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 What is your game Miss G?
What is your game Miss G?

Episode 22: Made in Manhattan

GG: Yawn. That's what we hear is coming from the mouth of Chuck Bass, up all night...but not in a good way, stuck with N, wallowing in his latest break up from V, Oh well she wasn't the first and unless there's a holocaust of all females she certainly wont be the last.

(At the Palace.)

In Chuck's suite.
Nate is walking around holding a whiskey, he has been drinking all night.
Chuck is sitting on the sopa looking very bored and isn't really listening.

N: You know It was just one mistake (drinks) And it's not like it matters anyway
C: Then why are...
N: And I did everything for her, everything, EVERYTHING!!!
C: Yes, I think the picture that you did everything for her has been established

Chuck pours himself a drink.

N: But it was just a mistake, One mistake, you know what I mean don't you?
C: Yes
N: Yes, I mean I pag-ibig her, you know

Nate goes to sit sa pamamagitan ng Chuck.

C: Isn't it about time you got home? (drinks)
N: No, I'm fine here, I've got my bro and I'm good! You know from now on, I'm taking a break from women
C: (takes another drink but laughs at Nate's comment)
N: What? I'm serious, from now on I'm gonna be madami like Chuck Bass
C: How are you going do that without the women?
N: (looks confused) Ahh, damn, well I'll be Chuck bass just without the women
C: Well good luck with that


N: I did everything for her
C: (rolls his eyes and pours himself another drink)

(On 56th and 5th Ave)

Georgina has just been shopping with Penelope, Iz, Hazel and Nelly.
Georgina has separated from the girls and is walking alone and is on her cell phone.

G: Really? Well that's very interesting, Well Blair thinks I can't touch her, How wrong could she be? (laughs)

Georgina bumps into Serena.

G: Oh I'm sorry (See's that it is Serena) Oh uy Serena
S: (gives Georgina an evil stare)
G: Oh come on S, all that stuff is history
S: Not to me it isn't
G: Oh can't we forgive and forget
S: Georgina you tried to ruin my life. You blackmailed me, you tried to take my boyfriend you made me take the guilt for Paul's death
G: (no reply)
S: Now would you forgive that?
G: I guess you wont be forgiving me in a hurry
S: There's something we agree on

Serena walks away.

G: Oh Serena we may not be exactly mga kaibigan but we sure have a mutual one
S: What?
G: Tell Blair I say Hi
S: Blair?
G: Bye S

Georgina walks off.
Serena looks confused.

(At the Waldorf Apartment)

In Blair's bedroom.
Blair is sitting on her kama with her laptop, she is searching for information on Georgina and the camp she was at.

B: Ugh. Come on your Georgina Sparks someone must have something on you?

Dorota enters.

D: Miss Blair
B: Yes
D: You have a visitor
B: Well unless it's my guardian angel bringing me the much needed information on Georgina “butter wouldn't melt” Sparks, I'm not interested
D: Oh but Miss Blair...
B: I don't care, Whoever it is send them away
D: But...
B: Dorota!
D: It is Mr Chuck
B: (surprised) Oh, okay

Blair gets up and goes downstairs.

B: Chuck? What are you doing here?
C: Okay, how can I explain this without you getting mad?
B: (hmph expression) What?!
C: Points into the living room.

Blair turns around and sees Nate walking around drunk.

B: Ugh!!!! What is wrong with him?
C: He's trying to be madami like me
B: (laughs)
C: I know

Nate sees Blair.

N: Blair!! See Chuck this is my friend. Blair is my friend. This is my friend Blair.
B: Oh my God. What is wrong with you?
N: I'm just celebrating my.... Chuck what am I celebrating?
C: (grins)
B: Why have you brought him here?
C: I need you to help me to take him home,
B: Why can't you take him?
C: Please, Have you seen him
B: Well get someone to throw him into the limo
C: You offering?
B: No, Fine we'll take him home. Nate! We're leaving
N: Woo Hoo

Blair rolls her eyes, Chuck grins.

GG: Spotted. B and C taking care of little N. Not taking your break up well N! Well I'm sure ex-gf and bff can help

(At the Archibald Apartment)

Chuck and Blair are carrying Nate into the apartment.
They lay him down on his bed.

B: Well I've done my good deed for the day, I'm going home
C: Oh give me 5 minutos and I'll give you a ride
B: Oh well that's okay I'll walk
C: You'd rather walk than go in a limo?
B: Fine

(Inside Chuck's limo)

They are on their way back to the Waldorf Apartment.


B: So you did exactly have a good night?
C: That's an understatement Blair
B: (smiles) So...How have you been? With your Dad and everything
C: You know your the first person to ask me that
B: I am?
C: (nods)
B: So?
C: I'm fine, It's not all bad, 3 months till my birthday and I take over bass Industries
B: Wow, Chuck bass running bass industries at the age of 18, there's something I thought I'd never say
C: We're here
B: Ah great

Blair and Chuck step out of the limo.

B: Thanks for the ride
C: No problem

Georgina sees them.

G: Hey. Chuck. Blair.
B: (mumbles) Well my araw just got a whole lot worse
G: (walks over to them) How are you two?
B: Cut the crap G, I know your planning something vile to try and destroy my social status
G: B?! I'm shocked, Would I do such a thing?
C: Yes
G: Ah, Chuck how long has it been?
C: Not long enough
G: Really. Well we should all get together sometime for a party
B: I thought you had curfew issues
C: (grins)
G: (annoyed) Ah yes, Well now you two are back together I thought...
B: Oh we're not
C: We're not back together
G: Oh I'm sorry, I just thought
B: You thought wrong
G: Well I might see you two later, places to go people to see
B: Well don't let us keep you

Georgina walks off.

G: I don't know why you two don't get back together, you made such a lovely couple. Bye (blows them a kiss)

Blair and Chuck stare at eachother.

B: Bye then
C: Yeah bye

Chuck goes back in the limo.
Blair waves and goes back into the apartment.

(At the Waldorf Apartment)

Blair enters looking very happy.

D: Are you all right Miss Blair?
B: (breathes in deeply) Yes, I'm...

Blair goes upstairs.

(Later that evening)

At Victrola.

Georgina is at the bar.
Chuck enters and walks over to her and sits sa pamamagitan ng the bar and orders a drink.

C: You know you're not as bitchy as you think you are
G: And you're not as bad asno as you think you are
C: (titters)
G: So, what are you doing here?
C: I own this place, didn't you know?
G: Really? Wow you've really moved up in the world
C: It helps when you've got cash
G: too true


G: So, tell me Chuck. hows things?
C: Like you care
G: Hey, I'm a whole new Georgina, the old one is dead. I'm very caring these days
C: (grins) Really?
G: MmmHmm

Georgina pulls Chuck's phone from his pocket and hides it so Chuck can't see, and she send a text to Blair, telling her to meet him in Victrola.)

(At the Waldorf Apartment)

Serena is arriving.

S: B?

Blair comes downstairs.

B: S your here
S: What is it? You sounded worried on the phone, You haven't... you know
B: What?! No!
S: What is it then?
B: Come upstairs

They both go on upstairs into Blair's room.

S: So...
B: I think Chuck still loves me
S: (surprised) What?! How do you know that?
B: I don't have any hard evidence but I can tell
S: How?
B: I don't expect you to understand Serena, it's something we both have, and I know he still does, So I'm going to go see him now and tell him
S: Blair please, don't
B: Why not?
S: I don't want you getting hurt
B: How would I get hurt?
S: what if he doesn't
B: But he...
S: (interrupts) I know what if, but what if not, I don't want to see you heartbroken again
B: If I don't I'll regret it
S: I can't stop you?
B: No
S: Okay, then good luck and I hope he feels the same
B: I know he does

Serena hugs Blair.

S: So where are you going?
B: Victrola, He's told me to meet him there, So I better go, Dorota will let you out

Blair exits.
Serena looks worried.

(At Victrola)

An oras later.
Chuck and Georgina are sitting on the sopa were Blair and Chuck sat in Victor/Victrola.
They have been drinking a lot, but Chuck if far madami drunk than Georgina is.

C: (calling to the waiter) Another bottle over here
G: Haven't we had enough
C: No
G: (laughs) No


G: You know I could do that. (point to the dancers on stage)
C: Really...
G: Yeah, I'd be awesome at it, I should take it up for a living
C: (laughs) Who'd pay for that?
G: Ouch! (moves closer to Chuck) But you got it for free
C: (grins) What was I thinking?
G: You know I am gonna go do that

Georgina gets up and walks towards the stage, she puts on a evil smile, and goes up onto the stage and starts to dance.
Chuck shakes his head and smiles, but then he gets the image of when Blair did the same thing and the smile leaves his face.
Georgina continues to dance for a few madami minutos until she goes off the stage and goes back to sit with Chuck.

G: So should I take it up as a living?
C: Blair did that
G: (expression like she knows nothing about it) Really? Wow she does keep on surprising me
C: She was amazing
G: Was she...So who was best?

Chuck turns to face her.
Blair enters.
She sees Chuck and smiles but then sees that he is with Georgina.

C: What's your game Georgina?
G: (sees Blair in the corner of her eye, and moves closer to him) what's yours?
Georgina kisses Chuck.
Blair looks mortified and quickly runs out of Victrola.
Chuck pulls away from Georgina.

C: What was that?
G: Just a reminder of the good old days
C: Nothing between me and you was good
G: Not what you sinabi at the time
C: Times have changed
G: and so have you, never thought you'd be a one woman man Chuck, Well I'll say bye then

Georgina gets up and exits.
Chuck looks confused sa pamamagitan ng what Georgina just did.

GG: Oh my God, I can't believe it! G and C! We thought you two hated eachother, Well they say you never forget your first, remembering the good time G, Even if they were with Chuck. Take a closer look B, Not what you wanted to see. Until susunod time. You know you pag-ibig me. xoxo Gossip Girl

 Disappointed Blair?
Disappointed Blair?
Watching Chuck and Blair actually make it as a couple has been one of the biggest treats of this Gossip Girl season's first four episodes. But will it last?

Also, is that rumored Gossip Girl threesome actually gonna happen?

Michael Ausiello of EW addresses both tanong in his Q&A today:

Q: I know you won’t say who partakes in the threesome on Gossip Girl, so I won’t even bother asking. I just want to know if it’s a dream or if it’s real.

A: Oh, it’s real.

Q: I would pag-ibig some (good) news about Chuck and Blair from Gossip Girl!

A: It doesn’t get much better than this: They’re still together and (relatively) happy through at least episode 11.
posted by LoveLiesAndLust
In Your Arms, Here I Lay - Prologue

"Please, Blair. Just hold on. Just hold on. Please," he begged me.

I felt the life being sucked out of me, little sa pamamagitan ng little.

I felt something wet land on my cheek. Chuck, I thought. He’s crying.

I felt madami tears drop on my cheek. If I could, I would cry. But I can’t.

The important thing was that if I died, I would die in the arms of the one I love.

I’m sorry, Chuck. I can’t hang on much longer.

He couldn’t hear me. Of course he couldn’t. Only I could hear me.

I’m sorry, I kept saying in my head over and over again. I pag-ibig you.

A/N: pamagat sucks, I know, LOL. But there`s the prologue. What do ya think? Reviews are love.

P.S: Chapter one's already up.
posted by Yankeesam32935
Friendly Encounters- Chapter Seventeen

He had agreed to do it. He knew the minuto that the tanong came out of her mouth that he would be doing it for her. He had to in order to win her and the baby back. He had to prove to Blair that he could be trusted because he understood where she was coming from. Chuck had royally screwed her over and he was just lucky that she was willing to give him a segundo chance, that was if he could impress Eleanor. Which would not be easy in the least.
But he wanted to do it for Blair. It wasn’t even a tanong of having to do it, he actually wanted to do it....
continue reading...
 Really is this what Blair dreams about...?" Where did she get that accent from...
Really is this what Blair dreams about...?" Where did she get that accent from...
Gossip Girl
"When you lose hope in a dream sometimes all you are left with are sleepless nights".

...Leighton Meester and Chace Crawford must have had fun with that dream opener!

Gossip Girl Climbs the stair a bit in 'Seder Anything' as the old twists are picked up here.

No Chuck and Vanessa scenes this time, but there were Blair and Nate.

Blair and Nate's spur of the moment pag-ibig affair well... was still there, except Blair was meshing into Nate's Aristocratic world where everything was filled of daisies and bulaklak and you're right, Blair becoming a Bride's Maid. At Least that's how it started...
continue reading...
Chair Tales S02E12- Citizen Zane

.... Continued from last episode...

B: Chuck? (she looks at him, worried, waiting for a response)
C: (is in shock) Are.....are you being serious?
B: Yes Chuck...we're having a baby!
C: But...how...when? I've been away for the past few weeks.....we only just started sleeping together two days ago.
B: Well....after the engagement party of course....
C: But i saw you take the pill the susunod morning...you were on the pill Blair...you cant be pregnant.
B: Chuck...i wasn't on the pill....i came off when we apart…and that pill was a pain killer, i had stomach pains...trust...
continue reading...
A/N: Wow, it’s been killing me to not write anything this week….and this is literally going to be like the last weekend for me to really write a ton, since I’m going back to school on Monday. *sigh* So…I hope you enjoy the fics I’ve been Pagsulat over the last buwan or so. I will try to update all my stories as often as possible, but it’s going to be a bit madami difficult since I’ll have to concern myself with school most importantly. I REFUSE to slack off like I did last semester. Unfortunately this means you won’t get too many updates…at least not until the weekends…and...
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added by ksbass
added by ksbass
The whole concept of placing these two together has irked me since the idea was introduced. Call it the Joey and Rachel (Friends) or George and Izzie (Grey's Anatomy) effect. Just like Blair sinabi in the Hurt Locket, some couples only look good on paper. These are my 5 reasons why I don't think this couple is going to work. Please note, this is JUST MY OPINION.

5) Lack of story development
Yes, we all know about the fateful night at the wedding. The event that started the series. We all know about Nate's pag-ibig for her, and Serena's wish to keep her friendship with Blair. The Serena/Blair/Nate...
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