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Getting There

A/N: I know this chapter took a while longer than usual but after finishing A Million pag-ibig Songs Later I took a break from Pagsulat and went uh... camping with my friends! NEVER EVER EVER AGAIN AS LONG AS I LIVE will I go camping again!!! NEVER! I don't know why I went, okay fair enough it was only 1 night but it nearly killed me. I hate it so much! It's just awful, and it took me days to recover from that nightmare but I just was in such a bad mood after that I just didn't have the energy to write but today I just woke up and instantly wanted to write so I started again on this chapter. Just letting you know this one wont be as long as the other one maybe another 6 chapters?? Something like that probably, but anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and please comment after you read. Thank you xoxo

Rating: T

Copyright: I own Nothing, Apart from my original characters.

Story Type: Multi Chapter

Published: 23rd of August, 2009

Main Character: Blair Waldorf

Characters: Chuck Bass, Dan Humphrey, Nate Archibald, Serena van der Woodsen & Vanessa Abrams (Others will be included)

Summary: Inspired sa pamamagitan ng the movie 'Little Miss Sunshine'. The NJBC have graduated high school and Serena persuaded the gang to take a road trip since they are all being separated susunod taon sa pamamagitan ng going to different collages. They all go and have a few bumps along the way. Which makes them realise who their real mga kaibigan are.

madami Details: Blair and Chuck did happen but after 1x18 nothing happened. Chuck left Blair and then that's how that kinda ended. They are kind of avoiding talking about their relationship and are kind of back like they were in the start of season 1. Serena and Nate did happen. Nate still has feelings for Serena even though he's not aware of it. Nate is dating Vanessa. Dan and Serena are still together.


Chapter 9: On the ilipat again

        Morning broke. Chuck had never felt so afraid to wake up in his life, he would he would just remain asleep for the susunod few... decades. He could have done that, that if Serena wasn't Blair's best friend and she was only too happy to give him a rude awakening.
Chuck was awakened sa pamamagitan ng a banging on his door. He lay in kama for a while holding a unan over his head trying to make the noise go away. Eventually it did, it stopped banging he sighed a sigh of relief but he might as well have not bothered because then came an even worse noise.
Serena. Another sigh. “I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!” Serena screamed through the door, without any consideration for any of the other guests, the only person she was concerned with was Blair and she was in a terrible state thanks to Chuck.
He finally got up and got dressed before he realized he would have to let Serena in. He walked over the door and looked through the eye hole to see a fuming Serena gazing back at him. He sighed and finally got the courage to open it.
“You selfish bastard!”
She spat out the words with such rage.
He sighed again.
“I can not believe you did that!”
Serena pushed her way past Chuck into the room.
“Are you done?”
He muttered under his breath closing the door after her.
“I haven't even started yet!”
Her eyes were like daggers ready to throw themselves at Chuck.
“Oh Serena I don't need this right now”
He mumbled again.
“Damn right you don't but you're sure as hell gonna get it anyway. I mean what came over you?”
“I just couldn't”
“Why not? You pag-ibig her!!” Chuck sat down gazing at the floor and avoiding eye contact with Serena. “Unbelievable! Why are you so stubborn?” She yelled again.
“I have to be”
“What kind of answer is that?” It was an answer he understood but left Serena utterly clueless.“Oh I can't even be asked with you when you're in this mood” She stomped her way out of the room like a spoilt child not getting their way but Serena did it for all the right reasons.
        She joined the rest of them in the lobby of the hotel to answer some of their questions. Blair was still upstairs making most of the hotel facilities before they would return to Motels.
“What the hell are we going to do now?”
Nate asked.
“It's going to be so awkward”
Vanessa gave her input that was already pretty obvious.
“You're telling me”
Dan giggled under his breath.
“We can't go tahanan though, it'll be a longer journey going tahanan than it is to finish”
Vanessa said.
“Just keep them as far from each other as possible”
Serena suggested.
“Yeah cos that's what a Volkswagen Mini van was built for”
Dan answered with such a huge sarcastic tone.
“What do you suggest?”
Serena asked, annoyed with his tone of voice.
“... Put Blair in the front and leave Chuck at the back”
Dan thought over a couple of ideas which would not make Serena very happy then speaking out the only suggestion he had left.
“What do they say about it?”
Nate asked.
“Blair wants to carry on, she says she's not going to let Chuck ruin it for her”
“And Chuck...”
Dan asked not holding his breath on that one.
“He's being a total asshole to be honest”
Serena bluntly put it.
“I'll got talk to him”
Nate thought he ought to talk to Chuck. He hadn't really talked to him about anything in a long time, he thought it was about time.
“Yeah me too! I wanna give him another piece of my mind!”
Serena said. If Nate was going to be Good Cop and stick to Chuck's side there needed to be a Bad Cop and Serena was only too happy to fill in that spot.
        Chuck had returned to burring his head in the sand, or his pillow. Same thing, whichever he was avoiding Blair like the plague. He thought he would just buy the hotel then he could stay in that one room forever and he wouldn't have to get a beating from Serena everytime she saw him.
Nate yelled through the door.
“Nathaniel I'm really not in the mood to chat right now”
Chuck muttered into his pillow.
“Open the door man”
Nate tried to convince him and Chuck knew Nate wasn't going anywhere so he decided to just let him in. Of course through out Serena had remained very quiet so that Chuck would answer the door and she could attack him once again.
“Serena if you're here to bash me again just don't bother and Nate...”
He rolled his eyes seeing Serena standing susunod to Nate.
“We're leaving soon and you have to check out in...” Nate checked his watch. “seven minutes”
“Will do”
He agreed.
“Oh great”
That was easy Nate thought.
“Then I'm going home”
He muttered under his breath.
Serena yelled in his face. Chuck was growing tired of Serena always yelling in his face, but she was probably going to be like that for the foreseeable future.
“I've called the airport I'm getting the susunod flight to JFK”
He pointed into the room to his already packed bags. He wasn't joking.
“You can't just leave”
Nate frowned.
“I can hardly stay can I”
He chuckled under his breath.
“Why not?”
Serena muttered, she wasn't going to admit anything but she didn't want Chuck to leave. She was mad at him but they couldn't finish the trip without him.
“Because of Blair, she is going to be on about this non stop”
“Do you think she wants to relive that?”
Serena said.
“Please come with us. We're nearly there now anyway, it's pointless for you to go home”
“I don't know...”
“When we get to LA if you don't want to come back in car with us, fly if you want too. Come on I know Blair wants you to come with us”
Nate tried every little thing to convince him.
“She does NOT!”
Serena snapped.
“She does Serena”
For once it was Nate who had his eyes wide open and Serena who was oblivious to what was going on around her.
“She wants to kill me right now”
Chuck butted into their argument.
“Yeah she does but still loves you”
He seemed unconvinced.
“Chuck it was last night she told you, feelings don't go away like that fast”
Serena answered and frowned at his stupidity.
“Fine I'll stay but don't make me talk to her, I can't face her right now”
“I don't think she can talk to you either”
Serena reassured him of that very obvious fact.
        They all got going to the parking lot where their van had been parked over night. Blair was already at the van with Dan, Vanessa and Nate awaiting Chuck and Serena. Blair tried her best to hide herself in the shadows behind Dan so she could avoid Chuck, but that wasn't going to be easy.
“Right umm...” Serena began speaking to explain the “new” seating arrangements but she paused as soon as Blair set eyes on Chuck since the nakaraan night. “Blair you, you uh... Sit in the front with me for a while and Dan you...”
They began climbing into the van, everyone got the gist of the idea and Dan wasn't exactlly happy realizing he was going to be sat in the back with Chuck.
“Gee thanks sweetie!”
He smiled sarcastically.
“It'll be fine just don't be all “Dan””
Serena grinned.
He muttered raising his eyebrows as high as they would go.
“Yeah, do not start talking to him or you'll put your foot in it and then he'll probably hit you”
Serena warned Dan of the state and mood Chuck was in.
“He wont hit me and I'm insulted that you think I'd “put my foot in it””
“I'm sorry it's just, very you”
Serena giggled and kissed him as a way of trying to get around him and getting him to agree to her plan.
“Okay if it's such a problem you get in the back with Chuck and I'll drive up front with Blair”
He much preferred that suggestion at least Blair and he were on good terms now.
“NO!! If I sit with Chuck I'll just argue with him and that'll make it worse”
Serena was aware of how much yelling she did when she was around Chuck at that time, she thought it be better for all if she were to just stay away from him.
“Well it's win win then isn't it!”
Dan responded sarcastically again. In fact it was a no win situation with Serena neither option would please both of them so Dan just gave in and eventually got into the van and his nightmare begun as they set off. Very, very awkward.
        The susunod seven hours went sa pamamagitan ng without a word. Nate, Vanessa and Dan spoke for a while about something or another. Vanessa actually tried to get Blair involved in their conversation, she felt sorry for her but she wasn't about to tell Blair that. She probably wasn't going to respond kindly to Vanessa's pity. Blair muttered a few words to try and get involved but her puso wasn't really in it, her puso was somewhere else.
        They had spent the whole araw going through Kansas until they weren't in Kansas anymore they were in Colorado and at their susunod Motel. Not as luxurious as the nakaraan night sleep they had gotten but all the luxury had been over run sa pamamagitan ng the nights unpleasantness. Dan and Serena got into the front entrance ready to pay and to figure out their new sleeping arrangements.
“Should we just get four rooms?”
Dan suggested.
“How's that going to work?”
Serena seemed puzzled.
“Well Nate with Vanessa, Chuck, Me and you with Blair”
His suggestion was obviously the best way of sorting things, even if they would have to pay a few madami dollars for a room, it was worth it.
“Are you sure?”
“Serena she's your best friend, I don't expect you to do anything else”
Dan smiled and held around her making Serena feel so guilty about what had happened with Nate.
“Have I told you lately how much I pag-ibig you?”
She sinabi back.
“No actually you haven't”
“I pag-ibig you”
She really meant it too, she did pag-ibig him and she felt so guilty for lying to Dan but she could hardly tell the truth could she.
“I guess I pag-ibig you too”
At least someone was happy. Even though Serena was still hiding that huge secret iskandalo that if Dan ever found out, it would surely kill him.
        Since they had arrived a little earlier than expect Vanessa suggested they go out for hapunan to one of the local restaurants, which of course everyone agreed to, well nearly everyone. Serena had sent Nate to ask Chuck whether he was coming out or not.
“Chuck we're going out for hapunan you wanna come?”
Nate popped his head around the door.
“No, I'm just gonna stay here”
He mumbled.
“Okay we're only five minutos away in the Pizzeria if you change your mind”
“I wont”
“All right. Goodnight then”
“Yeah whatever”
He mumbled, not really paying any attention to Nate. He was kind of lonely in his room. All alone. He missed having to camp with Blair. He was really missing her presence. While Nate was asking Chuck, Serena thought it would do Blair the world of good.
“Blair are you coming?”
Serena finished applying her make-up in the mirror as Blair lay in kama flipping the channels every two seconds.
“No, I just want to stay here”
“Are you sure? Get some pagkain in you, might make you feel better”
Serena sat susunod to her and tried to convince her to sumali them.
“I don't think anything can right now”
“Do you want me to bring you back anything?”
Serena tried one last time.
“No I'm fine honestly Serena”
Blair maintained.
“All right sweetie, you get some sleep”
Serena kissed her forehead and hugged her best friend before getting up ready to leave.
“Thanks for all this Serena I know it's awkward but...”
“It's fine Blair honestly”
Serena smiled over at her.
Serena waved and left.
        Blair had gone through all the channels in a few minutos but she was so bored she went though them again.
One puno Hill. Click.
Desperate Housewives. Click.
Hell's Kitchen. Click.
The biggest loser. Click.
She didn't feel like watching any of them. She was feeling exactly the same as Chuck felt, she was lonely in the bedroom, she missed him being there. Even if they did argue most of the time she liked it when he was there but him not being there wasn't her fault. It was his. He was the one who ruined things.
Within the susunod few moments Blair found herself downstairs in the garden of the motel, with a familiar face.
“Didn't you go out with the rest of them?”
Chuck asked as he walked up to Blair who was sitting on the garden's bench.
“Obviously not”
She muttered in a very awkward voice, she felt so uncomfortable around him.
“Look Blair...”
He had to get this out, but Blair didn't want to talk about it.
“I really don't want to talk about it”
“Neither do I, that's it”
He thought she might but he probably could have guessed the way she was feeling and that was not great.
“Look I don't really feel all that great around you right now...”
She got up and walked around him.
“I'll leave you then”
Chuck turned away and ready to leave as he would have done had Blair not spoke again.
“But I don't want you too”
“You just said...”
He answered, very confused.
“I know what I sinabi and I stand sa pamamagitan ng it but it doesn't make me take back what I said”
“You stand sa pamamagitan ng that too? I thought you'd take it back”
He was stupid enough to think that too, maybe he was being indenial, yet again.
“I can't take something like that back, I wish I could. I wish I hadn't sinabi anything because I was stupid enough to think that you. You. Chuck Bass. You would say it back. How wrong could I be?”
She turned back to face him and paced closer towards him.
“I'll leave you to it”
He now felt what Blair had felt, awkward and tense.
“So you can't even speak to me now. Do just want to torture me? Do you hate me or something?!”
If she truly believed that she was out of her mind or just stupid. She began to cry not to get any sympathy from Chuck, not that she would she knew he was not going to feel anything.
“Yes Blair that's it. I hate you”
He chuckled and just sinabi it for her to win the argument.
“Yeah cos everything we've been through it just all comes down to hate for you and pag-ibig for me”
That left Chuck speechless for a while, hearing her say it again gave him goosebumps. “I should never have gotten involved with you. I wish that night at Victrola never happened!”
She shouted at him with rage, she tried everything to try to get some sort of feeling out of him.
“I don't. I would never regret that”
He remained without feeling. Blair felt he was just trying to disagree with everything she said.
“Of course you wouldn't. You got exactly what you wanted. Blair Waldorf on a plate or in your kama or in your limo or wherever you wanted it”
“You wanted it too”
He muttered.
“Yeah I did and that was stupid of me. I guess I was lovestruck, for you it was about one thing and one thing only”
It was harsh of her to throw that in his face, but he deserved it.
“It was never just about sex”
“Wasn't it?”
She answered and seemed surprised sa pamamagitan ng his answer.
He shook his head.
“What was it about then? Taking me from Nate? Being able to say 'I had Blair Waldorf'? What was it Chuck I need to know!!”
She pushed her fists as hard as she could into his chest, thumping at him every chance she got. Her crying got louder and the tears she cried got even worse somehow.
“Stop it Blair!”
He yelled grabbing onto her wrists trying to stop her from hitting him every chance she got.
“What was it Bass?! Huh?!”
She pulled away from him yelling at him to give her an answer.
“It was fun okay! Is that what you want to hear?”
He thought for a while of an answer but whatever he sinabi was not going to be answer she wanted.
“You know damn well it's not”
“Tell me what you want me to say then”
He asked for the answer she wanted but he was not going to get it from Blair.
“I shouldn't have to tell you that. You need to tell me sa pamamagitan ng yourself”
“I'm sorry Blair”
He realized he should not have asked that question, he knew that would be answer he got, he just wasn't strong enough.
“Yeah... Me too”
She quietly muttered and made her way back up to her very lonely room.


A/N: I know not the best of chapters but I'm just so happy now I've done some writing! It just cheers me up so much! So please do comment cos I only got one comment on fanfiction.net on my last chapter so that didn't really make me feel any better but thanks to everyone on fanpop who always comment and give me loads of support I really pag-ibig you guys! Thank you so much and for all the reviews so far! So please do comment and let me know what you think of the story. I really appreciate it. Thank you xoxo
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