Hugh & Lisa Club
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posted by maverickangel35
*prepares protective umbrella for the barrage of tomatoes and cabbages that will surely be thrown her way...*

    Eight or nine days per episode…
    Lisa tapped the pen absentmindedly against the table, doing some mental arithmetic.
    Five episodes left…
    Greg and David exchanged looks, looked around to find the pinagmulan of the noise, and glared.
    Assuming the worst, figure on 45 days? So roughly a buwan and a half…
    “Lisa!” Both men suddenly yelled, and she jumped out of her seat.
    “Could you please keep it down back there? We’re doing a rewrite.”
    Hugh turned a page in his script and didn’t even look up from the paper. Lisa watched him for a moment, hoping to catch his eye—then praying that she wouldn’t. She returned to her calculations.
    1 ½ months… 45 days… taking into consideration that they would start doing all-day shoots the closer they got to the finale, just count all 24 hours as viable…
    1080 hours—64,800 minutes—or just to be really really specific—3,888,000 seconds—
    Three million eight hundred and eighty eight thousand segundos until she could flee the country. Flee her life. God willing, flee to wherever her conscience had already apparently left for vacation. Maybe she could catch up with it in Spain.
    Lisa snorted, and Hugh very nearly looked up to see what was so funny, then sternly forced his head down, his eyes on the paper. It would be awhile before they could start filming; Kal had dropped something of a bomb on the executive producers, and now… well. “Rewrite” was definitely an understatement. And Hugh had been warned—this was going to turn into a very dark, very disturbing road for House to travel. He needed to concentrate. And that was not going to happen as long as Lisa continued to tap her pen on the mesa over… and over… and over…
    Hugh suddenly rose to his feet and walked out, taking his script with him. Lisa gaped as his retreating back, and even the writers turned to stare as their bituin strode angrily across the lot towards his trailer. Shrugging, they continued to work, and when Lisa realized they were deep into their project, she slipped out of her chair and made tracks in the same direction as Hugh. Something was obviously up.
    The lot was virtually empty as Lisa crossed, relishing the fact that she’d been able to get away with wearing sneakers for the day. Much as she loved Cuddy’s heels… well, her own heels had a thing or two to say about them at the end of the day. Climbing the few stairs, Lisa knocked hesitantly on the door, shoving her hands in her pockets and shifting her weight.
    Nothing doing.
    Sighing, she fingered the key Hugh had ibingiay her back in the beginning—for emergencies, she reminded herself sternly. This wasn’t an emergency. She had seen him go in, and he hadn’t come back out, so… he was still in there. And he didn’t want to talk to her.
    “Hugh?” She called softly, looking around to make sure no one was watching. “Are you ok?”
    There was no response.
    “Ok… sorry,” she murmured to the door, and turned away, her eyes downcast. Inside, Hugh was stretched out on the couch, his script face down on his stomach, his hands folded behind his head. He had seen Lisa approach through the closed blinds over the windows—all right, then, he had seen a shadow approach, but who else was it going to be? His theory had only been confirmed when she knocked.
    Hugh Laurie was not naïve. He was not stupid, and his memory was as good as anyone’s, sharpened sa pamamagitan ng years and years of last-second line memorizations. He was fully aware that Lisa still had a key to his trailer, and that she probably had it with her. His mind was completely divided.
    Half of his brain was sitting there, chanting away: ‘Use the key! Use the key! Use the key!’ He remembered when he gave it to her, all those years ago; they had shot the pilot in Vancouver, had only just met, and were doing their first scene together.
    One take.
    One take was all it took, Hugh’s key-happy brain deadpanned. The director had ibingiay them a look, as if to ask if they were quite sure they’d never worked together before, and Hugh and Lisa had both shrugged. The writers had sat there, pens in hand, all thinking the same thing—“Well, we didn’t write the chemistry in, but…” And when the series had been picked up, Hugh and Lisa had quickly become fast friends, trailer neighbors, complete with key exchange in case of accidental lock-outs. Or emergencies.
    That’s right, friend, the other half of Hugh’s brain spoke up. Emergencies. If she’d used that key now you would’ve been pissed at her, you would’ve demanded it back, you would’ve done something, and that would be the end of it. Or is that what you’re going for?
    Hugh grabbed a unan and dropped it over his face, closing his eyes and gritting his teeth. No matter what he did, it always came back to the same thing. He had leaned on Lisa—oh, probably madami than was strictly fair, in the beginning. Getting used to LA, getting used to his new status, grabbing hold of his work mga kaibigan to avoid having to make any other friends, and all the while preparing himself for the blow that he thought must inevitably come: surely the ipakita would be cancelled.
    And here they were, season after season later. Still he was leaning on her. Was it her fault that she was now feeling… whatever she was feeling? Or was it his?
    Sure, she had flirted with him. But he had flirted back. And they had told themselves they were just friends. But now, apparently, it had gone too far, and now she was pulling back, trying to do the right thing.
    Take some responsibility, man, he thought to himself, and got back up to go to work. Be a man. And stay away from her.
    “Hugh? Ah, good. Here. Script.”
    “Huh.” Hugh took the proffered pages and sat down, starting to read. His eyebrows flew to his hairline a few minutos later, as the changed storyline began to form. Suicide? He had already heard rumblings about the last few episodes of the series, and it was hard to imagine House falling into a deeper, darker place—but here it was…
    Lisa slid into the chair across the table, resting her chin in her hand. “Not as exciting as Twilight, but still pretty good, huh?”
    Hugh grunted in response. Lisa traced a water bilog on the mesa that had been left sa pamamagitan ng a sweating bottle earlier. Hugh continued to read.
    “Listen, I’m not trying to interrupt you or anything, I just want to make sure—” Hugh finally looked up and fixed her with a blank, emotionless stare. “Ok. Do you want me to go?”
    No! Hugh’s mind was at war with itself. Stay! Go! Someone please call me so I don’t have to make this decision…
    “Hugh? Lisa, good. Clinic set, please.” One of the crew members had come running up on an errand to find them. Hugh’s relief at the reprieve was a little too obvious for Lisa’s liking as he bolted out of his chair and made his way over to the cameras. Lisa followed, making only a quick detour over to pick up her lab amerikana and pulled it on as she walked, flipping her hair back out from under the kwelyo as she approached Hugh standing at the reception desk.
    “Hey, you.” She said, resting her hand on the counter but keeping a foot or two of distance between them. “Listen here.” A flash of real anger appeared in Hugh’s eyes even as he stared down at the counter, and Lisa nearly Nawawala her nerve. “I’m sorry. Ok? I’m sorry I sinabi anything. It’s not your problem. I just want things to go back to the way they were before I opened my big mouth. Things don’t have to be like this, ok?” Hugh still didn’t answer. “Look,” she went on, taking half a step closer and trying to decide if she should reach out and touch his arm. Perhaps that was pushing it. Nevertheless, she forged through. “I saw the pages, and I saw the outlines, and I know where they’re going with this season. And it’s going to be rough, both to film and to stomach just as a general rule. And if we can’t lean on each other…” Hearing that, Hugh suddenly looked up at her, as if to check that she’d really sinabi what she had. Lisa felt a glimmer of hope and sped on. “Just—please, let’s just get through the filming, ok? And then if you want to throw me off the roof of your trailer for all the mental anguish I’m causing you, you can absolutely do that.”
    Oh go ahead, you complete bastard. Hugh railed at himself. Lean away. Just know that you’re going to end up hurting her in the long run. But hey, it’ll feel good for now, right?
    “We should get started,” he sinabi curtly, and turned away, heading toward the director to ask if they were ready. Lisa stayed where she was.
    Ok. We’re going to try this just one madami time. Lisa had always known she had a high threshold for punishment. But Hugh was her friend, and she had hurt him. So it was worth it. Worth at least one madami try, anyway. The susunod day, he had been just as quiet, barely speaking to anyone between takes, and was again sitting in a corner and pagbaba his script. The sun was going down, long shadows cast along the lot, and most of the cast and crew had escaped to eat something before they continued. Lisa approached him once more.
    “Where do they come up with these words?” Lisa asked, grinning wryly down at him—they both knew full well that 6-syllable words were par for the course at this point. “Some are invented—”
    “Some are indented—”
    “And saying them will end up being repented,” they chorused, and Lisa laughed softly, disappointed that Hugh didn’t sumali her. The crew had adopted that kasabihan back in the first season when they still felt the need to complain about not being able to understand half the words out of the cast’s collective mouth. Hugh sighed, looking back at his script. Lisa closed her eyes briefly, wishing this wasn’t so hard.
    “Hey. You ok?” She asked, daring to reach out and rub the back of his neck as he leaned forward.
    “Yeah. Thanks, just—tired, I guess.” Hugh shrugged his shoulders back to loosen his muscles and shook his head. Lisa leaned over a bit and nudged him with her hip to make him look up again, and when she saw his eyes she raised an eyebrow and shook her head.
    “Put the script down. Come on, let’s get some dinner.”
    “No, Lis, I’ve got—”
    “Greg!” Lisa yelled, and Greg Yaitanes looked up from his plate. “Hugh’s refusing food! I think he’s sick!”
    “I am not sick—”
    “Hugh, go eat something,” Greg said, going back to his meal. David baybayin came in then, and fixed Hugh and Lisa with a look.
    “Does Hugh need dinner? Go go go, we’ll do some other stuff for an oras or two; I got extras to use.”
    Hugh’s eyes were empty as he looked up at his boss, and Lisa’s stomach heaved.
    “Hugh.” She gently lifted the script out of his hands. “Please. Come on.”
    Hugh stared at her for a second, as if trying to figure out who she was and where she’d come from. Slowly he got up and followed her out of the building, unconsciously taking a deep breath of the humid California air. Lisa put her hand on his back and guided him towards her trailer.
    “You go in and sit down,” she said, unlocking the door. “I’m going to grab us some sandwiches or something.”
    Without thinking, Hugh did as he was instructed, not even registering that he could’ve just left once she was gone. Instead he sat down at the mesa inside, drumming his fingers on the surface.
    You really don’t have time for this, his conscience berated him mercilessly. All those new scripts, you’ve got lines, you’re not going to be in the right place to film, and then what? You should just go and finish working. Forget—
    “Here we go,” Lisa said, coming in the door. She set his pagkain in front of him and took her own seat, opening her bottle of water and taking a drink. Hugh absentmindedly toyed with the wrapping on his sanwits for a few minutos before finally opening it and taking a single bite. Lisa had timed it perfectly. If his mouth was full, he couldn’t argue.
    “Look,” she said, leaning forward. “I just want to say something to you. I’m going to tell you what’s going through my head, and then when I’m done you can either yell and holler and storm out or we can fix this.” Hugh swallowed, but didn’t comment. “Ok.” She licked her lips. “I was scared. I was worried that I was making things difficult for you, and… no, that’s not even right.”
    Lisa stopped to think, and was silent for so long that Hugh finally looked up at her. As if she felt his gaze, she lifted her eyes to meet his, and their gaze held for half a minuto before she finally spoke again.
    “I was worried that I was falling in pag-ibig with you,” she sinabi simply. Hugh felt his face growing warm, then immediately went cold at her susunod words. “Obviously I’m not. But I was just—the way things were going, I was honestly worried that I was going to do something stupid that would cause trouble for you, and I wanted to avoid that eventuality. That is why I sinabi what I did during filming in the elevator. But it’s no longer a problem.”
    “What do you mean?” Hugh’s voice cracked from disuse.
    Lisa shrugged. “I mean, I’m over it. Things can go back to normal, and I won’t worry about it anymore. It’s a non-issue.”
    What does that mean? Both sides of Hugh’s brain were finally saying the same thing. So now what, this feeling in the pit of his stomach whenever he saw her… he had always assumed that she felt the same way. According to this, she did not. She was done.
    And therefore, sa pamamagitan ng necessity, so was he.
    Hugh stood up to leave.
    “Hugh…” Lisa reached for his hand, but he didn’t extend it. “Please. I know this is my fault…”
    “There’s nothing going on that’s anybody’s fault,” he said, not looking at her. “I’m fine. Thanks for dinner.”
    He ducked out quickly, and the door closed quietly behind him.
Told you it was ready. Now I wonder how much you're gonna hate me after this cliffhanger :P Forgive me, just works better this way eheh.

PS It's useless the "previously" this time right? I mean, it was a dream. Ok, desires and memories, and yada yada but I think you remember it anyway :)


December/December Chapter 23 - Part 1

26 March 2010

Hugh ducked his head, quickly as the manuntok spring back at him. He took a deep breath, as blood thud loudly in his ears, his breath shorter and shorter. He could feel walang tiyak na layunin pangs...
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I'm terribly sorry guys XD Been awfully busy!! Ok, I have 3 chaps in a row to post and the susunod one is ready already :P; third one I'll be posting on weekend so stay tuned ;) Read on and I'll post part 2 tonight...well my evening. Consider something like 8 hours at the utmost starting from now :P Just giving you the time to catch up with this. Enjoy, it's a sad sad moment for us all I know. I hope some of this will cheer you up...well sort of XD

PS I splitted it into two parts cause it's too long and I discovered we are not allowed to use madami than a certain number of words :P Then so your eyes...
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Hi! This is my first ff in English… I’m Italian and I don’t know English language very well…but I pag-ibig Hugh and Lisa so... I hope I didn’t make many mistakes! And, if you like the story, I’ll continue to write it but… If you don’t like it please tell me and I’ll stop to write it!  Have a good day!

“Sense of (our) life” - part 1

A strange taste of joy grew up from her mouth to her mind. She never felt like that before; an unexpected sensation in a day, which she thought, "was came too similar to the others to be a normal one". Lisa laught thinking how a araw in the life...
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posted by Belle0308
uy there Huli's! Well here is part 4 of my Huli Fairytale. Technically I have already written the susunod to parts and I already know the end. I don't have as much patience as I should have so I tend to want to push things along quicker than I should. In any case, my dearest Bea keeps me grounded. To catch you up, Lisa and Hugh have had a spell placed on them sa pamamagitan ng one of two sister witches. She is horribly jealousy of their love. I hope that you have read the first three parts or you will be very confused. Please enjoy this and remember it is just a little detour from normal.

Thank you!

Pt. 4

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posted by anonymously
I'm sorry in advance for this. You don't have to read it.

I'm just really frustrated with all of this and needed to vent. So this is my little rant about the fandom. I realize that sa pamamagitan ng Pagsulat an artikulo I am making it worse in a way because I'm allowing it to get to me and spend time on it.but I just need to do this. I will try to keep the language clean, it's not like me to trash talk, but sorry if it

gets out of hand.

We've already had all the drama about supposed spoilers on inside info about 'Huli happening soon' and stuff like that. We sort of discussed how stupid it is for people to claim...
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posted by Belle0308
uy there fellow Huli's! I have debated about posting this first chapter because I had thought about having it completely finished before I published any of it. I don't have it finished and it may take a while. In any case, I hope you enjoy the first chapter and please let me know wat you think. The soro Upfront pictures inspired this.

It had started with a phone call…
“Hi there, what are you doing?” his voice sounded far madami relaxed than usual.
“Oh…just getting dressed for this thing tonight. What about you?” she was fussing with her hair at the same time.
“Umm…did you just say...
continue reading...

As requested, I wrote a one shot regarding Hugh giving Lisa a bouquet :DDDDD

Hope you like it :D
Sining forever! (:C

Lisa got in her dressing room, tired like never before.
She had never expected to get to do something like this. A Cuddy episode. Great.
Finally she realized why Hugh was grumpy at times... Working 14 hours a day... Not pretty.
She kind of missed her 'two scenes per episode' days.
She had many of those throughout season 1 to season 5. Now that season 6 was being filmed, she was working like a maniac.

And, boy, was it a dirty job! Yes! A dirty one!
Cuddy, of all people, Cuddy had to get...
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posted by LisaLover
nakaraan part: link
Please R&R :)

„I think I know you from somewhere…” I sinabi trying to figure out if we have really met before. He touched a drop of his bodka and kept staring at me with a smile on his face. “Why are you smiling? You know where we have met?” I looked at him suspiciously.
“No, I don’t think we’ve met before.”
“Oh come on, tell me!” I playfully punched him my small pitaka in the arm.
“I’m an actor. Not a really famous one here, but you may saw me…”
“So you are Hugh…” I desperately tried to remind his surname, but it turned out harder than...
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posted by huddyforever
They just looked into eachother’s eyes smiling and then out of nowhere some magnetic force pulled them together in a kiss. It started out a simple and sweet halik then turned into a rough and passionate kiss. Their tougnes meeting, teeth clashing, his hands pulling her ontop of him, her hands on his face. Now they were making out. He reached up and grabbed her left breast and she gasped. Their heads were now out of the sleeping bag from moving around. That’s when they realized where they were.

“Shit, Hugh. We can’t. We have Robert and Olivia in this tent right this very minute.” She...
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posted by douglas80
((Ok guys, sorry for waiting that long!! Hope you enjoy that susunod chappy----remember: Hugh and Lisa left Mike at the bar alone-----so hope you like it, comments welcome!! ;-))

They went upstairs in silence.
“Why didn´t she talk to me? This afternoon she was so eager for talking about….yay, about what?”, he thought. “What should I do know? Talk to him? But, should I tell him about my feelings? Damn! Why can´t I just halik him and spend the night with him? Oh god yes he´s married!”, she thought at the same time they went to their rooms which were beside one another. As they both stood...
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OK so but you don’t know how SORRY I am. I have been so stressed and there has been so much homework…. I feel like I don’t even deserve to be a Huli… I really am sorry :’( Oh and don’t kill me please I will kill myself if needed…

I talked to her. She sinabi nothing. I’m going to therapy. I don’t believe her.


3 weeks. That will make a month. And I can’t believe I still cry. You know something did happen the night I went out with Rachel. I met him and although I still can’t forget you he is here. He won’t disappear like you did. Oh...
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posted by douglas80
They arrived at the Hotel and everybody got a single room. After Lisa got a paliguan and put on her bulaklak power dress she went downstairs into the restaurant where Hugh and David were already waiting for her.
“You have to taste the lobster, it´s fantastic.”, David sinabi to her as she sat down susunod to him and in front of Hugh.
Lisa froned her forehead. “Ahm, well….maybe I try to taste something else.”
“What did you order?”, she asked Hugh even though she knew exactly that he wasn´t an vegetarian.
“Just an ordinary Clubsandwich.”, he answered meanwhile she studied the menu.
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A/N: Sorry for the late update, I've been busy but well anyway I hope you like this chap. As always criticism is accepted. Mmmh I didn't know of whom to do this POV chap but well I think it's fair to have Hugh again. =)

We stand there just staring into each other’s eyes. What am I here? Why did I lie to Jo again?
I think we have to make things clear but what if things get worse. I mean if I tell Lisa Jo's still here she will kick me and... I don't know.

“You didn’t screw up, I did.” She smiles, why is she even smiling? She’s so joyful to see me and I’m about to make it worse. What...
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I wake up, my body aching, my eyes searching for your sight, you're still there, awake.
"Good morning." You say. Iturn to see you, you smile at me. I finally realize the few rays of sunlight that are coming from the window.
"Morning, you should leave. Jo might get pissed." I say not willing to obey my own feelings.
You smile again. You glance at your clock.
"In 5 hours she'll arrive to England. Don't worry she left yesterday, she just came to the awards." I get up and walk to the kitchen, you follow me. I seve me a glass of water but you take it from me.
"I prepared tea." I notice the kettle on...
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