i woke up i went to zim"s room to wake him up but i don't see zim in kama then i heard "rooaar"i fell down it was zim.
"you jerk"i sinabi trow a unan at zim
"it was funny but we need go to skool"zim sinabi while he pick me up
me and zim put are disguise on.
(at space)
tak pov
"i finsh fixing the ship now i go back to earth mimi get inside the ship now"
we went back to earth i put my disguise on and went to skool i saw zim with a human girl they were holding hands i was in mrs.bitters class and i saw dib,zim,and the human girl i sat down susunod to dib,the teacher was talking about doom again.
"tak"dib said...
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