Huddy How about we trust official info instead of speculations of uncertain origin?

Delia_Beatrice posted on Nov 22, 2009 at 02:09AM
My dear fellow Huddy fans! We are, by far, the least satisfied group of fans in the history of shipping:). And this amazing show has turned us into the kind of people who fear good news worse than the bad, because of how good the writers are at delivering bad surprises. We were badly hurt in the past, so now we like to try some caution by refusing to get our hopes up no matter what we are promised.
And i agree! I feel the same way! I am afraid of this already infamous episode 14, as well as i am afraid to watch "Ignorance Is Bliss" and any other episode in which we are likely to get our hopes crushed and to watch this beautiful infuriating man get rejected by the woman he loves and this mind-blowing love story getting one step further from happening...
But let's not lose all hope because of spoilers thrown at us by "moles" or unknown "reliable sorces". There still is no official info whatsoever about Lucas staying on the show indefinitely, about Luddy having marriage plans or whatever. But what we do have is that little delightful OFFICIAL interview given by DAVID SHORE to TV Guide, in which he is talking about what will happen to the show after Cameron's departure. The author of the OFFICIAL "House" interview says: "And while House's old team will get back together, it's another team that will become the focus of attention later this season". And David Shore is quoted saying: "House and Cuddy will once again explore and deepen their personal relationship. We thought throwing him into a relationship this close to his mental break might be crazy, but his relationship with Cudy still has room to grow. We have a wonderful House-Cuddy story coming up".

Which one of Mr. Shore's words suggest Cuddy getting engaged to another man and the end of Huddy? Is it "team", "deepen", "personal relationship" or "grow"?... Or is it the fact that, by any logical analysis, the fact that they thought it crazy to throw him in a relationship so soon after the breakdown actually means that they do NOT think it crazy to do it a little later...
Look, i don't know if it will be in episode 14 or not, but sooner or later Lucas will be out and Huddy'll get back on track. Of course we'd rather it be sooner, but let's not get so desperate over one little double-decker Aussiello spoiler:)

Huddy 10 ang sumagot

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sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas lifestinks2000 said…
I would like to be optimistic, but I keep remembering that I can't trust any interview given by DS. I was optimistic too in the beginning of the season because of what Shore said in the interview. However, this is turning out to be long torturous season as a Huddy. I have it on good faith that the spoilers that have been posted by the sources are very reliable because the things they posted about episode 7 and 8 turned out to be very true. I had all my hopes on Lucas leaving in episode 14 because frankly I can't stand the guy and can't in a million years accept why Cuddy would choose him. I guess if they had chosen a different man for Cuddy, I would have been able to sympathize with Cuddy's journey. But Lucas makes me sick to my stomach everytime I see him onscreen, and now I find myself not able to enjoy any of the Cuddy scenes also.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Delia_Beatrice said…
I am completely with you on Lucas. A lot of people jumped and plamed me for what i wrote about Luddy - when i said that i am ashamed of what the writers did to Cuddy, this is what i meant - exactly what you said. And i, too, HATE Cuddy scenes now, after 5 years of seeking her presence with such joy:(((.
But i just cannot believe it will be that bad. It makes no sense... And when we come to think about it, this season has been much more painful than previous ones , BECAUSE THINGS HAVE BECOME REAL! I mean, let's face it, we have seen and we will see things we never would have dreamt of... To see House so determined and so open about his feelings about her... We are too caught up in it to realise what a GIGANTIC step forward this is.
I am usually a skeptical person, but this time I'd like to try hard to keep some hope. Because otherwise... it breaks my heart to say it, but i think i'll give up on the show and stop watching. I cannot put a timeline on that, but i feel like by February-March, they should step back from this whole Lucas bullshit...If they don't... God, i don't even want to think about it... Not watching will be painful, but if he actual watching will hurt even more... I wanna believe it won't come to that.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas lifestinks2000 said…
A lot of people were hoping that this Luddy thing would end in February with episode 14, but it is definitely not ending there. There's a very good possibility that none of this ends until the season finale, and that is what is so depressing about this.
last edited sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Myrtyleg said…
Delia_Beatrice, TV people have to talk about their show, but they can't give anything away so they do it in double-speak.

Don't forget, Chase and Cameron fans were promised more storylines and more airtime over two years and when it finally happened, they sent Cameron packing shortly afterwards.

Here's what DS said: "House and Cuddy will once again explore and deepen their personal relationship."

Here's what it could've meant: Brave Heart and Known Unknowns.

Here's what DS said: "We thought throwing him into a relationship this close to his mental break might be crazy..."

Here's what it could've meant: We're not throwing him into a relationship this close to his mental break

Here's what DS said: "But his relationship with Cuddy still has room to grow. We have a wonderful House-Cuddy story coming up".

Here's what it could've meant: Brave Heart, Known Unknowns and Luddy.

It's about reading between the lines. I would love to be wrong but remember DS also said that they were stepping back from Huddy (he said "a little" - I say he means: "a lot")...

I'm trying to be positive - but a whole season of Luddy? That would be very hard. I might make myself watch it but I will NOT believe a word they say.
last edited sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas rosehustle1 said…
How does everyone know the Lucas is staying beyond episode 14? I thought that was his last episode.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Delia_Beatrice said…
we don't know. All that was ever said comes from Aussiello (!), who sid that we are stuck with Lucas "at least through early February". Based on that "at least", we can speculate anything, and since we're not the most optimistic fanbase (how could we be, really?...), people fear smth very very very bad.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Myrtyleg said…
I believe we have to take each episode as it comes as far as Lucas is concerned. I think he'll be there for a good deal of this season because Cuddy's relationship with him is serious (that's just my own personal view).

Looking back, I think LE tried to prepare fans for this with a couple of interviews that she gave about Cuddy's love life.

So say Michael Weston is only contracted for a certain number of episodes and only films a certain number of episodes, TPTB can pick up that option at any time (I think they've said this about Franka Potente).

So for example, he could be contracted for 8 episodes with his appearances as Lucas spread out throughout the entire season, rather than running consecutively.

Lucas doesn't have to physically be in an episode - the writers can still imply that Luddy's still on. This is what happened with Sela Ward during the Stacy arc.
last edited sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas lucashater said…
I thinkk that when Yaitanes claimed that Huddy fans would "go crazy" over episode 14, what he actually meant is that they would be utterly outraged at seeing Lucas and Huddy having it off.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas lifestinks2000 said…
We know for sure he's going to be in episode 9, 10, 12, 13, and 14. And 14 ends with them happy together so that means he'll be in the other episodes too.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Myrtyleg said…
GY actually said: "Cuddy fans" would "go crazy" not 'Huddy' fans. There was definitely a distinction. Of course, if he was talking about the Luddy sex, he would've been correct on both counts anyway.

Part of me doesn't want to watch 14, part of me knows that I probably will end up doing so. It's like a car crash - you can't look, but you can't help it. I'm telling myself that it might not be bad - I watched Lydia and House after all. And I was surprisingly moved by that. But that was two really lonely people reaching out to each other - this will be two people in love. BLEURGH!