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posted by HuddyJoy0524
I am so happy that everyone loved my first chapter so much! So here is your segundo one, it's very emotional but I hope you still like it! ;)

Chapter 2: Trapped

Cuddy banged on the doors with both of her fists again and let out a little moan. “Please. Oh please PLEASE let me out of here!” She banged again.
    “It’s no use. They can’t hear us and if they can they aren’t going to pay attention.” House crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.
    Cuddy turned and glared at him. “I am the Dean of Medicine.”
    “You also can also live without electricity,” House stated matter o factly.
    Cuddy put her hands on her hips and turned away from House to continue pushing buttons in an attempt to get the elevator to start.
    “It’s not going to do any good…” House sinabi in a sing song voice.
    “You COULD help me you know!” Cuddy growled before punching the emergency button again. “I do NOT have the time to be stuck in an elevator with you of all people.”
    “I’m insulted,” House pouted. He lowered himself slowly to the floor and leaned against the wall. He opened the case file that Cuddy had dropped underneath the railing.
    “Cell phone!” Cuddy suddenly shouted. “House do you have your cellphone?!” House reached into his pocket and handed it to her. She pulled it out and quickly dialed Wilson’s number.
    “James! It’s Lisa! You’ve got to help me!!!!”
    “What…what is it Lisa is something wrong?” Wilson grew alarmed at Cuddy’s panicked voice.
    “James I’m trapped in the elevator!”
    “House and I were on the way up to his floor when the power went out. When the generators came on our elevator didn’t. You’ve got to get me out of here!” Cuddy began pacing back and forth in the front of the elevator.
    There was silence before Wilson suddenly burst into laughter. Cuddy frowned and stopped pacing. “What is so funny?” She sinabi in a huff and House couldn’t help but smile a little and stare at the disgruntled Cuddy.
    “I’m…I’m sorry Lisa. It’s just…I’m relieved. I thought there was something really wrong!” Wilson spoke in between fits of laughing.
    “There is something really wrong! I’m trapped in an elevator with House!” Cuddy gestured to House as if Wilson could see her movements.
    “Lisa just take a deep breath. I will call maintenance and they can have you out of there soon. I’m glad someone’s not actually dying. Just hang tight okay?”
    Cuddy sighed and hung up the phone. “Great. Now what are we going to do?”
    “We could make out.”
    Cuddy glared at House and sat down in a corner far away from him.
    “You know you should lighten up,” House snapped at her. “Geez. Were you abducted sa pamamagitan ng aliens while I was in Mayfield?”
    Cuddy didn’t say anything and House groaned. “Great. The silent treatment. Maybe I should break my neck so that you will at least pay attention to me.”
    Cuddy looked over at him. “Don’t be ridiculous. I just don’t feel like talking right now.”
    “Okay. Well we DO have a case sitting here. Could you help me solve it?”
Cuddy stared at House for a couple of segundos before nodding and scooting closer to him. “What does it say?”
    “You didn’t read it before you came in here?”
    “Normally I read it to you while I’m in here and walking to your room so no, I didn’t get the opportunity actually,” Cuddy answered sarcastically.
    House rolled his eyes. “You know a taon nakaraan I would have loved to be trapped in here with you,” he muttered. Cuddy looked at House sideways. “What?”
    “Nothing.” He returned to the case file. “Says here: A nineteen taon old boy brought into the ER last night with stomach pain, cramps, headache, nausea. Fever of 102.”
    He turned to Cuddy. “That doesn’t sound like a case to me.”
    Cuddy leaned in and pointed to the bottom of the paper. “It says here he began vomiting blood. Generally that doesn’t occur with normal old stomachaches.”
    “It could just be ulcers,” House shrugged.
    Cuddy shook her head. “He’s been to the doctor before for that. They even performed unnecessary surgery on him looking in his stomach and small intestines for one…”
    “Well it’s possible that the stitches from his surgery got infected,” House put out his hand for the phone while looking down at his files and Cuddy slapped it into his hand. He dialed Foreman.
    “This is Eric Foreman.”
    “Hey it’s House.”
    “House? Where the hell are you man? We’ve been looking everywhe…”
    “I’m trapped in the elevator with Cuddy.”
    “Don’t be ridiculous. Seriously. Doctors and nurses are running around the hospital trying to keep things in order and no one can find Cuddy…”
    “I am trapped…in the elevator…with Cuddy.”
    “For real. Where are you?”
    House sighed and sinabi nothing and glanced at Cuddy who rolled her eyes.
    “Oh my…you are really stuck in the elevator with Cuddy aren’t you???!!” Foreman busted out laughing. “Hey guys House and Cuddy are trapped together in one of the elevators!”
    Cuddy grabbed the phone from House. “Eric! Listen to me! We’ve got a case file in here! We need you to find a Lyle Masoner and look at his files. Bounce around ideas and call us back.”
    “Al…right…” Foreman answered between fits of laughter and hung up the phone. Cuddy slammed the phone shut and threw it on the ground.
    “Hey be careful that phone was…” House made a face.
    “I do not see how this is funny at all!” Cuddy crossed her arms.
    “I do.” House raised his eyebrows and stared at the ceiling.
    “Please…enlighten me.”
    “Well there are three options. One, we kill each other. Two one of us jumps the other. Three: all of the above.”
    Cuddy knew House was being playfully serious. “Which one do you think will happen?” She asked him, somewhat playfully.
    House grinned at her and Cuddy couldn’t help but smile a little, he hadn’t smiled like that since…
    “Wouldn’t you like to know,” House wiggled his eyebrows and winked and Cuddy couldn’t help but blush. Then she remembered she was supposed to be angry and wiped the smile off her face. “Well, certainly not options two or three!”
    “Then I guess they are going to find two dead bodies. But I wager that people are placing bets on option two,” House stated. His phone went off and he picked it up. “Yo wat up tahanan dogs?”
    “House its Chase! I think we may have found the problem.”
    “Already?” House gawked. Cuddy sat back down susunod to House, grabbed the phone, put it on speaker and set it down. “Het its Cuddy I’m listening too.”
    There was a pause and Thirteen spoke next. “We took some blood samples and his platelet count is too low. We think it may be Thrombocytenia.”
    “But that doesn’t make sense. It explains the spitting blood but not the stomach pain or the fever.” Cuddy added.
    “Maybe he has stomach cancer. It would explain the pain and the Thrombocytenia.” Chase tried.
    “Good. Go get Wilson and do a screening.” House hung up the phone.
    There was a long silence. “So…how is Rachel doing?” House asked awkwardly.
    “Fine.” Cuddy answered.
    “How old is she again?” House questioned.
    Cuddy looked over at House, surprised, and noticed that he was actually asking about her child. He wasn’t mocking, poking fun, just curious. She smiled a little bit. “She’s fifteen months now.”
    “Wow.” House answered. “She’s really getting big. sa pamamagitan ng the way…I like how you…uhh…put her hair in a ponytail. It makes her look…uhhh…nice.”
    Cuddy stared at House strangely. “Well…thanks.” House looked down quickly attempting to busy himself with the file and Cuddy felt another surge of guilt wash through her. He was REALLY trying. If only he had tried a taon ago…one year…
    “She’s starting to talk now too,” Cuddy added proud of her daughter.
    “Really?” House looked up. “Well what has she said?”
    “Her first word was cookie,” Cuddy smiled to herself thinking about it. “But she also says blankie, bottle, Mommy, and Daddy.” Cuddy saw House’s face fall and he turned back to look at the file. “That’s nice,” he muttered.
    Cuddy put her face to her knees and sighed trying to wipe out House’s miserable facial expression from her memory. She looked down at the floor of the elevator and noticed a drop of blood stained the carpet. She ran her finger over it and turned back to House.
    “Did you think of anything new on the case?”
    “No,” House answered grumpily.
    Cuddy stopped talking and looked away at the buttons on the panel. She stood up and walked over trying to hit buttons again. Still nothing.
    “When is the damn maintenance guy going to come???” She whined.
    “When he comes,” House answered in a saucy tone.
    “Well maybe we should try and figure out how to get out on our own.”
    “Uhhh….well…considering the doors are locked shut….” House looked over at her and she squinted her eyes making one of her classic faces.
    “Well….how about we try to climb out through the top?” Cuddy suggested.
    “Great idea! You first!” House answered looking back down at the case. “Are you claustrophobic or something?”
    Cuddy leaned against the doors of the elevator. “No. But I happen to be House-phobic.”
    “Haha haha haha!” House fake laughed. “I’m dying because I’m laughing so hard. Do you think I really want to be stuck in here with the boss from hell?”
    “Oh please! I have saved your asno so many times…”
    “But not when it counted,” House gave her a mean look and that one hit home. Cuddy stopped and literally pulled back from the shock of his comment.
    Luckily, at that moment the phone rang. House picked it up, hit the speaker button, and slammed it on the ground. “House!” He shouted.
    “Uhhh….are you alright?” Wilson asked from the other end of the line.
    “Fine! What do you have?” House glanced up at Cuddy who looked like she was attempting not to burst into tears.
    “Well we tested him and he’s clean. No cancer. We also ran a tox screen while we were at it. Nothing.”    
    “But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have Thrombocytenia.”
    “Yes, but that brings us back to square one. What is causing the stomach pain?” Taub piped up.
    “Diverticulitis?” Thirteen asked from the other end of the phone.
    “Wouldn’t cause him to vomit blood.” House shook his head.
    “Giardiasis?” Chase asked.
    “Doesn’t explain the fever.”
    “Hydronephrosis,” Cuddy said.
    House looked up at her and then down at the phone. “It fits the symptoms.”
    “We’ll test him,” Wilson sinabi quickly and hung up the phone.
    “Impressive,” House sinabi and began muttering to himself as he continued to peruse the file.
    “Why did you say that?” Cuddy asked.
    “Say what? What you sinabi was impressive! I was merely…”
    “No. Before.” Cuddy’s nostrils flared as she attempted not to cry. “Why did you say that?”
    House shrugged. “It was the truth.”
    “It’s NOT the truth!” Cuddy yelled.
    House leaned back. “Last time I checked…”
    “If you wanted my help you should have asked me! House! I knew something was bothering you…”
    “If you knew something was bothering me why didn’t you say something??” House asked, frustrated.
    “You didn’t tell me! How was I supposed to know?” Cuddy’s voice dropped as it got weaker from her attempts not to lose it.
    “I thought I told you,” House dropped his head. “I thought I told you.” He repeated.
     “House. What happened in the past happened. Okay? I’m not angry about that anymore. You were sick! You thought I helped you, that we slept together….it’s okay.”
    “No. It’s not.” House gripped the cane on the floor susunod to him and clenched his other fist. “It never will be again. You know that. Things can’t be like they were anymore.”
    “We’ve both…grown up.” Cuddy responded.
    House stared at her. “No. I don’t want to grow up. I want things to be the way they were before.”
    “They can’t House.” Cuddy looked at him mournfully. “You are getting better now. Learning how to…how to develop real relationships with people. That’s a good thing.”
    “Not when the only other relationship that matters to me is impossible,” House fixed his eyes on Cuddy who again was not expecting such an honest answer and gasped.
    “I think the case is solved. I haven’t gotten a call back.” House closed the file. “I’m going to take a nap.” He closed his eyes and rested his head against the wall.
    Cuddy’s face contorted as little teardrops fell from her eyes. He loved her. And she still loved him. So much. But she loved Lucas too, with all her heart. Why was he pursuing her now? Why not a taon nakaraan when she was ready for a relationship? Why was he making this so hard on her? She turned away and put her face into the elevator doors and cried. She muffled the sound with her hands. But House could still hear her.
I've been having trouble Pagsulat for Thirteen but this is what I've got so far comments are pag-ibig and please let me know if I should continue!

Chapter 7: Who is Remy “Thirteen” Hadley?

A nurse came in and adjusted some of Thirteen’s IV’s and checked her blood pressure Cuddy was their sa pamamagitan ng her side through the process. After the nurse left Cuddy began to ask Thirteen tanong about her life.
“So what is the first thing to the Remy Hadley story?”
“Well what do you want to know?”
“Everything, start with your earliest memory.”
“Well I’ve been bisexual all my life I knew even in...
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posted by HuddyBrave
Ok well my fic is winding down and I know that I have been horrible at updating but I didnt want to leave you guys with no fic to read of mine. So here is one of my ideas and I wanted to see what you think about it and if i should do it or not. This idea has been nawing at me for a while now. SO tell me if i should continue.... :)

Ugh! I groaned as I hit my alarm clock. It was anouther boring araw of boring school. Why did I have to get up? Geez I am just so tired. Why is this? Oh yeah volleyball.

I got up and got ready to go to school unwillingly. Great I have to see...
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posted by lizzie22xo
Smooth wet lips is all he feels on him, moving from his chin to his jaw, where a days worth of
facial hair is lightly showing. He could hear the faint sounds of moaning escaping her busy mouth, as well as his heavy breathing from the sensations she was making him have. A tongue slowly glides over his Adam's Apple, seductively licking, then taking her teeth and nibbling on his now red and wet skin. That's all it took. The tips of his fingers patiently and carefully traces down her covered torso. gansa bumps on her arms appear rapidly at the touch of his shaking index finger going over her hidden...
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posted by lizzie22xo
She was beginning to miss his annoying harassments. He hadn’t spoken to her in quite a while, okay, a buwan and two days to be exact, but it’s not like she was counting.. She saw him in class, but he never spoke, surprisingly. All she could was blame herself, for she created this so called ‘game’. But, little did she know, he missed her, deeply. Though, he’d never ipakita it, because he refuses to lose their game.

It was around 11 at night, when she decided to take his advice, and go have some fun. She was headed to one of the many parties happening that night, unfortunately for her,...
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posted by livethislifeup
Later that night 10:49 p.m.

The hospital was fairly empty. Empty and quiet. The only people around were some nurses, and a few doctors standing sa pamamagitan ng in their offices, catching up on paperwork and anything else they needed to take care of. House slid open the door to Cuddy's room, and carefully walked inside. He had taken a upuan in the corner of the room and began to paghahanap his pockets for something. Cuddy, was on the bed, asleep, but not for long. She woke up soon enough, and spoke in a hushed tone.

"What--are you doing?"

He pulled out a needle and rolled up his pant leg. Then he took...
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posted by Hancicik
She jumped when House threw open the door; House briefly looked at her and then close and locked the door. Cuddy gave him a worried look, House was surprised how much emotions she had in her eyes. Doubt, expectation, passion, pain. He stepped closer to her, putting his cane away. Cuddy raised her hand and stepped back, hiding her desk.
“No,” she gasped unconvincingly.

“Don’t worry I don’t bite,” House announced, still limping to her.
“No, but you hurt,” Cuddy sinabi weakly. “I’m too tired, House. I don’t want to play anymore.” sa pamamagitan ng now, House get to her,...
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posted by Fabouluz
It was late afternoon, and outside it was still raining; however the sight of a bahaghari through the window made Lisa smile.

Lisa: I’ve gotta go guys. Otherwise I’ll be late for my last class.

Vanessa: Why are you taking Endocrinology again? It’s not as if you need to.

Lisa: I just…want to see if I could do better.

Lisa stood up from the sheltered benches, and picked up her small tote before walking to class. Smiling, she looked up into the rain clouds before she stopped under the shelter of the entrance to the building. Pinning her hair back, she then opened the door to the lecture room;...
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I am soooo excited about the episode it's unreal, and (aside from plenty of Huddy smut ideas) this would leave me alone, so thought I'd put it on here. Not exactly Huddy, but kind of...I think.

"No, I want to hear about the sad hero again." a 3 taon old Rachel Cuddy whined to her mum as they lay on her bed. 'She loves that story.' she thought, remembering back to when she made up taht story after a particularly tricky araw at the hospital. She took a deep breath and exhaled, removing those thoughts from her head with the air from her lungs she began her tale:

"Once upon a time, in Princetonia...
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posted by Fabouluz

Wilson: Do you have someone in there with you?

(Cuddy froze, trying not to make a sound. She was stuck hiding sa pamamagitan ng the door, House obviously enjoyed this but Cuddy looked anxious and annoyed.)

House: No-one. When did you get all jealous?

(Wilson gave House a look before taking his foot out of the way of the door and House closed it.)

Cuddy: That was, annoying.

(House and Cuddy looked at each other intently before they kissed passionately, Cuddy’s back hit the mirror behind her and broke it but they didn’t care.)

House: That’s seven years bad luck.

(Cuddy and House stood there, their eyes connected...
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Days had passed since House last talked to Lisa. Then days turned into weeks. Weeks then turned into months. Months turned into years. They finally had spoken to eachother 3 years later. He was walking with a new girl, she had short black hair, she was pretty as a picture. The girl wasnt from John Hopkins, she was at a law school near to John Hopkins. Once a week she would come visit House. While they were walking side sa pamamagitan ng side, Lisa was holding hands with William Perterson when she happened to walk sa pamamagitan ng House.
Lisa smiled at House, and House returned the same smile. All of them stopped.
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added by pietruszka
posted by Cuddles
Inspired sa pamamagitan ng the lovely song:
"If I could see you" sa pamamagitan ng Yiruma.
I thank ´CathCuddy for giving the link to me <3.

I hope they're any good.
My creative mood got me again.
Please R & R
(Constructive!) Critism is always welcome.


Past and present

If I could see you again
through the same eyes as back then
when we weren't aware of what would come
of what we had to go through
of what we had to suffer
It would make things a lot easier.

But it's impossible
Present is the only thing which remains for me
And that certain melancholy and longing
called nostalgia
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added by cicino1
Source: me
added by cicino1
Source: ohshizzlemizzle @
added by xxiwuuxx
Source: soro / cryptictac @ lj
added by emma1850
added by Fabouluz
Source: fanfr1ends@lj
posted by HuddyJoy0524
So I estola this game from the "House M.D." tagahanga page because it is a lot of fun and I thought all the Huddiers might enjoy playing :) It's also a fun game to pass the time between now and Jan 11th (sooo long!)

So the game goes like this: A player will make a hunch about the susunod person (has to do with huddy of course). The player who sagot will either say true (they agree with the statement) or false (they disagree with the statement). then they will make a hunch about the susunod person and so on. You use TPBM (the person below me) _____.

For example:
User123: The perso below me hates Huddy
HuddyJoy0524: False!!! I pag-ibig Huddy!
TPBM thinks the Huddy scene with Rachel in season 5 was adorable
Etc, etc.

I'll start:
TPBM's paborito Huddy scene is the halik in "Joy."
This is an All My Children and House crossover tagahanga fiction I do not own All My Children it belongs to ABC and House belongs to FOX. Also AMC fans in this story David does not know about his child with Amanda. House fans Cuddy is not with Lucas and doesn’t have Rachel. Sorry if this disappoints anyone I hope you will still read and enjoy the story. Reviews are love. Enjoy!

All My Doctors

Chapter 1: New Head of Cardiology

Dr. Lisa Cuddy sat in her office at eight o’clock Monday morning quietly reviewing over some notes and other paperwork. She was very anxious about seeing her newest employee...
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posted by huddyforever
Heyyy…so obviously this is chapter 2 and yeah…that’s pretty much all I have to say other than: Enjoy!!!

There stood Cuddy in her jeans, tee shirt, and pulled back hair, a sleeping baby in arm. He couldn’t help a little smile from forming on his lips. “Sure.” She nodded and walked in, emmediatley looking for a ligtas place to set Rachel so she could sleep. “Wilson has an extra comforter. If you get my Vicodin on your way to the comforter I will watch Rachel.” She smirked and handed Rachel, carefully, over to House and then went to find the comforter.

He looked at the sleeping child...
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