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Now, let’s talk about Resident Evil….. I pag-ibig Resident Evil. I pag-ibig them almost all of them. I pag-ibig the first one, the second, the third, especially the fourth, Code Veronica, Zero, Revelations one and two, and even Umbrella Chronicles. Resident Evil 5 and 6 were stupid in my eyes, though. And don’t get me started on Operation Raccoon City. But, with that said, there are still great Resident Evil games. And if there is one good thing about them all, it’s the monsters in them. Resident Evil has many great monsters, even the bad ones. And today, I want to share with you all the monsters that I find to be my favorite. First, some rules. These can only be from Resident Evil games I have played…. which is mostly all of them, so no worries about that. Also, no Nemesis. I know everyone likes him, and for good reason. But if he was on the list, he would obviously be number one. So Nemesis will not be on the list. Sorry, Nemesis. So, with all that said, let us start the list.

#10: Cerberus from Resident Evil

Oh yes, these things. The Cerberus come in many different shapes and sizes. In fact, you could say they’re the reason the entire series ever started, since they did chase S.T.A.R.S Bravo Team into the Spencer Mansion, leading to the events of Resident Evil, despite that there are three or four Aso outside and inside the mansion are hordes of zombies, Hunters, giant snakes and spiders, sharks, and- Yeah, I should stop looking at the plot holes. The Cerberus make up for the slow moving human zombies, as the Cerberus are much madami fast and deadly. They also manage to be used for some of the best scares in the game, even in the Remake, they did it better, where as in the original, they jumped through the window, but in the Remake, they tricked you sa pamamagitan ng making it seem like they were going to break in and instead, they broke in on your segundo way in, tricking you. And I remember seeing them in the opening of the remake, and they were damn terrifying, and that’s what makes them great.

#9: Alexia Ashford from Resident Evil: Code Veronica

While this game is a bit… silly, I do enjoy some of the designs. Especially the final boss, Alexia Ashford. Alexia was created sa pamamagitan ng Alexander from the genes of an ancestor of the Ashford family, Veronica Ashford, hence the name Code Veronica. She was created to be perfect, in order to bring honor to the Ashford family. So, Alexia was born, along with her genetic twin brother Alfred. She soon graduated unibersidad at the age of ten, and became the youngest in the Umbrella Corporation's research. However, during the research, Alfred learned about a secret inside the Antarctic base, and required Alexia’s gemstone to find it. They both opened the secret, revealing their creation, which caused their father to hate them. They then captured him and used him as a test subject for the T-Virus, leading to him turning into the monster, Nosferatu. She then noticed flaws in the virus, and planned to use it on herself to become the ultimate being. She then had herself cryogenically nagyelo as the virus slowly went through her body, as Alfred watched over her. And then it lead to her being released fifteen years later to begin using her controlled virus to take over the world. She started out sa pamamagitan ng having three forms. The first form consists of a blue humanoid creature, who can insta kill you. Her segundo form has her body shown inside a large plant-like pod, with her torso at the top. The third and final form is a insect like creature with dragonfly-like wings and a large tail. While the game was silly, I always do enjoy the sight of the final boss. And the music is just heavenly to listen to. All I can say is I wish the voice pagganap was just as heavenly. OH! GOD!

#8: Leech Man from Resident Evil 0

Oh my goodness. I am so excited for the remake of Resident Evil Zero. And I am also excited to see the Leech Man in all of his terrifying glory. Which I know will be a treat to witness. Now anyway, the Leech Man (Or Leech Zombies. Whatever you want to call it), is a creature specifically made out of leeches. The Leech Man is a creature is actually a bunch of creatures. madami specifically leeches, who are smart enough to work together and share a body, working as one being. I gotta admit, that’s pretty interesting and cool at the same time. And then there is the Leech Man himself… OH GOD, these things. There are many ways to make a monster scary, and the Leech Man uses movement as his method of being scary. Movement can be used to ipakita a monster in a very horrifying way, like a lumbering, jittering creature, to a fast sprinting monster. The Leech Man happens to run as fast as he can in a way that makes him all shakey. So in other words, just watching this guy ilipat is enough to make my skin crawl. In a good way, I mean. And their pretty touch to kill too, so thumbs up to that.

#7: Derek Simmons from Resident Evil 6

Like I sinabi before, I do not like Resident Evil 6. I found it to be completely different from the Resident Evil franchise and just try to make something… a lot less stunning. But, if I had to say anything good about it, it would be the monster designs. And Derek’s designs are just creativity madness. Derek was a scientist for Umbrella and worked with Ada Wong. However, after destroying Raccoon City back in 1998, Ada had left the group, driving Derek mad and did what he could to create a clone of Ada. After over twelve thousand failures, he had Carla Radames, a scientist who was in pag-ibig with Derek, be used for the test, and created a perfect Ada. He also watched over sherry Birkin as her guardian, but used the G-Virus inside her to create the C-Virus, which Claire Redfield had been suspicious of the whole time. He also learned that Jake Muller’s blood held the antidote for the C-Virus, as well as a way to make it stronger, so he sent sherry and the Ada clone to collect him, which resulted in sherry betraying Derek in leaving with Jake to safety. This later lead to him assassinating the U.S President, Adam Benford, who knew about the truth about the Raccoon City incident. And after Ada betrayed Derek again, he tried to recapture Sherry, only to be injected with the C-Virus, turning him into…. A pure horrifying nightmarish glory. Derek was able to transform his entire body into a dog like mutant, a giant dinosaur monster with one eye and is immune to bullets, and a huge bug with wings, while still being able to return to his usual human self, which is a lot madami than could be sinabi for other characters who turn into monsters. I gotta say, for a game that I don’t like, I just pag-ibig this disensyo so much.

#6: Bitores Mendez from Resident Evil 4

While I could have chosen Osmund Saddler, who I do have to admit is quite interesting, his fight made it a bit less enjoyable. And Salazar is just…. UGH! So, Bitores it is. And why not? At the start of the game, he is so strong, that not even Leon can beat him in the first encounter. Bitores acts as the priest for the village for Saddler, as well as its chief. He is also able to withstand many bullets without even trying. And in the final confrontation between Leon and Mendez, it all takes place in a burning slaughterhouse, he transforms into a tall creature, with a long centipede-like body splitting his torso in half. And this guy takes quite a lot of bullets in the first playthrough. And trust me, using the rocket launcher won’t help much. The rocket launcher is able to kill everything in one hit. But not Mendez. Once you use it, you will only start his segundo form, where his legs are severed from his body, but he uses the legs from his alupihan body to jump around on the beams, making hi quicker and madami agile. You know a creature must be good when even the rocket launcher can’t save you

#5: Rachel Foley from Resident Evil: Revelations

While not the first to do this, and certainly not the best (Nemesis), Rachel gets points from being from a modern Resident Evil game that was good. Or at least, okay. Anyway, Rachel was an FBC agent who had arrived on the reyna Zenobia with her partner, Raymond Vester, when they got separated. It was only when Jill came into the research room, where she witnessed Rachel being killed sa pamamagitan ng Ooze, and injected her with T-Abyss. After which, it appears that that’s the end for Rachel. Nothing else to deal with, that’s all, back to the game… Oh, I wish. Despite that this is an action game, Rachel is, in my eyes, the scariest thing in the game. After this, Rachel will then begin chasing you around the reyna Zenobia, with a lot of health, and is immune to bullets. Sure, she is like Nemesis, but unlike Nemesis, the bullets don’t temporarily stop her. She only leaves through the vents and then comes back. You may be able to scare her off for a bit, but once you walk into a room with vents, she’s going to come back. And unlike Nemesis, who screams “STARS”, Rachel is actually well aware that she is a creature, and is in immense pain, making it even madami terrifying. Kinda like the Headcrab Zombies from Half-Life 2, only somehow worse.

#4: William Birkin from Resident Evil 2

In every Resident Evil game, there was usually a character who was injected with the virus and transformed into a large monster. But let’s talk about the first one, and in my eyes, the best one. William Birkin was a scientist for Umbrella, and was the rival to Albert Wesker, but were also good mga kaibigan during their research (Yeah, Albert made a friend. balutin your mind around that). They were then sent to research in the Arklay Laboratory, where William became interested in the Ebola virus (And don’t anyone of you leave Ebola comments, I swear to god). During this research, William and Wesker were introduced to a test subject experimented on sa pamamagitan ng Umbrella, which lead to William wondering what research went on in here. After Alexia joined their group, William did what he could to focus on his work, leading to the creation of the B.O.W’s called Hunters, and was promoted to work with the T-Virus. He later married Annetta and had a daughter named Sherry. During his research, he met Lisa Trevor, who was mutated from the experiments, leading William naming the virus the G-Virus. However, during the mansion incident, Birkin destroyed all the evidence of his involvement with the research. He then tried to sell the virus to the U.S. Government. But, before they could, Umbrella operatives came, shot Birkin, and took the virus. Birkin used what strength he had to inject himself with the virus to survive, but it soon lead to his transformation. Unlike most those who are infected, he has five different stages of his transformation. The first is a his arm transforming, with a large eye coming from his right shoulder and wielding a lead pipe. The segundo form turns William into a madami grotesque monster, with his right hand growing large claws, and his face becoming madami deformed. The third form has him turn into a large monster, with madami arms coming from his back, and his body turning madami gory and inhuman. On the fourth form, he no longer looks human, as he is now turned into a four legged creature with spikes coming from it’s mouth and giant eyes on the top. The fifth form is when he loses total control of his body and the T-virus finally takes over, turning him into a large pile of flesh that with tentacles and a large gaping mouth. I guess Capcom wanted to go all out on the first try, and with a transformation as grotesquely brilliant as William’s, I couldn’t ask for more.

#3: The Regenerators from Resident Evil 4

Of course they would make the list. I mean why not. Freaking look at them. Many people don’t consider Resident Evil 4 a horror game. It’s a great game. A masterpiece, even. But not a good horror game. However, we can all agree that the Regenerators were the scariest part of the game. When I was a child, I was always scared of Dr. Salvador, who would chase me with the chainsaw, and that chainsaw sound was my nightmare. I am so glad I Nawawala the segundo disc as a child, because if I played I did now, OH, I would have cried like a little girl. If Salvador could scare me as a kid (And he doesn’t scare me as much now, thank goodness), the Regenerators would have killed me from sight alone. You meet them on the island, and only get a glimpse of one the first time. But, soon, it gets up, and it starts coming for you. And the Regenerators are quite strong, as they can take over a thousand bullets before dying. The only way to save bullets is to get a high frequency sniper riple scope to shoot the Las Plagas in certain spots to blow them up. So these things are powerful as well. Oh joy. And even if you manage to blow open their stomach, shoot their arms off, or deliver a bloody headshot, they will just regrow them. Why else are they called Regenerators? Oh, and the Iron Maidens are so much worse. Now you have Regenerators… covered in spikes… Okay, I’m scared now. Moving on.

#2: Crimson Heads from Resident Evil Remake

The Crimson Heads were never in the original Resident Evil, and thank god, because if they were, they would have ruined this creatively made monster. The Crimson Heads are much madami stronger and powerful zombies that hunt you down relentlessly. At first, they start as usual, slow, lumbering zombies. So, once you kill a zombie, instead of sinking into the ground like later Resident Evil games, they just stay there, lying there. The only way to truly destroy the body is to either shoot the head clean off, or come back to the bodies later with caressing, which there is a limited amount of. HOWEVER, those bodies aren’t just for show. If you leave the body there long enough, it’s gonna get right back up, and it’s gonna come for you. The Crimson Heads are something no one expected. They come back as stronger, faster, and much madami deadly zombies. They can pop right back up at any moment, so you had better get a good shot or use that caressing wisely, because you do not want to be trapped in a corner with something like this. And after this, Crimson Head’s haven’t been used in much Resident Evil games since. And honestly, I am glad they haven’t, because they wouldn’t be as scary in later games as they were in this one. And I am okay with that.

Now, before we get to number one, let’s look at a few scary monsters that I just wanted to give praise to.

Green Zombies from Resident Evil: Outbreak

Just the designs alone are pretty interesting. Never thought of a zombie mixed with a plant before

Dr. Salvador from Resident Evil 4

Like I said, these guys scared me when I played Resident Evil 4 as a child. The sound of their chainsaws is enough to scare me. Not to mention, they can kill you in one hit, so it’s best to keep your distance from them

Hunters from Resident Evil

If you thought zombies were bad… you’d be right, but these giant reptilian monsters make it worse. They can run much faster, have much madami strength, and can turn invisible, because that’s fair

Lickers from Resident Evil 2

The sister creatures to the Hunters, the Lickers are a bit slower and sillier looking, but I won’t lie, they are pretty creepy at times, and the first one you encounter is pretty interesting

Del Lago from Resident Evil 4

Being a giant salamander, he is pretty much the only boss in the game (Besides Jack Krauser) That can not be hit with a gun. Not that you wouldn’t, it’s just that you are forced to use harpoons, so that Infinite Rocket Launcher won’t help you out here

Jack Norman from Resident Evil: Revelations

A lot of people told me he was one of the hardest Resident Evil bosses… And I am one of those people. It’s pretty neat to see him teleport and make copies of himself. Also, that disensyo of his is incredible

Malacoda from Resident Evil: Revelations


Yawn from Resident Evil

This is a giant snake who literally has teeth the size of a human. Sure, it looks silly, but… then again, the original Resident Evil was pretty silly

Zombie elepante from Resident Evil: Outbreak

There’s something about this one I like, but I don’t know what

Nemesis from Resident Evil 3


Okay, with that out of the way, let’s get to number one

#1: Lisa Trevor from Resident Evil Remake

Oh my goodness. This is the scariest thing I have seen in the entire Resident Evil series. Lisa Trevor, just like the Crimson Heads, is a creature that was brand new to the remake, and I honestly couldn’t ask for a better appearance. And I pag-ibig it. Okay, we got to do the usual backstory, so…. Lisa was the daughter of George and Jessica Trevor. George was hired sa pamamagitan ng Oswell E. Spencer to create a special mansion in the Arklay Mountains. This lead to Spencer getting a bit paranoid that George would tell the world about the mansion, so Oswell devised a plan to get rid of the Trevor’s. Spencer invited Lisa and Jessica to the mansion before he did George, where they were apprehended sa pamamagitan ng his men and forced to become human test subjects. When George arrived, he was nearly killed sa pamamagitan ng Spencer, but escaped, only to die in the mountains from starvation. Jessica was injected with Type-A variation of the virus, while Lisa was injected with Type-B. Soon, Lisa began to change physically and mentally, as the virus began to mutate her body and mind. After Jessica planned to escape from the lab, she was killed sa pamamagitan ng Umbrella scientists after she did not change from the virus. This caused Lisa to go into anger. The scientists tried to display themselves as Lisa’s mother, but she was able to see past their costumes, and violently murdered them. For each one she killed, she took their faces and put it over her own, and did what she could to look for her mother, which she found in a tomb under the Spencer Mansion. Unlike the other, as the game describes, lucky subjects, Lisa was unfortunate enough to survive all of Umbrella’s tests. This soon lead to her using the G-Virus and controlling it, allowing Umbrella to make a breakthrough in their research. After this was discovered, they Nawawala interest in Lisa and left her in the tomb, where the loneliness drove her violent. After killing three scientists, Umbrella ordered for her extermination. However, the tests lead to Lisa being immune to literally everything, no matter what. Not even anti-tank missiles had an effect on her, and the worst those would do was make her hit a pader before she got back up. Lisa was then left in the mansion, where she lived in the cabin in the courtyard. Throughout the game, you only meet her three times, but those three times are enough to ipakita how scary she is, as she is immune to all bullets, and can easily kill you. And not to mention, those sounds she makes are terrifying. Sure, she may not be as famous as Nemesis, or as threatening as him, but if you ask me, she is, in my eyes, the scariest monster in all of Resident Evil.

Well, there you have it. Did you enjoy the list? Tell me what you thought of it. With that said, I will see you all susunod time.
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: Detroit
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: ww90sr8hierosdknlnholsnhoieryjoerijlkdfshmskdfhdghdsgserhd

 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. Pingas
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. Pingas

Seanthehedgehog Presents

A Hedgehog In Ponyville Story

The Grand Galloping Gala

Based off of the Grand Galloping Gala Roleplay from Applejackrocks1, now known as Jade_23.

It was one of those days in winter where all the water was freezing. I had to stop Discord from one of his crazy schemes.

Discord: *enters building*
Sean: *waits sa pamamagitan ng door*
Discord: *pulls switch*
Sean: The building is going into the ground! *hops on roof*

I snuck into what seemed to be Discord's layer. It was underground.

Robotnik: Guten Tag Discord.
Discord: Dr! So good to see...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
 You must look at this picture for 20 segundos before continuing onto the susunod part of this tagahanga fiction
You must look at this picture for 20 segundos before continuing onto the susunod part of this tagahanga fiction

Song: link

 The following is an STH/AM6663 tagahanga Fiction
The following is an STH/AM6663 tagahanga Fiction

 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. Pingas
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. Pingas

Applejack was walking around Ponyville. All the ponies were having a wonderful time, and the weather was like a summer araw in August. It was wonderful.

Applejack: Twilight, what's up?
Twilight: Man I still sound like a black man, but things are alright.
Applejack: do you know when Celestia will let you become a princess again?
Twilight: I have to cast a spell that can fix broken...
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You know what’s a good holiday to celebrate? Hitler’s birthday…. I think this may be my most controversial article. Oh well. So, what is the best pinagmulan of the media to promote the birthdate of a ruthless dictator? Video games. And people wonder why I’m not allowed to have friends. First, some rules. Of course, only games that I have played. I am also including games that I haven’t played. With that said, let us start the list

#5: Hitler from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Video Game

The Last Crusade was released on a LOT of consoles. The Amiga, DOS, Windows, Atari, Commodore,...
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This is something that happened to me just today. However, I felt that this was somehow necessary for a WST. So, what I remember was that my mom, dad, and little sister had to go to the store to get some groceries, and, normally, they are gone for an hour, and it was just me all sa pamamagitan ng myself, because my brother sinabi he would go to his mga kaibigan house. So, I was just sitting in my room, doing…. usual stuff… And my usual, I mean I was just fucking around on Youtube, bored out of my goddamn mind as usual. sa pamamagitan ng the time you're sixteen, being tahanan alone isn’t all the exciting. However, I hear a knock...
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Have you ever seen something that had a perfect ending, and it never needed a sequel to it ever? Let’s look at some examples. The movie Psycho was a brilliant horror film… It got a sequel. No one asked for it and it sucked. This also happens in video games, like Bioshock. Fun gameplay and interesting story... It got a sequel. No one asked for it, and it sucked. Same thing goes with anime, like Black Butler. A wonderful series with great characters... It got a sequel. Guess what? No one asked for it and it sucked. And guess what? Even creepypastas aren’t safe. Ben Drowned, a well thought...
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There are quite a lot of movies. So many pelikula that people seem to love, no matter what… Even though I may have to disagree with them. And seeing that I already did a tuktok Ten Overrated Video Games, as well as a tuktok Ten Overrated Anime, I felt that a tuktok Ten Overrated Movie listahan was necessary. Now, before I start this list, I don’t hate these movies. In fact, I pag-ibig some of these movies. I just feel they get madami praise than they deserve. Also, no Frozen, because obvious choice is obvious, and no Twilight, because, let's face it, EVERYONE hates that movie, so it’s not even loved enough...
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100: Spectral Force 3
99: Yoshi’s Topsy-Turvy
98: Ghostbusters: The Video Game
97: Lego Battles
96: Return to kastilyo Wolfenstein
95: Matrix: The Path of Neo
94: Glover
93: Gex 3
92: Pac-Man Party
91: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King: The Video Game
90: Halo 2
89: Army Men: Air Tactics
88: Sonic Generations 3D
87: Saints Row IV
86: Lego bituin Wars 2: The Original Trilogy
85: Trauma Team
84: Tetris Plus
83: Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
82: Army Men
81: Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag
80: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
79: The 7th Guest
78: SimCity 2000
77: Resident Evil: Revelations
76: Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3
75: Dead...
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Now, there are a lot of games that people praise for good reasons. However, there are times when I look at games and say “People say these games are the best ever made”? Now, don’t get me wrong, I do not hate these games (Well, not all of them, anyway), I just think they get madami praise then they deserve. Now, with that said, lets start the list

 Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto V

#10: Grand Theft Auto V - Wow. Only number ten and already I am pissing people off. Now, Grand Theft Auto V is a fun game. It has an amazing open world, a great story, a cast of wonderful characters, and addictive gameplay....
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Leonard: I'm a perfectly nice guy. No reason we can't go to a nice hapunan together. Have a lovely dinner. Maybe take a nice walk after. She ends up taking me to her apartment (begins having panic attack). We begin kissing.. We're GONNA HAVE SEX! OH GOD! OH GOD!
Sheldon: Is the sex starting already.
Leonard: I'm having panic attack!
Sheldon; Well.. Calm down.
Leonard: I can't calm down. Other wise they wouldn't call it a panic ATTACK!

Leonard: Do I have to hold up a sarcasm sign. Everytime I open my mouth!?

Penny: Your so sweet. Why can't all guys be like you.
Leonard: Cause if all guys were like...
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Guard: (Whistles)
Link: Hey, you, walang tiyak na layunin guard
Guard: Hey, its you....... girl clothed boy
Link: I got something for you
Guard: Oh, is it a Snickers bar
Link: Nope (Cuts guard in half) That's for throwing me in that cell you asshole

Link: (At the top) Finally. Here we are.... again
Aryll: Link, your back
Link: Aryll, how have you been
Aryll: Oh, well the seagulls have been looking at me constantly, but thanks to this jail cell, they can't really get in to attack me
Link: Well, lets get you out of here
Aryll: Um, Link, why is there some pirate hooker behind you
Link: Who (Turns)
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King of Red Lions: Well, here it is. Dragon Roost Island
Link: I knew that
King of Red Lions: How
Link: Well, the name of the island just materializes on the tuktok of the screen
King of Red Lions: Oh, well, you go ahead and see whats going on
Link: Aren't you coming with me
King of Red Lions: I would, but, you see, I have things to do, and- Oh right, I'M A FUCKING BOAT
Link: Okay, Mr. Smartass, I'll go look (Walks off)

Link: Wow, its a place filled with bird people. I feel as though, that this must be some sort of alien race
Postman: Link, hello again
Link: Hello... you
Postman: You don't recognize me....
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Hello everyone. Now, what are some of the things that make a character unlikable. Are they annoying? Are they jerks? Well, it depends on who they are. But trust me, there are lots of hateable characters in video games. The only tanong is which ones are the worst. Well, the rules are that there is only one per franchise and only games I've played. Now, here we go
(Warning, this listahan contains spoilers)

20: Vannile from Final pantasiya 13 - Wow. We are actually starting with her? This is going to be a long list. Now, I would have chosen Tidus from Final pantasiya 10, but I haven't played that one,...
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(I would like to thank Alinah for informing me of this)
(Warning: This review contains spoilers)
So, um... I was told to review a Pewdiepie playthrough of the Witch's House, even though I told myself that I'm not supposed to review reviewers, and Pewdiepie is technically a reviewer so I can't review this. However, I can review the game itself, The Witch's House. but before I do, I have to make a short statement on Pewdiepie... Pewdiepie's funny, okay, now the review
The Witch's House is a Japanese game that was then translated to English. It is about a gmae where you [lay as a young girl named...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
January 20, 2:39 a.m.
Wind Waker Guy's Room

Happy Yappy- Wow. So this must be the room where you make your shows
Wind Waker Guy- Yep. Anyway, we need to think of what was going on when the mystery man was lurking around the warehouse
Happy Yappy- We could go to the warehouse and try to find some unfound evidence
Wind Waker Guy- I guess it wouldn't hurt to look

January 20
Tetra and Crew Fishing Warehouse

Wind Waker Guy- (Thinking) No matter how many times I come here, I keep wishing I had no nose
Happy Yappy- So, we need to find some evidence that we missed
Wind Waker Guy- Right. Whats this right here...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Remember Afro Samurai? Neither do I. Okay, but seriously, let’s talk about Afro Samurai. Trust me, it is relevant to the game we will be discussing. Afro Samurai was a really dumb, nonsensical video game about a samurai with an afro who searches for his father’s killer and takes out all the tuktok samurai in the country. It’s a dumb series with large breasted samurai women, everyone has cellphones, and there’s Kanye West bears everywhere, all in feudal Japan. And yet I still liked it. And it must’ve been good enough to get an anime, a movie, and have the main character voiced sa pamamagitan ng Samual...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
So YIIK was a hipster ridden game that people were very annoyed sa pamamagitan ng and against. Well this time, it’s time for us to talk about a game that is hipster ridden that people are quite fond of. To an extent, of course. It does have it’s haters, but this game has far madami support than it does hate. And I am referring to the indie adventure title, Night in the Woods. Or as many people like to call it, Life is Strange… But Good.

 Image from
Image from

Night in the Woods takes place in the small town of Possum Springs, which has slowly been losing family businesses in place of larger businesses,...
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