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posted by YJTTFAN

Mount Justice, 8:15 a.m.

"I can't believe you!"

Those four words rang out towards the entire building and found its way to the kusina where Aqualad, Robin, Megan and Superboy were busy eating breakfast. All four of them looked up at each other. Kid Flash and Artemis were fighting… again…

At the same moment Wally and Artemis walked into the kitchen. Artemis was soaking wet with a towel wrapped around her and Wally's face was red from laughing. It didn't take a genius to figure it out.

"Sorry, it was an accident." Wally said, apologizing.

"How hard is it to watch where you aim a water hose? What were you even doing with a water hose?" Artemis asked. Both were so caught up in the argument that they didn't even notice that they had an audience.

"Yeah? Well, you could've told me you were behind me. That's not so hard is it?" He countered. Artemis narrowed her eyes at him.

"I did! But you were so caught up in being an idiot that you didn't hear me!" Artemis yelled.

"You really told me you were behind me?"


"I don't think so."

"Are you calling me a liar?"






Artemis turned; ready to kill when the two noticed a strange, yet familiar smell in the air. What was that? Both turned to see Robin, a bowl of papkorn in front of him watching the two intensely.

"Don't mind me! You know this is actually kind of entertaining. I'm kind of wondering when you guys will just make out already."

"Me and him? You must be kidding." Artemis said.

"You know me, Robin. I would never petsa a thing like… it." Wally said. Artemis glared at him and lunged at him. Robin sighed. It was his turn to break up this fight… The calendar on the fridge sinabi so. He got up form his chair so he could keep Artemis's hands as far away from his best friend's neck as possible.

Then it happened. While watching Artemis claw at the air, desperate to get to Kid Flash an idea ran through Robin's head. A perfect idea to get them to cooperate. Then Megan put Kaldur, Superboy and Robin online.

Kaldur, you there?


Superboy, you there?


Robin, you there?

Yes. And I have a plan.

Mount Justice, 10:00 a.m.

Artemis and Wally showed up at the same time in the command room, prepared fro todays mission, only to be greeted sa pamamagitan ng a clank. The turned and saw a smirking Robin dangling a set of keys. It was only then with horror that Kid Flash and Artemis looked down at there wrists which were attached sa pamamagitan ng a long silver chain, then looked up at a smirking Robin, a murderous look in there eyes.

"What did you do?' Artemis asked as she noticed Kaldur, Superboy and Megan standing behind him.

"We feel you two can't behave very well together so we've concluded to tie you two together until you two learn to work together." Kaldur explained. Artemis felt anger bubbling up in her. Then it happened…

M'gann, Robin and Superboy were smart enough to run when Artemis got chained to Wally, but Kal… Well, he was sacrificed.

"KALDUR!" Artemis yelled at the tuktok of her lungs so hard that it rivaled Black Canary's. I mean, even she could hear it and she was across the building. (In fact, it made Black Canary nod her head in approval. Ollie had obviously taught the girl well…)

Meanwhile, Kaldur winced and took the chain.

"Hey, uy where are we going? Come on, I'm chained to it don't I at least get some rights?" Wally asked. Artemis glared hard at him as the pair was thrown into… Wait, was that a confinement cell? One for the mentally ill? Y'know where the baddies went? Oh… It was.

Kaldur put both in there. "The League had come to a decision on this… even though it was Robin's idea first…"

"I knew it! That sneaky little…" Wally said, interrupting Kal.

"Anyways, you have to stay here all araw until you work out your issues. You will be monitored sa pamamagitan ng the League. So Artemis, that means no attempted murder of Kid Flash, what so ever. Got it?" Kaldur asked. Artemis grumbled something that sounded a lot like 'No promises.'

"All right. pagkain will come in periodically. Goodbye." Kaldur sinabi before shutting the door.

The league crept around the computer screen, anxiously watching the two teens chained together.

If your about to ask why the entire (Yeah, the entire league. That's including Bats and Supey.) League was here, it was because, well… They were afraid of Artemis… just a bit. It wasn't that they couldn't handle a teenage girl it was just that her aim with the bows was so skilled… One mistake and there heads could be off.

And besides, they were placing bets on Artemis and Wally and needed video evidence to get the money.

And at least one witness…

Oh, did I mention the room was bugged too?

Anyways, YJ and JLA crowded around the screen watching them. Yeah… it was bad.

"So do you have any idea when we should let them out?" Robin asked. Ol'Batty shook his head.

"No. Not really. We plan on keeping them in there until they make up…"

Somewhere in the back of the room someone (-coughTheFlash-cough-) coughed while saying, "Make-out."

"Plus, don't we need video evidence to win this bet?" Black Canary asked. Green palaso shook his head.

"I'm telling you, they just dislike each other. Nothing more, nothing less." He defended.

"No. No. No. No. I've seen T.V shows like this all the time. It's clear that they are in pag-ibig with each other. Right, D?" Black Canary asked, addressing Diana. She nodded.

"Yes. Back in my native country one of my sisters best mga kaibigan hated her future spouse just like this. Their loves, masked sa pamamagitan ng hate." Diana explained. Bats huffed.

"Its just hate! I don't believe in pag-ibig sap that you guys do." He huffed. No one was surprised, I mean this was Batman… And no one dared to argue with him. Recently rumors had spread that his cape was a jetpack. Flash even had photographic evidence of it.

Artemis sat with her back to the wall, looking sharply to the right, meanwhile Wally paced the room… Well, not really pacing, it was running back and forth in a tight, enclosed area.

"Will, you stop that already? You keep jerking me back and forth." Artemis said, complaining.

"That's what she said…" Wally chuckled, earning the death glare from Artemis.

"Can't you be serious about this? Were chained together, locked in solitary confinement and all you can do is joke around?" She asked, her voice rising a couple volumes.

"Joking around is my way of dealing with things." Wally explained. Artemis scowled.

"Then I'd be a hilarious person if that was my stradgy too." She muttered, talking about her father.

"What was that?"


"Geez, Arty you sinabi that fast. Your not hiding something are you?" Wally sinabi jokingly.



"Shut up."

"Well, how do you deal with things?" He asked.

"When did this turn into an episode of Doctor Phil?" Artemis asked. (A/N Don't own!)

"Well… you're a pretty closed up person. I'm just offering a shoulder to cry on." He said, tenderly looking at Artemis softly. She looked back and felt a blush creeping up her face… And for a moment Artemis almost gave in.

"You'd hate me if you knew." She confessed, unwillingly. Whoa… how did he do that? She's never told anyone anything close to her past.

"Try me." Wally sinabi and Artemis felt her mouth open to spill the beans. Everything. Her father. Her past… And her missions.

Then she looked at Wally and stopped. She couldn't possibly burden him with this. It was… too much. Even she couldn't handle it. And Wally couldn't possibly handle it.

"I… can't." She said, stopping herself.

"So you don't trust me?" Wally asked, accusatory.

"N… NO! Its not that, but have you… have you ever had a secret you've never wanted to tell anyone? In fear of them…" Artemis stopped herself before she got too sappy.

"You don't have to lie. I know you just don't trust me." Wally accused. Artemis jumped to her feet.

"Its not that! I do trust you, idiot!" She yelled, feeling surprised at how genuine the words felt.

"Whatever." He said, sitting down with his back to her. Artemis sighed.

It was going to be a long day…

"OH! Four hours in and there already not speaking to each other. That's five bucks, Kal." Robin said, outstretching his hand. Kaldur sighed before digging out five dollars and dropping it into my palm.

"You guys are already betting? We haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet!" The Flash said, speeding over.

"I figured I could make a small fortune off this stuff. Kaldur bet five minutos in they'd start fighting. I bet a couple hours in and they'd already be pissed at each other. Artemis wouldn't pick a fight right away." Robin explained. Superboy jumped up.

"I want to change my bet now! I know what you…"

"Sorry Supey, but no call-backs… under any circumstances." Robin explained. The entire JLA sighed.

"Well, were screwed." Black Canary said.

"You bet against a kid!" Superman cried shocked.

"We thought we'd get a few bucks off him…" They cried in protest.

Batman meanwhile walked over to his son and patted his head nodding in approval. "Good job, sob. Good job." While dropping a couple bucks into his palm.

Robin smiled. This was a brilliant plan. Not only was it going to make Wally and Artemis get together quicker, but it was going to make him very rich…

He looked at the JLA and YJ.

Very fast…

It was quiet in the cell Wally and Artemis were in. Ever since they're miny-fight broke out the other refused to speak. It was hell. Especially for Wally. He was so bored and just wanted to have a good run, but that wasn't possible was it? He glanced at Artemis, who was looking in the opposite direction and inspecting her nails. He was positive she could feel his gaze; she just didn't want to meet it.

Artemis, on the other hand had learned to keep quiet and entertained for a while. Every once in a while, her father would have an outburst of anger. One that would make her fear him, and sometimes fear for her life. She didn't get bored like this. Not anymore.

But… something was bothering her. She couldn't quite put her finger on it. Maybe it was the fact, Kid Flash was staring at her so intently, studying her. Or maybe it was… Then it dawned on her.

Oh God, what happens when Kid Hyperactive here had to go to the bathroom?

As if sensing her thoughts, Wally sinabi "Uh… uy Justice League? I have to go to the bathroom…"

Artemis groaned. "Oh crap… This is going to get awkward."

Then the speaker came on. They immediately recognized Flash's voice. "Well, we have a bathroom over there, but um… we didn't really remember… the chains." He told them. Wally and Artemis groaned.

"Are you serious?" Wally asked ad a door mysteriously flung open, revealing the bathroom.

"Wally, do you have to go that bad?" Artemis asked. Wally nodded. Artemis groaned, yet again.

"Come on, let's do this." She sighed, getting up and pulling Wally towards the door.

"Wait your not going in, are you?" Wally asked.


"Wow what?"

"It sounded like you wanted me to go in." Artemis said.

"Aww, don't worry Arty. Your not the only one that wanted a peak at this body…"

"WALLY, YOU PERV!" Artemis roared, her cheeks blushing bright red.

"You started it…" He said.

"Whatever. Just close the door on the chains. Okay?" Artemis commanded. Wally did as told and only left a little space. Artemis winced as she waited for him to finish.

The entire JLA AND YJ sighed as they pushed their money towards Robin, who was slowly adding to the Wayne Enterprises Fortune.

"Come on people. Single file. Single file. Hand me the money and then leave. Simple logic." Robin commanded as Wonder Woman dropped her twenty dollars in the basket.

"Wait, so Robin. You somehow got everyone to bet that Artemis – Artemis! Was going to be the first one to bring up the bathroom topic?" Kaldur asked in amazement.

"Um… yes! It was simple logic. Just be annoying enough and you can accomplish anything." Robin said. Superboy stared at him in amazement.

"I am never betting against you again!" He sinabi in amazement.

"Oh I don't know about that…" Robin asked, evilly, remembering his plans.

Bruce meanwhile was sitting in the corner, nodding his head off in approval.

"Well… At least we got them to work together…" Flash said; as he dropped his fifty (Robin took advantage of how gullible Flash was…) bucks into the basket, Robin had placed in front of him.

As soon as Wally was done, Artemis and him fell back into awkward silence. It was Wally, though who started the conversation.

"Geez, Arty will you talk? I'm so bored. What do you want to do?" He asked. Artemis gave him the Are-You-Serious-Kid look.

"What can we do, Wally? In case you haven't noticed were chained together!" Artemis told him. Wally shrugged.

"I don't know. What do you do for fun?" He asked. Artemis shrugged.

"You honestly don't know?" He asked.

"There isn't any time for fun in my world." She explained.

"What do you mean?"

"I need to keep my grades up, take care of my mother, I'm a part of the team and need to succeed in not falling asleep standing up." She explained. Wally just then got an idea as she stood up. He 'accidently' (-cough-on purpose-cough-) jerked the chain, so Artemis was pinned up against him.

"Let me ipakita you what fun is, then." He whispered. And it happened really quickly.

In a flash (Literally) Artemis was pulled onto Wally's back and they were running.

Artemis looked back, her hair blowing in her face and she rose and eyebrow.

Wow, Wally must be a lot stronger than he looks. He broke through the freaking wall!

The entire JLA stared in wonder at the screen as they saw the hole through the wall. It all happened so quickly. They were talking and… and… then Wally tore through the Wall!

"Oh shit…" Superman said.

"What?" Hawkman asked.

"We forgot to Wally-proof it…" Superman said. Flash burst into a fits on laughter.

"How did you forget to Wally-Proof it? I even gave you that spray Iris and I used when Wally was on a sugar-rush!" Flash said, laughing. Batman glared at him… Wait, that wasn't just a glare. It was… the Bat Glare.

Flash swallowed.

"Well, at least we Wally-Proofed the chains. They won't be able to break that." Superman told them, retraining Batty from chocking the Flash.

"Well… Its not like we bet Robin on this topic at least." Superman added too. Half the JLA hung their heads in despair. Robin was now laughing evilly as stacks of money were placed into the… OHMYGOD THE THIRD BASKET!

Flash looked at Robin who was snickering and said, "You're an evil little dude, you know that?"

Wally ran and ran until they got to a little town in the middle of New York. Artemis slid off his back, restraining a laugh.

'What was that?" She asked.

"I busted us out of there. Come on, Arty. Haven't you ever done anything like that?" Wally asked, staring at her. At that point, Artemis burst into laughter, considering how absurd the situation was… and how fun. Wally soon joined her.

"So we have to find a knife." Artemis said.

"Why?" Wally asked.

"To break the chains." Artemis told him.

"Oh, I can do that." He told her as he pulled ran the both of them towards a sharp pole with all his might.

The chain didn't break.

"Shit." Wally said.


"They Wally-Proofed the chain!"

"… Wally-Proof."

"…I had a really bad sugar-rush once, okay?"

"I need to buy some of that…"

"So what do you want to do?" Artemis asked. Wally looked at her crazily.

"I sinabi I was going to ipakita you what fun was, right?" He sinabi as he pulled her along. Artemis stumbled behind him.

"But… We're chained together!" Artemis pointed to the chains.

"So? It's just a chain. It can't prevent us from having fun." Wally pointed out.

"I guess your right. So… what are we going to do?" Artemis asked. Wally wondered that himself. Then an idea came to him.

"You've ever been to Six Flags?" He asked. Artemis shook her head. Wally stifled a gasp.

"Come on, then!" He said, as he pulled her onto his back. sa pamamagitan ng now Artemis wasn't that surprised when he sped off.

She sighed. People were going to look at them weird when they saw the chain. But it was unlikely that they'd be caught sa pamamagitan ng the JLA or the YJ right away. At least they weren't in their costumes… That would be hard to explain.

Within segundos they were in front of Six Flags. Wally waving around an All-Season Pass. In a couple minutes, they were through security and inside the park.

"A Season Pass?" Artemis asked. Wally ducked his head and blushed.

"I come here often, okay? Come on." He said, grabbing her wrist and pulling her along. All though, accidently his hand slipped into hers. Artemis didn't seem to notice and Wally threaded his fingers with hers.

Artemis though had noticed and felt a little surprised when she realized she didn't mind. In fact, she enjoyed it…

Robin chuckled as he watched the two. They were cute together.

He was sent to tail them sa pamamagitan ng Batman, who was sure Robin could do it. Besides… some of the bets he made required photographic evidence. Robin shook his head. Did they honestly think that would a difference? Oh, how sad people are. He was Robin. The Boy Wonder. Did they honestly think that would stop him? Hell no. Especially if money was involved…

Robin pulled out his camera walking directly behind them and pressing 'record'. He knew he was suppost to be busting them, but come on? Couldn't he have a wee bit of fun with them? Robin pressed closer listening to there conversation.

"Hahaha! Do you se that Flash pass! Flash pass. Have you ever seen a Green palaso pass? I don't THINK so!" Wally bellowed. Artemis, who was really the only one that could stand his volume, death-glared him.

"Do you want me to mention that to Ollie?" She asked.

"Bring it on! I bet I could outrun both of your arrows!" Wally challenged.

"From the front and back?"




"You 're one bravo person, kid"

"Was that I compliment I heard?"

Artemis opened her mouth to say an awesome comeback, but sa pamamagitan ng this point Robin had become fed up with they're arguing and just had to make a comment.

"Get a room!" He yelled, before brushing past them and onto the Dark Knight, smirking as he stuck the bugs onto them. He discreetly placed a headphone into his ear to listen to there conversation.

Oh this was going to fun.

"Aw, c'mon Arty! Won't you scream on at least one ride?" Wally begged.

"None of these are scary. Give me… ONE that I can scream on and I'll… I'll… I'll"

"Pay for dinner?"


"Okay. Let me think…" Wally sinabi in that pondering position. He looked around the park and rested his eyes on a huge structure. The grand one. One that made him lunok in fear.

The Superman

"That one." He said, pointing to it. Artemis raised and eyebrow, but didn't protest when he pulled her along.

They went through the line, which was surprisingly short. And climbed up. Artemis stomach lurched, but she didn't act scared. There was no way on earth that she was paying for dinner.

"Scared, Arty?" Wally asked, raising and eyebrow.

"This is your idea of scary? I'm not going to scream at all on this. In fact, I won't let out a peep." Artemis sinabi as they moved into their cart. Wally stepped aside, letting her go first.

"Are you sure? This rides been known to break the toughest people on earth." Wally informed her, thinking of the time Batman went on the ride. He'd gone party deaf during that ride…

"Well its not going to break me." Artemis said, pulling down the safety-things-that-came-down-own-your-head.

"Eh. Free dinner."

"Watch it, Kid."

Robin sat behind the pair, laughing his asno off. Wow… Was Artemis really that sure? Even Bats had screamed during the ride. Robin winced, remembering it. Without knowing it, he reached up to rub his ear as if it were in pain.

Pulling out his stealth camera he settled it on the upuan Wally and Artemis were on together. It was small and he had used some special glue Bats had invented. The security check had been finished already so he could do this, he could easily peel it off when the ride was finished.

He smiled as the ride lurched forward. Ready for the video evidence he needed to get his fifty bucks from Hawkman to happen…

The ride slowly climbed to the top. Artemis rolled her eyes.

"This is your idea of scary? What's your paborito horror movie then? Cinderella?" She asked. Now Wally rolled his eyes.

"Wait for it Arty. Here comes to best part." Wally said. Artemis rolled her eyes.

Then they reached the top…

And then it tipped over…

Artemis sucked in her breath and couldn't help, but let out a scream as they soared down with Wally who was also smirking at his victory. Artemis winced and grabbed his arm, burying her head into his shoulder. Wally was surprised sa pamamagitan ng her nearness, but found he didn't mind it.

Finally, the ride ended. The restraint thingy's was lifted off them and Wally got up and hoped out. Artemis stood on shaking legs and barely got out. She collapsed when she was out there, on account of her legs giving way to the fear. Wally caught her and smirked as she rolled her head up. It fell away when eh realized how close there faces were. Only a couple inches and…

Wally shook his head as he pulled her up with him. Artemis jumped away as soon as they were up and brushed off her palms on her jeans.

She sighed. "Where should we go to eat?"

Robin reviewed the tape as he walked back to the car. Over and over. Screw tailing them. With this he could get Black Canary's, Wonder Woman's, Superman's, Kaldur's, J'onn's and Hawkman's money…

He felt tears prick his eyes at the thought of all the money he would get. Oh the beauty…"Germany. They have the best burgers." Wally said. Artemis sighed and pulled out her wallet, grimacing at the lone 20 in there.

"Okay… just don't make it too expensive, okay?" Artemis sinabi tenderly. She expected Wally to make some comment about what she'd said, and had prepared a million comebacks in her head. But instead Wally shook his head.

"Don't worry. I have a discount over there for being 'the most frequent customer'' Wally explained. Artemis threw him the 'WTF' look.

"Honestly, I'm a little afraid to ask this… but what do you do in your free time, Kid?"

"If I told you it would ruin my mysterious image."

"What mysterious image?"

"… I can dream can't I?"

Artemis rolled her eyes as Wally scooped her up bridal-style and sped off. Artemis clung to him for dear life, being a little shaken from all the roller coaster rides.

Then the worst happened….

Wally tripped.

You may be be rolling your eyes at this, but you don't get it. When Wally trips, he doesn't just trip a couple inches, he trips a couple hundred miles.

Wally stumbled through Spain, nearly Nawawala his balance in Italy, lurched pasulong through most of Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland and Germany. Then after circling most of Europa he fell in France.

Artemis stumbled out of his grip and tumbled down susunod to him.

Wally fell on tuktok of her and there was a large boom as they landed somewhere. Artemis lifted her head and immediately recognized it.

Paris… On the Eiffel Tower…

Then she looked up and so Wally on tuktok of her and so… so… close. His face was a couple inches away. So close… but so far at the same time… Yes, Artemis could reach up there and touch him, but yet… He was Wally. They were teammates. She couldn't possibly!

"Uh… Art? I know I'm super hot, but can you stop staring at me.'… It's creeping me out…" Wally said. Artemis rolled her eyes.

"Get off me then I'll stop." Artemis said. Wally blushed crimson red and rolled of Artemis.

"Thank you, Baywatch…" Artemis sinabi getting up just as they were ushered to a mesa in the center. Artemis looked around and realized something…. Actually a couple things.

Again, they were on the Eiffel Tower

She was having a romantic hapunan with Wally…

It was going to cost a lot…

"Monsieur. Mademoiselle. Here are your menu's." A fancy-looking dude clad in a suit said, stepping out. Artemis and Wally took the menus. Artemis opened hers scanning down for food.

Come on, Artemis. Just look at the prices. There fine. They're not your father. They will not bite you. LOOK. AT. THE. PRICES!

Accepting her own challenge Artemis looked at the row of prices and nearly died. It was way madami than $20! The only thing that was $20 was probably… the water! Artemis gulped, but just than was saved sa pamamagitan ng Wally… and his idiocy…

"What do you mean you don't have burger! How can you be a restaurant and not have burgers?" Wally yelled. Artemis blushed, mentally taking back what she though earlier.

"I am sorry, monsieur, but I do not have this… burger speak of." The host asked.

"How can you not. Have. BURGERS!" Wally cried slamming his hand on the mesa so hard the tower tipped to the side. He was about to scream again when he noticed what he'd done and the flashing of lights.

"Oh shit." He said, grabbing Artemis and running out of there.

"Nice on, Kid Flash. Very smooth." Artemis nagkomento as they sped out of there.

"Shut up." Wally said.

"Where are we going to now?" Artemis asked.

"California… If I can find it." Wally mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, beau…. Sweet… I mean, nothing!" Wally replied to the smirking Artemis.

The Justice League all crowded around the T.V. watching the commotion in Paris as the Eiffel Tower was blocked off. Batman turned to the team.

"We've found him!" He told Robin. YJ joined the JLA around the screen as they continued watching with wide eyes. After a while Robin burst out laughing.

"Wait… how do you know this is Wally?" Superboy asked. Flash sighed.

"… It's Wally, okay? No human being on Earth could cause that much panic and get away with it…" The flash pointed out as several members of the JLA and YJ handed Robin his money. Robin, of course, was cackling his asno off… in his… HOLY SHIT, WAS THAT A CHAIR OF MONEY? (I, the asstastic may-akda suddenly feel belittled Thanks Robin…)

Batman (secretly) nodded his head in approval at the number of money in Robin's possession before he moved onto business.

"Robin, now that we've found them I need you to go and track them. Now. We can't let them get any further." Bat sinabi in his Do-As-I-Say-Or-I-Will-Bat glare-You tone. Everyone in the room stepped back a step. Robin nodded and got up, putting some shiny things around his buckets of money.

"Uh… what's that?" Flash asked.

"Bombs." Robin replied simply. "If you try to get any of your money back it will explode in your face." Robin then hopped out a window that had mysteriously appeared for his convince. There was silence as Green palaso turned to Batman.

"Wow. You've raised another you… We're doomed"

Artemis shivered against Wally, as the harsh breeze blew her hair behind her. They'd been running around for about an oras and yet, nothing. Wally looked confused, not sure of anything. Artemis sighed.

"You should stop for directions." She pointed out.

"I don't need any directions! I know perfectly well where America is!"

"Oh yeah, prove it."

"I know where were going and I don't need any of your help!"

"We should stop for directions."

"I don't need any directions!'

"Stop for directions."

"I don't need any directions!"

"Stop for directions!"

"I don't need no directions! Besides were right here." Wally said, stopping… Then he realized how wrong he was.

Instead of warm, sunny California, they were in Antarctica. The freezing wind, whipped around them, chilling their bare shoulders. Artemis threw Wally the death-glare.

"I told you we should've stopped for directions!" She chattered. Wally waved her off.

"Don't worry. I know some people." Wally sinabi as an explorer clad in a huge dyaket came out.

"Wally! My man, how you've been?" He asked, striding over to Wally. Wally walked over and hugged the guy.

"Johnny-boy! I haven't seen you in forever! How're the kids? Now, I've got a favor, can you point me into the direction or America?" Wally asked. The man nodded, before pointing in a direction.

"I'm pretty sure it's that way. See you later!" He called. Wally walked over to Artemis who was half-smirking, half- gazing in awe.

"I told you we should've stopped for directions." She said. Wally chuckled.

"Shut up." He sinabi as he picked her up and started running in the direction the man pointed.

Robin cackled evilly to himself as he tracked the pair. Wow… did they really assume that they weren't being watched? Then again… This was Wally…. The guy was pretty naïve overall.

Robin directed the special covert-ops ship Batman had designed over the air as Wally ran through the ocean with Artemis in his arms. Click.

All the Green Lantern's just Nawawala $20

Artemis snuggled into Wally's chest. Click.

Superman just went bankrupt.

Wally shielding Artemis from the ocean. Click.

Wonder Woman, M'Gann, and Kaldur now owe Robin $50

Just as Robin was about to take another litrato the link he'd set up with M'Gann and the others came to life.

Robin? It's me M'Gann. How's the mission going?

Oh yeah…. The mission.

I found them and now I'm tracking them.

Oh that's good… Oh and Batman say's to stop fooling around and get focused on the mission.

… How did he know?

Kaldur now joined in Robin? He's Batman. He knows everything.


Batman frowned at the sight of Hal Jordan in front of him head bowed.

"When we sinabi 'Wally-Proof everything' we meant everything. So tell me… Why did they boy break through the wall?" Batman growled.

"… You did say to Wally-Proof the wall?" Hal offered. Batman gave him the bat-glare.

"Oh, I'm sure I did…"

Hal was put in charge of Wally-Proofing the room when they first decided to go throughout the plan. Batman wanted to do it himself, but got a call on the Joker attacking and had to leave. Superman was gone and Hal was kind of just… there. So he got stuck with it.

"Now. Tell me Hal. What happened?" Batman growled. He sic-ed the Bat glare up to maximum power and that was all it took for Hal to break.


Why me?

"Get out of my sight you… Batman growled. (A/N I don't own Gossip Girl… I watch it, but I don't own it. Don't judge me.)

Hal then started to cry and was comforted sa pamamagitan ng Diana who had to hand him a lollipop to calm him down. Then she put him in the corner with Flash and Green palaso who were cowering in fear from Bats… Hey, Bat's was mad and looked murderous… they had a right to be. The last time Batman got angry he'd scared Flash so much he had to run for a spare change of pants… Hey, if you were there… so would you.

Wally stopped as him and Artemis got to a tabing-dagat in California. Wally then proceeds to flop onto the ground. He was tired. Halfway through, he kicked a pating and then proceeded to run for his and Artemis's lives. He looked over at Artemis who was slumped up against a puno with her eyes closed and looking up. She looked so… peaceful. Wally, despite his tiredness, got up and walked right susunod to her.

They sat in silence, not speaking just simply enjoying the other's presence. Wally's hand crept towards Artemis and he wrapped his hand in hers.

… And that's how Robin found them 10 minutos later.

Robin looked around for Wally and Artemis. He Nawawala then ten minutos nakaraan when Wally took off suddenly… with a Great White trailing after him. It didn't take Rob a while to put it together.

He pushed accelerte and the ship sped pasulong until he was hovering on a beach. He looked down and saw a couple against a tree, holding hands. They were laughing and talking. Wait… Robin peered forward.

Was that Artemis and Wally?

Rob squinted and his mouth fell to the floor as his suspicion was validated. He pulled out the camera.

One click… Just one click… AND HE'D BE RICH! Robin corrected himself, adding on a suffix. ER!

Click. Click. Click. Click.

Robin put the camera down. He'd gotten his photos; he could do his job now.

"So you honestly did all of those things? Including tripping the Prime Minister?" Artemis asked, disbelief coloring her voice.

"Everything." Wally answered, making Artemis laugh.

"It makes sense now! I remember watching that on T.V… And when he got up to accept his award, there was a flash and he went headfirst." Artemis told Wally.

"Well now you know what that flash was." Wally explained. Artemis laughed, feeling a lot happier than anytime before.

They'd been sitting there for about an hour, joking around and laughing. At one point, Wally started telling Artemis everything he did – Tripping the Prime Minister, Caking the President, spilling neon paint all over Batman's head at one point… then leaving the country for a week.

Artemis felt a lot happier than she had in a while; just talking with Wally made her feel a lot better. She opened her mouth to say something, but then a certain Boy Wonder jumped from the tuktok of a puno and landed in front of them. Wally groaned when he saw Robin. Both jerked their hand's away and looked to another direction in hopes of Robin not seeing them holding hands… It was a little of a vain hope… I mean, it was Robin. Even if he was going blind, he'd still see everything.

"I'm guessing you're here to take us back, right?" Wally asked.


"Yeah, we're screwed, aren't we?"

"Pretty much."

The Flash was drifting off to sleep in pure boredom when Robin brought Wally and Artemis in… Actually, the Flash was already asleep, along with Shayera, Diana, Green Arrow, Hal, M'Gann, Superman, Superboy, Dinah and Martian Manhunter. If there were one word to describe how it had been around HG it would be… dull. In fact, Bats was pretty much the only one up and all he was doing was growling homicidal threats under his breath. Oh wait… Yeah, even Bat's was asleep. It was bad.

Slumped over chairs, lying down on couches, drooling on keyboard, mumbling something about 'fluffy fluffy kittens' under their breaths was how Robin, Wally and Artemis found them.

"Hello? You guys aren't honestly asleep, are you?" Artemis yelled. Nothing.

Robin cackled excitingly to himself as he rushed out of the room to get a sharpie... It didn't take a genius to put it together.

Wally meanwhile took this as the perfect opportunities to try something Batman had never allowed him to do.

"ECHO!" Wally screamed, startling awake the entire room.

"So your…" The Flash yawned, "Back."

Hal piped up. "Finally. Wally, do you know how dull this place gets without your pranks? Even Bat's is as… Whoa, he's still sleeping. Barry, Ollie, get the sharpie markers!"

Artemis held out a hand "Robin is already going to get those, relax. I'm sure he'll let you sumali in on this suicidal task."

Barry, Ollie and Hal paused. Barry took time to look at Wally and Artemis who were standing side-by-side. He could feel… something flowing between them. He just couldn't out his finger on it. Eh, whatever. It was time to embarrass Wally.

"ARTEMIS! How's my future, niece-in-law!" Barry cried, pulling Artemis into a tight hug. This caught Artemis off guard.

"Uncle Barry! Stop. Seriously." Wally hissed.

"Wally, you don't understand. You woke me up. This. Means. War." Barry sinabi back.

"Oh your on…"

Barry then lightened up, getting an idea.

Back when Wally was a kid, he used to come and visit all the time. There was a girl Wally's age that lived across the street. Barry (And only Barry. Iris thought the whole thing was idiotic.) Would pressure Wally into halik her on the cheek. Barry chuckled manically to himself.

Wally was doomed.

The Flash was suffocating Artemis with attention. She was sure that sa pamamagitan ng the end of today, she'd go crazy being under his gaze 24/7. She had to leave.

"Excuse me, but I have to leave the restroom." Artemis said, attempting to get up from the couch. Ollie held her down.

"Aww, c'mon Arty! Why don't you stay and get madami acquainted?" Oliver suggested. The Flash waved Green palaso off.

"C'mon. When you got to go… well, you got to go. Go ahead Artemis." The Flash said. Artemis smiled gratefully at him. Wally was silent susunod to the flash grumbling. Artemis noticed this and frowned, wondering what was wrong.

"WALLY WILL MISS YOU!" The Flash cried when she was halfway out the room. She heard a smacking sound a chuckled to herself.

She envied Wally a bit. He had a family he loved and felt comfortable with, and her… She looked down at the scar her father had ibingiay her for misbehaving when she was six… Her family was as dysfunctional as it could get.

Artemis turned walking outside for some fresh air. She needed to breathe. Since they'd gotten back, she'd felt Claus trophic with all the attention she was getting. Not to mention that they would probably chained her together with Wally again. She needed air.

She stepped out and onto the beach, the breeze cooling her off. It was such a beautiful day. She intended to enjoy it before she was back in that cell with Wally.

The sun was setting, painting the sky with brilliant yellow's and pinks. The lake flickered with the light. It was peaceful, relaxing. She could forget anything and everything here.

Artemis was out there for about ten minutos when someone patted her back.

She jumped started and dropped a bow only to find it was Wally. She sighed a sigh of relief.

"Sorry." Wally said. "My uncle just began to get a little… scary." Artemis laughed as she bent to pick up the arrow.

"Here let me." Wally said, bending down to pick up the same item as Artemis. Their fingers brushed and both looked up at the same time, their faces only inches apart.

Wally leaned pasulong at the same time Artemis did, their lips brushed and they pulled away staring at each other before halik again.

They were interrupted with screams of 'YEAH!' and 'I'M GONNA BE RICH!' and the one lone 'SUCK IT, BATS!'

They turned and saw the JLA and YJ watching them, cameras in hand. Artemis's death-glared them and half of the crowd quieted down.

Slowly, Artemis pulled an palaso from her back, positioning the bow.

"Wally, you corner one half, I'll kill the other"

posted by Skittles98
I looked at Kalder. He nodded. I didn’t even need to say anything to know he wanted me to stop the beast from screaming. I flew out of the bio ship, my mace in my hands. I screamed a battle cry and smashed the beast with my mace. I made my mace crackle with electricity. I smashed it again. I flew over to the park, grabbed the biggest rock I could manage and threw it into the creature’s mouth. It shot it’s paralyzing acid at me. I dodged. At one point, the acid was coming straight at my face, so I swung my mace and shot it back. Finally, I was out of breath. What was taking the team so...
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posted by Skittles98
I walked to the hall where all the rooms were and decided to check one out. They were medium in size, had basic things like a bed, bathroom, drawer and a closet. I walked into the bathroom and changed into my white pants I brought in case of emergency. I slipped them on then walked back out.
“I miss the skirt” complained a voice beside me. I whipped around and saw Wally standing there, grinning. I grabbed my mace.
“Is it training time yet?” I asked. He shook his head and ran off, a look of fear on his face. I laughed.
“Nice job Alex” A voice sinabi from behind me. I spun around to find...
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I walked into the lounge and looked for something to drink. Usually, there would be a mini fridge, but these people went all out and have a full kitchen. I found a cup and filled it with ice cold tap water. I pulled out my Tylenol from my palda pocket and dropped one in my mouth, then swallowed it whole with a sip of water. I did the same with the segundo one, then slipped the Tylenol back into my pocket. Wow, they really do mean fast acting. My headache was all ready gone. I flexed and realized my muscles didn’t hurt either.
“So, what were those?” A voice asked from behind me. It was the...
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 "Even if I did, you'd be able to fly anyway."
"Even if I did, you'd be able to fly anyway."
"Are we there yet?" I asked for the millionth time.
I heard Roy laugh beside me. "Nope, just a few madami steps..."
I glowered through my lead-covered blindfold. "You know, I'm starting to think that you're leading me off a cliff."
"Even if I did, you'd be able to fly away. Okay, you could take off your blindfold."
I happily unwrapped the cloth, my eyes set on the beautiful spring meadow in front of us.
"Roy, this is beautiful!" I took his hand and walked out into the blooming flowers.
His green eyes shimmered in the sunlight. "This is where I come to relax, all sa pamamagitan ng myself. And now you get to...
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posted by Candy77019
 "A bluish dragon emerged out of the water, its nostrils flaring in the mist."
"A bluish dragon emerged out of the water, its nostrils flaring in the mist."
I could feel so much as just one burn. It singed my back, where my Airbending mga tattoo were located. Everything around me was white; like I was glued to a blank piece of paper.
Am I in Heaven? I took a step forward. Like a combination, a waterfall appeared, its roaring waters calming all the panic in my mind.
I flew downward, landing on nice green grass.
Yep. This is definitely Heaven. I laid down on the damo and closed my eyes. I cleared my mind of everything; Roy, my family... It hurt too much to think of them.
"The Avatar..." sinabi a rough voice.
I jumped up. "I know I've done some bad things...
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posted by Skittles98
I really hate being a child of the gods sometimes. Especially when it mean’s the most powerful being on the earth comes and ruins your party. That’s what happened to me. Right after I named my new gryphon Scatty, the sand started to shift between our feet. Luckily, my instincts kicked in so I got everyone on to Scatty and the pegasi before a mini sandstorm erupted from the sand. A sleeping woman emerged. I brought out a needle from my shadow purse, knowing a way to defeat her.
“Finally. You’re coming to do the job that Melinoe failed” I mused
“Never get an amateur to do a masters...
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posted by Skittles98
“Robin, don’t!” I screamed as he charged Atlas with a sword. Atlas snapped his fingers and was instantly in armor and holding a spear. Robin held his own for about a minute, then he got pushed back to the edge. Atlas raised his spear to deliver the final blow.
“Atlas, DON’T!” I screamed. Robin took the chance to grab his spear, but Atlas’s instincts kicked in and he pushed Robin off the cliff.
“Robin!” I screamed. Atlas ran over to me. I was crying, my grip loosening. He took up position just as I cut myself free of my chains and ran to the cliff. Robin’s body lay unmoving...
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posted by Skittles98
When I got to the mission room, nobody was there. I looked around. Nothing.
“Hello? Anyone there?” I called. Suddenly, arms of steel grabbed me around the waist and around my mouth so I couldn’t speak. I fought the grip, but it wouldn’t budge. A gag was placed over my mouth and hand cuffs were placed on my wrists. I was dropped onto the floor, and then a yellow gas filled my face. My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim. I saw looking Robin looking down on me. The rage that followed was enough to clear the air around me of the yellow smoke. I fought my hand cuffs with all my might....
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posted by Denelys
Here we have Robin The Boy Wonder.

Robin:Hey,Whats your name?
Me:Clasified but you can call me Blossom.
Robin:Okay Blossom.
Me:Do you havea Girlfriend?
Robin:No but im looking for one.
Me:Blushes okay here read this after the question.
Me:Do you want to be my Boyfriend?
Robin:I wont read the card but sure.
Me:Okay.Now what do you think of these couples?
Artemis/Wally First place
Artemis/Conner last place
M`gann/Wally third place
M`gann/Conner segundo place
Robin:good good but what about me?
Me:You`re not going to be pared up with anybody sorry.
Robin:Kay better sped this up got to met the team for...
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posted by Candy77019
 "It's me."
"It's me."
Loud knocks woke me up from my sleep. I figured I would just ignore them.
"Jenny?" called a male voice from behind the door.
"Go away, Chris," I moaned. I pressed my back against the door so he wouldn't try to open it.
"It's me." It was the voice I would recognize anywhere, even in the grave.
I was wondering how it would sound like down there. "What do you want?"
"Can you ilipat away from the door?" Damn, he knew everything.
I sighed and crawled away from the door and leaned against the frame of Anna's bed.
Red palaso came inside and closed the door behind him. "Jen, I can't madala to see you like...
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posted by Skittles98
After Melinoe poofed away in a poofy ulap of poof, I turned around to leave, only to find the team still there. If I had a penny for each time I cursed in my mind in Greek right then, I’d be rich.
“Sarah, would you like to explain what just happened and why you used mind control on Wally?” Kalder asked
“No. Anyways, it wasn’t mind control, it was a truth spell!” I said, then poofed away in a ulap of water vapor hinting where I was going. I appeared out on the water, fifty meters away from shore. I made a water dome then hardened it. I then reinforced it with a black pader and white...
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posted by Skittles98
“This is impossible. I must be dreaming.” I said
“No, you’re fully awake” Green palaso checked
“Technically, it’s not impossible” Batman stated
“But, I left them in the dojo on my last assignment” I said
“What are they?” Robin demanded
“It-it’s my pet’s” I said
“What type of pets do you have? Are they cute?” Wally demanded. I
ignored him and ran to my room. I opened my door and screamed.
Everyone came running. When they got to me, Tiny was already on me.
Tiny is my pet Komodo Dragon. Everybody freaked out and Megan used
her telekinesis to pick Tiny off of me.
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posted by Skittles98
After a small slice of cake, I walked over to Artemis.
“Hey, Artemis. If Green palaso is my dad, and you’re his niece, doesn’t that mean we’re cousins?!” I asked
“Yeah, we’re cousins” she sounded almost guilty
“I’m so happy I finally have family” I said, hugging her. When she hugged me, she pushed on the sensitive spots in my sides and I squeaked like a little girl. We started to laugh. My dad came up to me, holding a parcel wrapped in navy blue paper.
“Presents!” he announced
“Presents?” I asked
“You know, gifts ibingiay to the person of honor” he explained
“At the...
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posted by Candy77019
 "Now is NOT the time to be a smart-aleck!"
"Now is NOT the time to be a smart-aleck!"
"ANNA!! DID YOU TAKE MY RED SWEATER?!!" I screamed into the hallway.
Anna stood in the doorway, the phone clutched in her hand. "Ew, why would I take that red sweater?"
I rolled my eyes and looked through my drawers. I could've sworn that I had put that in the laundry.
She sat cross-legged on her bed. "Maybe it's under something."
"Hmm..." I lifted my kama up, but nothing was there except for abandoned pieces of paper. "Nothing here..."
Annaliese looked at the clock. "It's almost six o'clock, Jen. You'd better hurry..."
"Shut up!" I snapped. "I'm NOT leaving without that red sweater!"
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 Robin woke up after i jumped on his bed.
Robin woke up after i jumped on his bed.
The alarma Rang and I jumped from the kama and Ran to Robins room he was sleeping and I jumped on his kama and woke him up and I shouted:Hallowen is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
we both got dressed and brushed our,teeth hair and ran down the stairs and met the team at the mall.

We went inside a hallowen store and tried on like thousands of costumes.Robin and I decided being a Vampire couple.
M`gann had said:Cute!!!! im going as a kitty kat!
Artemis added:Im gonna be a witch hahahaha
Wally jumped and said:ohh ohhh im a Martian!
Kaldu`r and superboy I had to pick theyre costumes Superboy chossed Superman...
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posted by Skittles98
I walked out of the change room, being careful not to bee seen, but as soon as I took three steps out, KF and Robin came running. I sighed. I started walking faster, determined not to let them catch me. I ran along in complete silence, until finally, I found my savior: a crossroad. I ran down the left one about ten feet, and then jumped up, going into starfish position, holding on to the walls with all my strength. They ran right under me. When I was sure they wouldn’t see me, I jumped down and ran back the way I came. That’s when I ran into a problem. Literally, I ran right into it. Or...
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posted by Skittles98
I woke up, got changed, and then headed into the lounge for some breakfast. Before I could make it into the mission room, Batman stopped me.
“I’ve just got word from Arkham that Red hood is back to what he was before the Pit, before Joker killed him. I also got word that a girl about the age of fourteen was spotted leaving Arkham in the dead of night” Batman informed me
“Cool. I wonder where she went.” I said
“I wish I knew, because I wanted to thank her. She has improved a lot of people’s lives” he continued. I smiled. I walked into the lounge and saw Robin there. I walked over...
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posted by Skittles98
I pulled the hood of my balabal over my head, the exited my room. I ran down the hall, towards the teleporters. I typed in the coordinates, and then stepped in, not knowing I was being followed sa pamamagitan ng a curious boy. I appeared in an old phone booth in an alley, directly across from Arkham Asylum. I ran over and jumped the gates. I snuck in through a window on the segundo floor. I looked around, and then ran down the hall, to the left, then into a file room. I searched through the files, looking for Red Hoods. Finally, I found it under: Hood, Red. I grabbed the folder and looked at the room number....
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posted by Candy77019
 "The building may collapse at any minute!"
"The building may collapse at any minute!"
We sped through the forest and into the big square, where everybody was staring at the man on the tuktok of the building.
"Who's that?" I whispered to Superboy.
"He's one of the managers of a Wayne Enterprises branch. Due to budget cuts, Bruce had to close this building." That was the longest sentence I had ever heard him speak.
"So he's killing himself?!" I exclaimed.
"Most likely.
We pushed through the crowd, up until the police started a perimeter. The apoy on the building was so hot it was making me sweat, even though I was well a few hundred feet away from it.
An officer pulled out a bullhorn...
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posted by Candy77019
 "The sun shone brightly over Central Park, the famous tourist attraction of New York."
"The sun shone brightly over Central Park, the famous tourist attraction of New York."
"Jeannette? Jenny? Are you sleeping?" called a voice.
I sighed and let go of the Spirit World. "No, just meditating." I wiped my eyes and looked out the window. The sun shone brightly over Central Park, the famous tourist attraction of New York.
"Whoa..." I pressed my face against the cool window, wanting to feel the sun's rays against my skin.
KF looked at the park with me. "They don't have parks like these back home!"
"Totally," I agreed.
What are you waiting for, Jen? Go out there and have fun!
I ran into the banyo and changed into a yellow tank tuktok and capris, then ran outside.
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