couldn’t die yet, Arthur. Not before assuring you are safe.” Merlin explains. “I didn’t use my loyalty for you to keep my secret safe. No, I am loyal to you, Arthur, as a servant and a sorcerer alike, I pledged my loyalty to you and you alone. I can’t describe in words but if you ask me to lay down my life, I will do it. Even now.”

    “Then why did you choose the battle to inform me about your powers? Is it because I was going to die and you’d be free of punishment?” Arthur asks. Guinevere leans back and covers her face with her hands. It hurts to watch two men she cares for in a situation like this.

    Merlin smiles. “No, Arthur, I didn’t choose that moment for that reason, but unfortunately it was the only moment I thought I had to reveal myself. I didn’t know what was going to happen because I thought I failed you. The prophecy came to pass and I didn’t want to lose you. I gave my word to Gwen and I needed to see you ligtas so that I could bring you tahanan to her. But you deserved the truth as well. I have kept the secret for too long. It has weighed heavily on me. But it was not a hard decision to make. I didn’t know which one of us would live to see the susunod day, which is why I did it. And …” Merlin sighs. “If I were to die, I’d rather have you hear it from me than from anyone else. That’s why.”

    Gaius smiles proudly hearing it. No matter what judgment Arthur sentences on Merlin, Gaius will remember all these words. The boy whom he helped to mentor has finally come into his own.

    “I don’t care what happens to me now, Arthur. I am relieved of the weight of the prophecy and I am happy to have fulfilled my promises. I also know you are a king who is just and fair. You are not your father. You never feared magic, you just didn’t know which side to choose. I have seen you on many occasions where your respect for magic is equal to none. In your reign, there were no madami killings of druids or witches, you even made peace with the druids. You ruled the land with pure honesty and wisdom. I am not asking you to grant permission for magic but I am asking you to consider it. You have seen the good and the bad of magic and sorcery. You know the balance, Arthur. It’s all in here,” Merlin points to his heart. “Magic is the fabric of this world; it lives among us, with us. There is no way it can be destroyed or purged. But it can be bent to follow the rules we set. And, Arthur Pendragon, you can be the first king to set it upon Camelot. You can use it to unite the kingdoms and turn Camelot into the golden age that you have dreamt of. That is all I ask of you, Sire.”

    Gwen feels her eyes welling up with tears. This is wrenching to watch. She looks at her husband and notices the taut look on Arthur. What is he thinking?

    “I have dreamt of Camelot’s golden age, Merlin, and now I think with Morgana dead and sorcery no longer an issue for us to fear we can have that happening. But I want you, Merlin, sa pamamagitan ng my side when I start achieving it,” Arthur says quietly.

    Merlin gapes. Gaius thinks he hears it wrongly. Gwen smiles while the knights all look on in shock.

    Arthur smiles. “I understand now, Merlin, everything you did for me, my father, Guinevere, the knights and Camelot was for our best interest. You never sought credit for your talent and instead took madami abuse than you deserved. You are right; I didn’t know which side to choose because I didn’t know anything about magic. But now, perhaps you can teach me.”

    “Does that mean …”

    “I forgive you for hiding the truth from me, Merlin. I understand why you did it. I was hurt, and in the heat of the moment, with me losing my life… I am sorry. For everything I sinabi and did to you, I am sorry. I am really happy to know I have an ally in the world of magic, someone who still believes that I can unite Albion when all my father did was ruin that hope. And I thank you for that hope, Merlin.”

    “I am sorry too, Arthur.”

    “I know. All is forgiven. I didn’t want to punish you but I called you here because I wanted everyone to know who you are, from your own lips. I wanted them to know your gift. I owe you and the dragon my life. And for that, you can have the white dragon as your ally. Keep him here in Camelot and use him how you see fit. He will be taken care of as you wish.” Arthur reaches Merlin and removes the ropes that bound Merlin’s hands together. He tosses the rope away and smiles. “Thank you, Merlin, for everything.”

    Merlin smiles and a single streak of tear rolls down his cheek. “Her,” he laughs. “Aithusa is female.”

    Arthur chuckles, then continues. “From now on, you will be my advisor and counselor. In accordance with your wishes, the ban on magic will be lifted. And we can begin uniting the kingdoms with the help of magic. Your magic,” Arthur says, tapping Merlin’s shoulder.

    For Merlin, this is what he’s been waiting all his life. And after all those horrendous obstacles and hurdles, he finally brought back magic upon this land. And now, he will help Arthur bring Camelot to its Golden Age. Merlin looks beyond Arthur, towards Gwen. She is happy for him. He turns and searches for Gaius. He spots him in the corner. The old physician is smiling proudly at him. Merlin smiles back. The knights are happy for Merlin as well.

    “Thank you, Arthur,” he whispers.

    “No, thank you, Merlin. For everything.” Arthur says and wraps his arm proudly around Merlin’s shoulder. The trono room is filled with smiles and laughter. And thus began the reign of the legendary King Arthur and his faithful wizard, Merlin.


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Source: staystrongandliveyourlife
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Source: Horace-Maggie
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Source: Bryony Ashley
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Source: Yavannuk
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Source: mykingdomscome.tumblr
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Fic 10: link


Prompt: pasko cracker

If you don’t know what these are (from Wikipedia):
Christmas crackers, pasko poppers or bon-bons are part of pasko celebrations in the UK and Commonwealth countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa, as well as the USA to a lesser degree. They are also popular in Ireland. A kraker consists of a cardboard tube wrapped in a brightly decorated twist of paper, making it resemble an oversized sweet-wrapper. The kraker is pulled sa pamamagitan ng two people, and, much in the manner of a wishbone, the kraker splits unevenly. The split...
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Source: brightporclain
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Source: mellystumblr
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Source: Brightporclain
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