Duncan and Courtney Club
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Duncan's POV

Maddie let out a loud groan.

"What's wrong Maddz?" I asked, as I turned around in my upuan to look at her.

"The twins! They keep kicking my seat!" she yelled she angrily.

"Ethan, Alex, cut it out!" I sinabi to them sternly.

"We're not bothering her!" Alex yelled back. Ethan gave her a sneaky grin and she giggled.

"You're lying!" Maddie yelled, her little face clearly upset as she hopped out of her upuan sinturon and threw an accusing finger to the duo.

"Ooooooo." Daniel said, covering his mouth.

"Maddie, back in your seat, now!" Courtney said, viewing the scene from her interior mirror.

Maddie groaned even harder, falling back into her upuan and folding her arms. Tears rimmed her pretty tial eyes. She closed them as tight as she could so they wouldn't fall.

I smiled to myself, not at the fact that she was so upset and on the verge of tears but because Maddie was just like Courtney at times. She never allowed herself to seem weak.

"Maddz, don't get yourself so upset." I told her, trying to comfort my frustrated daughter.

"No dad, because they're so annoying! You just don't understand." She explained.

"You know how the twins are. I promise you, you won't be mad for long." I reassured her.

"And you guys better stop being so mischievous and leave your sister alone before your both in trouble." I added.

Maddie continued to pout,
looking at the floor rug in the car.

I stuck out my pinky finger and Maddie's face instantly brightened up with a toothy grin.

"You're the best, dad." She told me.I shot a smile to her in return.

"We're here." Courtney announced as she put the car in park.

"Mommy, I has to weally go potty." Daniel said, grabbing his crotch.

"Alright, hurry up kids." She sinabi as she helped Daniel outside his car seat.

"I'm gonna take him to the bathroom. Get a mesa please." She sinabi to me before lifting Daniel into her arms.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and exited the van, going to either side of it to let the kids out.

"Yay!" Ethan and Alex yelled happily as they jumped out of the van. They began running in circles chasing each other yelling "Tag, your it." "No, tag you're it."

"Whoa, whoa, whoaaa now. "Come here." I instructed. They both stopped in their tracks and walked over to me.

"Yes, dad." they sinabi in unison.

I crouched down to their level, "Now look, me and your mom are planning on having a nice dinner, so you two better be on your best behavior and I'm not kidding. I need you two to act like you have some sense, even if it's for an oras or so. Please." I pleaded, giving them a sympathetic look.

The twins were almost 6 and still always acted out. They were into their first taon at school, Kindergarten and Courtney was already getting calls, emails and letters home. They were just mischievous. They got into anything and everything and couldn't stay still for five seconds. We were working on them, but they had a long way to go.

"Alright." Ethan said, shoulders dropping. Alex just blew her breath.

"That goes for you too little lady." I said, ruffling her hair.

"Ooookay." She sinabi with a defeated look.

"Maddz, how's it going?" I asked, checking up on her since the upsetting car ride.

"Better." She replied with a smile.

"Alright, let's go." I said, grabbing Alex and Ethan's hand as we walked across the kalye and into of the restaurant.

I waited for a few people to request their tables until our place in line was now first.

"Hello, welcome to Friday's. May I get you seated?" a cheery girl asked.

"Mm, yes you may..." I thought as he checked her out. She had black hair down her back, green eyes and a name tag that read "Jewel".

"How many sir?" She asked.

"Six." I replied.

"Are the other two on their way or-" She began.

"Restroom." I finished, as I shot my world infamous smirk at her.

"Damn, only if I was here with the boys. I would've bagged her." I thought.

"Alright, that'll be 10-15 minutes." She sinabi as she smiled back at me. A quick glance at the kids quickly made her smile disappear.

"Do you mind if I ask?" She shyly said.

"And what would that be gor-" I caught himself mid-sentence, glancing at Maddie who was questionably looking back up at me, face turned up.

"Heh heh...I mean, what would that be?" I corrected, nervously rubbing the back of my neck.

"Are they yours?" She asked, blushing from the blunt question.

"Yup, all of us." Maddie answered, looking up at "Jewel" with a fake smile.

I looked down at her and couldn't help but to laugh in the back of my mind. Maddie was so grown. She hated any woman who she thought liked me or would even get too close. My little cock blocker.

"Oh." Jewel sinabi quietly, her face ipinapakita a visible change in emotion.

Courtney walked over to us with Daniel still in her arms.

"Did we get a table?" She asked.

"Ten minuto wait." I replied.

"Okay." Courtney replied as we all walked away to sit on the waiting benches.

Duncan caught "Jewel" glancing over at us, but quickly averted her eyes when I caught her staring. Her cheeks stained red.

"Kinda crowded today." Courtney said.

"Yeah, lucky we only have a 10-15 minuto wait." I replied.

After about 12 minutes, a woman over an intercom called, "Duncan, party of six. Duncan party of six."

"Follow me please." Jewel instructed as we all rose up to walk over.

I watched the way her hips swayed when she walked. I knew she was doing it on purpose. I chuckled to myself.

"Here you are." Jewel announced as they arrived at a booth.

"Can we have a booster seat, please?" Courtney asked.

"Sure...ma'am." Jewel noticeably emphasized as she walked away.

I watched her switch as she walked away again.

Courtney obviously took note of it, for she shot jealously daggers at me. I quickly tried to smile the awkwardness off.

"Ma'am." Courtney sneered. "I must reeeally look old." She sarcastically sinabi under her breath.

Maddie took a upuan susunod to me, Alex susunod to her, while Courtney sat across from me with Daniel susunod to her and Ethan susunod to him.

"Here's your booster seat." Jewel said, as she handed it to Courtney.

"Thanks." Courtney sinabi as she moved her and Daniel from their seats to place the booster chair down.

"No problem. I'll be your waiter for today. My name's Jewel." She said.

"Hi Jew!" Daniel sinabi incorrectly, cheesing ear to ear and waving at her.

"Hey handsome." Jewel chirped back, laughing at him. "You're such a cutie." She added, waving her hand to him.

Courtney groaned, rolling her eyes.

"Here's your menus. I'll be back in about 5 to see what'd you all would like to drink." Jewel sinabi as she handed them their menus, leaning over me to hand Alex hers where as though her breasts were inches from my face.

I knew I was blushing because I felt the heat rise in my face. I tried to hide my face with the menu so Courtney wouldn't notice and have something new to asong babae about.

"Be right back." Jewel sinabi as she left the table.

Courtney's POV

Who did this girl really think she was? Coming to our mesa all cute and bubbly, then flirting with Duncan. The smut had something coming if she thought I didn't catch on to the tiny looks she'd throw at him, or the way she'd walk away from our table. Trying to be sooo cute. Not to mention how she emphasized calling me ma'am. She looked but only a few years younger than me. I'd give her 23. UGH, look at me. I'm all upset and ranting jealously over a girl who's flirting with Duncan. Duncan. He's not even my boyfriend. My husband, lover, fiancé, nothing, so what am I shooting daggers at this woman for?

Regular POV

"So, what can I get you to drink today?" Jewel asked as she returned to the mesa a few minutos later

"Kids?" Courtney asked.



"Cranberry juice."

"And a Hi-c for him, please." Courtney sinabi pointing to Daniel once her kids were finished yelling out their choice of drinks.

"And for you ma'am?" She asked.

Courtney sighed, rubbing her temples before replying, "I'll take an iced tsaa with lemon."

Duncan held back a laugh.

"And for you?" Jewel smiled, referring to Duncan.

Courtney audibly scoffed.

"Homewrecking bitch. What if we were actually the family we appear to be? Would she still be flirting then?" Courtney thought to herself.

"I'll take a Pepsi." Duncan replied.

"Excellent choice." Jewel said.

"Excellent choice? It's a goddamn Pepsi. What's so "excellent" about a Pepsi?" Courtney thought. She was getting really tired of biting her tongue.

"I'll give you a few to go over your menus and decide what you'd like to eat, and I'll be back." Jewel said.

"Yeah, I bet she would be back. She's gonna keep coming back as long as Duncan's over here." Courtney thought.

"Can we put the crayons down for just a sec to decide what you guys want to eat?" Courtney asked her kids.

"I want mac and cheese wit bwocolli Mommy." Daniel said.

"Okay." Courtney said, scanning the kids menu. "What about you Ethan?" She asked.

"I want the pizza." He replied.

"What about you two?" Duncan asked Maddie and Alex.

"I want chicken tenders and fries." Maddie said.

"Me too." Alex replied.

"Copy cat." Maddie sinabi under her breath to her sister.

"Nun-uh!" Alex yelled.

"Hey, hey, hey. Watch it." Duncan sinabi to Alex. She pouted.

Courtney and Duncan took a moment to browse over their own menus before deciding what they wanted.

"I think I want the sizzling chicken and shrimp." Courtney said. "How about you?"

"I think I want the Jack Daniel's burger." Duncan replied as he shut his menu. "And a beer." He added.

"A beer?" Courtney said.

"Yup." Duncan replied.

"Sooo, you're really going to drink on a family outing?" Courtney questioned.

"So you're finally admitting we're a family." Duncan sinabi back, smirking at her.

"You know wha-" Courtney began before Jewel was back in front of their mesa with a tray full of drinks. Damn this girl was getting annoying.

"Here you are." She sinabi as she began passing the drinks around the table. "Are you guys ready to order?" She asked.

"Yeah." Duncan replied, relieved that their soon-to-be argument got cut short. He told her him and the kids' orders and let Courtney speak for herself.

"I'll have the sizzling chicken and shrimp." Courtney told her.

"Alright, we'll be back shortly with your meals." She sinabi as she walked away from the mesa once again.

Courtney glared at Duncan. They couldn't have a nice family hapunan even if their lives depended on it. Duncan blew her a kiss, which she rolled her eyes at before fakely gagging.

After about an oras or so they were all finished their meals and were tired.

"I sheepy." Daniel sinabi as he sucked his thumb with one hand, fondling his ear with the other.

Duncan didn't get on him about sucking his thumb this time, he was sleepy his damn self.

"I know baby, we're about to leave in a minute. We have to wait for the check." Courtney told him as she rubbed his hair with him leaning on her arm.

Ethan was already fast asleep in the corner of the booth, head leaned against the glass. It never failed, he always went to sleep after eating. A trait he had picked up after Duncan.

Jewel came back with a little black booklet in her hands and sat it on the table.

"Here's your check." She sinabi as she placed the book on the mesa before walking away.

Duncan and Courtney both reached for it, hands settling on the booklet. Duncan pushed Courtney's hand away as he picked up the booklet and reached in his pocket to count his money out. He placed the amount in the book and put it back on the table.

"Pick it up, I'll kill you." Duncan sinabi to Courtney, giving her a daring look.

Duncan hated when Courtney did that. She'd have to pick the check up even if she wasn't paying. Then if you did pay, she'd ask you how much it was. Why did she care? She wasn't paying for it.

Courtney gave him a menacing look. He shot one right back at her. She gave up. She wasn't gonna touch the check booklet today.

"Wake up Ethan." Alex sinabi from across the table, kicking her brother in the knee. He shot up.

"What was that for?" He yelled.

"It's time to go." Alex told her brother.

Jewel walked back over to their table, picking up the leather booklet.

"Keep the change." Duncan sinabi as he began to get up, followed sa pamamagitan ng his kids.

"Well thank you." Jewel said. "Hope to see you... all again soon." She winked at him.

"Ugh." Courtney scoffed as she picked Daniel up from his booster seat. He laid his head on her shoulder. With her other hand she picked the booster upuan up.

She dropped the booster upuan on Jewel's foot.

"Ahh!" She yelled in pain, grabbing snatching her Flats off her foot and rubbing it.

"Oh my, did I do that? I'm sooo sorry." Courtney sinabi sarcastically, holding a dramatic hand over her mouth.

Duncan's eyes went wide.

"Whoops, time to go." He sinabi hurriedly as he grabbed Courtney's arm and began to power walk, his kids pacing right behind him.

"We got everybody? Everybody? Good." Duncan sinabi as he turned around and did a head count of his children before walking out of the restaurant.

"Would you get off of me." Courtney spat, tearing her arm away from his grip.

"I can't believe you." Duncan sinabi as he placed his kids in the van, laughing non-stop.

"You shut up." Courtney spat, as she buckled up.

"We'll talk about this later." Duncan sinabi smiling at her.

"We have nothing to talk about." She said.

"We do." Duncan said.






"Mom, dad!" Maddie yelled, getting annoyed with her parents childish antics.

Courtney sighed, rubbing a hand on her temple before starting the car up.

"Everyone strapped up?" She asked.

"Yes." She heard her kids say and they were off.

Courtney pulled into her driveway; it was now dark outside, about 8:00 (A/N: Courtney's house stands alone. I'm picturing a large, beautiful house with neighboring houses, but they just aren't connected. Just like in the suburbs). She turned around to see all of her kids sleeping. She smiled.

"I'll get Dani and Maddz, you get the twins." Duncan sinabi before exiting the car and opening the side door.

He unstrapped Dani from his car upuan before putting him in his arms and closing the door behind him. He contently had his thumb in his mouth. He then walked on the other side of the van and picked Maddie up in his other arm.

"Mind getting the door?" He asked Courtney. She did so and held the door open for him.

"Thanks." He sinabi before walking in and up the steps to put them in bed.

Courtney then walked back to her car where she first picked up Ethan, him being the closest, and began to walk to their house.

"Hey there Miss Courtney." Courtney's elderly neighbor called out.

"Hello Mrs. Geraldine." Courtney sinabi back with a smile, stopping to talk to the woman.

"Take the kids out honey?" She asked.

"Yeah, they're pretty beat." Courtney replied.

"They're getting so big." She said, looking at a sleeping Ethan in Courtney's arms.

"I know, time sure does fly." Courtney sinabi as she rubbed a hand through her son's hair.

"Alrighty now deary, you put them kids to kama now. I don't want to up your time." She sinabi as she trotted back to her house from her mailbox, envelopes in hand.

"Alright, goodnight." Courtney sinabi as she continued walking to her house.

"Goodnight honey." She finished as she walked into her own house and closed the door behind her.

Courtney then walked into her house and placed Ethan on the couch. She walked back to her car and got Alex before closing and locking the car doors behind her.

As she walked in, Duncan was coming downstairs.

"Mind getting him?" Courtney asked as she looked over on the sopa where Ethan was laying contently.

Without a word, Duncan swooped his son up while Courtney took Alex to her room.

Courtney walked to Alex's room where she gently placed her on her kama and removed her socks, shoes and jacket. She tucked her in and placed a sweet halik on her forehead.

"Goodnight honey." She whispered before leaving her daughter's room, closing the door behind her.

On her way out, Courtney bumped into something. She looked up to see Duncan.

"Oh lord, not this again." She thought, reminiscing on the first night she allowed Duncan to stay.

"Excuse you." Duncan rudely said, smiling at her.

Courtney ignored his comment and started to walk around him.

He grabbed onto her arm, stopping her in her tracks.

"What are you doing?" Courtney asked tiredly.

"We need to talk." Duncan said.

"About?" Courtney asked.

"You." Duncan replied.

"For what reason exactly?" Courtney asked him, her shoulders dropping.

"The way you acted at the restaurant. What was up with that?" He asked.

"Look Duncan, I understand you want to talk and you're about to leave and all but I'm exhausted. I'd just like to lay down, take my shoes off and go to bed." Courtney pleaded, not feeling like putting up a fight today.

"Exactly, I leave tonight. So can we please talk before I go?" He asked.

Courtney sighed, "Alright Duncan, let me just take my shoes off please."

"Okay." Duncan sinabi before walking away from her and down the stairs.

Duncan had been waiting a good 20 minutos for Courtney to just take off her shoes. He got fed up with waiting so he marched up the steps and outside of her bedroom door. He just barged in, no knock, no beckoning or anything, just walked right in, where he saw a sleeping Courtney sprawled out on her bed. She only had one shoe on and her bra. Her pants were still on.

He walked over to her kama where he shook her to wake up. She shot up violently and gasped at the sight of who was sitting susunod to her.

"W-what are you doing in here!" She shrieked, as she quickly covered herself and blushed.

"Oh c'mon! You're covering yourself like I haven't seen you before." Duncan sinabi in disbelief.

"So what! That doesn't mean it's meant for you to see it again Duncan, now what are you doing in here?".

"You fell asleep on me, that's what I'm doing in here." Duncan said.

"I swear, you Duncan, have violated every house rule I have went over with you since the araw I let you stay! Yet, you want to talk to me about tonight. Pfft." Courtney yelled, dropping the arms that were covering her bra covered breasts.

"Look, I just want to know what was up with you tonight. You threw a freaking booster upuan on a waitress's foot. " Duncan asked.

"I didn't throw it, I dropped it." Courtney said, mimicking Duncan. "Why do you care anyway? It wasn't your foot." She added, raising an eyebrow.

"So what, it was still no way to act if we were out with the kids. We're out at hapunan with our kids and the first thing you think to do is to injure a waitress because you were jealous?!" Duncan threw at her.

"Jealous? JEALOUS?" Courtney started, "Please, don't flatter yourself. I just felt disrespected." She defended.

"Disrespected right? Why, because she was flirting with me the whole night?" Duncan questioned.

"I can care less about you or the little floosies that decide to throw themselves at you Duncan, let's get real. Me being jealous because someone flirted with you, ha, I could care less." Courtney chuckled fakely as she flipped her now mid-back length brown locks behind her.

Duncan scoffed, "Oh really? So you just "dropped" the booster upuan on her foot and gave her dirty looks the whole night just because?" Duncan said.

"I gave her dirty looks because she kept emphasizing calling me ma'am. I'm not that old. Or at least don't look it." Courtney said.

"So what, words are just words, they can't physically hurt you." Duncan told her.

"Why are you so worried anyways Duncan? What do you like the broad or something?" Courtney sinabi squinting at him.

"No I don't like her. I mean she was hot and all but I just think you acted really childish tonight." He admitted.

"Pfft, childish? Really Duncan? You calling me childish?" Courtney sinabi in disbelief.

"You were just jealous is all, I understand." Duncan sinabi before he got up to leave the room.

As soon as he lifted himself from the kama to walk away, Courtney sternly grabbed onto his arm.

"Where do you think you're going!" She sinabi quite loudly.

"I'm leaving your room like you asked me to a long time ago. You were jealous so that's why you acted out tonight. Conversation done." Duncan sinabi with a small smile pried in the corner of his lips.

"We are not done this conversation! You still believe I was jealous, which I was not fyi." Courtney said, placing a hand on her hip.

"I'm starting to think you just want me to stay in here with you." Duncan said, his infamous smirk, once again prying on his lips as he eyed her perky breasts in her bra.

"W-What!" Courtney spat. "That is preposterous!" She yelled as she turned away from him, arms folded like a little kid.

"It's kinda cute though." Duncan sinabi as he spun Courtney around, grabbed her arms and did to her lips the thing that would either leave him on the floor, grabbing his jewels in excruciating pain or give him a "happy ending" to his night...
I just closed my eyes and ignored his existence. I'm not letting this guy get to me. Just teach the dance and forget him.

Courtney pouts and calls Bridgette and Lindsay over, each at her side and she teaches a step.

"Okay eyes on me girls..step step step step slide turn"Courtney directs moving hoping they'd follow.
Duncan smirks at the hot headed brunette trying to ignore him. He's madami confident now that he knows she really likes him. He wasn't giving up.

The music continues to play and Duncan sneaks up behind Courtney preparing to pounce.

"So you're the girl, i heard the rumor, you got the boys...
continue reading...
"Duncan right, well my name is Courtney and I would like to give you the opportunity of a lifetime!"She sinabi with a fake pep. She really hated going to a punk rock club to look for talent, they're so beneath her. But sshe was desperate for talent and she hated to admit it but he had talent. Her motto, smile and persuade.

Duncan was just staring at her annoyed. He knew she was posing as a happy girl. He knew she really didn't wanna talk to him. No way was he gonna be a guy some prep settled with.

"Not interested princess, take a hike"Duncan sinabi walking away. Courtney scoffed in disbelief at...
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Duncan's Pov

After meeting the new girl and my break up with Gwen, I decided to meet up with my bud Geoff.I spotted him.But then, I saw him sucking face with his girlfriend,Bridgette.Gross.Oh,well.Back to annoying the new girl.

Courtney's Pov

Finally no delinquent.I was finally beginning to think he left me alone."Hey Princess." Duncan said.Damn!And to think I had finally Nawawala him.Boy was I wrong."Hello? Earth to Courtney.Do you read?"Duncan sinabi interrupting my thoughts.I punched him."Ow,what the hell was that for?!"He yelled."For being a stupid,idiotic,delinquent,dumbass excuse of a human being!".I yelled."Hey!I'm not an indi...stu...those words you just said!" He protested.I started to walk away from him."Hey, we're not done here princess!"He yelled."Well,I think we are!"I yelled back.The kampanilya rang.Oh,crap!First period!
posted by sugarsweet076
Tey brought our baby back and i just looked at her.Why? Is this going to be right?

The nurse came in and made sure i wanted to to this.I cant raise this baby.i cant make this baby happy i will miss her bad but im doing this.I gave the baby to the people and a blacelet i made.I put it on her wriast and the araw after i went home.

8 years later.

"Hey courtney your ex boyfriend called"

"Who jake?"

"No uncan?"

"Why didnt you tell me sooner?"

"he just called he sinabi he is on his way up"

I havent seen him in 8 years why would he be here now?I heard a soft knock first then i opened the door with duncan and...
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This is impossible. I really can't do this. Geoff was right. I'm not the womanizer I think I am. Asking out Courtney is gonna be hell. Especially I don't like her. I hate her. She is very annoying, I've got better things to do than asking out the HARDEST girl ever. But summer is just beginning...

Courtney humiliating me at the tabing-dagat was so embarassing, especially when Noah put it in his "Sarcastic Stories" blog. I'm totally gonna get revenge on her. Right after she says yes to me. Even though Geoff says Courtney is hard to crack. I will ipakita him. I will ipakita them all. And I will ipakita Courtney...
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Slam! One madami prince got out from the castle.
Courtney wasn't surprised about it, every prince that went over there ran away.

"Father, can we stop this already? Nobody wants to marry me." Courtney said, annoyed
"Sorry, but I'm the king and I rule in this kingdom. And the kingdom rules say that at the age of 16 the princess or prince has to find a husban or wife."

Courtney couldn't reply, when her dad sinabi about the rules she always obeyed...their parents had taught her to obey the rules to the letter and she did as their parents sinabi to her.

Out there on the front door, there was this man.
He looked...
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posted by PeaceLover543
Courtney's POV: "Courtney,I'm serious.You two are perfect for each other.You guys should totally go out."Bridgette said.

"Bridgette,for the last time,Duncan is my best guy friend.Nothing more.I can trust him and he can trust me.That's what best mga kaibigan do. Not go out with each other.And plus he already has a girlfriend."I said.

"So?And his grilfriend is your biggest enemy."Bridgette said.

"Just because Duncan's girlfriend is one of my um,enemies, doesn't mean I should attomatically hate her."I said.

"Yes it does!If you like the guy,then you should definatly fight Gwen for Duncan!"Bridgette said...
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posted by sugarsweet076
Bridgette and i walked to the beach.Goeff was waiting for her.They hugged as i heard someone call me.


I turned around to see Duncan.He smiled As i walked over to him and gave him a hug.

"Duncan What are you doing here?"

"Umm goeff told me to come so i did"

"Oh" I was still holding duncan so i let go.He smiled again.

"Umm guysss its party time" Bridgette sinabi holding a ballons. Today was bridgettes b-day.

We all went in their tabing-dagat house to play dark hide and seek.I Know its lame but its our paborito game.I hid behind the sopa as duncan laid behind me.

"Do you mind if i hold you?" He asked....
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Duncan’s POV: I woke up for the millionth time in the middle of the night. I looked over at the alarm clock. 2:45 a.m. the red numbers said. I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair. I was so tired, I didn’t really feel tired anymore. I walked upstairs, down the hall, and to the right. I turned the doorknob to my room very slowly and cracked it a little. I saw pure darkness except for the moonlight shining through the window. Then I saw Courtney sitting on my kama with her knees pulled up to her chest. I turned to close the door and go back downstairs, but Courtney said, “Is it always...
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posted by TDILover101
Duncan's POV:The susunod morning,I went to school and I was stressing out."Stay away from Courtney.Stay away from Courtney.Stay away from Courtney."I thought.But everywhere I went,Courtney was there.I walked down the hall unaware that Courtney was there."Duncan!Wait up!"Courtney said.I walked faster down the hall and tried to dodge people.I looked at different doors until I saw the boy's bathroom.I walked in and stood sa pamamagitan ng the door as I put my ear against it.I knew that Courtney was still there but I had to stay away from her of she'd get hurt.After Courtney left,I went to first period as I saw...
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posted by TDILover101
Duncan's POV: Ever since Courtney got grounded, I wasn't allowed around her or at her house. But Courtney and I made it work.I walked up to Courtney's window and climbed the puno that would take me up to her window.I tapped on the glass as Courtney opened the window with a smile."I pag-ibig it when you smile."I said.Courtney still smiled as she took my hand and helped me through the window.We started making out for about two mintues then that led to Courtney's bed.We started laughing and pinning each other down on the kama while our lips were still locked.Courtney raised my sando up and took it...
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posted by Courtneyfan101
Courtney's POV:I couldn't believe Duncan was doing this,and it was all because of me.

Duncan's POV:I let Courtney go to Derek as Derek helped her to at least stand up.I faced Alpha as we just looked at each other.Alpha quickly turned himself into a werewolf as I did too.We started fighting and biting at each other.Then the real fight started.Alpha and I were tied.But Alpha had a secret weapon.

I tackled Alpha to the ground as he made one ilipat of his head and bit my neck.The noise a dog makes when it's hurt filled people's ears.I knew that the sight of me getting hurt killed Courtney on the inside.I...
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posted by crystalpotato
Update time so let me sum this up it's been a buwan since Courtney's last seen Jason and since her and Duncan were in the hospital and there wedding araw is today.

Courtney's POV

Gwen: you look beautiful Courtney.

I smiled Gwen was my brides maid and Bridgette was my Maid of honor as promised.
I had my hair in curls for my wedding I couldn't believe I was getting married. To Duncan my tdi sweet heart. My side of the family only agreed to go to the wedding if I let them wear black. The sinabi they were in mourning but at this point I couldn't care less. Duncan's side came to but they were all confused...
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posted by crystalpotato
I screamed he put his hand over my mouth. And punched me in the stomach. When he released me I fell on the ground. He started walking toward bridgette. He was about to hit her to. So I got up ran over and kicked him in the balls.
( that was for dlittleangel411 ) he screamed and fell. then I ran over to Brigdette.

Courtney: Bridgette get out of here QUICK

I practically threw her to safety and I almost ran out of there to but Jason graves my ankle and pulled me down. He stood up and closed the door. The pulled something out of his belt. It was a gun.

Jason: Courtney how stupid could you be...
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I wanted to say that everything spoken in the first person will be Duncan but only for this part of the story so any if's and i's will be dunacan. Sorry for the interruption. Enjoy!

Courtney walked into the room. I could tell she was disappointed with me. I'm such an idiot all I ever wanted was the best for her.

Courtney: Duncan! What Are You Doing Here?! What happened?

I couldn't help but tear up a little the pag-ibig of my life was in the middle of an important decision that I shouldn't get in the middle of I can't lie any madami I'll tell her the truth.

Duncan: it started like this......

Jason was...
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posted by Courtneyfan101
Courtney's POV:I walked into the lab and saw hundreds of chords with different colors."Since you guys are werewolves,and there are so many different color chords.,aren't you color-blind?"I asked."No,those are only Aso that are color-blind."Duncan said.Derek clamped a pulse reader on my finger and told me to stand perfectly still,so I did."Ok now sit down."Derek said.So I did."So Courtney,tell me about your family."Derek said."I really don't want to talk about it."I said.Then all of a sudden,every electrical circut blew up.The pulse reader zapped me as my finger started to bleed.Duncan walked...
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posted by Courtneyfan101
Courtney's POV:I woke up the susunod morning to Duncan shaking me awake.I rolled over to the other side so Duncan would leave me alone.But I ended up on the floor as Duncan picked me up and carried me into the kitchen.Derek greeted me to a good morning as Duncan sat me down in the chair."Do you ever get tired of picking me up?"I asked."No because you're not heavy."Duncan said."Because Duncan and I are werewolves,we have super strength so therefore you aren't heavy at all."Derek sinabi as they showed their mussels.I laughed as Duncan said,"What?" "You two are just like any typical teenage guys trying...
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Just a araw ago, Courtney was chased off sa pamamagitan ng the Montegues, but luckily came out unscathed. Now we find the Montegue boys hanging out in the streets, drinking some sodas.

Geoff:Ahh, this is great, just the guys. No girls or nasty Capulets. It's awesome huh Duncan?

Duncan:*staring off in space*huh,o-oh yeah..sure.

DJ:Dude, whats wrong, you've been pagganap distant since we chased that Capulet girl out.

Duncan:It's nothing guys, I just...haven't been feeling well these past few days.

Geoff:How about we all get high, that will make you feel better quick.

Duncan:Dude, no way, the last time I got stoned...
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posted by JBfan445
Dear Duncan,
You JERK! I can't believe you did that to me!
I loved you and you just kissed Gwen like that!
I went through SOOOOOO much just to cry.
You never listen to me and never will.
I give up!
I can't believe you were the first guy I truly loved.
Is the sweet,kind Duncan still in there?
I'd like to talk to him.
Its important.
I miss the guy you could be.
That's the guy I fell in pag-ibig with!
Not some player!
If he's still in there....Tell him I still pag-ibig him.


AN: I'm tired,cause its past 1AM. Night!
posted by dxcprincess
I haven't written in a very long time but here you go! Sorry for not writting!

Courtney pov
The dance wasn't till a couple of days.With Brigette worring about my dress and all the details,the dance seemed to come sa pamamagitan ng quickley,for me.But to Brigette,she was praying for the days to go quicker.
I was walking down the hall when Duncan caught my arm,pulling me back,gently.

"Umm,Court,I w-was wondering if you,uh,were going to the da-"He said,tripping over his words and getting interrupted sa pamamagitan ng Mark.

Mark is a blonde haired boy with blue eyes.He was in all my classes but he was not someone I paid attention...
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