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posted by SouthParkSmart
Lately on Fanpop, I've been noticing a lot of people wondering if they are gay or bisexual, in particular. They ask if certain behaviors or feelings they have make them gay or bi.

But really, asking other people to tell you whether or not you are gay or straight is nearly impossible. They can't be inside your head and go through what you do every day. It's up to you to figure that out on your own!

If that leaves you feeling overwhelmed, don't panic! Sexuality is an exciting and often confusing journey, only to be uncovered sa pamamagitan ng you! If I've learned anything from going through years feeling straight, gay, bi, and even asexual it's this:

1. You cannot choose who you are. Don't let anyone convince you that you should change.
2. Your sexual orientation can change over time, but this is never under your control.
3. Don't let anyone put a label on you and tell you who you are! Only you know how you feel!
4. Don't feel obligated to pick a side, whether straight, gay, bisexual, or anything else.
5. Your sexual orientation is often not clear. If it were, most people would be able to say without a doubt that they are gay or straight. Many struggle with it for years or even their whole lives.

So basically, what I'm saying is that confusion about sexuality is normal and perfectly okay. Most of us are sexual beings, and harmless experimentation can help us discover who we are.

And some of us don't want to be labeled or are struggling with our sexual identity. This is fine, too! As teenagers (I'm speaking for most people on this site, sa pamamagitan ng no means all), we may want to be accepted into a group. Don't feel pressured to pick a side just for that purpose!

I hope this artikulo has helped you discover something about yoruself. Be happy with who you are whether you're gay, straight, bisexual, transgender, intersex, asexual, or anything else!