Ugly Betty Club
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Well, well, well. What can be sinabi about season 3 of ugly betty so far, or be it what can be sinabi about this season based on the first 10 episodes?

For starters, Betty's pag-ibig life is taking a much deserved breather after the Betty/Gio/Henry pag-ibig tatsulok that dominated most of last season and secondly, it feels like the puso and soul of season 1 is slowly but surely making a transition into the third season also. Thus, we are seeing its effects take shape.

I realise many Gio and Henry fans were upset at the way in which the writers decided to drop those characters. But with Freddy Rodriguez's and Chris Gorham's decision not to ilipat to New York for the third season, partly contributed to their lack of scenes, as well as the problems and issues some fans like myself had with regards to season 2, it made sense somewhat that for this show, it started to go back and focus on the basics of what ugly betty was all about. And to not devote most of their time on just Betty and her romantic entanglements.

One of the positives of season 3 for me is the developing relationship between Betty, Marc and Amanda- which was utterly devoid last season. so far so good, there have been little moments where Marc and Mandy realise that Betty has a positive effect on them and that because of her ability to bring out the best out of two so-called 'difficult'- yet complex and amusing characters especially, we are seeing madami of their emotional and human sides being exposed.
In other words, Marc and Mandy are much less bitchier and have displayed madami of their caring sides, compared to season 1.

Episodes where we have seen Betty and Marc, Betty and Amanda or indeed the entire frenemy trio work together have been a joy to watch so far: 'filing for the enemy', 'crimes of fashion', 'ugly berry', 'when betty met YETI', 'tornado girl' and 'Bad Amanda' to name denote the wonderful relationship, cameraderie and bond that is developing between these three very diverse and popular characters.

For the Detty fans and shipper's, they too have enjoyed this season, insofar as the betty and daniel relationship is concerned and the fact that it is developing into something that is eventually going to be special and wonderful for them towards the end.

I for one am clearly enjoying season 3 much more- especially in contrast to season 2. There were less celeb appearances and better storylines; I really like this current direction and the episodes that we have had so far have been anything but boring.

Daniel's infatuation with Molly, Wilhelmina having a thing for Connor, Amanda moving in with Betty- although this could change with the upcoming Ignascio storyline; Justin enduring some heartbreak along the way, Hilda dating a married man in Coach Diaz, and ending it and later having a thing for councilman, Archie Rodriguez. Not to mention Marc cheating on Cliff, and with Christina about to give birth to Willie's 'demon child' AND Betty and Marc's experience at YETI still to come, with storylines as exciting and interesting than most of the season 2 ones, we could be looking at the best season of Ugly Betty in the show's history, from a fan's standpoint.

Waiching Liu
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ugly betty
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