Hugh & Lisa Club
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posted by maverickangel35
Previously on Just Friends...

Without warning, Lisa jumped up and grabbed at the nearest cupboard, and Hugh reached one long arm out and circled her waist, pulling her back in the direction of the table. Lisa’s hip hit the counter, and before anyone could realize what was happening, she had Nawawala her balance and fell, spinning 180 degrees and landing in Hugh’s lap across from where she’d been sitting.
    “I told you,” he whispered in her ear as she started giggling. “No madami mag-ihaw for you!”


    “You know I always thought of you as a very generous individual…” Lisa shot back, turning her head to lock eyes with him. Hugh stopped breathing for a segundo as he stared at his friend, then suddenly turned his head away from her and breathed out hard. “Um—Hugh? You ok there?”
    “Had onions,” he said. “Need to brush my teeth.”
    “How chivalrous of you to turn away rather than breathing them all over me,” Lisa said, putting her hand on his shoulder to brace herself as she got back to her feet. “I do appreciate it.”
    “Anytime, my friend,” he said, unconsciously putting his hands on her waist to steady her as she stood. Lisa turned half around to look at him again, and he quickly pulled his hands back and stood up. “Sorry.”
    Lisa looked up at him and tried desperately not to reach up and touch his face. “It’s ok. But I’ve kept you long enough from your work, so… I should go.”
    “Ok.” After a moment, Hugh nodded and started to walk her back towards the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow. And thanks for bringing my script over, I really am going to get to it as soon as I kick you out.”
    “What am I, the homework police?” Lisa teased, reaching for the door handle. “Do it, don’t do it, you’re brilliant either way.”
    “I am not,” he started to protest, then saw the look on her face that said, clear as day, I knew you were going to say that. Hugh laughed, and leaned in to halik her cheek. “Ok. Bye, Lis. Drive safe, ok?”
    “Sure,” she whispered against his jaw line. “Ok.”
    Hugh was outlined sa pamamagitan ng the light from the foyer as Lisa headed out to her car, tossed her script in, and slid into the driver’s seat. She waved at him once she was in, but he didn’t leave.
    “Of course,” she muttered to herself, “always the gentleman.” And she slid the key into the ignition, and she turned it, and her puso stopped.
    It is always a horrific feeling when you can’t start your car, and being a telebisyon bituin who is accustomed to having things kept in tuktok shape and ready to run when you are, it is doubly so. Lisa frantically tried to start it up again, realizing that Hugh was still standing there watching, and started checking things. What could it be?
    “I don’t know anything about cars,” she wailed to herself, grabbing at walang tiyak na layunin switches, until she ran across the headlight knob. It was set to ‘on.’ “Oh, you have got to be kidding me.”
    Hugh jogged across the patio and leaned in, waiting for her to roll down her window. “Need a tow, ma’am?” He drawled.
    “This stupid thing,” she muttered, taking the key out. “The headlights are supposed to turn off automatically but the mechanism has been pagganap up and I haven’t been able to get it in to be fixed and now…” She looked up at her co-star and gave him a tiny smile. “I don’t suppose you have jumper cables?”
    “Jumper cables?” Hugh repeated, as if the words had never been sinabi to him before. “Um—no, I’m afraid not.”
    “Ok…” Lisa pushed her door open, tired of talking out the window. The two of them leaned against the car in the cool California air. “Well, this is a problem. Because if I call the auto service and have them come here…”
    “Lord almighty,” Hugh said, finally getting it. “But—I don’t know how else you’re going to get it out of here, I mean—”
    “Believe it or not, Hugh, I actually am kind of spacey, which means that this has happened before.” Lisa sinabi ruefully. “And I can tell you that if we just let it sit with the headlights turned off for a while, the battery will slowly recharge itself. And eventually I’ll be able to start it up again, but I have to give it quite some time, because every time I try to start it and it isn’t ready yet, it drains it again.” Hugh was silent. “Ok, so what I’ll do is set up a tent back here, and start a nice little campfire, and sing Kumbaya…”
    “Don’t be ridiculous,” he sinabi automatically. “We’ll go back inside.”
    Lisa shouldered her bag and followed him back to the light of the house. “Ok, listen, just tell me where you want me, and I will not say a word. Seriously, not a peep will you hear, you just do your work, and I will just read or something, and—um.” Hugh had opened a door down the hallway to a bright, airy bedroom. A reyna sized kama with a white and green floral comforter sat up against one wall, and facing it was a small sitting area with a couch, armchair, and coffee table. On the far side of the sopa was a small two shelved book shelf with a variety of paperbacks stuffed in, and the entire back pader was a window upuan looking over the backyard pool area. A heavy oak-stained chest of drawers sat susunod to the closet, and on the other side of the kama in the corner was a small door that opened into a ½ bath, with a paliguan stall. “Hugh…”
    “It’s late,” he said, not looking at her. “If you wait until the middle of the night to try and start your car, you’ll get no sleep at all. There’s… clothes in that chest. And the closet. There’s probably something that will fit you, I just—” he rubbed the back of his neck, looking sheepish. “I went to the mall one araw and just started buying walang tiyak na layunin things in walang tiyak na layunin sizes, on the off chance that someone would come visit… they wouldn’t have to bring so much luggage… and it just kind of felt good to be able to tell my daughters that I had been thinking of them and that I would be ready for them anytime they wanted to come… if they ever wanted to come…”
    Lisa was gaping at him. “Hugh. That is possibly the sweetest, most thoughtful thing I have ever heard of. Really.” She walked halfway into the room, looking around. “And this room is gorgeous.”
    “Thanks,” he said, leaning against the doorframe. “Um. So don’t let me bug you. I’ll just be down the way a bit, I’m going to get to work. And just… really, don’t worry about interrupting, just let me know if you, you know… if you need anything.”
     “Ok.” She whispered, still looking at him. “Thanks, Hugh.”
    “Anytime.” The two stared at each other for a moment, then Hugh nodded his head and pushed himself off the jamb and headed down the hallway. Lisa looked around the room again. Sticking her head in the bathroom, she saw that there were toothbrushes and toothpaste, soap, shampoo, towels so fluffy she wasn’t sure she’d ever want to put them down. “The man should open a hotel,” she finally sinabi aloud to the room, and headed for the chest of drawers to find something to sleep in.
    Down the hall, Hugh was sitting at the kusina mesa with a serbesa unopened in front of him and his script open to the first page. He had made exactly no progress.     
    “How’s a man supposed to get anything done with a gorgeous woman down the hall and completely and totally off limits?!” He groused to himself, glaring at his drink. “Hands-off, unavailable, taboo, forbidden, prohibited, illicit, what the hell am I thinking of?” And he buried his face in his hands and let out a silent scream of frustration. “Ok. Got that out of my system. Back to work.”
    Lisa had uncovered a California surf scene t-shirt and a pair of flannel shorts and was now arranged on the impossibly soft sofa with a few books susunod to her, flipping through one after another, trying to decide which to read. Mysteries, science fiction, and—
    “Hugh?” Lisa couldn’t help it. She grabbed the book and walked down to the kitchen, waving the black and red tome in her hand. He looked up from the mesa and blanched when he saw what she was holding. “Why in the world do you have a copy of Twilight?”
    His entire head was turning red.
    “It’s—you know, like I said, shopping for my daughters—it’s been popular, so I—it’s in case they came and wanted to read—”
    “You are such a liar!” Lisa burst out laughing, whacking him in the arm with the book. “You read this, didn’t you? Look at this, the spine’s been creased, where are the other books in the series? Are they scattered through the house to throw people off?”
    “All right, all right,” he muttered. “Fine. Yes, my name is Hugh Laurie and I read the Twilight books. You happy?”
    “Ecstatic.” Lisa smiled down at him fondly. “Um. I’m sorry, I swear, last interruption. But… would it help you at all to run lines, or should I just go back to my room and shut up?”
    “Your room,” he repeated under his breath.
    “Oh—sorry, the room I’m staying in...”
    “No, no, you’re madami than welcome to think of it as your own personal puwang in case your house ever burns down,” Hugh joked. “Um—no, listen, go and relax. I’m probably going to head to kama after another half oras or so. We can try your car tomorrow morning and if it still doesn’t work we’ll figure something out and in the meantime I can give you a life to the set.”
    Lisa’s eyebrows rose mischievously. “On the bike?”
    Hugh gave her a look. “Somehow I think that would be unwise.”
    “Oh, don’t worry. I’m sure my car will be fine.” Lisa reached out her hand and ruffled what was left of Hugh’s hair affectionately. “Ok. Don’t stay up too late now, buster. Good night.”
    And she strolled back down the hallway. Hugh almost turned to watch her go, then sternly checked himself and went back to his script. This was going to be a long night…
    Lisa woke early the susunod morning to the sound of many items falling to the floor and some muffled British cursing. Taking only a few segundos to run her fingers through her hair and make sure it wasn’t sticking straight up, she headed down the hallway in the direction of the noises.
    “Hugh?” She said, knocking on the pader outside what she thought was the bathroom. “Are you ok?”
    “Yeah—yeah, hang on…” a few segundos later he opened the door, and Lisa looked past him into a complete disaster area.
    “What happened?!” She said, started to walk in, and then realized that Hugh was standing in front of her, shirtless, with a can of shaving cream in one hand, a razor in the other, and quite a lot of foam everywhere else. “Hugh…”
    “I hate shaving,” he muttered, grabbing for a towel and trying to wipe the worst of the explosion off himself, moving aside so Lisa could enter. “Especially this early in the morning.”
    Lisa looked Hugh up and down, trying not to focus on the fact that he was standing this close, with what had to be the most adorable case of kama head she had ever seen.
    “Hugh,” she said, grabbing another towel and starting to wipe off the mirror. “I swear, it is really just too cute how you can have so little hair and it still sticks in every direction when you wake up.” He made a face and started pawing at it before he realized his hands were full. Lisa finally took pity on him. “Look, you’re still half asleep. How late did you stay up last night?”
    Hugh shrugged. “I don’t know, I got maybe three or four hours.”
    “And because of that you’re going to end up maiming yourself. Sit.” She pointed at the tub. “And give me that before you do some serious damage.”
    “Lisa, come on, I can handle this,” Hugh said, half-heartedly putting up a fight. As Lisa reached for the can, he quickly raised his hand and shot off a squirt of froth in her direction, just missing her face. “Damn! I used to be better at that.”
    “Give it.” She said, snatching the shaving cream out of his hand and waiting impatiently for the razor to follow. “And sit. Down.” Hugh sat. “Ok.” Lathering her hands with the shaving cream, Lisa started to spread it on his face. “Now look, I have done this before, believe it or not, so I know what I’m doing. I know this is going to be incredibly difficult for you, but I need you to try not to talk.”
    “I—” Hugh started, and got a mouthful of foam.
    “I told you!” She sang, and turned around to pick up the razor. “Now hold still.”
    The bathroom fell silent as Lisa gently turned his chin so she was looking at the left side of his face and began gently shaving away the whiskers she’d grown so accustomed to. Lisa tried not to be distracted sa pamamagitan ng the rise and fall of Hugh’s shoulders as he breathed, his exhalations lightly tickling the hair near her ear. A low, rasping noise came as she started another stroke downward, and Hugh hissed suddenly.
    “Did I get you?” Lisa asked, pulling back a bit.
    “No. It’s ok,” Hugh said, shaking his head slightly.
    “Ok…” She touched his chin again, this time tilting his head back. Hugh started a bit, and Lisa moved her hand to duyan his head just behind his ear until their eyes met. “Hugh, trust me,” she whispered. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
    Interminable segundos passed as Hugh stared into her eyes, seeing everything—seeing the little-known character actress he was introduced to five or six years ago, seeing her blossom into the woman she was now, seeing her wordlessly begging him to take her into his confidence and allow her to help him, in whatever small way… Lisa blinked slowly, and raised her eyebrows in query. Hugh closed his eyes and moved his head back again, exposing his neck. Smiling, Lisa let her thumb drift along his head behind his ear for a moment before readjusting, bracing herself with her left hand on his knee as she knelt in front of him and began to slowly draw the razor up across his throat to his jaw. Hugh swallowed, and moved his hand to cover hers, not opening his eyes. A minuto or two later, Lisa gently pulled his head pasulong again, her hand at the back of his neck, and leaned closer to make sure she hadn’t missed anything. Her breath whooshed gently into his ear as she bent towards the right side of his face, taking tiny swipes at walang tiyak na layunin spots she thought were still rough. Hugh’s eyes remained closed, even when he heard the sink running, and then a damp, warm cloth was being tenderly applied to his face as Lisa carefully wiped away any of the remains of the shaving materials.
    When she was satisfied, she took a step back. He looked like a completely different person, and Lisa bit her lip, thinking. Well, she sinabi to herself, you look different too, you know. And it’ll grow back.
    “Hugh?” She said, reaching out to cup the side of his face and feel the smoothness of his skin under her hand. “You’re done. Do you need aftershave or anything?”
    Slowly his eyes opened do see Lisa leaning over him, only an inch or two away from his face. But she looked—almost sad?
    “What’s wrong?” He asked lowly.
    “Nothing,” she said, trying to smile and starting to back up. Hugh pushed himself up to his feet and back into her personal space.
    “You just—it’s just different is all,” she said, gesturing for him to look in the mirror.
    “Oh good Lord,” he muttered, leaning toward the sink. “It’s like going back in time. Ew.”
    Lisa burst out laughing and moved susunod to him, reaching to turn on the sink and clean up the last of the shaving cream that had gotten spread all over the bathroom. Hugh capped the razor, set it on the ledge, and then stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder.
    “Thanks, Lis,” he sinabi into her hair. “I was really not looking pasulong to that.”
    Lisa smiled and turned her head slightly so that his nose was against her cheek. “It was my pleasure. And now you get to explain why we’re both going to be late on set today.”
    Without removing his arms, Hugh craned his neck to see his watch. “Damnation,” he muttered. “We gotta get going.”
    Neither moved.
    “Ok…” Lisa said, starting to turn around. Hugh’s arms remained locked in place. “Hugh?”
    “Sorry.” He mumbled. “I don’t know what—”
    “Hugh,” she repeated, reaching to touch his face. “Do you need a hug?”
    A moment passed, and then he burst out laughing. “I always need a hug, it seems, doesn’t it? I’m such a grouch.”
    “You’re a very lovable grouch.” Lisa corrected, and circled her arms around his neck, pulling him close. “Even grouches need hugs every once in a while.”
    The hairs on the back of Hugh’s neck slowly stood on end as he registered the feeling of Lisa’s arms on his bare back, her nails lightly scratching the skin where her hands rested. He closed his eyes again slowly, trying to ignore the fact that he was only wearing a light pair of sleeping pants, and the fact that if they didn’t get moving right now, they were going to be very seriously late. But then Lisa shifted her weight from one foot to the other, and her hips brushed against his, and Hugh realized he needed to ilipat away—immediately.
    Putting his hands firmly on her shoulders, he took a giant step back, eyes focused firmly on her feet. Lisa furrowed her brow, wondering what had made him suddenly retreat, and put her hand on his elbow, waiting for him to look back up. When he did, she sucked in a breath and focused very hard on not… looking… down.
    “Lisa,” he sinabi breathlessly. “You need to go get dressed. And then we need to test your car. And then we have to go to work. I think—” Damn it, it wasn’t going away! “Um, try the closet for something a little less casual for the set until you get to wardrobe.”
    Lisa’s eyes softened and she nodded, patted his arm and quickly turned away, fleeing the bathroom and not looking back. Hugh looked down at himself, then closed and locked the door, and stepped into the shower, turning the knob all the way to cold and blasting himself back to reality.
    Lisa’s car had, in fact, had enough time to rethink its position, and started right up when they tried it. They just barely managed to make it to the set sa pamamagitan ng their call time, and only Robert looked askance when they pulled in right behind each other. Hugh barely looked at her as they headed toward the set, and immediately veered off toward wardrobe as soon as they got inside. Lisa, in a lightweight button-down sando over her khakis from the araw before, hesitated before following him to get her own work clothes for the day.    
    “Lisa, Hugh! House office set, please?”
    “I hate this,” Hugh muttered as they hurried back out of wardrobe. “I don’t feel prepared, I feel rushed, I feel—”
    “This is my fault,” Lisa sinabi lowly to him, making sure no one was listening. “I’m so sorry, I should have just called a cab or something last night.”
    “No.” Hugh stopped and looked at her before leaving her in the hallway to go into House’s office. “It’s my fault. I’m being a complete and utter jerk, I’m taking advantage of you and your friendship, because I’m lonely, or because I don’t have mga kaibigan that I hang out with, or just because we have such a good time together… and this morning…”
    “Nothing happened this morning,” Lisa whispered, leaning in to make sure she was paying attention. “Ok? You have nothing to feel guilty about, and neither do I.”
    The two looked at each other and continued to feel guilty.
    “Well.” Lisa said, half-smiling at him. “Ok, something else for us to do together. Feel guilty when there’s nothing to feel guilty about.”
    Hugh rolled his eyes at her and laughed slightly, pushing open the glass door and walking over to House’s desk.
    Awhile later, Lisa pushed the door open and walked in, carrying a small paper cup. “Starting tomorrow, you’ll come to my office for your fix,” she said, coming around the mesa and standing in front of where Hugh was sitting in the chair.
    A moment passed. “I’m done with the methadone. I screwed up.”    
“The kid’s parents wanted that MRI.”
    “Yeah, but I knew he didn’t need it. And I did it anyway. That’s what got him sick.”
    Lisa scoffed, turning away from him to gather her thoughts, taking a step back and then turning back. “You just solved a case that no one else could solve.”
    “I created a case. I played nice because… I was in a good mood… because I didn’t hurt.” Hugh stood slowly, and Lisa took a step closer, coming into his space.
    “You don’t need your pain to be a good doctor,” she insisted.
    “I’m not interested in good.”
    “You’re afraid to be happy!”
    “Why do you care if I’m happy?” Hugh snapped, staring at her. Suddenly Lisa’s eyes were glassy, and her lines went flying out of her head, and the only thing she could think to say was…
    “That’s all I care about…” she whispered. Hugh leaned back a bit in surprise, and Lisa blinked quickly. “Um. Line?”
    “Afraid of change,” someone called from behind the cameras, and Lisa nodded, rolling her neck and then looking back up at Hugh to continue. “Sorry. Ahem. You’re afraid of change.” Hugh’s gaze didn’t waver. “The one thing you have is your intellect. You think if that’s compromised, you have nothing.” She sighed, not seeing him weaken his stance, and held the pills up to him, her eyes silently pleading. “Just take it.”
    Hugh shook his head. “No.”
    “Don’t do this,” Lisa said, her voice breaking slightly. Hugh reached out and took the medicine from her, their fingers brushing.
    “It’s already done,” he said, dropping the pills in the garbage can. Lisa stood nagyelo in place as he reached around her to pick up a hospital cane leaning against the wall. Feeling Hugh’s breath against her neck as he straightened himself again, Lisa was transported momentarily back to his bathroom earlier than morning, and she closed her eyes as he limped away from her, turning out the lights and leaving the office. Lisa turned her head away from his retreating figure, not opening her eyes, until the director called the scene, then opened her eyes. Hugh was standing at the end of the hallway, looking down at her from off set. Lisa swallowed hard, then smiled at him and gave a thumbs-up, waving him back.
    “Good scene,” she called, and the crew applauded as they reset, ready to go again.
 "That's all I care about..."
"That's all I care about..."
added by EnjoyHuddy
Source: SandyJoy
added by sophialover
posted by huddyforever
Sorry for the slight delay. I'm just having a bit of trouble laying the whole thing out in my head. But I think I got it now and things should run pretty smoothly so I hope you enjoy(:

Chapter 3

Lisa quickly put the reminiscent clothes on and gave herself a quick look over in the mirror. Her hair was damp and her clothes were haunting but she just shrugged and left the bathroom. Her head was still killing her and the pills were downstairs so that’s where she headed.

She pagtunaw something heavenly and knew Hugh had ordered in. When she walked into the kusina there was 2 plates of pagkain at the...
continue reading...
posted by huddysmacked
As chapters pass by, I'm getting less and less reviews, am I doing something wrong?

Well, to the ones that are still pagbaba and reviewing, enjoy!

“Mr. Laurie?” The receptionist asked. Hugh stood up and went to the desk.

“Dr. Leonard is waiting for you. Last door.” Hugh walked and looked back, Lisa was sitting on one of the waiting room pagbaba through a medicine magazine.

Once he arrived to the last door he knocked.
“Come in.” Hugh opened the door and found a young doctor sitting pagbaba some files.

continue reading...
Oh, it's been, what?... 3 days since I ended Max and I'm already giving you a new fic!
God, I pag-ibig spoiling you... ;DDDD
Anyway, I'll be back and forth all week so I dunno if I'll update every day, but I sure hope I do! ;D
Thank you thank you thank you for your lovely reviews and critics you have shared with me about Max :)
I'm really glad you liked it :D
I hope you enjoy this new one as well :)))))
So go on, sin!
Oops, I meant read xDDD

He got in her dressing room quickly getting rid of the leather dyaket and the red sando he was previously wearing in the scene, as House.
“We have time for...
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Source: maripalicious and karenpoland
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added by huddyislove
Source: eowyn127 @ LJ
added by mchuddymerderek
Source: livejournal
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added by huliana
Source: Hugh and Lisa at GG 2009?
added by pistachio_
Source: me
added by Manuela02
Source: Me (Manuela02 or Ilaria9182)
added by sophialover
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added by belbernardi
posted by shenelopefan
"In love. I´m in pag-ibig with him."

That´s what Lisa thiks every moorning before go to work. She have breaksfast and sometimes she cries, bacause she will never be avaliable for loving him.
She look herself in the mirror and thinks:
"Poor woman, she can´t pag-ibig him."

She, finally, go to the House md set. She fell terrible. The lights, the crew, the make-up. She say hi to Robert, and he tells her:
"You´re late. David is waiting you for shot the new episode. Hurry up!"

She knows she is late and she knows the reason for it. She doesn´t want to see him because it´s too painfull.

Anyway, she gets...
continue reading...
added by arasu
Source:, soro