Thriller Roleplay Neos Rising [Explicit]

Rogue475 posted on Oct 13, 2015 at 01:11AM
Warning; This story contains graphic content that may not be suitable for all audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.
Welcome to Station: 07, the literal "Cloud City" of the 22nd century. Born into an era unlike any other, a time when the impossible is all but the reality, you are a citizen of the Seventh great floating city in the sky. Promises of a life of privilege and luster followed those who took up residents in these vast complexes, suspended in geo-synchronous orbit around Earth's skies. This, along with brilliant technological advancements have ensured mankind's survival safely in the confines of these mystical cities. When the many unlucky whom remain on the surface must hide away from the massive sandstorms and earthquakes that shake the planet at its very core, the people of Neos Seven will thrive safely for the rest of time.

"Sounds too good to be true doesn't it? truth is, people down there have it better off. Yeah sandstorms? Earthquakes? They're all nothing compared to life outside the wall... Oh they didn't tell you in the intro? Well, here's a little bit of history for you."

"In the year 2140, amidst this new found city in the sky, it wasn't all gold and glamorous as it's shown. No, this city was broken to begin with. And the man behind it all, Herald of the New Dawn, Mason Warwick... A posh noble and aristocrat who was by no design of his own, of course, became the most powerful man to have never set foot on the Earth. For his first act as Lord of the Neos, Mason made a giant wall, hard as the toughest most reinforced titanium alloy ever made... This wall of Jericho, separates the poor and innocent, from all of society and any clean source of food. This was the first act of many set forth by this mad man..."

"Eleven years have past and his reign is absolute, only there is a light in the darkness... The Echelon, a group of rebel insurrectionists, hoping to bring about the end of tyranny and restore justice to this world of chaos, have finally begun to act... And today, we found us a way to breach the great wall of Jericho..."
(Character Form)
(When filling out, remove these, please: ( )

Base Personality- (Ex: Brash, Arrogant, Follower, Leader, etc...)
Appearance- (A pic will do)
Attire- (Most common attire)
Weapon Specialization-
Love Ties-
Designated Class- (Minority, Majority)
(In order of appearance)
 [b][u]Warning; This story contains graphic content that may not be suitable for all audiences. Viewer
last edited on Oct 13, 2015 at 02:10AM

Thriller Roleplay 639 ang sumagot

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sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
The man lowered his eyes, trailing where she looked down at their hands. "... We were happy. I think... It was a long time ago, I have trouble remembering." He lied, the pain revealing in his tone.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
Alex sighed softly, but nodded. "Alright. I understand." She said quietly, looking out upon the city. "I'm sure that there is work to be done. I should go."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
"I'll check on the girl..." He uttered, moving off hesitantly.

A few moments later, the man stepped into the room the young woman was being held. "... I come bearing gifts." He uttered quietly, and slightly awkwardly. In his hand held a small box of chocolates, the finest made in Neos 7, yet she wouldn't have known that.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
Leah had been resting, eyes closed, but she looked over at him when he spoke, taking a moment to recognize the man. She scowled softly, but didn't react with anger, pushing herself to sit up. "Er, Thanks. I think."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
"Now i can imagine what you must think of me, but I ask that you understand where I'm coming from. It is my job to keep the peace, and that inherently means I have to do very bad things in order to do my job... Your child is going to be okay, and you are going to recover."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
"No, I understand. And I would do the same in your position, I'm sure." Leah said softly, arms automatically going around her stomach. "What are you going to do now, though? I know that you're the only ones who know I'm here. And I'll be dead if anyone finds out."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
"For now... You rest. Once you're able to be moved we'll get you to a more isolated location, somewhere they'll never find you." He then paused. "We had breach into the wall the other night, two men, if you could call them that... I believe they're looking for you. Regardless we'll keep you safe, I promise you."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
Leah's expression tightened for a moment, she knew exactly who'd gotten through the wall. "Don't hurt him. Please." She said softly, then scowled. "So wait, you're just going to keep me locked up forever?"
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
"...Him?" He blinked, eyes finding her hands clasped around her stomach. "Ah, the father, I assume... You must believe me when I say this home we'll provide will be far better than anything you'd find beyond that wall. You would be happy there, and want for nothing."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
"And be alone, not doing anything for myself or anyone else." She said, scowling heavily. "I'd rather you'd killed me."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
The man shook his head, slightly agitated by her response. "I don't think you understand the situation you're in... If we let you go, back to the resistance, they will use you against us... I don't have to tell you, that I won't accept that. You are also with child, and while you remain here in our care, you are a target to both sides."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
Leah just looked away from the man, arms crossing more tightly. "What happens if you find Renner? What will you do to him?"
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
"Renner?" The man blinked, scowl fading. "He's the one coming for you... Well I suppose I'd either kill him or imprison him, it matters little to me. You said Renner, as in Renner Ka'bal, the son of Ethan Ka'Bal?"
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
Leah glanced towards him, scowling more heavily. "How do you know him?" She asked, gut clenching at the memory of her last moments with Ren before he left, and then those just before she was taken.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
"I knew Ethan..." The man's eyes lowered. "He was a Professor of mine, back in University. He was also a friend... I remember the day Renner was born... Ren... He'd call him Ren."
last edited sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
"We don't know what happened to his dad." She said, more quietly, watching him. "Just that Renner was orphaned and my dad raised him."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
"Ethan's alive, to my knowledge. Last I heard Mason had him put into exile on the surface. You see, Ethan was part of the government in the early days of the Neos program. This was when the earth was just beginning to die. He stood against Mason in his decision to build the wall that separates Neos." The man grinned, a small chuckle escaping him. "He used to say Mason was mad, that he'd go too far... I suppose Ethan was right..."
last edited sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
Leah looked away, sighing just softly. "Is is true Ren had a sister? We saw it in a log once, when he hacked the computer system."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
"Ethan's wife Nora died during Ren's birth, I didn't know Ethan to have any more children." Jack uttered, moving to sit in the chair beside her bed.
last edited sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
Leah just nodded slightly, watching him. "That chick that comes in here sometimes, the really creepy one that dragged my ass in here. What's her problem?"
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
Jack shook his head, "She's had a lot happen to her, I suppose her helping you is her way of coping... It's because of her I'm not torturing you... It's nothing personal, It's just complicated."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
Leah almost rolled her eyes. "So now that you know who Renner is, does that change what you'll do to him?" She asked, more quietly. Obviously more concerned about her lover than her own well being.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
The man sighed, reclining back in his chair. He seemed unamused by her question, and almost bored. "... Ethan's only child. I suppose It'd be wrong of me to kill em. Fine, I'll bring him here then... What's one more to this madness?"
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
Leah smiled, just softly. "So there is compassion in there somewhere. You know, he is a brilliant man. Could help you with whatever the hell it is you're trying to accomplish." She mused, moving to lay on her side, facing away from the man, where she found it was most comfortable.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
"We'll see... In the meantime, rest. I'll bring him to you, should be a pleasant reunion..." He grumbled, before moving off, exiting the room quietly.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
Later, under the City.*****

As night began to close in on the city the creature found her way back to the pair hidden in the underground rail system. The beast growled softly, standing near enough to Renner to wake him.
last edited sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
Ren rolled over, half asleep. His eyes widened as the massive wolf creature standing just a foot away. "Whoa..." He murmured, rolling upright as he rubbed his eyes. "Is it morning, Wolf lady?"
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
"No. Curfew has just been called. Come, quickly." Alex's tone was bordering on anxious, and the creature growled again in response, Pierce sitting up at the woman's voice, muttering to himself. "We moving on, man?"
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
"Yeah, c'mon, better not keep her waiting." The young man nodded, quickly picking up his pack and moving to follow the massive beast.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
Omega moved off briskly, ears alerting for any signs of other humans, Alex trusting the beast enough to lead the men in the right direction, only listening in case Renner chose to ask questions again.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
The young man kept low, moving right behind the fierce animal as it made its way to the surface. Ren spotted the Warwick Tower only a block away. Several guard details could be seen crawling all over the streets with heavy duty lamps and automatic rifles. "That's a lot of security, this guy Mason must be one paranoid bloke."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
"Paranoid and blood thirsty." Alex said dryly. "Keep to the shadows, and if someone spots you play dead." She added, tone almost amused. "I'm calling the other two to you, don't scream." Alex mentioned a moment later, only seconds before the leathery beat of wings could be heard, and Alpha and Beta arrived, teeth flashing at the men as they flanked them, following the (Smallest) Member of their pack.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
Renner sighed watching the two emerge from the dark, "So what's the plan Lady?" He asked in a whisper, peaking just over the wall to spot the guard movement. Then began to follow, keeping low to the wall.
last edited sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
"They are taking you to their holding area, and will hide you until I can come and get you." Alex said simply. "I need to go now. Just trust them." She added, standing from the solitary chair in her chambers, going to the door and down the hall to Jack's room.

"Seems like a right fucked up plan to me." Pierce muttered, and jumped when Alpha snapped her jaws in his direction.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
The man shrugged hesitantly back at his friend. "Preaching to the choir." He murmured, turning to watch the guards as he moved with he pack.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
Alex knocked softly, still keeping on eye on the beasts as she waited for Jack to let her in. Or send her away, that happened on occasion.

Pierce ducked his head, swearing that someone had turned and saw them, but at the same time, one of the beasts raised its wings, as if stretching them, and hid the men perfectly from view.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
She could hear some fumbling from inside the room, a response to the sudden noise. The door slide open and there he stood, eyes red from crying, a suppressed handgun raised towards her. "Fuck sake Alex, inside." He uttered hesitantly, before dragging her into his room, and locking the door behind him. "... I have something for you." The man spoke quickly as he went to his desk, setting his handgun down as he flicked on his holographic computer.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
"What's wrong?" She asked, frowning deeply at his distress and following him to the computer, pausing to unload the handgun and pocket the rounds, eyes never leaving the man she used to love, and was now programmed to serve.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
The man looked up, seeing her unload the rounds. "I've stolen something from Mason... Something of yours." He uttered, taking a fresh magazine from his pouch and setting it on the table next to his firearm. "I'm afraid he might know." The man then pressed his tablet and a recording began to play. It was a memory, from the eyes of Alex. Jack could be seen laughing with her in the comfort of a well decorated apartment. They were sipping wine and telling stories of their youth. Another man was there, an older gentleman who was cooking some sort of broth. "He was your father, Ethan Ka'bal... He never told me when he introduced us."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
Alex's eyes widened for a moment, then softened as she went to stand beside him, one hand resting automatically on his shoulder. "That really happened? We where really that happy?" She asked, looking down at him for a moment, then back up, fixated on the image.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
"We were... " The man uttered, just as the screen shifted to her speaking with the man he called; Ethan.

'Jack outperformed everyone else in the class, and I've come to respect him like no other before.' The older figure told her when they were alone, 'I want you to show him kindness. He has seen little of it in that family of his. I ask that you show him what Mason is doing to these people, so that he may help to change his brother's mind.'
last edited sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
Alex's eyes widened a bit, leaning towards the hologram, frowning softly to listen to her own response.

"I knew you had another reason to introduce us. I think I can do that. Thank you, father. He's a good man."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
Jack let the video play all the way through. It showed her happiness, and fun of a day long since passed. "... I smuggled this out of Mason's server room, and I've reason to believe he knows..."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
"Yes, I'm sure he does." She murmured, almost vaguely. "I should take it to my room. I dont want him to find you with it." Alex said, voice soft, like she was having just the slightest difficulty putting thoughts to words.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
"No..." He spoke faintly, his eyes almost lifeless. "I won't let him take you from me... Never again." Anger emerged the victor of Jack's facial expression.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
"He'll kill you, Jack. And then none of this will have mattered. Please. The worst he can do is take my mind again. You need to keep working on this. For me." Alex tried to look him in the eye, panic nearly setting in as her vision grew foggy, dark. "Give it to me. Now."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
Jack did not hesitate as he went to his tablet, with a quick swipe of his finger the memories transfer instantly. "He'd kill his own brother... Not himself no, he'd send someone to do it." He uttered the latter, before taking the pistol and stuffing it into his trenchcoat.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
"The beasts will be in holding within the hour. They'll listen to you, and only to you. Use Leah and Renner. Finish what we started." She said, tone going more quiet as she moved for the door, one hand out to prevent running into anything.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Rogue475 said…
The man went to her, hand lightly grasping her arm. "Please... Talk to me, I can't do this alone."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas PungoBliss said…
"I can't Jack." She breathed, turning towards his touch. "Someone is already overriding my programming. I don't want to hurt you." Alex's voice quivered, almost teary.