ang pakikipagkaibigan munting parang buriko ay mahika parang buriko Haters

Blue_Vanilla posted on Sep 08, 2011 at 01:14PM
I just doing my research on DeviantArt and Youtube. i saw many haters lurking around to bother other fellow bronies. Well, i think it's a little childish to bother someone who is innocence or doesn't even know what's just happen. And, they even make a hate club for My Little Pony : Friendship Is Magic. Another thing, usually the haters are some 'Emo' guys or the 'trolls'. The thing is, where's your manners haters. we bronies never bother you guys. Please, respect us we bronies are human too. Thats all of my reports. thank you for reading and good night.

best wishes
~Blue Vanilla

ang pakikipagkaibigan munting parang buriko ay mahika 18 ang sumagot

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sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas SouthParkSmart said…
I agree with you. There are a lot of pony haters out there. I think they may be mad because the show is so popular, and ponies are pretty much everywhere. I repeat this to myself whenever I encounter them: Haters gonna hate. For some reason, they do not have it in their black hearts to like ponies, and there's nothing I can do about that.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas glelsey said…
I must admit, I've been fortunate enough to not run into any haters of this show yet. I don't have a problem with someone having a different opinion to me, but what I can't get my head around is why someone who hates something will pay so much attention to it. I've come to the conclusion that many haters (in general) are most likely one of the following:

-A fan in denial. (I'm convinced I know some of these! Some people have proven to be experts at the things they apparently hate...)

-Someone who is merely yet to develop common sense. Their logic tells them: "why would we waste time paying attention to something we love when we could pay attention to something we can't stand?" I guess we just need to be patient with these ones. Let them mature in their own time. ;)

-Someone stuck in the awkward "peer pressure" stage of life, where it is uncool to like certain things, and showing any positivity towards it could get you beaten up. But this one really only applies to certain subjects, and MLP:FiM may or may not qualify for this one.

But whatever their reason for being so open about their hatred, and the trolling, the best we can do is ignore them. Even if they do annoy or offend you at times, it's best not to give them the satisfaction of letting them know. XD
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas InvaderMillie said…
i agree but ponys are everywhere!!!i search something on google imags and at least Dj pon is there!!
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas fuzzykitten123 said…
Haters gotta drink that Haterade. :S Still, that's ridiculous why people do these things! That's why we should learn about friendship from our pony pals! XD LOL
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas fishypup said…
Yeah, it's a good thing our pony friends teach us how to deal with such meanie-weenie silly-willies! ;-P Ha. Honestly, the only few that I've observed were very, VERY obvious trolls. They're nothing compared with the might of the brony/fan community. Some even turned out to be fans in disguise or in the closet who didn't wanna "admit" it--or eventual converts. Seems nearly everywhere I turn, genuine pony love abounds--it's wonderful!!

And one of the neatest things about the whole fandom, in my opinion, is that it's largely comprised of people who, unlike myself, never could have imagined themselves being even lukewarm fans of something like My Little Pony. The most hardened skeptics, the ones who most strongly doubt or deny their enjoyment of the show--these can have the potential to transform into the most diehard, loving-and-tolerating bronies. And one can make the case that a "pony-hater" (most likely a mere troll) is none other than an underdeveloped, non-self-actualized future brony awaiting birth and enlightenment! There are literally no limits to FiM's magic. There ought to have been a lyric about it in John Lennon's "Imagine," because I could totally see it eventually having something to do with the achievement of world peace.

But hey, ya know, haters are just sittin' at home crying like little bitches, while we're all hangin' with our beautiful what now?!? >;D
last edited sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas huskypaw2002 said…
I like my little pony!!!I did not read ir but I saw that on utube fans hate mlp.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas onionsplz said…
I think they are mostly just adolescent guys trying to act tough while subscribing to the juvenile mentality of only being allowed to like "manly" things, something that, in my experience, too many teenage boys adhere to.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas BatCountry9000 said…
Speaking of haters, take a look at Ghost, the host of Radio Graffiti. Not only does he hate My Little Pony, he hates its fans too. Not kidding. Mentioning ponies or bronies when he's doing his radio show is enough to drive him into a rage.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas fishypup said…
Onionsplz hit the nail right on the head.
Funnily enough, this show is now very widely regarded as perhaps the manliest thing on television. ;-)
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TrollBerry said…
Sure, I see what people THINK these things but I really rage up when people don't give other people a chance to explain... Hell... I can't say anything about it. But with the video above, its like we have spies everywhere. XD. Anyways, but really. It makes me mad... Watch the video "Ballad of the Brony -Saberspark" its really good. Its about an hour but he explains a lot of the Brony stuff. If you need to explain to your parents or someone (and you have the time...) show them it. "The remastered" Version. Trust me ;)
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas GypsyMarionette said…
Hey everyone,
I saw this forum a week ago and have been working on a picture for you. I finally finished it and uploaded it in the fanart section.
Take a look:
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Winter_Dash said…
I unfourtanitly know the feeling. I have a ton of MLP stickers and MLP junck in my locker at school and theres one guy just one that has to ruin it for everyone. Meh at least the guys in my platoon and on base respect me and my obsession. X
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Girl_U_Dontno said…
Sometimes we do bother them for not liking the show, but yeah, they should butt out.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Dewheart said…
Although I wasn't aware of MLP in high school, I was one of the people who trolled the internet by going to sites I didn't agree with, and screwing with people. If I knew about this fandom then, I probably would have been one of the haters who eventually converted. Needless to say, I used to be a real douche.

Once I got a bit older though, I stopped being such a judgemental bastard and became more understanding and accepting of people who had different views than me.

Most of the "haters" are just 10-17 year old boys trying to prove how tough and cool they are. I know that from experience.

Unfortunately, in society today people have many stereotypes that they adhere to. You can't do anything without being judged by someone. So just be yourself and don't worry if other people don't like it. Because if they don't then tough for them. After all, Haters gonna hate, PONIES GONNA PWN!
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas ExtraneousLable said…
Most of my irl friends love the show, one hates it though. So we just don't bother her about it, and she doesn't bother us. Is good times.

My brother and sister are both bronies as well. My brother introduced it to me. Which is funny, because he's only seen 5 episodes, and I now have seen all of seasons one and two, most of them twice. Student surpassed the teacher, I guess. >w>

I in turn got my sister to watch it, and she's now seen all of seasons one and two. We communicate in pony memes occasionally. Also, she goes to the college I'm going to after this summer, and she's informed me that three of the Professors that teach there are bronies. So that should be fun. X3
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas clancker1223 said…
Batcountry9000, and the ironic thing is, he describes himself as "a melting pot of friendship" ! that sounds like something a brony would say
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TrollBerry said…
Oh and also... If you hate something so much... Don't even bother with it. Don't go to a site full of it just to hate i mean seriously!?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Tdroid said…
Honestly I do not see the point in going out of your way to hate on something, for example in this case the brony haters. Are their life really so meaningless that they have nothing better to do? Or are they feeling so bad about themselves that they have to put that feeling on to others as well?

At the end of the day I simply don't get it. Sure, I will say negative things about things I do not like if it comes up, but I won't go out of my way to spew my hatred for something.