Huddy I am ASHAMED of what the writers did to Cuddy in "Teamwork"!!!

Delia_Beatrice posted on Nov 18, 2009 at 02:32AM
Let's be clear on something - i LOVE Lisa Cuddy. I've loved her ever since season 1 episode 1... I love her beauty and her flirty ways, her sense of humor, her intelligence, her professional excellence, her charm, her loyalty as a friend, her tolerance, her wit, her maturity, her sensitivity and her wisdom. Of course, i adore Lisa Cuddy in every single interaction with House - when each and every one of her qualities magnifies a million times and she becomes just plain fascinating.
We have all come to know Cuddy that way and i am sorry to say that right now i feel like i am looking at a completely new and ordinary character, someone i cannot recognize.
And NO, i am not talking about her option to date someone other than House and sharing those pieces of information about House with her boyfriend. She has the right to do that, even the so-called betrayal of trust can be justified, and frankly, House had a real relationship with Lydia too, so...well, it seems fair enough to a certain extent.
AND YES, i do start on the premises that, like her blind date in "Insensitive" noticed, she is far less of a woman in any other male company besides House.
BUT STILL there is major lack of consistance between how we know and love Cuddy and the way she is portrayed now. Two things bug me: 1.her choice of Lucas, who is a cheap match for her in every single way (lack of chemistry, social and professional inferiority etc etc etc) AND 2.the way Cuddy behaves in her relationship with him.
My God, she acts like an unexperienced teenager who lost her head for the first guy who winked at her... She seems to try so hard and it looks so false, so phony. She rushed into such deep intimacy with him (no, i do not mean sex - it's so much worse, it's emotional intimacy) - in the living room scene, she was domestic, open, comfortable, playful, in a way that is extremely weird for her, since it has been mentioned many times that she finds it hard to build relationships like that. HOW LONG have these two been dating, anyway?! How long did it take her to get oh-so-close to that creepy boy?!
And if that scene wasn't enough, there was the final cut - Cuddy walking around hospital lobby practicly in his arms, bowing her head to receive his caress on the cheek with the look of extasy in her eyes and that blissful smile... God damn it, it was PATHETIC. Getting that smart sharp woman to behave like a schoolgirl, getting an experienced intelligent 40 years old woman to melt down to the touches of a ordinary guy... They are turning her into a very lame clichee...
And the hiatus between her dignified professional attitude and that exhibit of personal affairs in the damn lobby, of all places... So stupid, so "telenovela"... She doesn't advertise her personal life and she has to be very careful about her image in the eyes of her employees (famous "Both Sides Now" speech). REALLY???? Accomplished dean of medicine making out in the lobby with weird instable private investigator... Yeah, that's gonna earn you a lot of respect, dr. Cuddy!
At this point (and with the horrible promo of "Ignorance Is Bliss" still haunting me), i feel like this woman is not the woman House loves. The things i admired most about her (and the things House fell in love with her for) are not very visible right now... Maybe this is intentional... Maybe we will find out that there are smart creative reasons for this and this weird phase she's going through will be beautifully explained to us. I hope it will be. Because the two things "House" never failed to deliver, are consistency and amazing characters... And when i come to think of it, Lisa Cuddy was the most consistent and reliable character, the one i could always depend on, so maybe that's why i'm so angry...

Huddy 20 ang sumagot

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sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas yunioshi said…
I personally completely disagree with you.
1. I'm curious as to why you feel Lucas is a cheap match for Cuddy. He's intelligent, he's sweet to her, he's funny, he has a stable job. In what way is he not and adequate match for Cuddy?
you said he has inferior status, so would you feel better if a male doctor was dating a female with a job that has a lower status?

2. We don't know how long they've been dating. They could've started dating at the end of last season for all we know, so how do we know she "rushed into deep intimacy". What problem is there with her having emotional intimacy with another person? What rule says you can't become emotionally intimate with someone until you've been dating for x amount of time? And maybe she hasn't been good in other relationships because they didn't understand the time commitment of her job or her in general or they weren't right for her. But maybe she's found someone who does do all those things. Maybe he isn't "the one" (if there is such a thing) but he's the one right now, and it's obvoiusly working, why shouldn't Cuddy find someone eventually who she can hold a relationship with. It feels like what your saying is that because she hasn't been able to hold a relationship in the past, she's never allowed to find someone who she can hold a relationship with?

and as for the Lobby scene... she's found someone who makes her happy, she can't show that by smiling? And as for showing affection in public places, it was mentioned in 3x16 (Top Secret) that she made out with her date on the dance floor at a hospital party. So walking out hand in hand with her boyfriend shouldn't be a problem for her in terms of PDA. (and having your unruly EMPLOYEE shouting that he had sex with you to the entire hospital is not the same thing as walking out of the hospital with your boyfriend).

I don't really feel like she is acting like a school girl? She's in a relationship, how has she really changed? All that's happening is we're being revealed as to what Cuddy's character is like in a relationship.

I'm sorry if I came across as rude or anything I don't mean to; I'm just sick of hearing about how Cuddy is changed, and how Cuddy is being mean to House and whatnot. Ugh, okay, sorry, just because I have a different opinion doesn't mean you don't have the right to yours. Again, sorry if I come across as rude.
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sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas oldmovie said…
First of all, not to be rude, but this should really be in the Cuddy spot (just because it would be nice to have a discussion there because its kind of empty right now).

You have some interesting points but I have to disagree with your opinion, I still think she has not changed at all. To be honest, Cuddy reacted the same way to attention and sweet moments with House in the same way she reacted to them with Lucas. "The Social Contract" is the perfect example here. That sweet little smile Cuddy lets out as the elevators close just shows the viewers that she DOES INDEED act like a blushing schoolgirl in the face of compliments and romantic notions.

Also, she reacted the same way to Lucas way back in "Adverse Events", she smiled a LOT.

Cuddy is an incredibly insecure character who's biggest fear to is end up alone. She isn't the badass character a lot of people think she is, while she is smart and sexy and intelligent and banters like no other, she's human and all she really wants is to cuddle up next to someone who tells her they love her. She's settling for Lucas, and yes she's open with him, but honestly that's not that big of a reveal (I'm not quite sure why Lucas reacted the way he did), but she's settling with him because she is SO AFRAID of ending up alone. I really don't think Cuddy has changed at all and I like how season 6 is portraying her. Its nice to see Cuddy step aside from House and pursue other options. I don't mean to sound conscending, but maybe the reason you hate her this season is because she's with someone else and she's so happy with them, because to me, Cuddy is the same Cuddy we've been dealing with since season 1, only this time, instead of smiling in her girlish way inside an elevator after recieving a compliment from House, she's accepting a caress from a boyfriend.
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sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas koch89 said…
Guys get ready because it going to get a whole hell of a lot worse!


Episode 9 is awful for huddy fans and makes cuddy look even worse

Then you got episode 14....T-T

if you´re a Huddy, episode 14 sucks on every level. There´s no Huddy sex, but there´s Luddy sex. Yuck!

It´s a Cuddy-centric episode. Cuddy wants to quit because of some administrative problem at the hospital, but at the end everything is fine. End of story.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas yunioshi said…
@koch89, where are you getting this?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas koch89 said…
Huliu spoiler thread! We have a relible source.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas yunioshi said…
ah, well, i read some of the comments on the forum to see who substantiated the evidence, and I'm just going to stick with the show. Plus some of the comments were a little too zealous in their conclusion jumping and especially their Cuddy bashing. While I hope that these spoilers aren't true, if they are, I'm going to trust the writers, they haven't let me down yet, and if they do I always have the option of not tuning in.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Verdent3 said…
Cuddy is the same Cuddy shes always been. It just seems to me that shes decided to take a boyfriend instead of completely letting the hospital and House be central in her life. And whatever mean thing she says to House, House has said more than his share of offensive and spitefully things to her. Cuddy is still awesome.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Delia_Beatrice said…
Interesting points, everyone. No need to discuss it further, it's just a matter of the personal representation of the show in each person's mind - we all relate to the characters we've watched for a long time in certain ways and have various interpretations and expectations of them.
Just one minor detail: for God's sake, my comment about Lucas having an inferior status was by no means a sexist one... It doesn't matter if Cuddy was a man etc. - i am discussing a very particular case, not the battle of the sexes.
Oldmovie, yeah, that's what i really meant - she seems desperate not to be alone. And I personally do not like the way she handled her fears.
And if the recent spoilers are true, i don't think there will be a single Huddy fan left who'll have anything positive to say about Luddy by February/March. Just my sad sad opinion.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas jtara said…
Lucas sweet and intelligent? You obviously aren't watching the same show I am!

He invades peoples privacy for a living, blurts out inappropriate things told him to in confidence, and is now scheming in his girlfriends work place. How many people have to call him "creepy"? What Lucas are you watching?

Lisa Cuddy is suppose to be a woman who knows what she wants, and now she is dating someone who is total opposite of what she says she wants. If she wanted a stable man, they should've brought someone new to the show. That woman we all know wouldn't date this guy in a million years.

He is digging up dirt in HER hospital, and either she knows about it and is just as bad, or she is dumb, and neither of those things describe the REAL Cuddy.

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sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Delia_Beatrice said…
Thank you, jtara. I was starting to wonder if i'm alone in this.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas jtara said…
"While I hope that these spoilers aren't true, if they are, I'm going to trust the writers, they haven't let me down yet"

You don't count dangling Huddy in front of your face for 6 years letting you down, cause I do. They are famous for taking one step forward with them and 10 steps back. TPTB are so scared they will piss off a fanbase, that they never move forward with anyone, and they never will. After 6 seasons of the show, these 2 people have absolutely nothing to show for it, nor do we. I couldn't believe the last scene they were in together, there was absolutely nothing there, no chemisty, House didnt check her out, didn't tease her, and she asked him a question and he turned and walked away.

Once you squash that chemisty, its extremely hard to get it back, especially when your core audience has already quit watching.

House is finally willing to grovel, and Lisa Cuddy who last season wanted this so bad, is with some immature PI who probably doesn't possess more then a High School diploma?

Thats letting me down.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas cheery_blossom said…
Guyys! Don't hate on Lucas! Stop all this! Huddy is not "OVER"!

Theres been like six random (and not random) women in the show who have "had a thing" with House. Now that Cuddy has gone and gotten herself ONE stable boyfriend who we KNOW will be out of the picture before the season ends and everyone freaks out and starts losing huddy hope.

repeat after me...

sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas milapinacolada said…
I sort of like this relashionship. I was soooo sad when Cuddy saw coconut girl with house that, since that moment, i think she needs some actions of her own and to let go of this... at least for some time. If I were her, I think I would want to move on. She really needs someone to make her feel good, she's so lonely. Even if I’m not crazy about Lucas, i think she spent enough time waiting for house. She needs a break until she realizes that she’s really in love with house despite all her efforts to deny it. That’s probably gonna be another problem; maybe when she’ll realize that, house will be so screwed with vicodin and any stuff that might happen to him until then that they won’t be able to be honest with each other once again, and they will be once again depressed and tired and horribly sad…. After all, it’s a drama. But when the time will come, it’s gonna be such a big deal that, I think, it will be memorable for all of us, and that’s probably worthier than if they’d show us now what we want. But that's just my opinion and my hopes….
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas yunioshi said…
I do trust the writers, if I don't like the show, I will stop watching, it's that simple. The fact of the matter is I don't watch the show for the House/Cuddy moments, I watch it because it's well written the characters are deep and it makes me laugh. And this isn't to say that I'm any less of a Huddy fan than anyone else, I'm saying my happiness with the show isn't contingent on their happiness, because if it was I would never be happy. David Shore never lets anyone be happy for too long of a time, he has said this, the cast has said this, the writers have proven this. Even if House and Cuddy did get together, who knows how long it would last.

Did I deny Lucas was creepy? No, I didn't. But I think all the time you spend attacking Lucas's character should be spent reevaluating House, his creepiness, his manipulativeness, and his overall lack of regard to consequences so long as he gets what he wants.

Btw, read this in the context of House, tell me if everything you've said doesn't ring 100% true: "He invades peoples privacy [for a living], blurts out inappropriate things told him to in confidence, and is now scheming in his girlfriends work place." (and if you feel better about it you can replace "girlfriend's work place" with "married ex-girlfriend's shrink"

Lisa Cuddy has never been a woman who knows what she wants. "What you want, you run away from. What you need, you don't have a clue. What you've accomplished makes you proud. But you're still miserable." Like OM said she's desperate to find someone to connect with and now that she has everyone is attacking her for finding someone.

How is Lucas not what she wants? Because he's not House? You don't think that Lucas could fill the void in areas where she feels her life is lacking and create a real relationship with him?

Fact of the matter is that if Cuddy did know Lucas was in her hospital trying to help House get his team back she probably would have had his ass. Secondly, how is digging up dirt and trying to figure out peoples motives and manipulate them into doing what he wants to get his way not something House does every week??

We don't know Lucas's education level, but he's proved to be pretty smart if you ask me, the way he can analyze people's motives just like House can proves that. And I do trust the writers they bring consistently good material each week, and they don't owe us anything. Nothing. I think we need to stop acting like we're entitled to this relationship working out. We're not. We can hope for it, and know in our hearts that this is the relationship that should be happening but at the end of the day it's the writers call.
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sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas oldmovie said…
I'm glad that you brought up the quote from "No more Mr. Nice Guy" Yuni, because if you didn't, I was going to.

Lisa Cuddy has never ever be defined as a woman who knows what she wants, if anything its the opposite, to me she's always seemed quite indecesive and unsure of what exactly she wants.

I also agree that Lucas is extremely similar to House in that they both share the creepy stalker material and bluntness that Cuddy seems to love so much, they're very VERY similar to each other.

Finally I again agree that the House writers owe us nothing, they have never been "teasing" us because teasing us would imply that they give a damn what fans think. If they truly gave a damn about pleasing the fans instead of writing good material, then we'd have Wilson and House having sex all of the time, Cameron would not be leaving, and frankly characters like Cuddy and 13 (the two most hated on characters actually in the fandom outside fanpop) would no longer be a part of the show. The House writers focus on producing quality and if sometimes the things we want are sacrificed because of that....oh freaking well.....I'd rather what I watch mean something otherwise I could watch "One Tree Hill", "Gossip Girl" or some other crappy teenage drama.
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sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Belle0308 said…
I don't want to get too deep here because I respect everyone's right to their opinions. I guess one of the biggest reasons I love House as a show is because the three characters I love the most...House/Wilson/Cuddy are NOT perfect people and don't always act and react perfectly. If they did, I don't think I could relate to the show. I enjoy it because they are all brilliant, I think they all have a heart and care about different things on different levels, but they don't act with perfect motives.

As a wife, mother, employee, woman...I TRY to be good at the things I do. I try to be strong my family needs it, I try to do a good job every day. The truth is though that I have made mistakes, I sometimes don't act the way I should. I have a bad temper, low self esteem, a mouth that speaks too soon with a large amount of sarcasm and sometimes I am selfish and just want someone's complete attention and adoration. I don't really see how that is any different from H/W/C. If they were perfect, I could identify, I would be bored and I couldn't not have possibly watched for 6 seasons.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Delia_Beatrice said…
Belle, are you my long lost sister?:) Because your description kinda fits me well.
Jtara - the last scene they had together in "Teamwork" did not lack chemistry - just like in the medical license scene, House is so mad at Cuddy, he can't stand to look at her, talk to her or be near her. It's the first time we've seen this on "House" - she hurt him so badly, that he couldn't fight with her or negociate - he just avoided her.
And sadly, i don't think we're going to get much chemistry in the next episodes - well, God knows how many until Lucas leaves... Because House will get increasingly angrier and she will get increasingly defensive. He will get hurt even worse, he will become more agressive. She will feel bad, but then she will be so annoyed by his agression, that she will try to keep him away. And this is not fertile soil for the good type of chemistry...
I wonder, i do wonder, whether it's "i love her" or "i love you"... There are a lot of scenes with Cuddy in "Ignorance Is Bliss" - photos with her by the door of her office, talking to someone we can't see - she has highly emotional expressions on her face. There is a pic of her and House in the lobby, he has the bandage on his nose from Chase's punch. They stand close and they don't look angry. And then there is that scene from the promo, "there will never be an us", that seems surreal to me - if there isn't an editing scam, if the rest of the conversation doesn't bring a huge twist... then i wonder, how can she be so mean? The only time House drove her mad enough to get her to be this cold to him was in "Both Sides Now". What could he have done in the next ep, to get her to be so cruel?
I'm thinking it could be "i love you" - in the "us" conversation or in that scene in her office... My God, and if he actually says it to her (and not "i love her" to Wilson or Lucas)... if she reacts badly, if she doesn't believe him or rejects him badly... How is he gonna survive that? And how are we?!

Oldmovie - Cuddy is one of the most hated characters now? Why is that? I mean, for any other reason than rejecting House?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Belle0308 said…
I think that instead of looking at it as if Cuddy is being mean, we should think about a possible motive for her distancing herself from him. Maybe she just didn't want to get hurt. Maybe the thought that he could think so much of her as to hallucinate that she was his "savior" just scared the heck out of her. After all, he doesn't typically act like he needs her or even wants her for much other than a quick romp. It's like crazy mixed messages and I am sure she didn't know what to think. Lucas is probably her attempt at normal, which will eventually fail. I am hoping at least. As bummed as I kind of am, I am trying to keep Huddiful at that same time.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Delia_Beatrice said…
You are right, Belle. I am angry at her because i had always felt that House is the one with the problem - and if he managed to make up his mind, then she should be there. The old Ulyses and Penelope clichee.
But i don't think she got scared by what happened at the end of season 5. I think that it was in "Epic Fail" that she decided to move on. I have a VERY strong feeling that Cuddy understood what all that happened in 'Both Sides Now" really meant. She explained it to Lucas pretty accurately. She looked devastated and she was crying at Chase and Cameron's wedding. And she was great in "Epic Fail" - think about it: he announced her he quits, he was professional and distant, nothing personal. She was obviously surprised and confused by his resignation and his attitude. Yet she held out her hand once more and she summoned up the courage to go to his appartment and ask him directly what she means to him. I figure that was a HUGE thing to do - proving she had waited for him to come back from Mayfield and she understood what "i was thinking if maybe we should move in together" really meant and she was willing to discuss the possibility of "them". But he practicly said "no". He practicly dismissed everything he had communicated to her before he had left. She was pretty bewildered and hurt and embarassed when she managed to whisper that she'd miss him. And she had every right to believe that she misunderstood him, that he was in a frail state of mind and nothing he said or did in "B.S.N." can be considered real. I think that was the point where she said to herself: "I am such an idiot. Move on, you fool, Try to get a life of your own". And she was right. Maybe this whole Lucas thing gets to last so long because she cannot bring herself to believe House this time. Make herself vulnerable again, after all the pain and humiliation. You know, boy who cried wolf... Maybe she likes Lucas more than she expected to (his speech in "Teamwork" suggests that). House will probably become very agressive and he will send the message wrong... And so on, and so on. God, i hope that spoiler about ep 14 is true. I hope this damn vicious circle will be broken, because otherwise they'll keep beating around the bush until they're too old to have sex at all.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas belbernardi said…
I agree with you totally!

I think this about Cuddy and Lucas.

I don't like this relationship, because is not look like true.

And I would like to get a old House back!!!!!

(Sorry my English. I'm brazilian.)