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**Note: What I've read is in italics**

The main reason she loved Lucas is because he was the only person who never abandoned her. When her mom died, he was there, when Jake left, he was there

My Argument

When Jake left (s1), Peyton never felt madami alone. Luke was busy with Brooke; and Peyton basically told Luke that he didn't qualify as a real friend cause he hadn't been around while she was dealing with a lot of crap. Brooke had been busy as well. When Ellie died, Peyton was again facing it alone. Brucas were tied up in their own issues and Luke was dealing with Keith's death. He even apologized to Peyton in 3.17 cause he hadn't been there for her while she was grieving Ellie. I think we forget how much Peyton has faced alone (without Luke). Nevertheless, when things were good, she still wanted Lucas (Paley friendship rekindled in s4; breyton friendship restored @ the end of s4, but she was still willing to stay in TH for Lucas; label was going well in s5 but she fought & waited for luke etc.). And are we forgetting that Luke DID abandon/leave Peyton - in s5?? That's when she fought for him madami than she ever did before. So the whole "Peyton wanted Luke cause he was the only one who didn't leave her" argument isn't as founded as it seems.

Naley picked Brucas as godparents and not leyton. So Naley must think Brucas are destined for each other

My Argument

Not necessarily. Naley picked Luke cause he's Hales' best friend and Nate's now close brother. In regards to Brooke, Braley had gotten quite close recently and Paley had Nawawala each other in s3 (braley were roommates in s3, Brooke made hales' wedding dress and was the maid of honor; Peyton was quite mean to Haley in s3 for a while and they seldom shared scenes in season 3 or 4). People can interpret Brucas being godparents as a sign of their evenual "family" union, or it can be interpreted as Mark giving brucas fans something to watch/cling on to; who knows?

BL are meant to be because they are soulmates

My Argument: Being Soulmates has nothing to do with it. Though I truly believe and know LP are Soulmates, it doesn't determine their being endgame/meant to be in the end.
For example, Jawson (Dawson's Creek) confessed they were Soulmates & that they loved each other in the series finale, but Jacey were endgame. So being soulmates is not enough to fuel an eternal union between two lovers. BL/LP soulmates is quite irrelevant in the scheme of things. Laley are also soulmates in my opinion. They love, understand and challenge each other in the purest way - it goes beyond sibling love; but they're never gonna be a couple.

Brooke Let Lucas go in season 4 and 5 because she thought he would be happier with peyton.
Peyton never let lucas go, which is why she fooled around with him behind Brooke's back twice

My Argument

Brooke never "let him go" in the context that brucas fans think. She sinabi she'd always pag-ibig him [on a certain level], but it was clear that she didn't want to be with him anymore (Rachel - "Let me get this straight; you don't pag-ibig Lucas anymore. Peyton does, yet she's willing to bury those feelings if you want her to. Sounds like a pretty great friend to me." Did brooke breathe a word of objection? No.). And Peyton DID let luke go. What was s1e15??? Leyton could have been together, but Peyton let Luke go for Brooke. Luke didn't wanna end it; neither did Peyton, but she did it because it was the right thing to do under the circumstances. See the difference? Brooke wanted to end it (s4e1), and eventually so did Luke (s4e8).
When did Peyton fool around with Lucas a 2nd time? (Another subjective interpretation of the aklatan halik perhaps?)...She waited for him. She tried to ilipat on but her feelings remained the same; she never estola him. She waited and let Brucas walk their path to realize they weren't meant to be all on their own. "I can't do this anymore". She didn't say, "You're not happy with me." Even if the 401 break-up was interpreted as "Brooke wanted Luke to be happy" (which is an understandable subjective interpretation), what about s4e8? They both decided they didn't have the pag-ibig Whitey described in his speech. Now that cannot be interpreted as "Brooke letting Luke go cause she wanted him to be happy".

Peyton never let Lucas be happy with anyone else, but Brooke did. Therefore, Brooke's pag-ibig is much stronger than Peyton's. Brooke had to give up the man she loved to her "best friend" because she thought it would make him happy. Peyton interfered in all of Lukes relationships so her pag-ibig for him is weak.

My Argument

She never LETS him be happy? She made a mistake in s1 when she kissed him in the motel. It was a vulnerable moment following the discovery that her father did not die. But she walked away. Luke pursued her thereafter. LUKE confessed he was hiding with Brooke. S3, LUKE was the one who sinabi it would always be there. LUKE's the one who sinabi he loves being that guy for Peyton (when he chose to help Peyton over Brooke, the girl whom he had just reunited with - s3e9). Yes Peyton kissed Luke in the library; but that didn't mean anything madami than a platonic halik to either of them @ the time. So that doesn't count as fooling around or as Peyton not letting Luke be happy. Season 5. Peyton was angry, sad and frustrated to find that Luke had moved on with someone else. Yet it was Luke who kept hanging around Peyton. He gave her the office space, he took her to Brooke's grand opening @ c/b and sinabi the bartender wasn't good enough for her. He wouldn't accept rent from her and followed her constantly (s5e6&7). Luke's the one who pushed her to confess ("WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? I fly to L.A. I ask you to marry me you say no so I moved on. Why haven't you?"). Yes Peyton kissed Luke - she screwed up, again. But then Luke kissed Peyton back - why? Because he was scared of marrying Lindsey? Because he was afraid of commitment and tried to find an easy way out? Because Peyton forced him? Brainwashed him? No! Just like in s1, Luke still LOVED Peyton very much and gave into his repressed feelings. Except this time around, Luke walked away, and Peyton pursued him (unlike in s1, where Peyton walked away after the motel slip up and Luke fought for her - it's always one or the other; or both, but they never give up on each other; they almost "take turns" breathing life into their dormant epic pag-ibig story).
So back to s5e7, Leyton screwed up yet again. However people forget to take Lucas into account. Peyton never forced Luke to cheat in s1 OR 5. Luke decided to halik Peyton. Luke decided to be there for her time and time again madami than a friend needed to be. Luke decided to follow Peyton constantly. Luke decided to save Peyton constantly; and this might sound selfish, but beyond the cheating and the secrets in s1, Brooke knew that leyton did it cause they wanted to be together. Not because they were horny and fooling around for the fun of it. So what about s2? Did Brooke let Luke go then (knowing full well that Leyton were in pag-ibig not long before)? No. She milked Peyton for reassurance that leyton were indeed not gonna get weird again and mess up Brooke's chances with Luke. In season 3, Peyton gets shot, Luke looses his uncle, and Brooke visits Peyton for the first time and has this to say "The boy I pag-ibig protected the girl I love; and it's the girl that he loves too - we both know it's true." So yet again, Peyton had to convince Brooke that Leyton weren't gonna sneak around again. I can see ppl interpreting Peyton's pag-ibig for Luke as selfish in s5 at first (because of eppy 7 & some of 8), but weak? It was so STRONG that it drove her to make the mistakes she's made over the years (kissing him in s1 & 5).

Leyton's kind of pag-ibig does not care who it hurts (Brooke, Jake, Lindsey). A pag-ibig like that, while great, is dangerous, and does not mean they should be together.

My Argument

Of course the pag-ibig they have cares for who it hurts. In s4, when leyton finally got together, no one was hurting, no one was mad. It's when leyton is apart that things get messy: S1, leyton tried to tell Brooke the truth - but she found out beforehand. S3, Peyton chose Jake because Brucas were together. JAKE chose to let Peyton go because he wanted her to be happy. He made it clear that he loved her and didn't want her to go, but he knew there was someone else in Peyton's heart. In s5, Luke's the one who was hanging around Peyton ever since she returned to puno hill. HE'S the one who hurt Lindsey. Luke never told Lindsey about halik Peyton in eppy 7 so that wouldn't have affected Lindsey getting hurt. But Lindsey's the one who realized what Luke's book was about. And though she loved him and didn't want to let him go, she did it because she knew there was another girl in his heart. and people are forgetting a very important fact: Brucas was able to ilipat on & be mga kaibigan with no complications in between because they had closure; leyton didn't - gee I wonder why.

In season 5, Peyton guilt tripped Lucas into getting back together with her sa pamamagitan ng saying she loves him (when he was with Lindsey). That is sending a bad message. Peyton is a selfish witch who won't let Lucas be happy. Brooke lets Luke live his life and be happy, even if it is not with her.

Peyton didn't guilt trip Lucas. After fighting for him in s5e7&8 she let him go. Up to s5e6, Peyton did leave Luke alone (till he dragged the truth out of her). sa pamamagitan ng s5e8, Peyton DID let Luke live his life and be happy; even though she loved him so much and she knew he loved her too. That's the worst feeling. Knowing what could have been, but still letting go (that was NOT the case with Brucas. not even close - they let go with no regrets, with complete amicable happiness, and total closure).
Peyton is a selfish witch? She gave luke her blessings @ the end of s5e8 & in s5e11. Lucas then went ahead to marry Lindsey - and though it was excruciating to watch it, Peyton sat quietly and watched the pag-ibig of her life say I do to someone else. Lindsey's the one who was smart enough for Lundsey/Lincas and let Luke go. Luke was the one who had to walk his journey and realize where his puso truly always lied. Even after Peyton finally read his segundo book and knew Luke was still very much in pag-ibig with her and deep down, hadn't Nawawala faith in Leyton, she still let him walk his own journey. I think many Brucas fans are the ones who write guilt tripping arguments to try and convince people [and often themselves] that Brucas should be together, because they wanna believe that Brooke only let luke go cause she wanted him to be happy (despite OTH history that says otherwise). What does that say about Luke's happiness? Even if that were true (Brooke letting Luke go only because she wanted him to be happy), shouldn't Lucas be happy? Shouldn't BROOKE be happy? Brucas was a mess in s3. If Brucas reunited because Brooke still loved Lucas, what kind of a relationship would that be? That's not a strong foundation to build on! That's one sided residual feelings (which don't exist in the manner that people think).
And sa pamamagitan ng the way, if anyone's relationship is destructive in the way many Brucas fans describe, it's Brucas'. They were a mess in s3 and it hurt Peyton to see them together in s1 (plus Haley didn't support it), 3 & 4. But she never truly pursued Lucas till s4 - after Brucas were officially over. When Leyton were official in s4, did it hurt anyone??? They had Brooke's blessings, not to mention everyone else's.

So what. What is so wrong about Leyton now???
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