Huddy Huddy spot rehab! A pagtitip. to talk about different opinions on Huddy :)

oldmovie posted on Aug 19, 2009 at 04:36AM
So a lot of us over at this forum: link

Have found the Huddy spot to be getting a little out of control and a little testy, shall we say, towards other ships and ideas about Huddy. So we've decided to try and bring back the open minded spirit that once made this spot quite unique!

SO I thought what better way to start that sort of journey (lol horrible word but whatever) then to have a place to talk about different relationships or even ideas on the show that take a slightly different approach to Huddy or even are slightly anti-Huddy so we can fully embrace the entire show.

So maybe you're a little bit Hameron and you want somewhere where you can discuss how Cameron's interactions with House actually add a little something to the Huddy relationship. Or maybe how Stacy showed us all that House is actually quite romantic, or even how Foreteen's aura (again horrible word choice) seems very similar to Huddy. This is a place to discuss and debate various ships on House in a safe enviroment where nobody will give you crap about how you feel.

I will even occasionally invite other shipping communities to come in and discuss what they love so that maybe you can see why that element of the show is so brilliant in their eyes and maybe you'll even start to see it that way :)

Obviously it has to link a little bit to Huddy, since we are in the Huddy spot, but maybe your opinion isn't the standard opinion towards this wonderful ship :)

Here's to happy shipping :)

EDIT: I thought it would be interesting to kind of have topics to talk about and after a while, or after its been talked till there's nothing left to talk about, we could change it. SO.....

last edited on Aug 19, 2009 at 04:55AM

Huddy 24 ang sumagot

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sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas oldmovie said…
So I guess I'll start :)

First things first though, I think you all should know I posted a link to this forum in the Hameron spot, for hope of peaceful debate, or even just talking about what you like with people who honestly love Hameron. PLEASE be respectful (I know more than likely most of you will be more than that :) ) and realize this is not a chance to bash on them.

Anyways, onto the Hameron.

Originally I was a very big Hameron fan, it was a relationship I thought was rather interesting and House acted differently enough around her to make me interested while I watched it. While I did not stay with this ship romantically, it has grown on me in the past 2 seasons when Cameron was no longer part of House's team.

I like the sort of mentor/student relationship they have. Cameron obviously looks up to House as a sort of ideal and she puts him on a very high pedestal. I think it will be interesting to see how she reacts when her ideal is trying to recover his sanity at Mayfield.
last edited sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas huddysmacked said…
*toasts* To the happy shipping =)))

Now *warms up hands* I'm gonna write my opinion over Hameron...And I will make sure to not bash because if someone does I will DO THE SAME AS OM XDD

So off to type XDD
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas huddysmacked said…
Ok so first of all I clarify I have never been a Hameron fan because I started watching the show because of a Huddy moment so that's why I already had my mind set in Huddy... And well because I don't like them as a relationship kinda way.

As OM said I like their interactions as teacher/mentor, well actually I think they have become more than that it's more like a hot girl who want me to be her friend/ex-crush who became my friend kinda relationship....

In the first season I hated Cameron with ALL my soul. Really not only because she was the opposite of my ship but because she was soooo immature and well I hated the way she acted around House and it got annoying to me. But now as the shiw has developed I like her, since the end of s3 I began to think she wasn't that bad. I actually now like her as a character and I think she's important to House too but *shivers* everytime I see Half wit I have to speed the kiss scene and close my eyes XDDD

Mmm what more do I have to say about Hameron... Well I think that when Cameron quit and House went with her on a date, I was almost banging my head against the TV. It was pathetic to me, and well I hated both House and Cam in that point XDD But then it was ok...

*searchs in her brain* The kiss between them has a simple explanation House makes out with anyone...if you don't believe me...Stacy,Cam,Cuddy,Hookers and Franka (who I don't know her character name). So yeah House kissed Cameron because she's a hot girl but and House is always feeling needy so he let Cam have fun...

*scratches head again* Well i really don't have anything else to say because my POV towards Hameron has changed a lot... And I don't like ship wars so I am trying to be as nice and as neutral to say my opinion.

Oh almost forgot! The age difference! Yeah I hate that he could be his dad so.. that's mainly what bugs me...but apart from that it's ok.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas oldmovie said…
^^ LOL HS nice attempt, but we don't neccesarily have to talk about them being romantic, just as friends or even just as colleagues.

Personally I preferred season 1 Cameron to season 3 Cameron mainly because she was sweet and innocent and still stood by a lot of her morals. It was nice to see a character, even if I didn't always agree with her methods, take an opposite stand-point to House and fight for the goodness in people she so believed in. I thought the way Cameron got a date from House was interesting, it was blackmail and frankly quite clever, though in the end I didn't like the date because of how House felt, I thought it was a unique plot-line to get House dating again. I also LOVED everyone's reactions to it, Wilson and Cuddy's being my favourite.....but who could have guessed that?

I didn't like season 3 Cameron so much just because she suddenly became very opinionated but not in a sweet and innocent way before where she would argue her point, but then it seemed she would outright condemn anyone who thought differently to her. By the end of season 3 I disliked her character, which is probably what stopped me from shipping them romantically since I never truly stopped altogether, I just kind of meshed into Hacy and Huddy. But I've found the Cameron who has emerged in seasons 4 and 5 suddenly a lot more likeable. IDK if its Chase or if its working in the ER, but suddenly she has become independent, but doesn't need to give dirty looks or lectures to people to make her point and to give a strong willed opinion.

Her interactions with House are a lot more fun to watch because its less touching and more about debate and frankly House giving her life advice, that's what I like to watch!
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas huddysmacked said…
I liked Cameron in the end of season 3 because she was growing up XDDD but not because anything else. And about Cam in season 1...I am a little bit like House, I have never been a romantic...and truly my heart didn'tbreak with the patients soo I thought she was really soapy XDDD

And yeah well in season 4 we barely saw Cam but I get your point she was way more independent and I really liked that...I dunno about you but I'm not liking her relationship with Chase...It's way too fairy tale style and I think that Chase really deeply loves her but Cameron not so much... And that was before the whole "sperm" thing...

Let's say that I believe thatr Chameron was way too easy., Again me and my unromanticness XDDD

And yeah I believe that Chase has helped her in some way...but still there's something about them that bugs me.

Back to Cameron...wait I lost it XDD Well that's my opinion in Cameron and I threw a bit of Chameron..
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas misanthrope86 said…
Hmmmm... I guess for me the student/mentor thing is in the background. They definitly have that relationship, especially as the season progress we see Cameron doing more House-like things and thinking more like House. But for me, the House/Cameron thing goes beyond that relationship.
At the risk of having what happened last time I publised these happen again, I wrote link and link in the Hameron spot. I talk about how the Hameron relationship, at least for me, has actually blossomed in season 5, rather than dying, like many people from many shipping backgrounds have said. For example, I am actually pretty firm in my belief that House has been chasing Cameron at least a little bit over seasons 4 and 5. Whether that is purely because he knows that her and Chase are really serious now (duh! They are married now, but I mean in season 4 as well) and he wants her now because he can't have her (like when Wilson and Cuddy were going out and House was a little jealous), OR it could be because he wants Cuddy, feels its too complicated, so wants a relationship with someone he knows wants him (Cameron), OR a combination of those factors, I'm not sure. Its kind hard to explain my total theory, which is why I wrote those 2 articles. They really dig a lot deeper into what the hell I'm talking about. LOL!
And for the future, I am also really, really interested to see Cameron's reaction and also to see if House mentions her in any way while he is in Mayfield.

I think, overall, I find it very easy to ship both Hameron and Huddy because they are such different relationships. Like I have said before, House and Cameron have a relationship that I see as based on caring and nurturing, as well as honesty. On the other hand, I see Huddy as a relationship based on power and respect, and also on a shared history. I don't think either form of relationship is better than the other, because they have entirely different dynamics. And I think thats great.

(Just an aside, if you do read the articles, please, please, PLEASE do not tell me I am wrong, because it is my opinion. My thoughts are no more wrong or right than anybody else's. Last time I advertised these articles some Huddy fans ripped into them. The point of the articles is to explore some of my thoughts, NOT that I believe my thoughts to be better than anyone else's or that I think I am definitly right about them I hate to bring this up in this forum, which is about helping create a better environment in the Huddy spot, but one of those article in particular was responded to by Huddy shippers in a way that really made me feel like crap and I don't want to have to do all that again. I would love any other perspectives on my thoughts. I just would prefer not to have to respond to people who tell me that I am clearly an idiot because I'm not supporting a Huddy-based theory of the show. Thanks.)
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas huddysmacked said…
*blushes* Missy I remember reviewing your articles....*blushes even more* Was I one of them *buries head in her pillow*? I mean I do remember giving my opinion but I really never intend to bash so if I did please tell me....
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas misanthrope86 said…
No, no, not you! LOL! You shared your opinion, which is absolutely fine and welcomed by me. It was people who told me I was wrong because Huddy is right that upset me.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas oldmovie said…
Okay Missy so I've read both of your articles now, and let me add they are very interesting. Also I would like to add that I'm terribly sorry about what happened before, that sounds like it sucked :(

I had never thought about House seeking out Cameron, but now that you mention it he does seek her out. Now that you've pointed this out to me, I have no other choice but to accept he does miss her :)
I have always noticied a very strong connection/attraction whatever you want to call it, and although I may not always like it, it is there, no denying that. I like that House finds Cameron interesting, it shows the aspect about him that he can be soft and gentle and let someone caring in, and you're right, he does let himself be more vulnerable around Cameron then he does with Cuddy. I think that's because Cameron has always allowed herself to be quite vulnerable around him as opposed to Cuddy, who's personality refuses her to show weakness to anyone let alone House. Cuddy partly fears House, which is why she's more reluctant to show him any weakness, because she's afraid he'll use it against her like he did in "Finding Judas". Cameron has never been afraid of House in that way, and therefore I think House feels better about letting Cameron in in that way.

Unfortunatly though you've made some wonderful and evidence based arguments in your other article about "Both Sides Now" I have to disagree (*Waits for the earth to shake because that's never happened before!*). My opinion is that House's hallucinations were a building progress through the season (he was seeing a shrink in 'Locked In') and are a result of the overwhelming sense of guilt and stress that have been building up in him. I thought that the happiness of Chase and Cameron were supposed to be a striking contrast to highlight House's misery and a cause because House is stuck in his own misery, but not a cause because of repressed feelings for Cameron. Personally I think that he hallucinated Cuddy because he really did want it to be Cuddy to save him. I agree that House wanted to be vulnerable to someone, but I believe that that someone was Cuddy just because that was who he hallucinated, and if you're hallucinating you're already digging into your subcoincous so wouldn't Cameron have just popped up if he wanted Cameron?
Again like I said, they were very interesting reads, and while I may not have entirely agreed with you on the second, the first article made me realize that House does seek out Cameron's company and that in fact House is more vulnerable with Cameron :)
last edited sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas huddysmacked said…
*sighs* Glad I wasn't the one and yeah I kinda read the comments =/

And well like I have said before I think that House does miss her in a way I find as friends but that could be by all means as something else to...

Om: OMG I have never thought about that before but it does makes sense although Missy's makes sense too but I mean we all have different POVs and well I found myself more thinking like OM. I am almost crying now (lol I know I'm pathetic) but just thinking about what House is going through makes me break. And I think that it has been building up for now a long time.

And about why Cam didn't popped out I have to agree with that too. I think that House in a way seeks Cameron but he is interested by Cuddy now (it could change with time) and maybe it was also because House has always gotten along better with Cuddy and maybe he wanted that instead of Cameron it would be Cuddy, since in UMS Cuddy acts a bit like Cam would soo just throwing thoughts..
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas misanthrope86 said…
"I think that's because Cameron has always allowed herself to be quite vulnerable around him as opposed to Cuddy, who's personality refuses her to show weakness to anyone let alone House." - Very true oldmovie. That is the main reason that I see the House/Cuddy relationship as about power: Cuddy feels as though she needs to stay in control of House. Whereas Cameron has tried a different approach with House by being quite... not weak... but kinda like sharing her thoughts and feelings to show House that she is comfortable to be vulnerable and that that vulnerablility can in fact empower her in some ways.

And yeah, I totally agree with your assesment of House's hallucinations. My Hameron-based article is simply another way that I choose to look at it sometimes, and in particular, I wrote that article when a lot of Hameron fans were saying that they had given up on Hameron and so I offered that perspective to show that there was also evidence that House/Cameron could still have a romantic relationship. Some people find that theory very credible, other don't. But like I said, it isn't about what is right or wrong, its about critcally analysing what you see, trying to make your mind up about something and acknowledging that there are many, many possible perspectives on the same thing and some of those perspectives are more accessible to us than others.

I know, it is sad huddysmacked. But I guess that is the point. The shows writers wanted us to feel that way to make the story that much more real. I listened to a radio interview with Kal Penn (after THAT episode *sobs*) and he said that the writers are trying to take us all into the story like that. Which is awesome, but also makes us all cry too much!
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas oldmovie said…
Missy: Yes of course, everyone can view things completely differently. It just proves how wonderful and diverse the show is! Plus good on you for picking up the spirits of the Hamerons :)

HS: I KNOW RIGHT? Poor House, he goes through so much :(
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas huddysmacked said…
LOL Yeah i don't like crying XDD But yeah I know that's what the writers are trying to do. God! They are gold!

It's sad too when someone gives up in their ship and well I think that is awesome that you tried to hold them still. Here some fans have quitted Huddy too because of the Fandom...I won't say names because I know you know who I am talking about. That really made me feel a combination of madness and sadness, because really who gives up on a ship because of the fans? I mean Hams might have been disappointed by the lack of screentime that they gave Cam the last 2 seasons but Huddies? =(( Sad sad.

I am also wondering what ill House say in Mayfield and for how long are they gonna drag it... I think it's interesting to see how House developes here. It's gonna be huge.

And also Chase and Cam are joining up with the team for a little while so probably we will se more Ham interactions(when House gets out) and I dunno why but I feel like they are gonna do the same as they did in House Divided (was it House Divided?), they are gonna imply that Cam still has feelings for House and all that stuff
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas huddysmacked said…
@ OM I know I wonder how long would a list be of House sad moments... and not including the other characters...PUFF!

So night gals being 2 am here I have to go to sleep..
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas misanthrope86 said…
LOL! Go to bed huddysmacked!

Yeah, I'm kinda one of those people that gave Huddy up a little. I mean, I still ship Huddy, but I have grown sick of the fandom. It is so much easier just to ignore the spot rather than try and share opinions that will not be respected... :(
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas pumpkinpie99 said…
Good morning :)
Well ok, i'm going to rant a little here, so bear with me.
Personally, the first few seasons of house, i wasn't the greatest fan of cameron. She annoyed me by her little girlish attitude. But I think about 3/4 of the way through season 3, she started to mature, and to really stand up to house. Now in season 5 more than anything, i have to admire her for her attitude towards house. She still admires him, but now, she realises the influence she can have on him, and has put that towards a good cause. She and chase, have seriously grown up over the course of the show. I mean, look at chase, he's actualy willing to stand up to house *big gasp*.
As for the hameron relationship.... I was never a huge fan. I thought during the date, that there might have been something there, cause I liked the effect that she had on him. She had this ability to bring out this softer side in him, that nobody else could I suppose. But the thing that really gets me about them is the age gap I suppose. I'm sure someone will disagree with me, but thats just my honest opinion. He, in my opinion, is a fantastic mentor, and kind of like a knight in shining armour for cameron, all be it with a few glitches.
With the Huddy relationship, i often get seriously seriously teasy. I've never been one to wait, and so this couple is constantly keeping me on the edge. I love the relationship that they have, because of the admiration that each silently holds for the other. I love that the show is constanty giving us little reminders of the relationship that could be. I feel like each of these little things, brings us forward bit by bit, to something that could hopefully bloom.
I love the way that each confides in the other. They have a huge amount of trust that their relationship is built on. They both know perfectly how to play the other, which is what gives the huddy relationship so much dynamic. I don't think that they will ever lose that spark between them, whatever happens. I think they are incapable of losing feelings for the other. I honestly hope that something comes of their relationship, however, i'm not gonna spend my time wishing and missing out all the other amazing parts of the show.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Evrythingmaters said…
*has followed the yellow brick road and ended up in the unknown charters of huddy* :O
btw feel free to eat me, you would actually be doing me a favour.

ooooh I couldnt resist spying on this, way waaay too interesting! and of course commenting ;)

I havent watched an episode of House in about a year, maybe more so I appologise if any references I make seem sketchy or a bit out of place :) Havent seen season 5 and only seen season 4 once because, other then the last 5 mins of The Right Stuff, I dont particually like it, so again I can only work with what I have seen and remember :)
okaaaay fisrtly I feel compelled to defend Cam! (love herrr!) Before i joined this spot i never even contemplated the thought that people might not like her and then to be hit with a wave of cameron hatred was a big shock to the system! She is sweet, caring, empathetical and has a innocence about her that is very indearing. It is beyond me why anyone can not like her. If you think she is annoying or irritating then you should honestly come and live my life! She has morals, as we all know but I think she struggles with the idea that things arent always black and white which is where the character inconsistancies take place, for example in Spin.
This isnt about cam I know so moving on...

I completely agree with everything that Missy wrote about the hallucination. OM once wrote a stunning article on the theme of paralysis which i think strongly relates to this - House sees himself in the position of others and uses those situations to draw conclusions about his own life. His brain has been stuck in this rut of transfering conclusions, ideas and emotions for so long that to me it is perfectly plusible that he could easily transfer his feelings from one person to another. It fits with his character! And he isnt exactley in a great state of mind so it is far to say that what he is hallucinating is probabley not a straight forward expression of his wants or needs.

As a hameron I am almost ashamed to say that I really really dislike the ham kiss. It makes me cringe and as far as i see it, is completely out of charater on Cameron's part. I think the writers, amazing as they are, got it completely wrong. No matter how grown up and 'intreguing' she was pretending to be, faced with the prospect of House dieing the cameron that i know and have obsessively annalysed over 3 seasons, wouldnt have acted like that. (This is just my oppinion btw)

This is where the tutor/mentor realationship for me (that I do agree is part of the complex bond they have) ends. It is my stong oppinion that House goes to cam for reassurance and because he likes her company. She will often give him an alternate reason for why he did something (example The Right Stuff) which i feel his insecurities need. For all the fronts he puts up, I think he does care why he does things and almost needs to hear that his actions where driven by MORE then his desire to solve the puzzle and mess around with peoples emotions because it was 'interesting'. I think that Cameron understands this and House knows it. For me this is just another dynamic to there ever complex relationship and shows that he needs her, trusts her and appreciates her.

I perposefully havent talked about huddy because you are all going to disagree with me anyway and I dont really have an oppinion - my heart wants cam to be with house rather then cuddy. And i cant 'see' Huddy. Thats it basically. :)

sorry for spelling mistakes.. i cant spell for toast XD
last edited sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas pumpkinpie99 said…
we won't eat u i promise :) lol
must say, that was put extremely well on your part..... almost converted me, but not quite lol
ye, i like your view on things, opened my eyes to something that I hadn't reli seen b4- She will often give him an alternate reason for why he did something (example The Right Stuff) which i feel his insecurities need
can't beleive you've not watched season 5, although if i was a cameron fan (presuming she's your fave character) then i wouldn't have very high expectations for it. She and chase were pushed to the side a little :/
anyway, nice to see u on the huddy spot. Always lovely to hav change!!!!
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas pumpkinpie99 said…
oh btw, i didn't spot a single spelling mistake!!! :)
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas huddysmacked said…
*prepares forks and knifes* Wair! I don't want to eat someone who gave such a good opinbion XDD

Mars you are safe.And I am glad to see ou here again...And you haven't seen season 4 and 5?????? =O You sooo have to. Cameron developes a lot!
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas babybell said…
Okay this is me joining in a discussion when everyone stopped commenting for a while again :P
Before i say this, i just have to say: this is very, very hard for me. And it's wrong that it should be, but it almost physically hurts thinking about this is a positive frame of mind. Actually scratch that: it DOES physically hurt. Like unbearably. Not even exaggerating :P

First. Mars, you should definitly watch seasons 4 & 5! Seriously! Cameron is completely awesome in it! (and yes, it hurt saying that. Can i call her something else to make the pain easier? Like.... Mac. As i Cam backwards.)
anyways, Mac is completely awesome, especially in season 5. She's nice, sweet, kinda whiny sometimes about Chase, but that can be forgiven. She didn't seek House out so much, and that allowed us to get a side of her thats awesomely independent: and i do agree that made House sometimes seek her out, and chase after her a little, which is the way the dynamic between them has to be for it not make me want to hit someone with it.

It has been previously mentioned that House does this because with Cuddy is a power duel: no one wants to let up, or give in, or let themselves be vulnerable to the other. I love this about them, but it makes it very hard to get anywhere, and i'm hoping that in season 6 maybe House will let up a little to Cuddy, but i'd fancy my chances higher betting he doesn't rather than he does.

This is one of the fews things i like about the Hameron relationship. It fits: because Mac will let up to House, and this means progression, involving House letting up a little to Mac because he can, where as with Cuddy it would be like... like being one of those ghosts and turning blue on purpose Pac-man. House we all know likes a chase: he likes powerful, strong women: ones who like to be earned per say. Guys like that often have incredibly romantic tendencies to win women like that over, and House has shown this, but he's so damn hurt and injured etc that he won't admit to women he knows well who have a relationship like that with him that he likes them.

This means if House got over his strong women thing, Mac would be perfect for him. Because she is willing to open up to him so much so that he no longer feels scared (for lack of a better term) opening up to her. However i don't think he can, and if he did i'd think he were just giving up and going for the easy option, which i don't think is a very House like way to do: he gives up completely rather than going for an easy option.

The date between Mac and House was awkward and weird i think because of this. He completely didn't know how to act around her, and she completely wasn't giving him any competition to bounce of. It was interesting to me: it was an interesting detail about House, but i think to me it kinda proved unless she stopped idealizing him and instead treated him like she did in season 5 and 4, then it really wouldn't work at all. And then you come to the problem that even if Mac weren't now married and started to go after House and try it again but being who she is in the later seasons, it ruins Hameron, because i don't think she'd ever be able to do it as well as Cuddy & Stacy, and it would never be as interesting because that just isn't the way Hameron works.

i guess i'm saying Hameron is good as it is, and if they did pursue a relationship it would mean that House had changed, and loads, for it to be able to work as it's own thing. There are other possibilities as to how it could play out, but i think they would require more change.

Also now Mac is married, and House is... well i have no idea what House is up to but we shall find out :P First he's like completely in love with Cuddy and then he's doing God knows what with TWHKs (the woman house kisses :P) and i really can't wait to find out i think it's gonna be super interesting and i really can;t wait to see how the Chase/Mac marriage plays off against House, i think it will be awesome :D

Now i must say again that i'm not trying to be mean by calling her Mac but it made it weirdly a lot easier to say what i wanted to point out. Plus is you think of the guy from CSI those sentences are hilarious :P

And yey guys, i just typed a really long thing to make one point that has already been made again, i think this should be my specialty ;P
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas babybell said…
Hold on, i'd also like to point out that if House goes into a season 7, i wouldn't object to seeing Ham play out, it would be very interesting to watch and would tell us a lot about House, which is of course, the point of the show :D
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas huddysmacked said…

Now i must say again that i'm not trying to be mean by calling her Mac but it made it weirdly a lot easier to say what i wanted to point out. Plus is you think of the guy from CSI those sentences are hilarious :P

*blushes* I totally pictured Mac from CSI NY XDDDDDD

And yeah I know the feeling it does hurt a lot to talk about Mac and more when it involves House XDD OMG I love the nickname now XDD
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas oldmovie said…
Hey Mars nice to see you again! *hugs her Hameron buddy*
For all the fronts he puts up, I think he does care why he does things and almost needs to hear that his actions where driven by MORE then his desire to solve the puzzle and mess around with peoples emotions because it was 'interesting'.

I thought this was cute, and I'm glad that you see House as soft as I do :)

I have to say I quite agree with what BB said (on a side note, YAY YOU'RE AROUND AGAIN!!!). I think House would have to change significantly for House and Cameron to work mainly for the reasons she presents. AND LOL with the Mac thing!