Huddy Club
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posted by livethislifeup
"She's, something alright. She was the woman of my life."
"Evidently, now I have three."

Cuddy turned her head. He grabbed her hand as they pulled out of the parking lot, making their way back home.


Later that night: 1:00 a.m.

House and Cuddy were laying together on the couch, watching another one of House's soaps. He was sitting with his legs spread out across the couch, as Cuddy lied across his chest, with her legs with his, and her head beneath his chin. Both were in their sweats, resting. Both were barely awake.

"Wait so. Diana, slept with Landon. Who is engaged to his best mga kaibigan sister Heidi, who is actually having an affair with Jeff?" She asked him sleepily.
"Yeah. And Diana, gets knocked up with Landon's baby. His best friend Marcus was supposed to be the best man to his and Heidi's wedding, but the wedding gets canceled when Heidi confesses her affair with Jeff, and admits she's pregnant with his baby. But she doesn't find out about Landon's affair with Diana who is actually best mga kaibigan with Heidi, until the season finale."
"I don't get how you can watch this stuff. Let alone keep up with it."
"Are you kidding? I pag-ibig this stuff."

Her eyes were slowly closing. Then she brought her hand to cover her mouth, for she began to cough. After several coughs, she rose from him and got off the sopa and started for the bathroom.

"You okay?"
"Yeah, yeah I think I'm just getting a bad cold."

She walked into the bathroom and flipped on the switch. As she covered her mouth, she held on to her stomach as the coughs intensified. She hovered over the sink and began to cough down the drain. She felt the need to spit, and she did, and what appeared, scared her, terribly. Droplets of blood stained her white sink. After another few coughs, she had settled down. She kept a tight grip on the sides of the sink as she continued spitting out the blood.

"Shit. Shit."

Before she walked back out, she washed her mouth, clearing it of all blood residue. She wiped her mouth with the towel, before shutting off the light and walking back into the living room.

"What was that about?"
"Like I said, I'm just getting a bad cold."
"You take medicine?"
"It'll go away."

She lied back down with him on the sopa and fell asleep fairly fast. Around two, he turned off the tv and slipped slowly off the sopa to let her lay down properly. As he did, he managed to catch droplets of blood residue on her tank top. He became very suspicious, but left that for a better time. So he grabbed the fleece throw blanket, hanging over the armrest and covered her from head to toe. After, he limped in the kusina for a glass of gin. He leaned against the counter in the dark, as the moon took its place in the sky. It watched over him, and lighted the darkness. After his third glass, he made his way back into the living room and sat on the floor. He rested his leg down on the carpet and kept his head angled against the cushions of the couch. His head was so close to hers, he heard her muffled breathing.


Morning: 8:30 a.m.

A cry sounded from the nursery. It was loud, but brief. House, who had fallen completely on the floor as he slept, had carefully risen his torso off the floor and sat upright. He shut his eyes tight, and rubbed his head and face. He had a migraine. Then again, a segundo cry sounded from the nursery. Before she could again, he had gotten up to calm the child. He limped into the nursery and picked her up from her kuna and hushed her. She smiled at him, and began to grab at his face. As he pulled away in a slight annoyance, she started laughing. Her laugh echoed throughout the nursery and came bouncing back to House's ears. It was a sweet sound. A very sweet sound. He shut his eyes for a moment, but then opened them right back up again and he peeked outside the room to see if Cuddy had woken up. Then he stared back at the child.

"Shush. You'll wake mommy."

Not knowing what to do with her, now that she was clearly awake, he carefully walked out into the living room. He crept sa pamamagitan ng Cuddy and then made his way to the front door. He unlocked it, and opened it gently, and sat down on the steps of her porch outside. He left it cracked open, to be sure he wouldn't lock himself out. As he sat down on the cold concrete, he stretched out his leg, and kept his other on the step, sitting the child on his lap as they watched the sunrise.

"You're strange, kid. But, for mommy's sake, I'm going to try and bond with you more. The only times I've spent with you is, putting you asleep and, well you throwing up on me."

She looked up at him. All she did was bat her eyes and pulled at his face.

"I uh. I'm not that good at this. As you can see. You kind of remind me of my cousin. She's older now, but when we were kids, I used to take care of her. I was nine at the time and she was only one. She was like my little sister. That was years nakaraan though. I haven't really taken care of a baby like this since."

She cooed, almost as if replying to him. The sun was fairly high, and shining bright. It's streaks of light spread out through the house, and managed to reach Cuddy. As it touched her face, she made a few twitches here and there, before finally waking up. She sat curiously upright on the sopa and looked around: nursery door open, no House in sight, and front door open. She took a hair tie from her mesa and put her hair up, as she began to walk towards the door. As she got closer, she recognized the voice. She began to walk slower.

"..and with everything I've been through, our lives don't even compare. But they are kind of similar. We both have a mom we care about, we really didn't have a father growing up...For you, that still remains to be seen."

Cuddy stood in the crack of the door as she listened in on their 'conversation.'

"You may not have a dad yet, and I honestly don't know if you ever will. But, you have a mommy. You have one heck of a mommy. And she loves you, madami than you will, or madami than you could ever know."

She listened intently as he continued giving her baby daughter this lecture.

"So, when you're older, I don't wanna hear about you smoking or getting pregnant or even doing drugs. Don't end up like me. Don't take that route. Maybe, if you had a dad, I would encourage it madami but. Your mom's alone. If you ever did any of that to her, not only would it hurt her, but the load bears on her a lot. If you had a dad, you could give him the puso attack."

Cuddy gave a smirk.

"Even though you may not have a dad, you do have a crazy aunt, named Aunt Heather, and you have a strange Uncle, named Uncle Gary, and you have a bitchin' Grandma, named well Grandma, to you at least. Knowing her, she might even want you to call her Aunt Nora."

Cuddy couldn't help but laugh. She shook her head and just smiled.

"We should have these talks madami often."

Rachel just cooed and pulled at his face again. Cuddy broke a laugh. House turned around and saw her standing in the arch of the door. She folded her arms and finally spoke.

"You're not influencing my daughter to be rebellious and a juvenile delinquent are you?"
"Yes. I am. I have to pass the legend on don't I? Now like I said, weed at thirteen, vicodin at fifteen, triplets at eighteen, and mommy should be dead in no time."

Cuddy rolled her eyes as he got up off the steps, and began to walk back into the house, with Rachel in his arm.

"I'm calling in sick."
"No you're not," Cuddy retorted as she walked into the kitchen.

"Let me rephrase that, I am feeling extremely ill this promising morning, therefore I will call in to my work and inform them of my ill being."
"You are not sick."
"My head is killing me though. Along with my leg."
"You're leg's hurting?"
"Here we go."

They were all in the kusina now. House had put Rachel in her high chair and he had sat down on one of the chairs. Cuddy was preparing some coffee and a bottle for Rachel.

"How bad?"
"It's just hurting. It's well enough for me to walk short distances, but it hurts enough for me to collapse while attending to a patient in the clinic, and back to my office."
"Did you take your vicodin?"
"Oh God woman. I say leg pain you think, oh my god he's dying."
"Well excuse me for being concerned."

She sat down susunod to him after giving Rachel her bottle. She propped her head on her hand with her elbow on the table, and she closed her eyes.

"Tired much?"
"Physically. I slept too well last night to be sleepy."
"Your sopa is actually comfortable. Even your floor, exceptionally comfortable."
"You should've slept with me on the couch."
"You'd be even madami tired if i hadn't got off. Proper sleep equals good sleep."
"And does that only apply to everyone else but you?"
"I did have proper sleep."
"Yeah, right."

She opened back her eyes and just laid her head flat on the table. He ran his hand over her hair and then held her hand.

"I actually think I'm gonna stay tahanan too. My chest is killing me."
"Could be from the quick takeout we got before coming tahanan last night."
"I barely ate any."
"Well, get a check when we get back tomorrow."

His voice sounded very concerned. Just the tone itself was worrying.

"I'm going back to bed, I feel way too tired."
"I'll sumali you in a few minutes. Let me just call your babysitter to come pick the little one up."

She lifted herself lazily off the kusina chair and began to make her way into the bedroom. House then went and turned off the coffee maker. After doing so, he went to go pick up the smiling Rachel from her highchair.

"I'll see you later kiddo," he kissed her on the forehead and grabbed the phone with his opened hand and dialed for the babysitter, as Cuddy attempting to put herself at ease.


Chapter 14 - "The Comeback"


They got hungrier as they tasted each other. It’s been so long since they’ve been in this situation. The sentiments now weren’t as fresh and naïve – no, now they’re truly experiencing the whole point of being in love, and not just giving it a try, like they did on college many years ago.

It didn’t really matter to them if they weren’t on the sopa anymore, and if the carpet was out of place, or if the lamp that was peacefully resting...
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I'm loving the fact that you're enjoying this fiction! Nothing makes me prouder =)
Anyway, I sort of have bad news. This is chapter 13, but chapter 14 is the last one, so I thought I'd warn you beforehand that this fiction is close to its end ^^ Ok? Two madami chappies to go =p


Chapter 13 - "The Issues"


“Well, if I remember correctly, we were about to go to your bedroom to do grown-up stuff.” – House said.

Then he remembered what the real tanong was. He didn’t really care about...
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Chapter 12 - "The Counter"


Despite all her mental efforts to avoid such action, she went for it.

If it was House who had kissed her, she could have a good reason to shove him away, slap him, kick his butt, etc. But he didn’t, and somehow that pissed her off.

Now she couldn’t just “bravely” run away; she was the one who started it.

Wait – Was this his plan all along?

But as soon as he slid his tongue into her mouth, she stopped thinking.

Feeling like they were back to the dance floor again, and under the bet Wilson and House did, both of...
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Chapter 10 - "Bells and phonecalls"


When Cuddy arrived home, she didn’t care about the bath; she just threw herself to kama and fell asleep.

As she closed her eyes, House was getting off the shower.

He dressed up right on time to answer the phone. Wilson again.

“House, is Cuddy still there?”

“Nope, we may speak freely now… without me getting severely hurt sa pamamagitan ng a madwoman.”

“She just took her araw off. What’s wrong? Did something happen between you two or not?”

“Wilson, calm down. Nothing happened really.”

“Oh? Nothing at all?”...
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Chapter 7 - "The Twist of Events"


She arrived at House's apartment only to find his legs in the place where his door should be. He was asleep half inside, half outside.

She threw her pitaka sideways and managed to drag him through the apartment (losing one of her heels halfway and throwing the other one off her foot, to balance her height) into his bedroom in about five minutes.

God he’s heavy. How the hell am I going to place him in bed?

She thought about waking him up, but if the dragging (and some bumping into some obstacles such as piles...
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Chapter 3 - "The Beginning"


House looked at his reflection in the mirror. He was dressed like he usually did.

Something was lacking, though. He squinted at the mirror.

Black blazer…check.

Blue jeans…check.

White t-shirt... No, maybe I should change into a shirt…maybe wear a tie…

Screw the tie.

House quickly removed the t-shirt and changed into a black shirt.

Looks like I’m mourning for someone.

He opted for a white sando underneath the blazer.


Why am I caring so much about the bloody clothing? …


Ah, the money, of course.

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House had decided to go and see cuddy at her house. He had witnessed the baby being born in the OR but had also seen her fail to breathe. Cuddy had been left shell shocked and immediately left the hospital and went home. It was like things were moving in slow motion-she crawled up on tuktok of her kama and just lay there. Then she heard a knock on the door. Should she open it?

(House knocked on the door with his cane-he had ridden on his motorcycle to Cuddy’s house. He had thought about all the horrible things he told her the past couple of days, and realized he was just reflecting his own insecurities...
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Earlier that day, Wilson had told him to talk to Cuddy. He sinabi in his glib tone,"You've got an itch that needs to be scratched. Well, lucky for you she's a doctor."
House wished he had never told his friend about the makeout session in Cuddy's tahanan and the almost sex that occured. But who was he really kidding? He had to get this off his chest. Ever since that night he and Cuddy had been keeping distance from one another which was unrealistic, ibingiay the circumstances. She was his boss and he usually had to go to her for approval for his insane medical procedures. So, after hours of replaying...
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So.... i pretty much explained it in the title, i thought: loads of people seem to be saying huddy is great or its going to happen in the sixth season, so i should put all the quotes/interviews together into one big super OMG huddy is gonna happen finally artikulo ( the best kind). So... starting with Katie Jacobs, because that was when we got confirmed season 5 huddy : ) : ) : ).

Katie Jacobs

From the soro Press Tour, ausiello files tv.

" We are going to see House and Cuddy sort of bilog each other the way that they have a probably get a little closer than that, this is season 5, it would be...
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After watching all of season four I have come to the opinion that House and Cuddy are deeply in pag-ibig with one another they just don't realize it completely. The entire season they were madami light-hearted and teasing with each other than I think I have ever seen them. I mean there is a whole episode devoted to the two running pranks on each other. Then there is the infamous yet hilarious sinturon episode in which House ordered his underlings to steal Cuddy's panties. Wilson even thought it was madami than a simple challenge when he said, "Some people would call that wooing."
In addition,there is...
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So that is House. The Psych thought as a cripple entered the room.
“I suppose you know who I am already so I’ll do a fast test-“
“Guess what I am thinking now.” The Psych said.
Why don’t they believe her? Is it so weird to have supernatural powers? Ok , yes it is.
“That was predictable.” House said. People are always predictable The Psych had to agree with him. He was indeed predictable. A palm puno how original!
“Palm tree. Gosh why do people always think in palm trees?”
“Were you thinking about a palm tree?” Cameron giggled. Why should House think in a palm tree? That’s...
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posted by huddy_aimee
This is my Huddy poem...I dont really like my last stanza... :) but oh well...if you are true huddy fans, you'll understand what im talking about...


Blue on blue,
Sea on sky.
They're not together,
I wonder why.

Short on tall,
Opposites attract.
They pag-ibig each other,
And that is fact.

Both so arrogant,
Yet, both so cute.
No wonder their relationship,
Is hard to fluke.

Gregory House,
and Lisa Cuddy.
So perfect together,
They make Huddy...

pretty gay... :P
posted by Cuddles
Well...I don't know if it's any good...I just started to write because I had one of these rare moments of creativity.
English is not my first languages so there might be some mistakes in it.


I'm looking for me
I never come to rest
I'm looking for me.
You are the one who knows me best.

I'm recovering pieces of my soul
but I'm too afraid of what I could find out so I back away
There's a big black hole.
And no reason for me to stay.

So now I'm running from myself
without destination at all.
I'm running from myself
and wait for someone to break my fall.

I'm as insecure as you
maybe even more
No matter what...
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 How Cuddy has changed
How Cuddy has changed
As Season 5 is approaching us and a major Huddy arc has been announced, many people will be holding thier breath and crossing their fingers as Huddy comes to dominate our screens. Thinking over all of this, as with the touching season finale still fresh on my mind, I thought I would write an artikulo about my beloved ship, Huddy, but I wouldn't be talking about our favourite moments, or how cute they are together or anything you would normally find in a crazy Huddy shipper's rant. Instead I thought I would look at House's view, literally his perspective of Cuddy and how it has changed through...
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added by kellinator
Source: cutting_onions@lj
posted by Sculy08
A Happy Life: Chapter 5

13: I talked to Simon's parents and they sinabi he was a healthy kid. They wanted to know why I needed the information. They didn't buy my story about needing it to put with Rachel's records. I had to tell them.

[House looks back towards Cuddy. House sighs and puts his hand to his brow and rubs.]

House: You can't make up one lie. How did Foreman ever believe you about going straight! They aren't coming here are they?
13: I don’t' know. I ah.. I'm sorry House.
House: Go to Cuddy's house and use the key under the bulaklak pot. I want you to paghahanap the House.

[a monitor starts...
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 "I always want to halik you,"
"I always want to kiss you,"
Well. It’s been a long, long time since I’ve published an article. I use my words carefully - o actually did write an artikulo for Saviors. I just haven’t published it. Yet. It’s on my mum’s Air so i can’t access it right now. This is because when i write an article, i really want to be happy with it. I also want to be bothered to write it ;) but mostly the happy thing. This is because every artikulo i have written since Teh Itch one has been graded sa pamamagitan ng me against that, and since that was 4000 words of things that mostly hadn’t been pointed out before I was mostly to very happy with...
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Foreplay- sexual activity such as halik and touching each other before having sex.
Banter- conversation that is not serious and it’s often playful.
Flirt- to behave as if sexually attracted to someone, often in a way that is not meant seriously.
Why was Cuddy searching these words in the dictionary? Her head spun when she read the last word.
These were the words people use to describe her relationship with House. Cuddy held her tears. So what did that meant? That House and her will never work out. That he wasn’t serious, he didn’t want anything with anybody. How could she be so dumb, how...
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(House looked at the X-Ray of Cuddy’s chest; which showed multiple lesions on one side of her left lung.)

Wilson: They sinabi yes, she’s being prepped for surgery.

House: That’s what caused the cysts and the excess trauma.

Wilson: She’s going to be okay.

House: Yeah. She is.

(Wilson left, whilst House let out a sigh of relief and a small smile.)


(It was the end of the susunod day, when Houses went to see Cuddy in ICU. The nurses were taking the tube that helped her breathe out of her throat. When the left House entered and brought a dumi ng tao from the side of the room and sat on it, waiting...
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*They were almost to the backdoor...moving slowly...then they heard Mark* Is Lisa with you????

*One of the men answered* no you?

You idiot! Now they're going to the cops...they couldn't have gotten that far espcially House ..lets go look for them.

*House backed up and crouched down. He motioned Cuddy to do the same. They hid under her mesa waiting for the men to leave.*

*Mark walked through the kitchen* When I find them theres going to be hell to pay.

*Abby was getting restless and started to cry*

*Mark turned around and saw them under the table* I was guys didn't get very far.....
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