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(So what you are about to read was mainly inspired to me sa pamamagitan ng a very weird yet interesting dream. I know that virtually every single time I make one of these, something goes wrong, but I have good faith that I can continue this one to the best of my ability. So, without further ado, let's get started.)

Tick, Tock...Tick, Tock...


#1: AUGH! *Falls out of bed*

#1: Jesus, I thought I got rid of this stupid alarm clock...Always frightens the living hell outta me!

#2: YOU should be complaining, Miles. I sleep right susunod to it!

#1/Miles: True, James. But still, whose idea was this anyway? Ah, never mind. I'll bet the sorry son of a gun has already left for breakfast.

#3: Come get your pagkain guys, or the boys will hog it all!

#2/James: Speak of the devil, let's go give him a piece of our mind. Ugh.

My name is Miles, also known as #1. I have black hair, am 17, and REALLY hate that damned alarm clock. I live inside of an abandoned facility with my 30 comrades (18 male, 12 female) which we've simply dubbed "The Household of Hope."

I'd tell you my last name, but remember it I cannot. And trust me, it's the same for all of us.

#3: James, tell Miles to stop talking to himself so he can get his breakfast!

#2/James: Come on, mate. We ain't gonna live forever. *Drags Miles to table*

And that couldn't be any madami true...

#4: *Digs into Turkey* Man, I'll never get tired of eating turkey for breakfast! This has been and will always be one HELL of a facility!

#3: If you think cooking that stuff is cheap, then think again, Adam. After all, I'm the one who pays for all this!

#2/James: And I'm the one who has to sit susunod to arguably the messiest eater of all damn 30 of us. Cheers...?

#5: Oh please, James. Don't even get me STARTED on the people I have to sit with.

#2/James: Fair enough, Audrey. But let's not introduce too many characters at once!

#1/Miles: *Picks at food*

#3: Eh? Is something wrong with my cooking, Miles?

#1/Miles: Oh, nothing. To be honest, I'm just very bored, Katie. Nothing has been going on lately, it's like my life is just as boring as the weather reports now.

#4/Adam: Are you subliminally trying to hit on Audrey? Haha, this year's gonna be great! *Digs into madami Turkey*

#6: *Sighs* I will never understand why the first idea for breakfast that Adam had was turkey. But hey, what can ya do?

#4/Adam: Hey, do you have any idea how hard I had to convince Katie to make this for us today? You should be grateful, not pessimistic!

#6: I wasn't complaining, I just thought it was strange, not necessarily in a bad way.

#4/Adam: Oh please, May. I mean, does it really matter what time of araw you eat something? Personally, I've always found that mindset lame. *Digs into yet madami Turkey*

#2/James: *Wipes off eaten turkey fragments from Adam* I hope my insurance covers this sort of thing...Eww!

#5/Audrey: Ditto on that, James. They really don't pay me enough for this.

#3/Katie: We don't pay you at all, hun! I do most of the work around here!

*Table Laughs, Doorbell Rings*

#3/Katie: Ooh, I wonder who that could be!

#6/May: If it's another one of those missionaries trying to force their opinion down our throats, then I'm 100% outta here.

#1/Miles: I'll answer the door, since I already know that nobody else will.

#4/Adam: Hah, look at this emo kid, complaining about his life!

#5/Audrey: You know, he's absolutely right, when you get down to it.

#2/James: Shots fired Audrey, haha!

#5/Audrey: That includes you too, James.

#2/James: Oh, right... *Hides head under mesa in shame*

#1/Miles: *Opens Door* Hello-

???: GREETINGS FROM FLORIDA, MATES! :D HOW YOU DOIN', HOW YOU DOIN'? *Shakes everyone's hand in rapid succession*

#3/Katie: Oh no, I'm already feeling uncomfortable...

#6/May: It's even worse than I thought....A BUSINESS SALESMAN! QUICK, EVERYONE, FLEE FOR THE HILLS!


#7: *Muffles ???'s face, slowly pushes him out door* You can tell us about your sponsor when we actually care. Spoiler alert: That's never.

#8: ♫Plays X Gon' Give It To Ya♫ YEAH, THAT'S MY BRO!

#3/Katie: Now let's all thank Michael and Gerald for saving the araw for us all!

*Table Claps Passionately*

#5/Audrey: Thank merciful Neptune, I was about to give that guy a piece of my mind...and my kusina knife.

#2/James: *Hides under mesa again* Just when I thought I was safe....This family is BONKERS!

#1/Miles: uy Gerald, can you shut off the music now? After all, you don't want to get COPYRIGHTED, now do you? >:)

#8/Gerald: *Shuts off radio* SIR, YES SIR!

#1/Miles: Also, James, you can stop hiding now.

#2/James: But...but.......Audrey's got a PLASTIC KNIFE!

#9: ZOINKS! *Divebombs into the living room*

#3/Katie: That one of the problems with living in a house this filled....Paranoia spreads like the plague!

#1/Miles: You couldn't be madami correct, Katie. HEY WILLIAM, THE COAST IS CLEAR!

#9/William: ...You sure?

#4/Adam: Fantastic job Audrey, now you've gotten everyone all scared over plastic knives.

#2/James: FEAR THE PLASTIC! *Nervously shakes under table*

#7/Michael: So uh, anyone else afraid of plastic knives in here? I mean, I knew this family was pathetic, but JEEZ...

#6/May: We're no less pathetic than the fact that you still haven't done your chores, Michael.

#7/Michael: Hey, just lemme finish eating, I'll get right to it!

#5/Audrey: Aaaand cut to three hours later where he's goofing off in his room.

#3/Katie: So, is everyone done eating? And James, get up off of the floor, there's nothing to be afraid of!

#2/James and #9/William: *Desperately hurry up the stairs*

#3/Katie: Maybe just using your hands would've been a better idea...

#8/Gerald: Personally, I think that all they had to ♫do is put their mind to it!♫

#3/Katie: ...Gerald, do you wanna get COPYRIGHTED? >:)

#8/Gerald: *Desperately hurries along stairs with James and William* HEY, WAIT FOR ME!

*Meanwhile, in Miles's room...*

#1/Miles: *Plants face under pillow* Today's gonna be a long day, isn't it?

#2/James: Hey, look at the plus side, all of the knives are gone and we can some time to chat before it's time to do our chores!

#1/Miles: I mean, I suppose so, but still James...I've been feeling kinda down lately.

#2/James: What do you mean sa pamamagitan ng that? You live with a great bunch of people with all the pagkain and caring in the world, how could anyone be down like this?

#1/Miles: It's just the same thing every single day. I get jump-scared sa pamamagitan ng the alarm clock, get outta bed, eat with the others, answer the door to some numb-nut who wants to shove their product and/or opinion down our throat, wait for chore time, and it just cycles over and over....I want something new to happen. Something fun, interesting, and worth my time.

#2/James: Maybe Adam was right, you could be just subliminally hitting on Audrey, heh.

#1/Miles: HEY, I AM NOT!

#2/James: Heh, I'm just playing around. But in all seriousness, I understand what you mean. But have you ever thought that it really wasn't bad at all either?

#1/Miles: I mean, I guess so-


#1/Miles and #2/James: AUGH!

*Whoo-ee-oooo!! Whoo-ee-oooo.....POW!*

Everyone: AAHHH!

#1/Miles: James, let's go! What in the bloody hell just happened!?

#2/James: I'm right behind you!

*Miles opens door, smoke erupts everywhere*

#1/Miles: *Coughs* going on!?

#2/James: I can't see a thing, my eyes hurt... *Coughs*

#3/Katie: Everyone, please evacuate outside RIGHT NOW!

*Whoo-ee-oooo! Whoo-ee-oooo!

Outside, a little bit later...

#7/Michael: That's my rotten luck, alright. I was JUST about to do my chores. Wonderful.

#8/Gerald: I'm not even gonna make a song reference, what in the world was that!?

#5/Audrey: The entire house is smoking like a factory from London, what do we do!?

*Panic Spreads Rapidly*

#3/Katie: Calm down everyone, I'm going inside right now! Luckily, I was prepared for a situation like this. *Puts on Gas Mask*

#6/May: Well great, now what're we gonna do?

#4/Adam: Alright....Whatever idiot started a fire, you've got nothing to lose now. Who did it!?

#2/James: You ever think that it wasn't a fire, Adam?

#1/Miles: But that's the thing, James. I don't know anything that could kick-start that much smoke, not EVEN a massive fire. Plus, there's no flames in sight.

#9/William: I hope Katie's alright...Let alone the facility.

#3/Katie: *Shouting from inside the house* Guys, it's coming from Nadie's and Harold's room! Don't ilipat one bit, I'm going to investigate!

#5/Audrey: Katie's a warrior, jeez. I actually feel bad just standing here.

#7/Michael: Never mind that, why is so much smoke coming from THEIR room of all people? I mean, Nadia and Harold are the most tame people in the facility, I don't understand.

#2/James: Well, any of us want to confess anything that might've started this?

*Dead Silence*

#6/May: I don't think anyone here would've been evil enough to sabotage our entire home, James.

#1/Miles: So many questions, it hurts my mind just thinking about it. I hope Katie's doing alright.

*Smoke Completely Disappears*

#4/Adam: Alright. If this is a prank sa pamamagitan ng ANY of you, then it's not funny anymore. It never was, alright!?

#10: Contradictory to my admittingly very silly demeanor, I wouldn't do anything like this. Plus, I was sleeping all morning since I stayed up late watching TV and eating anyways.

#5/Audrey: It's nice to see that everyone's taking this seriously. Maybe you people aren't as bad as I thought.

#2/James: YOU JINXED IT! *Runs around in circles*

#1/Miles: James, I think you just jinxed it on yourself, heh.

#3/Katie: *Jogs out of house* Guys, guys! Nadia and Harold are gone! If I find out this is a prank sa pamamagitan ng any of you, then you're gong to be grounded for a VERY long time!

#11: I know a majority of us have some SERIOUSLY messed up senses of humor, but come on, I know us well enough sa pamamagitan ng now. Adam, Michael, George, none of us would ever go this far.

#10/George: Thanks, Chris. I owe ya one.

#3/Katie: Well, I think it's ligtas to assume that nobody could've started the smoke now, so that begs the question...Where did it come from?

#1/Miles: We can answer that later, we need to find Nadia and Harold!

#2/James: I'm right behind ya pal!

#3/Katie: Let's hurry guys!

#4/Adam: Don't forget about me!

#5/Audrey: And me!

#6/May: I normally hate joining in on lines like this, but what else needs to be said? I'll check the basement!

#7/Michael: I'll tag along as well, leave the attic to me.

#8/Gerald: I got dibs on upstairs!

#9/William: I'll check the bravest place of them all, the living room! With the lights on!

#10/George: I should've known, William. Even in times of crisis, you are WEAK, heh.

*Everyone glares at George*

#10/George: Uhhh, I got the hallways.

#11/Chris: I got the rooms!

#12: I got-HEY! You guys took everything, no fair!

#11/Chris: Umm, you can do the kitchen, Candace. Now, let's ilipat soldiers!

*A little while later...*

#1/Miles: uy Chris, James, let's get to Nadia and Harold's room. If there's anywhere in this place where something would've gone wrong, it's obviously the room where the smoke started.

#2/James: I'm NOT opening that door, Miles...Hey Chris, help us out here!

#11/Chris: Sure thing, I hope you're all ready. *Opens Door*


*Awkward Silence*

#2/James: Uhh, do my eyes deceive me, or is that some sort of portal?

#1/Miles: What in the world....I've never seen anything like it, not even in those CGI movies.

#11/Chris: Well, I can already say for sure that we should definitely NOT touch that thing under any circumstance. Any ideas, guys?

#2/James: Not really. And I can't see Nadia or Harold anywhere.



#1/Miles: ....Guys?


#11/Chris: Never mind them for now, we need to tell everyone about this. Let's get to the living room!

*A Tad Later....*

#3/Katie: I'm sorry everyone! Me, Audrey, and Gerald tried so hard to find Harold and Nadie, no luck.

#9/William: Nothing to report, Katie. I looked under every table, couch, nothing.

#6/May: Nothing in the basement, sadly.

#7/Michael: Nothing in the attic either.

#4/Adam and #10/George: *Shrugs* Not a single sight of them.

#3/Katie: Well, how about you guys? Miles, James, Chris, surely you found some clues in their room!

#1/Miles: We did, and you wouldn't believe us if we told you.

#2/James: It....needs to be SEEN to be believed.

#11/Chris: Some sort of portal, as strange as that sounds. Come on, we'll ipakita you now.

*The group goes into the room*


#11/Chris: Be careful guys. I don't know what that thing leads to, but I don't think we should find out.

#5/Audrey: So then what? We just leave Harold and Nadia gone forever, and let this anomaly stay in our house without even considering a viable segundo option?

#9/William: I'm far from the best at plans, but how about this? If we don't hear from them within 30 hours, then a team of us will go inside the....thing and investigate.

#1/Miles: Sounds good to me, who wants to volunteer?

*Everyone looks at floor*

#2/James: I'll go if you do too, Miles. And William, you suggested the idea, so you should sumali us.

#9/William: WHAT!? Me!? But there's, there's, it's a, you have to-doh, d'wah!

#4/Adam: Uhh, what did he say?

#6/May: "There's, there's, it's a, you have to-doh, d'wah!"

#3/Katie: Sounds fine sa pamamagitan ng me! I'll tag along as well to assure that nothing bad happens. So guys, take good care of each other when we leave tomorrow, because this could take a while. To let you guys know that we're doing fine, we'll use some expensive Walkie-Talkies I've been saving over the years. One for Chris, and one for us. Sound good?

#8/Gerald: This is happening way too fast....I guess we'll be fine. We'll take care of the house, George and I will do the shopping, and we'll all keep an eye out for Nadia and Harold. It's not like them to run away or anything, so there's not much of a choice. Stay strong when you go in there!

#1/Miles: Hopefully they return sa pamamagitan ng tomorrow....because I'm not sure that this is what I wanted when I asked for change.

???: Trial One, Commence. Nice to see they're falling right into my trap...
A few hours later.
Jeremy lied in his bed, his eyes squeezed. He would force himself to sleep. He had been running for hours, helped Alaric with some chores, cleaned up his room, and now he was really tired. Sleeping shouldn’t be a problem. He would give in to the night.
The windows swung open, the glass shattered and rained down on the floor. Jeremy raised up and crawled backwards against the head of his bed. He saw a pencil floating in the air, but knew either Vicky or Anna was holding it. “What, you’re going to write ‘Don’t sleep’ on my wall? I have to sleep, I can’t fight...
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Jeremy entered Bonnie’s house after he had knocked several times. He knew she was home, he had seen shadows. So he walked down the hall and opened the door. “Bonnie? Are you there?” he called out. He looked around in the suspiciously quiet room. Then he saw Bonnie standing in the corner. He almost hadn’t noticed her. “Bonnie? Why are you standing there?” he asked suspicious. Bonnie left her corner and walked towards him. “Why are you here, Jeremy?” she asked. Jeremy recognized her voice, but there was something in her way of speaking that worried him. “I need to talk to you”...
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Night came in and Amber’s mood had not gotten any better. She was in her room, throwing all her stuff around. She was angry. No, she was starving. The crap she had found in the fridge couldn’t be called food. She heard a key; it sounded like it happened right susunod to her. She heard footsteps and her father saying “I’m home!” She heard him walk to the kusina and opening the fridge. As he got himself a serbesa he saw Rachel sitting on the couch. He walked towards her and sank down to her. That’s when he saw the bruisers on her cheek. “What happened? Who did this? Where’s Amber?”...
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A woman with brown curly hair was cleaning the lunch mesa while looking at the clock on the pader every five seconds. Her husband was gone working. She still couldn’t believe it. How could he be so calm. “Don’t worry, Rachel, she’s with Derek. She called you, that means she’s learning to be responsible” Responsible, my ass, Rachel thought. Responsible would be coming tahanan after school instead of hanging around with that boyfriend of hers. And could she really trust him? After all he was a seventeen taon old guy who probably did his thinking with his dick instead of his head. As...
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I am incredibly proud of this peice ( I never though it was possible for me to write this much in a day!) let me know if you agree.

Training was hard but incredibly fun much to mum and dad’s dislike. Kate had helped me like she had my mum and Emmet and Jasper were teaching me tactics.
“Okay Emmet, I’m ready to go again!” I called after he had managed to floor me for the sixteenth time. As I slipped into a low crouch I flashed Esme a huge grin, I had hardly got to spend any alone time with her since we arrived in Denali, what with the sadistic vampire and me being...
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I am sorry the chapters are so short, I will try to make them longer. Thankz for reading, I hope you enjoy.

“We ran as fast as we could but they had a car waiting on the highway. We know who it is and so dose Nessie!” Alice exclaimed in a high pitched voice handing me a crumpled branch. I sniffed it delicately. Everybody held their breath awaiting my reaction.
All of my memories came flooding back to me as I arched my back and flipped back into a low crouch feeling a sudden burst of energy. I knew this scent; it was Nahul’s the only half vampire half human boy in existence.
“How could...
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School was out and Jerrick walked to the gate. He didn’t see his mother anywhere, but a strange woman came his way.
“Hi, Jerrick” Meg sinabi charming when she reached the eight taon old. Jerrick took a few steps back. “Don’t be afraid. I know you don’t know me, but do you remember being sick and a man made you feel better?”
Jerrick nodded heavily.
“I’m a very good friend of that man. He’s visiting your mom and I was so kind to come and pick you up” Meg explained.
Jerrick’s teacher walked towards them.
“Is there a problem?” she asked suspicious.
“No, I’m just picking...
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Meg opened the door of her room and saw Dean sitting where she had expected Claire to sit. “What are you doing here?” she asked, pagganap calm. “And where’s Claire?”
“Oh, she’s with Sam” Dean replied. “She’s fine, sa pamamagitan ng the way, no thanks to you” He got up and walked to Meg. “Seriously, Meg, what were you thinking?”
“Hey, for the record, this was her idea” Meg defended herself. “She sinabi I should tell her mother I’m keeping her hostage in exchange for Jimmy and I just figured it would be a lot madami convincing if I’d do it for real”
Dean shook his head, furious....
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5 am
Dean entered the kusina and saw Meg sitting at the table, with a cup of coffee.
“You’re up early” he mumbled. Meg looked up. “I get it” Dean added. “You never went to sleep”
Meg shook her head.
“Yeah, me neither” Dean replied soft. “So, eh, what are you going to do now?”
Meg shrugged and stirred her coffee.
“You know what I sinabi when Cas told me he loved me? I told him to shut up. I never sinabi it back” she sinabi sober.
“I’m sure he knew that” Dean sinabi careful.
“It doesn’t matter” Meg replied sharp. “He’s gone. There’s no need for me to be human...
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Dean opened the door and followed Jimmy outside.
“Hey, wait a minute!” he yelled.
Jimmy stopped and waited patiently for Dean to catch up with him.
“Where’s Cas? What did you do to him?” Dean asked trembling and furious.
“Don’t worry, he’s alive. He’s in here, somewhere. We switched places” Jimmy explained dark.
“I thought you were dead” Dean snapped hostile.
“Clearly you didn’t pay much attention. Castiel sinabi I wouldn’t age or die. I’ve been stuck in my own body for ages and it’s time Castiel knows what that feels like” Jimmy replied bitter.
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Ten minutos later the door opened and Meg appeared in the doorway. Cas’ puso jumped up, but Dean walked to the door and pushed Meg outside.
“What are you doing here?” he hissed.
“Sam called me. He sinabi Cas wanted to see me before he died. Are you really going to deny him his last wish?” Meg asked disbelief.
“It’s for his own good” Dean sinabi heartless and he grabbed Meg’s arm, dragging her to the stairs, leading to the ground floor.
“For his own good? He’s dying!” Meg exclaimed.
“And who’s fault is that? You’re the one that introduced him to Heather. You left that...
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It was close to midnight and Zoey had buried Daphne’s body in the garden. She hadn’t meant to shoot Dean Winchester, but if he was dead, all the better for her. The less people that were in her and Cas’ way, the better.
Of course it would take Cas some time to forgive her, but their pag-ibig would survive it. She hadn’t want to kill her sister, either, but there simply was no other way. Zoey was certain that wherever Daphne was now, she would understand. Daphne was at piece. She was with Martin, the most important person in her life.
And Zoey would be with Cas and then they would raise...
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Meg staggered to the pader and stuck out her hand to find support. She let herself fall against the pader and sank down.
“He’s just lying there. He’s not responding to anything I say” she mumbled breathless. “When I find out who did this to him- and I will find out- I’m going to torture that bastard to death” She looked aside at Heather. “I want to help inspector Roberts”
“Okay, I think I know how to find her” Heather replied.
“And…someone has to call the Winchesters” Meg continued. “They’re his…family…If he…” Meg couldn’t get herself to finish. “They...
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The door to the intensive care opened sa pamamagitan ng itself and an instant later it closed again. Balthazar became visible and stepped slowly to the kama Cas was lying in. There was a bandage around his head, and some kind of masker around his nose and mouth, attached to a ventilation device.
“I am so sorry, Castiel” Balthazar whispered as he lay his hand on the machine. “But I have no choice”
“What are you doing?” Anna asked sharp. Without turning around Balthazar mumbled: “Please, leave, Anna. I have to do this. Crowley will kill me if I don’t”
Anna walked to him with fierce steps. “If...
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Alarmed sa pamamagitan ng the blast Heather shoved the curtains in her living room aside. “Oh my God” she sinabi shocked as she saw Meg’s body lying on the street. She ran outside, while she searched for her phone. When she realize she didn’t have it on her, she signed at a few passengers. “Don’t just stand there like some kind of idiots. Call 911!” she yelled angry.
She kneeled susunod to Meg and lifted her T-shirt. She turned away and covered her mouth. There was an awful lot of blood.
Five minutos later the ambulansya was driving to the hospital. Heather searched through Meg’s pitaka and conjured...
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Meg dropped the paper-knife and hurried back to Cas. He was still conscious, but he looked very pale and he had trouble keeping his eyes open. Meg slapped him softly in the face to make sure he wouldn’t fall asleep.
“Get dressed” Anna said. She threw some clothes at Meg and then stepped to Cas. She bent through her knees and touched his forehead. “He’s burning up again”
“He’s getting sick again?” Meg asked, trying not to sound worried, while she put on the clothes had ibingiay her.
Anna nodded. “Apparently human life is very hard for him. Seems like he can’t take a lot”...
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Cas kicked the door of Meg’s motel room open. On his way he had tried to call her, but she wouldn’t answer her phone and at first sight she wasn’t here either.
“Meg!” Cas called. He received no response, so he checked the bathroom. She wasn’t there. Cas glanced at the clock. 10:03 pm. She would probably be on her way to her first customer, whoever that was. He needed an address. He walked to the table, hoping there would be a little note on it. But other than a dirty cup of coffee and a coffee stain, the mesa was empty. He walked to the dresser and opened all drawers. He searched...
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Crowley and Balthazar were standing opposite each other. Balthazar had summoned Crowley to have a one on one chat about Kevin.
“You must possess an incredible amount of nerve to meet me here on your own” Crowley sinabi mundane.
“We’re kind of short on angels” Balthazar replied. “I know your time’s precious, so is mine, so let me cut to the chase, shall I?”
“Please” Crowley answered uninterested.
“You have something that belongs to us” Balthazar started.
“You mean the tablet?” Crowley asked with raised eyebrows. “Or Kevin?”
“Both” Balthazar answered.
“And you...
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