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Epilogue Part 2

Italics are basically flashbacks recalling the events of the nakaraan night (night of Blair's welcome back)


Chuck had asked to be excused as he picked Eliza up and walked to a private booth to speak with her. At first Eliza was afraid that her daddy was angry with her for the way she had behaved, but her assured her otherwise and she was quite happy and satisfied after their father/daughter chat...


"Ok princess, spill, what was all that about? Did mummy put you up to it?" asked Chuck as he and Eliza entered a private booth. He had noticed the fact that mother and daughter had been trying to get to Vanessa throughout their hapunan and it just seemed as though they had the whole thing planned out.

"No daddy, it's not mummy's fault, I just don't like Vanessa! Am I in trouble?" she asked timidly, scared that her father was going to punish her and desperate for her daddy not to assume it was Blair's fault, she hated causing trouble between her parents.

"No sweet heart. You shouldn't have treated her the way you did, it wasn't very polite, but you're not in trouble. I just wanted to know what made you do it?" he asked carefully. He knew she had an ulterior motive and it was most likely to impress her mother. It was obvious Eliza would always try to copy Blair just to make her mother happy and he was sure that it had been the case tonight too.

"Well...Aunty Serena is in pag-ibig with Uncle Nate and I was just making Vanessa go away so they can be together," explained Eliza, proud of herself for being able to get rid of Vanessa.

Her father chuckled and rubbed his temples with his hand, "what makes you think Serena is in pag-ibig with Nate?" asked Chuck, curious to how his daughter was so observant. It was obvious even to him that they were in pag-ibig but he had never really pushed Nate into talking about it.

"I overheard her telling mummy," she explained, reminding herself of the conversation she had overheard and making sure that she had indeed heard right.

"You mean eavesdropped?" corrected Chuck.

Eliza shook her head in denial sending her brown curls bouncing around her dimpled cheeks, her father giggled once more. "How many times have your mother and I warned you about the dangers of listening to other people's conversations? You could hear all sorts of things," explained her father.

"But that's the best part," defended Eliza as she played with a strand of hair, twisting a loose curl around her tiny finger, her mother wouldn't like her playing with her hair in case the curls came out, especially after spending so long putting the curls in after Eliza had begged her mother to make her hair look just like hers.

Her father smiled at her in adoration, she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen (along with his wife) and he knew he would never be able to see fault in her or in anything she did. Every naughty or misinformed thing she did, he couldn't help but find it cute and adorable. Tonight was no different, he was secretly glad that his two favourite girls had been able to get rid of Vanessa, whom he didn't really like in the first place. He wasn't so happy about his daughter being so vindictive at such a young age, but that was just something he would have to manage and work out with Eliza through teaching her how to channel her feelings in a madami positive manner, without publicly humiliating others unless it was completely deserved. The eaves dropping was another problem, no matter how much Blair and he tried to get her to stop her habit they would just find her lurking around doorways and hiding in corners listening in on everything no matter what. They just hoped that she never walked in on them having sex, they would always make sure to lock their bedroom door just in case, so far they had been lucky.

"Baby, listen, I know you had good intentions and I know how much you want Serena and Nate to get married like me and your mummy, you just have to be careful when it comes to other people's business," explained Chuck, she was just a child and she couldn't possibly understand the seriousness of the situation.

He watched as she clicked her heel on the marble floor and crossed her arms together,"Daddy,I'm sorry, I promise susunod time we'll scheme together!" she sinabi hopefully, placing a hand on his shoulder; he was crouched down to her level.

Chuck laughed again at his daughter's attempt to understand what he was trying to say, he wanted her to stop the scheming all together but she had just assumed he wanted her not to scheme alone in case she got things wrong, he took her hands in his and looked at her, unable to put her right, he just loved her when she was like this, just like her mother.

"My beautiful princess, just promise me you wont ever manipulate anyone, insult anyone, publicly humiliate anyone or plot and scheme against anyone without consulting me first or getting my permission?" he decided instead.

Eliza nodded in excitement, glad that she was able to continue her mischievous ways without technically getting into trouble for it, "of course daddy, I promise, I'll always ask you first, I'm your little girl and we're a team!" she sing-songed happily.

Chuck kissed her lovingly on the cheek, "Baby, why don't you let me take care of Serena and Nate, I'll speak to Nate and everything will be the way it's supposed to be, you don't have to do a thing from now," he sinabi and Eliza nodded in agreement, she knew she had done her part and that was all that mattered, she would let her father take care of the rest.

Chuck smiled and pulled her in to a hug, she cuddled him back tightly,"Daddy, do you think mummy was proud of me for getting rid of that troll?" she asked hopefully, not fully understanding the meaning of the word her mother frequently used to describe Vanessa.

Chuck laughed and pulled her cheek, "I'm sure your mother will be exceptionally proud! You're just like her," he chuckled.

"YES!" she sinabi whilst clapping her hands, "I did it all for mummy and Aunty Serena of course, but mainly for mummy because mummy hates Vanessa!" she exclaimed as Chuck took hold of her hand and began leading her out of the booth.

"Yes, she does, your mother was very protective over you also," he recalled, referring to Blair's defence of Eliza when Vanessa had the audacity to answer back to her.

Eliza skipped along as Chuck held on to her hand, taking long strides towards Blair and the others, "Daddy, did you see how mummy almost beat up Vanessa because she sinabi a bad word to me!" she sinabi proudly, remembering how her mother had defended her.

"Yes princess, your mother and I will always protect you and your mother would never let anyone insult you that way, she loves you, as do I," explained her father with a proud smile.

Blair spotted her family coming towards her and she immediately came towards them, smiling brightly at her daughter and opening her arms to her. Chuck let go of his daughter's hand as she raced towards her mother and jumped into her waiting arms.

"Mummy! I pag-ibig you!" she yelled over the soft music as Blair hugged her tightly and began showering kisses over her face, Chuck joined them and placed an arm around his wife.

"I pag-ibig you too darling, where were you for so long!" she asked them.

"We were having daddy/daughter time and now it's our turn," she sinabi and then looked towards Chuck, "daddy you can go sa pamamagitan ng Uncle Nate now," she sinabi seriously, demanding that her father leave so she could have some mummy time, her parents both giggled at her.

"Sure sweet hearts," he sinabi looking to both Eliza and Blair, "I'll just be at the bar, see you soon," he finished halik them both on their cheeks and then leaving mother and daughter alone.

"Mummy, did you see how I embarrassed Vanessa at the table!" she asked as her mother put her down on the floor.

"Yes I did baby, I should be disappointed with such behaviour towards guests, but I can't help but be proud of you!" smiled Blair. There was no way she would punish her daughter for being just like herself.

"I knew you would be proud mummy, I hate that lady and Uncle Nate is only for Aunty Serena!" she emphasised whilst crinkling her nose at the mention of Vanessa.

Her mother nodded and smiled in agreement, "correct, now on to phase two!" added Blair.

Eliza shook her head fiercely and mimicked Blair's pout, "No mummy, we mustn't get involved now, daddy promised he would take care of it now," she informed her mother.

Blair looked at her strangely, "you mean Chuck is going to play cupid?" she asked whilst laughing.

Eliza laughed too even though she didn't understand what was so funny, "yes, daddy will get them together!" she assured Blair.

"Ok, we'll see."

Indeed, Chuck was actually successful in his mission; he had spoken to Nate at the bar that night and convinced him that he and Serena were the perfect match and that it made sense. Nate had admitted that he cared for Serena in a way that he hadn't cared for anyone else and before they knew it Blair and Chuck had walked in on Nate and Serena making out in the amerikana room at the restaurant.

The Basses had left Nate and Serena to it, without even getting a proper chance to say goodbye before heading upstairs to their penthouse with a sleepy daughter in-tow; the night was not over yet though.

"…and they all lived happily ever after, the end" whispered Blair as she watched her daughter's eyes flutter closed. She looked up at her husband and smiled before both parents kissed either cheek of their sleeping daughter and tucked her in and then left the room with the door slightly ajar.

They entered their own bedroom in a heated kiss, finally connecting after having been apart for a week. Chuck immediately began undressing his wife and she followed suit sa pamamagitan ng stripping her husband of his clothing, moaning into his mouth as she pushed him on to the bed.

"Mmmhmmm...do you have any idea how long I've waited for this?" he growled as he pulled her closer to him.

"You basstard, what you did in the morning was unforgivable! How could you trick me like that when you know how much stress I've been under with everything that happened with my father being sick!" she sinabi sadly as she recalled Chuck's prank from earlier. She had been stuck on being angry with him for it in the morning but then noticed that he hadn't realised the seriousness of the situation and had just missed her so much that he let himself get carried away.

"I'm sorry baby," he whispered as he caressed her neck with his hand, "I didn't think it would turn out the way it did, it was just supposed to be a little prank, I didn't think you'd get so upset otherwise I would never have done it," he tried to explain. Yes, he should have been madami sensitive to the fact that she would have been tired and upset about her father, but she had sounded so happy, excited and positive when she had called the araw before telling him that her father had recovered from his terrible flu and that he was doing much better.

"Well, I was tired and I just wanted to see you, I wasn't expecting to come tahanan thinking that you'd left the country!" she argued.

He kissed her on the lips as he finally realised how hurt she was, "I'm so sorry my love, I was an insensitive bastard and you have every right to punish me, I just missed you so much that it kind of clouded my judgement, I wanted to rile you up so our reunion would be the extra bit emotional and that tonight would be extra special," he sinabi whilst halik her lips again. He had thought that if he could get her all cranky and frustrated they would have angry reunion sex but obviously he should have thought with his head rather than with his, nether region.

"It would have been special anyhow," she whispered.

"I know that Blair, I'm seriously sorry and I promise to make it up to you, please, wont you forgive me sweetheart?" and the moment he asked for her forgiveness, with the genuine look of guilt in his eyes, there was no way she would deny him.

"I forgive you and I pag-ibig you," she breathed on to his lips before brushing them against his in a loving, lingering kiss.

"I pag-ibig you too precious," he replied before he began his assault on her lips once more, making it clear how much he treasured her understanding and her pag-ibig for him.

Over an oras and three good rounds of sex later they lay in kama cuddled together as they reminisced about their eventful day.

"I can't believe she humiliated Vanessa, I should be so disappointed in her behaviour," she whispered out loud.

He chuckled deeply, "but you're so proud instead," he answered.

"Does that make me a bad person?" she asked dreamily, whilst absent-mindedly rubbing circles onto his chest.

Chuck rubbed her arm up and down as he stared into her eyes, smirking, "no, she's a game-player, just like us, we should be proud."

Blair smirked back at him happily, he always knew the right thing to say,"well I guess I have taught her well, haven't I?" she sing-songed happily.

"No, I've taught her well," edited Chuck and Blair slapped him playfully.

"Ouch, maybe susunod time I'll get a son and I can teach him the perks of knowing plenty of women," he teased as his wife looked on at him shock.

"Oh you will not! I will not let you poison our kids' minds! Our children will be perfect," she argued, Chuck smiled and kissed her in agreement and then they both fell silent. Laying in each others arms and relishing the fact that they were together again and still so happy. Chuck would always spend ages thinking that things could never get better between them, but she always proved him wrong, everyday with Blair just made his pag-ibig for her grow stronger and stronger.

Something he would have never thought possible until they came in to this world. He thanked his lucky stars for coming in to this world in the first place and having to be married to her, otherwise they may have never realised their true feeling for each other, he may never have gotten the chance to be this happy if it hadn't been for their luck. He had gone through his whole life believing that survival was the key, that he hadn't once thought about what it meant to be truly happy.

Being with Blair made him realise that he could live his life like a normal person, with a wife and kids and a 9 to 5 job and he wouldn't care less about dying any more, as long as he had experienced such happiness it was worth it. He would never worry about survival again, never worry about the state of the world and trying to find a better one. From now on they were going to stay put and deal with their problems without running away, they would be a proper family and never think about how things could go wrong.

He was going to make sure that Blair got every happiness she ever wanted and as long as she was happy, he too would be happy. He had never wanted anything in his life madami than how much he wanted Blair and he would do anything and everything to make their life perfect, he would give her every happiness and they would live together for ever and have madami children and bring them up to learn the true meaning of life so that they too could be as happy as he was right now.

"I want a son," declared Chuck suddenly.

Blair remained silent for a while before replying, "maybe not right now…I want to wait a few years until Eliza is older, I'm not sure I can handle another one right now" explained Blair. of course she wanted madami children, but now was too soon, she wanted Eliza to be a little older before they went through the stress of another adoption.

"But, we've handled Eliza fantastically well, I would pag-ibig to have another man around the house, come on," he looked at her pleadingly whilst sitting up, "It'll be great to have another kid, especially a boy, we could even publicly adopt him so we don't have to go through all the secrecy like last time," he tried to convince.

"Chuck, I don't want our kids to know that they're adopted, it was hard enough telling my parents!" she explained, recalling how she had to tell Eleanor and Harold about Eliza's adoption and the whole plan so she could stay with her father in France and he could help keep the fake pregnancy story going.

"What? You mean when you told your parents I was the one who was infertile," he chuckled, they hadn't thought about it at the time, about how they would explain why they would have to adopt, so Blair had just blurted out the first thing that came to mind and the last thing she wanted was for her parents to think she was the one unable to have children, even though neither of them were, so she had told them that Chuck was infertile and unable to have kids. Eleanor had initially argued that there were always ways to work around such problems and that the two of them could somehow find a way to get treatment and have their own children, but of course Chuck and Blair didn't want to go anywhere near any doctors to be tested in case they spotted something strange about their bodies, seeing as they were technically from another world so their bodies would be slightly different, especially since neither of them had a complete reproductive system.

Chuck did however, hire a whole research team to develop new ways of reproduction, if the scientists from his world were able to use DNA to grow mga sanggol in laboratories then there had to be a way to do the same in this world, it would just take time and experimentation to figure it out. Chuck was sure that one araw they would be able to have mga sanggol of their own, if the technology and scientific knowledge in this world became as advanced as that of their original world.

"Well I didn't need my mother criticising me for not being able to reproduce, you don't really care what people think of you so I just had to put the blame on you! It's not like you minded," she sinabi playfully, although the media had a field araw when they found out that ex-playboy Chuck bass was infertile.

"Well, I guess I was used to all the flames after trying to win back my reputation after everything that happened back then," he smiled as he remembered how the two of them had to win back the public's affection once they had gotten back together. Blair had to give a retraction to all the claims she had made in her clothes line launch interview and explain to everyone that their breakup was all due to a number of misunderstandings caused sa pamamagitan ng Marcus a mutual friend they had trusted in to their tahanan who had betrayed them sa pamamagitan ng poisoning the couple against each other.

She had even covered for Chuck and told the public that Chuck had slept with the other woman whilst the two of them were separated and she had forgiven him for it and that others should do the same. Chuck had ibingiay a public apology to his family and to all the people he worked with and those who trusted him and for letting his wife down. After Chuck's public declaration of pag-ibig and utter devotion to Blair, the public had warmed towards him and had began supporting their relationship again.

Chuck's business was back on track eventually and after a few years, especially when Eliza came along, the business had once again reached the heights it was once used to and Blair's disensyo company was also steady on it's success, they were once again the power couple they had started out being.

"Forget about that, we can figure out the details later, we could do with another addition to the family," he tried to reason again.

"Can you imagine how hectic it would be! Besides, I really can't see Eliza wanting to share her daddy with someone else!" suggested Blair as she laid back down again, Chuck remained sitting up and Blair wasn't able to see the pure hurt in his eyes at the rejection of his request. He wanted a son desperately and it didn't mean he would replace Eliza or anything, Chuck loved Eliza but it just felt as though something was missing from their life and that a son would fill that void.

"But Eliza would never feel that way, she would pag-ibig to have a brother and I would pag-ibig to have…" he paused, not wanting to sound too desperate, "I mean, it would teach Eliza a lot about responsibility if she had a little brother to look after," he tried to reason.

"Chuck, please, she would be jealous, maybe when she's older we can think about it," reiterated.

Chuck thought about it for a moment, with a heartbreaking look on his face and decide that he didn't want to put any pressure on his wife and daughter and decided it would be better to wait until Blair was ready, before adding to their family.

"Ok, I guess we could wait," he sinabi reluctantly before laying back down and closing his eyes, Blair wrapped her arms around him and they bother eventually fell asleep.

Neither were aware that Eliza had been eaves dropping on the latter of their conversation and had witnessed the sad look on her daddy's face when her mother had denied him a son. It made her return to her room in tears, wanting to hold her daddy and tell him that she would make sure he would get what he wants, just as he would always make sure she got what she wanted. Eliza cried herself to sleep after seeing such sorrow on her father's face.

It was today that Eliza had made a decision after waking up in the morning. After over hearing her parent's conversation last night, she was going to make sure that her mother would change her mind about having a baby boy.

Joining her parent's at the breakfast table, Eliza sat in her mother's lap, asking her to feed her. Eliza would sometimes act like a baby when she had missed her mother and Blair loved treating her like a baby and getting her attention.

Eliza looked towards her father who was pagbaba the paper whilst eating his breakfast, her puso clenched at the blank emotionless look on her father's face.

"Mummy, don't you think it would be perfect if I had a brother to sit on daddy's lap so daddy could feed someone breakfast too?" she looked up at her mother with doe eyes and her mother almost choked on her food, Chuck quickly averted his attention to his daughter who looked at him and smiled.

"Urm, baby, don't you think you're enough for us," giggled Blair half heartedly before taking another bite of her croissant.

"No, mummy, I would looooove to have a brother, it would be perfect, that way you could have a partner when daddy and me scheme against you, it would make it fair," explained Eliza and her father couldn't help but smile at her attempt.

"maybe if you and your father stopped playing pranks on me I wouldn't need a team mate in the first place," suggested Blair.

"But, mummy it's fun. If you had a son to scheme with you would understand!" she sinabi before jumping from her mother's lap, "I'll go choose your clothes for you today, to match with daddy's!" she exclaimed before running towards the stair case, Blair and Chuck shared a confused look.

"mummy, it would be perfect if I had a brother, then we could dress him just like daddy!" shouted Eliza before disappearing.

Chuck shrugged his shoulders as Blair gave him a questioning look, "I have no idea," he said, answering her unspoken question, "maybe she overheard us last night," suggested Chuck.

"She was asleep Chuck! Are you sure it wasn't you that sinabi something?" accused Blair.

"What are you implying!" asked Chuck angrily, "I've been with you since we woke up!" he reminded her.

Blair sighed, "I know, It's just a bit strange that she would mention a brother when you brought it up just last night," wondered Blair aloud, Chuck simply returned his attention to his paper.

Eliza came bouncing down the steps 15 minutos later holding something in her hand, she showed it to Blair who was clearing the table. It was a framed litrato of the three of them where Eliza was sat on Blair's lap and Chuck was standing susunod to them, all three smiling at the camera.

"Mummy wouldn't this litrato be much better if there was a little boy just like daddy in the photo?" asked Eliza and her mother placed the litrato on the mesa and continued with her cleaning, "Darling, the litrato is fine the way it is," answered Blair as Chuck walked over to them and lifted the frame in to his hands. He had a solemn look in his eyes and Eliza noticed it immediately.

"But mummy, imagine how happy daddy would be if he had another boy in the family, I would do anything to make daddy happy….wouldn't you mummy?" she pleaded as she looked from her mother to her father.

Blair seemed to have stopped in her tracks and looked at her husband, Chuck tried his best to hide his emotions and just smiled at his wife, placing he litrato back on the table.

His attempt didn't work because Blair finally looked at him straight in the eye and saw something deep down in his brown eyes, sadness. She thought back to their conversation last night, which Eliza had obviously overheard somehow, did her husband really want a son so badly? She should be pleased that Chuck wanted to add to their family, she had never expected it from him. She knew how amazing of a father he was with Eliza and she was sure that if they had another child, particularly if it was a boy, it would make both of them happy and she hated seeing her husband look so sad.

She smiled at her daughter and walked to her husband's side, placing her hand in his, "Ok we get the hint Eliza! We'll get a new baby boy if you agree to stop being a peeping tom!" she sinabi happily as Eliza gasped in surprise.

Chuck was just as shocked as he looked at Blair, "do you really mean it Blair?" he sinabi with his eyes wide in surprise.

Blair nodded and Chuck immediately pulled her in for a deep halik and then turned towards Eliza, picking her up and hugging her tightly, "maybe your eaves dropping can come to some use after all!" he sinabi happily whilst halik her cheek.

Blair giggled and realised that she had to be the luckiest person in the world, she had never seen Chuck so happy in a long time, she was so glad that they were finally cementing their future together.

Eliza kissed her father on the cheek and had never been happier to see the sorrow gone from his face, he looked so happy and she prayed that her parents would never disagree on anything again. She reached for her mother's face whilst her father held her in his arms and as Blair's face was close to Chuck's, Eliza pushed bot her her parent's faces together, their lips meeting and Chuck got the hint and kissed his wife's lips as she giggled in to his mouth. They both heard the faint sound of their daughter's hands clapping close to their ears.

Chuck put Eliza down and watched as she ran off towards the kitchen, once she was gone he enveloped Blair in a hug and began halik her madami passionately, he was so glad she had finally agreed to have another child.

"Just think how much easier it would be back on our own planet to just grow a baby using our DNA, that way at least our mga sanggol would look like us!" declared Blair, indeed it would be much easier to have off spring on their own planet because at least that way the baby would share their blood and genes, here they had no other choice but to adopt.

Just as Chuck was about to respond Eliza came running back in to the room, "what do you mean mummy! What do you mean sa pamamagitan ng 'your own planet'?" she sinabi almost seriously, her imagination running wild the moment she heard her mother say it.

Chuck laughed, almost nervously, "what we mean is that we are aliens!" he laughed jokingly, "we come from another planet and we can travel to other worlds," Blair looked at him in shock as Eliza watched in confusion, Chuck simply laughed and crouched down to his daughter, "don't be silly Eliza, I'm just teasing, of course we aren't aliens! There's no such thing, right Blair?" he sinabi whilst looking up to his wife for support.

Blair slapped Chuck on the arm playfully, "Chuck, don't tell tales to her, baby, of course we aren't aliens, aliens don't exist, daddy was just being immature," explained Blair worriedly, hoping that their daughter would just forget the whole conversation.

Eliza was confused, of course she didn't believe in aliens, even though people on TV would always say that they do exist, but there was no way her parent's could be aliens? Right?

"Darling why don't you go to your room and change in to something madami appropriate, we can go to the park later today?" sinabi Blair as she walked her daughter to the stairs. Eliza skipped away slowly up the stairs and Blair returned to her husband, waiting until she was sure Eliza was out of ear shot.

She pushed Chuck further away in to the kusina and closed the door behind them before scolding him for teasing Eliza about something so serious.

"I was just trying to make a joke of it, I didn't want her to get suspicious, don't worry, she wont actually think we're aliens, come on, no one here even believes in them!" reassured Chuck. Blair sighed in relief, thinking he was right, there was no way Eliza would believe such a ridiculous story, even though it was so true.

She looked at Chuck again a few moments later, madami seriously, "will we ever tell her the truth one araw Chuck?" asked Blair.

Chuck paused and thought about it for a moment, "We can't, you promised to leave our past behind us and live in this world like normal people, I don't want our kids to know that stuff, it will just confuse them. Besides we are normal, we pag-ibig her and can't let her go around telling people that we're aliens or something!" pronounced Chuck. Blair nodded in agreement and fell against her husband's chest, he wrapped his arms around her and soothed her.

Eliza stuck her ear against the familiar cold pine wood as she struggled to listen to her parent's conversation for a segundo time that day. She knew if her mother caught her again she would be in lots of trouble and she was shaking with nerves as she remembered her promise not to be nosy in exchange for a little boy for her daddy. But her toes were digging against the marble floor stopping her from moving away from the door and her body wouldn't allow her to ilipat either. She was simply addicted to the act of spying and she was so good at it most of the time, she had once (over)heard her daddy telling her mummy that she was just like her, reminding her mummy of how she would spy on people and take mga litrato just to have proof in order to ruin them.

Eliza was snapped out of her thoughts as she heard her mummy arguing with her daddy about telling her the truth about something. She then heard her mummy say something about leaving their past behind and pretending to be normal. She couldn't believe what her mummy was saying, what could she possibly mean. Her daddy had sinabi something earlier about coming from another planet but then her mother had sinabi he was just joking, so why were they pagganap as if they were lying about it.

What 'truth' were they keeping from her.

Her mind was swimming with thoughts as she heard her father groan and then her mother sinabi something about not wanting to confuse her because she was just little. Eliza perked up her ears as she tried to hear more, some of her parent's words were muffled and she couldn't hear her father clearly, his voice was so low and smooth she could barely make out a word.

Her daddy always spoke that way with her mummy, always so quiet and slowly, stretching out the words and smiling whilst speaking and mummy's eyes would always close as if she was enjoying it and daddy would always say things that her little mind didn't understand and it sounded so much like those poems her grandmother would read to her at kama time when she stayed over at the Plaza hotel.

She realised her mind was wondering again and she had just missed a whole chuck of her parent's conversation, she was about to scold herself but then she heard her mother say something that shocked the life out of her and she was sure it would haunt her for the rest of her life.

She knew she had to sneak off before her parents found her and she had already heard enough so she scampered off towards the lobby and raced towards the staircase, bouncing up the steps as quickly as her five taon old legs would allow.

She reached her bedroom and closed the door behind her before jumping into her four poster princess kama and hiding under the covers. She held her breath for as long as she could before breathing out again and closing her eyes tightly hoping that maybe she would soon wake up and the past oras would turn out to be just a silly dream, a figment of her wild imagination.

But when she opened her eyes she realised that the conversation she overheard was real and she really had heard her mummy say that she couldn't let the world find out that her and daddy were...aliens.

A round heavy tear fell from her eye as her brain tried to understand how her mummy and daddy could possibly be aliens. Maybe this was just a little joke they were playing on her, or maybe it really was a secret they were keeping from her. Did that mean that her parents were dangerous? They couldn't be! They loved her, she thought as she sobbed into her pillow, how could they keep this from her, she was their daughter!

She continued to cry whilst she desperately tried to convince herself that her parents loved her and that there had to be a reason why they would keep such a secret from her. Maybe they thought she wouldn't pag-ibig them if she knew they were aliens from a different planet, maybe they were afraid of other people finding out and taking them away from her.

She smiled to herself and lifted the covers from her head, she wiped at her tears and giggled to herself in embarrassment.

How could she ever doubt her parents pag-ibig for her, of course they loved her, she was their princess and if they were aliens they would have to keep it a secret or people would tell them to go back to their own planet and they would have to leave her. They loved her and didn't want to leave her and that's why they had to keep their secret.

She was sure that her parents just wanted to protect her and that made her feel so special. Wait, was she an alien? She was their daughter so wouldn't that make her an alien too? Her mummy always told her that they hadn't got her in the same way that most parents got their children and that they had hand picked her themselves. Or maybe her mother's words were that they didn't get her in the same way that 'normal' parents got their children! Maybe that was her mummy's way of saying that her and daddy weren't normal!

Eliza became even madami confused with this new information; she jumped off her kama and stood in front of her mirror. She lifted up her yellow floral dress and inspecting her body, it definitely looked normal. She touched the skin of her belly and thought that she certainly felt normal. She had to be normal.

Maybe she could ask her aunty Serena about it, but what if Serena was an alien too. Her mummy and her aunty S were always having secret conversations and whenever she had tried to spy on them her daddy would always tell her to let mummy and Serena have their private time or else mummy would get very stroppy and take out her anger on him but then Eliza would hear him whisper to himself that he actually enjoyed angry mummy. So maybe the real reason she wasn't allowed to eavesdrop was because mummy and Serena were discussing alien business!

She realised that she hardly knew anything about the revelation that her parents could be aliens. She had to find out madami and if it turned out to be true there was no way she could ever let anyone else find out. Her parents weren't very good at keeping secrets if she had found out the truth so easily.

She had to protect her parents.

If they were aliens and other people found out it could be dangerous, they could get sent back to their own planet. She had to make sure that nothing like that ever happened.

She headed out of her room and walked across the hallway towards her parent's room. She knew she would find clues in there and she also knew that there was a computer in there and her parents were always using that to find out information. She reached the room and opened the door slowly before stepping inside.

She turned towards the door again and took a deep breath knowing that once the door closed, her journey to find out the truth would begin. She reached slowly for the door knob and wrapped her little hand over it, a smile graced her lips as her dimples deepened and the excitement began bubbling within her. The door drifted away from her as her little face disappeared from view through the disappearing crack of the ajar door, until it was fully closed.



Yay...well that's that!

I know this epilogue sounds a bit unfinished as if there's a possibility of a sequel based around Eliza...but I can say now that there will not be a sequel, I just decided not to end the story as if it was 'the end' but instead wanted to ipakita that this was just chuck and blair's new beginning.

I also figured it would have a better effect this way as you would find it interesting pagbaba the whole way through with the suspense factor, rather than just bore you with a simple, typical ending, especially since I made you wait so long for this!

Thank you for coming back to read this, I hope you enjoyed the journey as much as I did!

I absolutely cherish every review even though I've only recently got the hang of replying to them!

Please make me even happier sa pamamagitan ng using this last chance to review and let me know what you thought of the epilogue!

I wont be Pagsulat any madami multi-fics, but I have been posting one-shots so make sure you read them on the fanfiction (dot) net site!

added by xxshannen1xx
Source: popsugar
added by xxshannen1xx
Source: popsugar
added by LoveLiesAndLust
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by ksbass
added by ksbass
added by kikuska414
added by waldorf
Source: Entertainment Weekly
added by jlhfan624
Source: fanforum
added by waldorf
Source: Andreas at LJ
added by jlhfan624
Source: ew.com
added by JoeysBabyGrL
Source: Portrait Magazine
added by jlhfan624
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by charm3dby3
Source: Charm3dby3
added by lizisme
added by ciaran
added by notesofchange
A/N: uy sorry i havent wrote in a while, but i have had writers block and wasnt really inspired. but im back please review and cant wait for madami chair in season 5. cant wait for tonight
blair woke up the susunod araw in chuck's room, the light streamed in through a crack in the curtains. she was in the kama alone, she knew for fact that she had her v-card swiped becaise she was lying in the kama with nothing on. she heard the t.v. and figured chuck was in there, she hopped out of kama and lifted chuck's...
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posted by melikhan
Season 3

Dan joins Blair, Vanessa and Georgina at NYU and instantly fits in amongst many aspiring writers. His stay at NYU also tests his friendship with Vanessa, who assumes that Dan has been absent in their friendship ever since he became wealthy. Dan explains to Vanessa that he and his family are still adjusting to their nouveau-riche status and Vanessa leaves frustrated at Dan.

Dan's first araw at NYU reveals Georgina Sparks' return. When Georgina throws a party, Blair's attempt at sabotage results in Dan standing up for Georgina. Dan is popular at NYU, and his influence leaves Blair ostracized....
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I have to be honest, I wasn't really excited for Gossip Girl's return. It didn't leave a huge impression last break, which was probably why this review took so long to post. They story-lines revolved around Chuck, Blair, Lily, Jenny, Serena and a few minor appearances from Dan and Rufus. I didn't expect much here, so basically anything that actually flowed enough for me to tolerate, was easily eaten up.

The main focal point for me was with Jenny and this 'drug' sequence. It surprises me how quickly Jenny could make a 'designer' tuktok flawlessly. I don't understand why she hasn't channeled her...
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Gossip Girl aspires to achieve a certain goal every time a new episode is aired. Here we had a self depressing Chuck, a misguided Serena, a sibling rivalry and thorn marriages. Now Gossip Girl has taken the road where the end would justify the means and all the other pieces before it could simply fall out of place, so long as everything ends in accordance with the script.

That is why we have characters poking in and out of episodes without any sort of development or back story as to how they claimed even a segundo of screen time. We also have characters falling in and out of pag-ibig like a misused...
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