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 Not doing good B
Not doing good B
Okay so here it is, the finale. Oh My God, Really 23 episodes, God I can't believe I wrote that much. And sorry for how long this is it's double the usual well it is the finale so I had to. Well I've loved Pagsulat these and I hope you've loved pagbaba them. I've tried my absolute best to have original story lines and not to have the same thing as the show, and also not to be too predictable, that's what I hate about stories. Anyway I hope you've liked The Chuck and Blair Chronicles. Since this is my last one can you please let me know what you thought of the finale, ending, and the rest of the episodes and whatever else you wanna say. Just a special thanks to everyone who read them, I know sometimes I go on a bit, but I really appreciate you pagbaba and leaving your comments it really means a hell of a lot. Well here it is, the finale. Enjoy. xoxo Gossip-Girl999

Episode 23- (Finale): A tale of two hearts

GG: What do they say ? All if fair in pag-ibig and war, Someone wanna tell our dear old B that, we hear she is well and truly on the war path, watch out G your about to become the most wanted on B's hit list

(At the Waldorf Apartment)

The morning after Blair saw Chuck and Georgina kissing.
Blair is in bed, she has been crying the nakaraan night, her make-up is a mess, she has slept in the same clothes as the night before.
Serena enters.

S: B?
B: Where have you been I called you last night?
S: I only got your message this morning, what is it?
B: (tears in her eyes)
S: Blair?

Serena goes over and sits on the kama susunod to Blair.

S: B, What is it?
B: I was so stupid
S: This is about Chuck isn't it
B: (smiles) Say it Serena, you know you want to, “I told you so”
S: I'm not going to say that
B: Why not! You were right, I should of listened to you
S: Didn't he feel the same as you?
B: I'm guessing not sa pamamagitan ng the way he was sticking hi tongue down Georgina's throat

Serena stands up in shock.

S: He did what?!
B: You actually act like your surprised, I should of seen this coming
S: No you shouldn't of Blair. Georgina!! I thought he hated her?!
B: Well lets face it, this is Chuck as long as it's female and has two legs there is no issue
S: Right there is no way he's getting away with this
B: Oh S you're not going to see him are you?
S: Of course I am, That jerk isn't getting away with this
B: Serena...
S: I'll be back later

Serena exits.

B: Serena!! Ugh (pulls the duvet over her)

(At the Palace Hotel)

Serena is knocking on door.
Chuck answers.

C: Serena

Serena slaps Chuck.

C: Well I always knew you liked it rough Serena
S: You bastard

Serena enters.

C: Well Hi to you too and please come in

Chuck closes the door and goes back into the room.
Serena is looking through the room.

C: Looking for something?
S: No, Just Georgina
C: Georgina, Why?
S: Oh My God, I thought you were one to boast about your conquests
C: Serena I have no idea what your talking about
S: Really?
C: MmmHmm
S: Well let me refresh that memory for you, since last night seems so long ago
C: Oh that
S: Is that all you've got to say?
C: Firstly she kissed me and I didn't respond
S: How could you not, it's like a reflex with you
C: I don't know what lies she's been spinning you but nothing happened
S: She didn't tell me anything, It was your other half
C: (confused) my other.... (realizing) Blair
S: Yes. Blair she saw you
C: What was she doing there?
S: That's rich, You texted her asking her to meet you at Victrola
C: Who told you that?
S: Blair
C: I didn't text her
S: Sure, I believe you, thousands wouldn't
C: Serena, Why would I do that?
S: I don't know, to hurt her even more, send her a message, 'get over me the hard way, see me with someone else'
C: Why would I want to hurt her?
S: Because you can't help it, It's what you do
C: (no reply)
S: Do you know what she told me yesterday?
C: What?
S: She sinabi that you both have something that you're the same, Blair is twice as good as you and always will be

Serena walks towards the door.

C: Why is she so upset then? She did the same thing to me
S: How can you compare?
C: Pretty easily
S: That says it all

Serena opens the door.

S: You know I don't know what Blair saw in you

Serena exits.

C: neither do I

(At MET (Metropolitan Museum of Art))

Later that day, at lunch.
Georgina, Penelope, Iz, Hazel and Nelly are sitting at the tuktok of the stairs.
Blair and Serena are sitting at the bottom.
Chuck approaches the steps, he's looking for Georgina.

B: Oh God, What's he doing here?
S: Do you wanna go?
B: No this is my spot, I'm moving for him, Looks like he's not even here to see me
S: Oh B, I've got to go meet Dan, I'll see you later okay?
B: Sure, don't worry I'll be fine
Serena gets up and hugs Blair.
Serena then walks away.
Chuck walks up the steps to Georgina.

G: Chuck, Hi
C: Can I have a word
G: Sure, Excuse me girls

Georgina and Chuck walk away from the rest of the girls.

G: So want a repeat of last night?
C: As surprising this is, No
G: Your right, that is surprising
C: So, to get straight to the point, did you have something do with Blair turning up at Victrola last night?
G: Me?! When I'm such a Blair tagahanga why would I do that?
C: (grins) thought so
G: Well just think this makes us even
C: How does it, She didn't hurt you half as much as you've just hurt her
G: You mean we, It takes two
C: I was all you
G: true but Blair doesn't know that
C: you bitch, you didn't change
G: I'm Georgina Sparks why would I want to change?

Chuck walks away from her down the steps and looks over at Blair.
Chuck and Blair stare at eachother for a few segundos before Blair looks away.
Chuck runs up to her.

C: Blair
B: Don't talk to me Chuck
C: I need to explain, I didn't call you last night
B: Yeah, Serena explained your explanation
C: So why are you making it out to be worse than it is?
B: Worse than it is, Oh believe me this is as bad as it gets
C: I didn't sleep with her
B: You may as well have
C: I wouldn't
B: Well as I said, You may as well have because I would be just as mad with you and you could of gotten an action reply of 6th grade
C: Please, You think I want that, that asong babae is a psycho
B: Like you care, She seems to be into you, God knows why
C: You know why, but that's besides the point, She's not “into” me, She was just doing that to hurt you
B: I know that, but kill two birds with one stone I think is the saying your looking for. But you know it doesn't even matter, this is my issue not yours. You don't have to care about me anymore

Blair walks away.

C: Blair?!

Blair ignores him and continues to walk away.
Chuck turns and walks in the opposite direction.

(At the Waldorf Apartment)

Blair enters the apartment in tears.

D: Miss Blair?
B: I'm fine
D: Miss Blair are you crying?
B: NO! I'm fine

Blair goes up the stairs to her room and sits on the kama crying.
Dorota knocks on the door and enters.

D: Miss Blair?
B: Go away!
D: Miss Blair you are not fine
B: You are just the hired help! Go downstairs and do your job
D: Miss Blair?
B: Leave me alone, Or your fired
D: If you need me I'm downstairs
B: Go then

Dorota exits and closes the door.
Blair continues to cry on the bed.

(At the van der Woodsen Apartment)

Serena, Lily and Eric are having dinner.
Chuck enters.

L: Oh Charles, How are you?
C: Fine, Serena...
S: What?!
C: Can I see you for a minute?
S: Ummm...No
L: Oh Serena that's fine, you go...
C: Please?
S: Ugh

Serena gets up.
Serena and Chuck enter Serena's bedroom.

S: What?
C: I need your help
S: Okay and why should I help you?
C: Because we have the person's best interests at heart
S: Blair?! I hardly think you do
C: I'm done arguing Serena, I need you to tell her, It was all Georgina
S: I'm not helping you

Serena walks towards the door.

C: I'm losing her Serena

Serena stops and turns back to face Chuck.

S: Well then you know what you have to do...Fight for her
C: I can't do that on my own
S: If you care about her as much as you say you do then just tell her
C: How can I, She wont let within mile
S: I'll think about it
C: Just tell her, I'm sorry
S: Was that it?
C: Yeah
S: Well I'm kinda in the middle dinner
C: Sorry, I'll just go
Serena and Chuck exit the bedroom and enter the dining room.
Chuck walks towards the elevator.

L: Charles would you like to sumali us?
C: (looks at Serena) Thank you but no

Chuck presses the elevator button.

L: (whispers) Serena tell him
S: (whispers) What?
L: To stay, look at him he hasn't had a proper meal for weeks
S: Chuck! You can stay
C: I'm sure it's to much trouble
S: We want you too (smiles)

Chuck smiles back and goes to sumali them at the table.

(At the Waldorf Apartment)

A few hours later.

Blair has cleaned her eyes and make-up.
Blair picks up her phone and dials a number.

B: Get over here now, I need to talk to you (hangs up)

(half an oras later)

Blair is sitting on her kama playing with her phone waiting for the person to arrive.
There is a knock at the door.

B: Come in

Georgina enters.

G: What is this B?
B: I get it okay, You want to hurt me and I think you know that you have, so you can leave now
G: Hurt you? What way?
B: Chuck
G: What's that got to do with you?
B: Do you know about me and Chuck?
G: (faking surprise) You and Chuck! I had no idea
B: Yes you did and you used that to hurt me
G: I had no idea Blair
B: You sinabi 'why don't you two get back together you made such a lovely couple'
G: I sinabi that
B: Yes, See so I know that you knew about me and Chuck, so don't try being innocent with me, it wont wash
G: Oh you caught me, I knew but Chuck and I are so much alike it's scary
B: You're not
G: I think we are, That's what you saw last night wasn't it Blair, Someone who was even madami like Chuck than you were

Blair looks away.

G: Because you ask anyone, who are the perfect for eachother are you get Chuck and Blair every time, but then Georgina's back and Blair doesn't seem so perfect anymore
B: You don't even want him
G: True, But you do.(Blair looks at Georgina) And for as long as I'm here you'll always have that thought, are you really his perfect match, And I'm want to make that stick in your mind for as long as possible, so No, I wont leave
B: I never hurt you this much
G: One thing to know about me B, I give as good as I get plus a little extra. So you might as well give up now
B: Yeah, I might as well
G: Well Goodnight Blair

Georgina exits.
Blair puts her hand on her cheek to stop the tears.

(At the van der Woodsen Apartment)

Lily and Eric are talking at the table.
Serena and Chuck are sitting on the couch.

C: You believe me then?
S: I'm coming around to the idea
C: I just hope Blair can be as easily convinced as you are
S: I wouldn't go that far
C: Neither would I
S: I'll do my best
C: Thanks
S: and Chuck I'm sorry, I should of known Georgina was planning something
C: I forgive you
S: Hey, you see why I thought that though right
C: I guess

(Serena and Chuck continue the conversation which goes unheard)

The susunod morning- Saturday.

(At the Waldorf Apartment)

Eleanor is just arriving back from a business trip.
Blair is walking down the stairs in tears.

E: Blair. I'm home
B: Welcome tahanan mother

Eleanor kisses Blair on the cheek.

E: Are you okay?
B: I'd be a lot better If I could get out of here
E: What's wrong?
B: Mom please, trust me, I want to go stay with Dad until I have to go to Yale
E: That's four months away
B: Please Mom


E: We'll get you out tonight
B: (relived) Thank you

Eleanor hugs Blair.

(A few hours later)

Serena is arriving at the Apartment.

E: Oh Serena good, Blair wanted to see you, she's upstairs
S: Oh great

Serena goes upstairs and enters Blair's room.

S: Blair?

Blair is packing her bags.

S: What's going on?
B: I'm leaving
S: (shocked)What?!
B: I'm going to stay with Dad and Roman
S: Why?
B: Why do think, I can't stay here while...
S: B. You can't leave...
B: I'm leaving tonight
S: (still in shock) But...
B: I'm not changing my mind. But don't tell Chuck, I don't want him to try and stop me. So are you helping me or not?

Blair continues to pack.
Serena looks shocked.

(At the Palace Hotel)

A few hours later.
Chuck is sitting on the sopa with a drink.
The phone rings, Chuck answers.

C: Yeah
S: Chuck
C: Serena?
S: Okay listen to me, Blair will kill me if she finds out I told you but you've got to know
C: What?
S: Blair's leaving
C: leaving? Why? When?
S: Tonight from Pier 17, ten thirty. Just be there if anyone can make her stay it's you
C: I'll be there
S: You didn't hear it from me

Chuck hangs up.

(At Pier 17, Heliport)

It is nearly 10:30.
It's raining heavily.
Nate, Serena and Dan are saying goodbye to Blair.

Pilot: 10 minutos Miss Waldorf
B: This is goodbye then,
S: (nearly crying) I can't believe your leaving
B: I know but, I'll call everyday
S: You'll be back after the holidays right?
B: Maybe, I might stay there until it's time to leave for Yale
S: But I'll never see you
B: (starts to cry) You'll always be my BFF where ever I am
S: You too, I pag-ibig you B
B: I pag-ibig you

Serena and Blair hug.

D: You sure you're not going to miss me Waldorf
B: Oh Humphrey, As much as I hate to admit this, you're not all bad
D: Oh Blair Waldorf approves, I can die happy now
B: Do you ever stop and just have a normal conversation, Or is it just ongoing sarcasm with you?
D: No, But I know we didn't exactly hit it off, but I've got used to you now so It's going to be a little odd not having the asong babae around
B: I hate you
D: Hate you back
B: (smiles) friends?
D: friends

Dan and Blair hug. Serena smiles.

S: Yay, My favourite people finally friends

Dan and Blair laugh.
Blair turns to Nate.

B: Okay, I know that we haven't exactly had a normal relationship,
N: understatement
B: yeah but I'm hoping we can be mga kaibigan because you're a great guy Nate Archibald and whoever gets you, even if it might be Vanessa, they're lucky to have you
N: There's no point me saying it back Blair because I know who you're going to get
B: That's not going to happen
N: But you both...
B: No, we don't...Anyway I'll... I'll miss you
N: Me too

Nate and Blair hug.

P: We're ready if you are?
B: Okay guys lets go before I start crying

Serena starts crying.

B: (starts to cry) I pag-ibig you all
S: Bye B
B: Bye
D: Bye Blair
N: Have a good time
B: Oh Serena can you give this to Chuck

Blair hands her a letter.
Serena nods.

B: Bye

Blair gets into the helicopter.
The Helicopter lifts and flies away.
Serena, Dan and Nate wave to Blair.

(In Chuck's limo)

Chuck is on his phone.

C: How far away are we Arthur?
A: Nearly there Mr Bass
C: Good, (on the phone) Blair?! Pick up

Phone message 'Hi this is Blair, I can't talk right or I just don't want too so please leave a message'

C: Sh-

(At the Pier 17, Heliport)

It is still raining heavily.
Chuck's limo is pulling up.
Chuck runs out.
Serena, Nate and Dan turn around to see him.

C: I've Nawawala her haven't I
S: (no reply)
C: Where has she gone?
S: Your too late

Serena and Dan walk away.

C: She's really gone
N: Sorry man
C: (puts his palms on his face)
N: You pag-ibig her right?
C: (nods slowly)
N: You might want this

Nate hands Chuck a piece of paper.
Chuck opens it up and looks at Nate.
Chuck puts his hand out and Nate takes it, they both shake hands.

N: She's yours now. Always will be

Chuck quickly runs back towards the limo.

C: You need a ride?
N: Na, I got someone to see

Chuck gets into the limo, and drives away.
Nate looks at his watch, the time is a quarter to eleven.
Nate then runs towards the road and hails a cab.

(At Vanessa's Apartment building)

Nate is buzzing on Vanessa's apartment number.
Vanessa is in her apartment and sagot the buzzer.

V: Hello?
N: Vanessa let me up
V: Go away Nate
N: Vanessa, Please just open the door, I pag-ibig you
V: No you don't
N: I do. You don't know how much

Vanessa hangs up.

N: Vanessa?!

Nate goes over to sit outside the apartment building on a bench.

(half an oras later)

A man walks out of the apartment building.
Nate runs quickly to catch the door before it closes.
Nate goes into the elevator and pulls the button up to Vanessa's floor.
Nate exits the elevator and walks to stand outside Vanessa's door and knocks on the door.
Vanessa answers.

V: (angrily) Nate!

Nate kisses Vanessa.

N: Now I've told you, Now you know

Vanessa smiles and kisses him back.

V: I know

Nate smiles.

V: What made you come here?
N: Chuck actually
V: (smiles) Chuck?
N: He made me realise life's too short

Vanessa and Nate halik again and they both enter the apartment.

(At the JFK)

Blair's helicopter is just landing.
The pilot helps Blair out of the helicopter.
Chuck is standing at the other side of the heliport.
Blair sees him and is in shock and walks over to him.

B: What are you doing here?
C: Stopping you from leaving
B: How did you know?
C: Serena
B: I told her not to tell you
C: I'm glad she did, I could of Nawawala you
B: You already have, The moment you hooked up with Georgina
C: I didn't hook up with her, Why don't you believe me?
B: Stop lying
C: Lying. That's the one thing I can't do when I'm with you, I can't lie to you
B: (tears in her eyes) I can't stay here
C: I don't want you to go
B: Chuck...
C: I can't let you go, It'll be like losing half of me
B: I can't stay and just be your friend, I can't do it
C: I don't want you to be my friend, Your madami than that

Blair looks to the floor.
Chuck puts his hand on her cheek.
They ilipat closer and they both kiss.

B: I've got to go
C: Please...
B: No, We're to similar we'll end up hating eachother

Pilot shouts over to Blair.

P: Miss Waldorf your flight is checking in
B: I'm coming
C: Don't do this Blair
B: I don't want to, I have to

Blair moves away from Chuck still holding his hand, but she then lets go.

B: Oh, Serena's got something for you, It's important read it

Blair goes with the pilot into the airport.
Chuck walks away looking very upset and disappointed.

(It's been a week since Blair has left. Chuck has done nothing except stay in his suite ignoring everyone.)

(At the Palace Hotel)

Serena knocks on the door.

C: Go away!
S: Chuck, Open this door, I'm not going anywhere until you do
C: Well you'll be waiting a long time.
S: Look I forgot this, I'm sorry, Blair gave it to me for you. If you wont answer, I'll push it under the door

Serena pushes the letter under the door.

S: Read it Chuck

Chuck goes to the door and picks up the letter and begins to read (not out loud)

I'm leaving so I can't tell you face to face so I'll tell you now. To put it simply, I pag-ibig you. Only you. I don't think I was ever meant to be with anyone else. You give me butterflies, and I remember how I told you to murder those mga paru-paro of yours, But I would give anything to have them now instead of this pain I'm feeling. But you know there are those days when all I want to do is kill you, the way you disregard me like I was nothing, After I helped you...But you know what I don't care about any of that, Any bad thing you've done, The worst thought you've ever had. I don't care, I just want to be there for you...

(Chuck's eyes fill up with tears until they begin to fall)
And you may not believe me, because I've sinabi it before and I didn't mean it, but this time I do. I pag-ibig when you halik me, I pag-ibig how you play with my hair, I pag-ibig how you follow me in your limo, and even how you drive off without giving me a ride
(Chuck smiles but still with tears)
I pag-ibig how romantic you can be, I pag-ibig how you protect me through anything and I pag-ibig when you're jealous, It's the one time I can tell how your feeling, I pag-ibig how you care so much to explode when you see me with someone else, I don't just pag-ibig you, I pag-ibig the way you pag-ibig me. Which I hope you still do, because I never stopped. Doesn't matter how long it was I tried to convince myself I didn't, But there was that voice, Who told me, this boy, Blair, you need him, And I do need you. I hope that one araw you'll understand why I had to leave, but I hope you know, I pag-ibig you Chuck bass no other, I think I always have, But I know I Always will. -Blair

Chuck dries his eyes and goes to answer the door.

S: What did it say?
C: I can't believe I let her go
S: It's not to late, despite what I said

Serena and Chuck look at eachother.

(In Paris, Howard and Roman's house)

Blair and Harold are just getting in from a party.

H: See I told you you'd enjoy yourself
B: Okay your right, I did enjoy myself
H: I think that James liked you
B: Oh no, I'm off dating for a while anyway, I'm just going to enjoy being here and get ready for Yale
H: Oh sweetie, I'm very proud of you and I know your mother is too
B: (smiles) Thanks Daddy
H: Well Goodnight honey
B: Goodnight

Harold goes into his bedroom.
Blair enters her room.
Chuck is sitting on the bed.

B: (shocked) Chuck?
C: (smiles)
B: What? How? What are you doing here?
C: (holds up the letter she gave him) You mean that?
B: (nods)

Chuck takes Blair's hand and she sits with him on the bed.

C: You look beautiful
B: (smiles) You came all this way?
C: I told you, I didn't want you to leave and I meant it
B: It wasn't enough when you came to the airport
C: I know, But now I know what is. Blair...I pag-ibig you
B: I pag-ibig you
C: It's always been you

Chuck and Blair both kiss.
They then hug until they both fall asleep in each other's arms.

GG: Well what a sweet endings. Chuck and Blair finally together, Well If you will fight apoy with fire, But uy maybe for once Gossip Girl was wrong about them. Looks like the Upper East Side's got an all new golden couple. You know you pag-ibig me xoxo Gossip Girl


Okay so there it is. I hope to God that everyone liked it. Please review. I know the Nate and Vanessa thing wasn't meant to be there, but I just adore them so much I had to get them back together and OMG to people who watch balat (I know same line right as Freddie sinabi to Effy! Okay I added the 'Now you Know' later but I did the 'Now I've told you' before I even saw that episode and I was like Oh My God same line!). Okay and too anyone who wants to know, I wont stop writing, I am however going to take break from Pagsulat scripts for a while, but be on the look out my susunod scripted tagahanga fiction will be called “The Upper East Side Chronicles”, That will focus on other characters too not just Chuck and Blair, especially some of my favourite characters. But my susunod tagahanga fiction will be a book style one, and it's called “A Million pag-ibig Songs Later”. First chapter will probably be up on the weekend. If I get a chance to finish, Because I've got exams coming up so I wont be able to write as much, but I'll do as much as I can cause I really pag-ibig writing. So thanks again to everyone who read The Chuck and Blair Chronicles. pag-ibig you all. xoxo
 Surprise of a lifetime
Surprise of a lifetime
 BFF's to the rescue...
BFF's to the rescue...
Episode 12: My Super ex-Boyfriend

GG: GOSSIP ALERT! N and S spotted downtown, going to confront the enemy in C's honour and B's defence? Lets hope this doesn't do madami harm than good...

Inside Serena's private car.
Serena and Nate are in the car.

N: So, There's a gang after Chuck?
S: (nods) MmmHmm
N: (speechless) And they threatened Blair?
S: MmmHmm
N: And their from Downtown
S: MmmHmm
N: So why are we going after them?
S: Because they can't do that to Blair...Or too Chuck, We'll just talk to them
N: Wha..? No...No...No! I'm not fighting gangsters
S: We're not fighting them Nate
N: Anyway why are we doing...
continue reading...
 Been in the Wars Chuck?
Been in the Wars Chuck?
Episode 10: Gangs in New York

GG: Gossip just in. Chuck Bass. The wonderer returns, Looking quite rough, Where have you been C? In the Ghetto? But it's not important where you've been it's what you did we want to know about...

At the Kingston Plaza in Queens.
Blair and Dan are making their way to Chuck's room in the elevator.

B: (breathing deeply)
D: Calm down
B: You calm down, I don't know what state I'm going to find him in
D: Look he's there, so he's alive
B: (gives him an unpleased look)

(Elevator gets to the 9th floor)

Dan and Blair step out of the elevator and walk towards Chuck's room.

D: Ready?...
continue reading...
I'm gonna write something diffrent from the normal tagahanga fiction. I'm going to write a scene for Gossip Girl for Chuck and Blair.


Chuck Bass
Blair Waldorf
Eleanor Waldorf

Copyright-I own nothing. No copyright infringement intended. All characters and prompted situations belong to their rightful owners, All rights reserved for The CW.

Chuck has waited so long to tell Blair he loves her, that she has fallen out of pag-ibig with him. Chuck is in total regret about what he hasn't done, and tried everything to convince Blair she still loves him.
- Blair has just had a fight with her mother,...
continue reading...
Gossip Girl's POV
Spotted.Blair Waldorf and Chuck bass making pag-ibig in the school yard.The couple have been going out for a while now,but we all know that they'll end up like Lonely Boy and S very soon.Or maybe even like Lil'J Humphrey and Nate Archibald.But,while C and B are still going out and making out,we’ll be rooting for them.
Blair's POV
“Chuck,”I glared at him,“please.Can we not do this right now?”
“C’mon Waldorf,”he replied,“I’m...
continue reading...
I am actually attempting to continue the first chapter! I am nervous but excited! I hope you enjoy!

"Blair dont do this to yourself!" Serena yelled through the bathroom door. The faucet was turned on but it didnt drown out Blair's sobs and gags.
"Blair open the door right NOW!" Serena yelled worried about her best friend.
"Im fine!" Blair sobbed. "Hes not going to get any better sa pamamagitan ng you puking your lunch up!" Serena sinabi cringing. She heard the lock turn and the door knob turn as well. The door opened. Serena embraced Blair in a tight hug. "I cant...
continue reading...
 Cecily Von Ziegesar
Cecily Von Ziegesar
This is a blog entry sa pamamagitan ng Cecily Von Ziegesar that was posted on yaforObama.com. I couldn't find a permalink for it and the whole page would have potentially been a little confusing so I just decided to copy/paste it here. I just wanted to make it clear that in noway is this mine. In this blog entry, Cecily goes on about her pag-ibig for Barack Obama and compares him to each of the Gossip Girl characters until she finds a match.

Hey People,

Ever wondered what it’s like to live in the White House? Ever wondered what it’s like to ride in a chopper or be followed sa pamamagitan ng a motorcade of secret service cars...
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posted by ChuckBlairLuvA
*Marcus breaks it off with blair, when he finally realizes she's still not over Chuck. Set several months into the senior year.
“Blair!” Marcus called from the foyer. He had arrived early to pick up Blair for school. It had been a daily ritual since her schooling had started up again and it gave her a chance to ipakita off her new prince charming that, in her mind, was a much better rebound than Chuck had ever been.

“Coming sweetie,” she sang out, fixing the last rumples in her dress and putting the final touch to her hair trappings, a silver studded headband. She came skipping down the...
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 Because we all pag-ibig it
Because we all love it
Well,hi everybody.Here's an interview from Gossip Girl Fans.It's my segundo interview(link)and I hope you'll enjoy it.Ok then,I think it's time to start.


Tell us a few things about yourself:My name is Catherine and I come form Greece.I'm addicted to amrican TV series and I pag-ibig fanpopping

Which is your paborito couple:Nate and Jenny of course!!They are so so cute together!!!!!

Which is your paborito character and why:My paborito character is Jenny!I just pag-ibig her!She's so adorable and nice!

Which is your paborito scene:Well,I can't pick!I pag-ibig all Jenny scenes!!

Which is your least paborito character...
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    “I don’t know. We need to have an emergency meeting of the NJBC with Nate and Serena now to discuss our course of action. I’ll call Nate and you call Serena.”
    Nate and Serena had gotten the same alerts as Chuck and Blair and were just as shocked as they were. The last time any of them had seen Jenny Humphrey or her family was the night of the double engagement party for Chuck, Blair, Nate, and Serena where it had been revealed that she was trying to sabotage Nate and Serena’s engagement on behalf of her brother Dan who wanted Serena to...
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“What did you do, Mom?” Jason asked.
    “How do you feel about Roxanne? Do you like her?”
    “Yes, I like her. Why are you asking me this?”
    “Roxanne is your fiancée, sweetheart. Blair and I arranged for the two of you to marry when you’re ready. Chuck and your father had no idea that we did this. She and I agreed that the time has come for us to come clean with each of our children.”
    Jason just stood there in shock as he heard his mother telling him that he already had a fiancée despite...
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added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared
added by flowerdrop
Source: zimbio.com
added by Melissa93
Source: zimbio.com
added by chair4eva
added by ksbass
added by leyton_love
gossip girl
added by Marunya90