Penguins of Madagascar Club
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When they awoke, the rain was pouring harder than ever. Thunder cracked and lightning struck. Raindrops smacked into the mud and splashed three to four inches back into the air before landing once again on the ground. Whatever it was that knocked them out was effective; awakening was a challenge.

When they were fully awake, they were confused. Why were they still alive? Why hadn't the dog eaten them yet?

They were also alone. Though they were bound tightly to each other, restraining any upper body movement.

"What in the name of Justin Bieber's baby is going on here?" Skipper exclaimed taking in his surroundings.

"Actually, Skipper," Kowalski answered, "Justin Bieber doesn't actually have a baby; that was the name of his hit single that he released in his My World 2.0 album in January of 2010."

Kowalski took notice of the others staring at him as best they could, since they were tied together back-to-back.

"Which I'm...totally guessing on..." Kowalski finished awkwardly.

Skipper rolled his eyes. "Anyway, where is that psycho, Killer, and that deranged hen? Why would they just leave us here?"

"I dunno," Private replied irritably, "I don't know anything apparently."

Skipper sighed silently to himself. "Private, please. I'm sorry. You were right and I should've listened to you."

"Nice timing to figure that out..." Private muttered sarcastically.

"Private, I didn't mean any of those things I said. I was just angry...and I was afraid that you'd get hurt.-"

"So instead of fighting me on it, why couldn't you just come with me?" Private shot back.

"Because I was too blind to the evidence that I grew too big of a head to think that I was wrong," Skipper replied.

Private was about to reply, but caught himself. Did Skipper really just admit to being arrogant? Skipper continued.

"You're an outstanding soldier, Private. You're better than sometimes I let myself see," Skipper told him hanging his head.

Private thought for a moment. "Why did you even come after me?"

"Because I was worried. If anything had happened to you...I wouldn't have been able to live with it," Skipper answered.

In the midst of Private's silent response, Kowalski piped up. "Uh, guys, I don't mean to interrupt, but I think we should save this for later. We need to get out of here."

Skipper glanced over at Private, who was to his left. Private didn't look back.

"Right. Kowalski, options," Skipper ordered, though not as stern as usual.

Kowalski looked to his right at Rico. "Got anything to cut through the ropes?"

Rico nodded and regurgitated a small switchblade and held it in his beak.

"Alright, now how are we gonna cut the ropes?" Skipper asked.

Kowalski craned his neck to see Leonard susunod to Rico. "Leonard, you need to cut us loose."

"Why me?" Leonard asked, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

"Your opposable thumbs give you the advantage of being able to keep hold of the knife, unlike our flippers," Kowalski replied.

Leonard sighed. "Alright. Give it here."

Rico spit out the switchblade over his shoulder and it landed in the middle of the bilog that their backs formed. Leonard reached for the kutsilyo and his claw hit the side of it. He stretched his fingers as far as he could, but he couldn't quite reach it.

"It's...It's just out of my reach, can one of you push it to me?" Leonard asked, perspiration gathering on his forehead.

Skipper, whose back was facing Leonard's, pushed the blade into Leonard's paw just as Killer came around the corner.

"Sorry about the delay, my delectables. There was just a little situation I had to take care of," Killer explained with a sickening smile.

Rainwater collected at the Gusot tuffs of balahibo hanging off of his body and dripped to the ground under him. His ears were laid back and blended in with the balahibo on his head, making it seem flat and slick. He sinabi nothing, though his current intentions were crystal clear; his lips curled back and he hung his head low, tensed the muscles in his legs and back, and his eyes were as dark and sinister as usual.

puso pounding with every step of Killer's paws that he heard behind him, Leonard had already started working at the rope with the switchblade. He held his breath to keep it from shaking. segundos seemed to turn into years as he sawed away at the rope, which felt as if it were miles thick. Only one thought ran through his mind over and over again: Please cut...please cut...

Killer's snout suddenly appeared right susunod to his face and made his puso skip a beat and plummet into his stomach. His putrid breath would probably be too hot to Leonard's cheek if the coldness of his puso didn't even out the temperature. He looked into Killer's deep red glare out of the corner of his eye and didn't even realize that he'd stopped sawing at the ropes.

"I wonder which one of you I'd like to have first..." He sinabi in a soft, sadistic tone that sent a shiver down his spine.

Leonard gently started at the ropes again in attempt to not make any noise. His anticipation grew with the intensity of the situation, as did the teams'.

"How about you do the right thing and let us go?" Skipper said, trying to stall him as long as he could.

Killer laughed and walked around to Skipper's side so he could see his face. "Do you really think I'd just give up five delicious meals?"

"You know there are other ways of getting things to eat without mauling innocent animals," Skipper replied.

"True, but the best part of that is the beautiful screaming..." Killer hissed with an evil grin. He chuckled softly at Skipper's Adam's mansanas bobbing up and down slowly as he gulped.

Leonard had started hyperventilating. He actually kind of wished that Skipper had the ability to slap him at the moment. He was afraid he'd be too late when at that moment, he heard a tiny snap and felt the blade jerk through the rope and his puso lifted back into his chest in hope that they might have a chance to break out.

The penguins felt the rope fall slightly loose around them and their heads lifted, knowing that they could now escape. Killer slowly walked around them in a stalking motion. Drool had collected around his snarling lip and he licked his blood-stained teeth.

"Any last words?" He hissed.

"Just one," Skipper replied, "Rico!"

On command, Rico regurgitated a smoke grenade. Killer grunted in surprise and frustration as he tried to see his surroundings. A few moments later, after the smoke cleared some, the penguins and Leonard weren't there anymore. He growled low and listened carefully, trying to hear any footsteps or other noises that gave away their position. His attention was diverted when a rock hit him in the side of the head and he turned toward the direction in which it came with a agitated growl.

Leonard hid his fear as best as he could sa pamamagitan ng keeping his face flat and emotionless as he stared back into Killer's murderous glare before he turned and took off running.

Meanwhile, the penguins skidded to a halt just outside the junkyard and Skipper immediately started barking out orders.

"Alright! This ends now! We need to take down this mutt once and for all! And-Where's Leonard?"

Kowalski, Rico, and Private looked around, but Leonard was not with them.

"He's still in the junkyard! What if Killer caught him!?" Private cried.

"Why would he go back in?!" Kowalski asked in a panic.

"We don't have time for questions! We have to get back in there!" Skipper sinabi taking off on a belly-slide back into the junkyard. The team followed behind. The rain bored down on all of them and made the ground muddy and slippery.

Leonard slid around a corner clutching the switchblade so tightly in his paw that it dug into his palm, but he kept moving. His thighs began to go numb and his lungs burned. Water smacked into his body and the wind pushed back on him, slowing him down. But he didn't give up. He heard Killer charging after him. His puso was pounding so hard he was afraid it might explode.

That's when he made his mistake.

He swerved around a corner and found himself at a dead end. He turned around and watched Killer slide to a halt about ten meters away with a wild smile.

"No where to run, now," He sinabi with a shrewd laugh.

One might think that Leonard would be searching for a way to run away. That would be wrong. There isn't any way out on his own.

Killer lowered his head and slowly walked pasulong with his claws contracted.

One might think that Leonard would be petrified, paralyzed, scared out of his mind. In reality, he was tired of being afraid. He'd choked down his fear and kept his breath steady.

Killer and he stared hard back into each others eyes.

This was his last shot.

Killer was only about six meters away now.

This was his last chance.

Four meters.

This was his last opportunity to end it all.

Maybe he'd fail. Maybe he'd die. But he wasn't going to let him kill him that easily. He'd made himself look weak to Killer, which gave him an advantage.

It's time to stop running... Leonard told himself.

When he was about two meters away, Killer pounced in Leonard's direction. Things seemed to go in slow motion for Leonard as he lunged pasulong onto the ground under Killer and pushed pasulong with his foot, sliding under him and then regaining his standing position just as Killer landed and turned back to face him with a frustrated grunt.

Without hesitation, Killer lunged pasulong again. Leonard threw himself to the side and the shock of Leonard's shoulder caused his paw to lose grip of the switchblade and it flew about a foot to his left and landed in the mud. Leonard's mouth fell open and was about to look back to Killer when he was too late; he pinned him down at the shoulders, his claws digging deep into his skin, causing it to break open and Leonard clenched his teeth to refrain from crying out, which would be what Killer wanted.

Killer snarled heavily into Leonard's face, "You didn't think you'd get away that easily?" He asked in a horrid, antagonized voice that droned in Leonard's ears, "You're pathetic!"

The pain from his claws burrowing his skin and down to the muscle made his vision go black around the edges and his breathing labored. He was about to lose consciousness when he felt the switchblade susunod to his left paw. He took a deep breath to try to get some oxygen to his brain as he curled his fingers around it, which was slick with mud, and used his claw to flip out the blade.

It happened all in a few seconds. He jammed the blade into Killer's leg and he cried out a horrible shriek through a crack of thunder and let off of Leonard. Leonard yanked the blade back out as a piercing sensation surged through Leonard's upper body as Killer's claws were pulled from his flesh.

Killer looked back down at him; he was so full of rage it was as if it overflowed out of every crevice of his body. Leonard lashed out his arm-despite the excruciating pain-and cut Killer's face with the blade, causing him to stumble to the side. Leonard pushed himself to his feet, trying his best to ignore the unbearable, agonizing burning in his upper body. His grip was tight on the blade.

"Leonard! Are you okay!?"

Leonard turned his head at the sound of Private's voice. The penguins had just raced around the corner.

"Get out of here! Are you crazy or somethin'!?" Leonard called back. He took notice of Killer turning to face him and charging at him again. He pounced on him and they slid across the mud into a pile of junk, causing the pile to fall over and cover them.

"Leonard!!!" Private cried out at the tuktok of his lungs. The penguins charged at the pile and pulled off the old boxes, wires, springs, broken light bulbs, and other various items off of Leonard and Killer.

They expected struggling, thrashing, and blood. Thunder crackled overhead and lightning flashed as Leonard slowly pushed Killer off of himself with his feet. Killer landed on his side susunod to Leonard and lay still with the switchblade wedged in the center of his chest.


"This is going to sting," Kowalski told Leonard. There was no emotion to his voice and his eyes were dark and serious. It was the first thing that was sinabi since they left the junkyard. Leonard nodded as Kowalski began swabbing at Leonard's shoulders with a warm, damp, soapy rag.

It stung like hell. The pain shouldn't even be tolerable. It was much to great. But Leonard did not move, not so much as wince. Nor did he make a sound. He remained sitting completely still on the examination mesa in the empty vet. In fact, he embraced the pain. He kept all of his pain-emotional and physical-inside him and used it to find strength.

Skipper stood atop the windowsill staring out at the sunset. The rain had stopped on the way back to the zoo and the sun peaked out slightly from behind the clouds. Rico guarded the front entrance and Private guarded the back exit. Kowalski scrubbed gently at Leonard's bloodstained balahibo and wounds; which weren't bleeding as bad as they were, but still seeped out of the puncture wounds. His body had already started to repair the problem; his blood blackened in clots at the surface of the wounds in attempt to plug them up.

After cleaning off the blood and rinsing off the soap, Kowalski gently wrapped Leonard's shoulders in gauze.

"Do you feel any better?" Kowalski asked him.

Leonard kept his gaze fixed on the other side of the room, where he'd been staring since they'd arrived. As if there were something over there that could help him get through this situation. But he knew that the only thing that would help him get through this situation was time. He remained silent for a moment, then answered, "Physically, yes."

He, too, had no emotion to his voice. It was impossible to tell what he was thinking or feeling. Remorse? Guilt? Relief? Pity? Nothing at all?

The corner of Kowalski's beak curled up slightly in sympathy, but he did not respond or ask any madami questions. He turned to Skipper. "I'm done, sir."

Skipper kept his gaze fixed on the semi-circle in the sky for a few madami moments, then turned and jumped to the floor. "Let's get to the Zoovenir Shop. I'm calling a meeting," He told them.

About half an oras later, when they'd gotten everyone settled down in the Shop, Skipper explained everything.

He explained how an enemy of theirs, a manipulative Hen, made a deal with the dog that Leonard had witnessed maul an innocent pup. He explained how the deal involved framing Leonard and getting him out of the zoo and using him as bait against them. He was sure to mention Leonard's true innocence. He concluded with the fact that there was now no madami threat, but spared them the details.

Leonard remained silent and distant through each word, but was sure to let each syllable sink in.

Skipper turned to Private, "...And Private, there's something I need to say to you. I am utterly sorry for everything that happened between us before you pursued Leonard. You were right about everything and I refused to listen. You're an outstanding soldier. I almost went crazy looking for you. I couldn't madala the thought of something happening to you. I'm not asking you to forgive me. I don't deserve forgiveness. All I ask is for you to believe that I'm genuinely sorry," He told him.

Private thought for a moment, then smiled. "You really think I'm an outstanding soldier?"

Skipper smiled back, "No," Private's face fell. Skipper continued, "I know you're an outstanding soldier."

Private smiled again and embraced his leader. "I forgive you, Skipper," He told him.

Skipper patted his back and when he pulled away, he saluted him. Private returned the salute. Skipper turned back to the crowd of zoosters. "Meeting adjourned."

As Leonard returned to his habitat, he received apologies from all around. Some sinabi they were sorry they'd ever doubted him. Others simply gave them their apology. Leonard entered his habitat and climbed into his puno and laid down.

He should be tired. He should be utterly exhausted. He shouldn't be able to keep his eyelids from enveloping his eye and sending him into a slumber.

But he wasn't tired.

In his mind, Killer pounced on him and his chest landed on the switchblade. Killer's wide eyes stared back into his. Killer's breath exited his lungs and halted. He felt Killer's pulse through the handle of the switchblade slow and cease.

His shoulders began to throb. Now he saw Killer standing over him, his claws digging into his flesh...his blackening vision...Killer's blood-red eyes and bloodstained teeth...

He started to wonder what ever made Killer a literal killer. Was he orphaned? Was he taught to be a killer? Was he tested on in a laboratory?

It didn't matter. It was all over now.


The word seemed to echo through his mind. Over. He never thought the word would ever mean something to him.

He thought about the hen. Senator of Delaware? There are certainly many different levels of insanity. He wondered where she went.

He felt a small thud at the base of the branch and sat up. It was Frederick, the small, gray bunny. He laid a small, white bulaklak at his feet; it looked identical to the one Leonard was admiring when he first encountered Frederick.

"I'm sorry," He sinabi simply. He then turned and started to go down the puno with his head hanging.

"Hey," Leonard called after, causing Frederick to turn his head toward him. "It's alright. Killer threatened you. It wasn't your fault."

"But he could have killed you and your friends..." Frederick replied.

"Don't worry about it. I forgive you," Leonard assured him.

Frederick smiled a little and nodded, then left Leonard's habitat without another word.

Leonard picked up the bulaklak and examined it. He smiled. It was the first time he'd smiled in what seemed like centuries.

He had one shot to save himself and all of his friends, and he succeeded.

He had one chance to earn back the trust and forgiveness of all of his friends, and he earned it.

He had one life that he now could live, and he was going to live it to the fullest.
posted by alexpotter333
Alex:where are we (who was a little sleepy)
Harry:I should I know
Alex: cause you were awake 1st STILL DON'T KNOW!!!!
Alex:wands out Harry
Alex: what? NO!!
Skipper:then why do you 2 have wands? Ha bet that
Harry:i am a wizard
Alex:and I a witch
The penguins:*gasp*
Alex:we go to HogWarts school of witchcraft and wizardry
Kowalski:I here of that school.what house are you in?
Alex and Harry:gryffindory
Kowalski:what taon are u in?
Alex and Harry:2 taon
Kowalski:how old?
Harry:I am 12 years
Alex:and I am 11
continue reading...
I'm sorry I toke so long, I got distracted. Also if you haven't read the first 2 parts, please do,so you'll understand the storyline. Enjoy

Skipper: I just know, it's going to be a bad week.

Private: Come on Skipper, what's the worst that can happen?

Skipper: Oh nothing Private. Only that the laughter from all the other mga hayop and people will make it almost impossible for us to escape the zoo stealthy.

Private: Oh my, that is quite bad.

Kowalski: Wait a second. I just remembered that the people have just created, a feather re-growth cream.

Skipper: That's great Kowalski. But we can't leave the zoo...
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posted by skipperfan5431
Lilly and Skipper have been locked inside the holding chamber for atleast six days. It was taking Blowhole a while to build his death trap thingy....yeahh.. "Okay you two. GET UP!" Hans ordered, poking Skipper and Lilly with one of the large sticks. He then herded them into the susunod room, which was where they were going to meet their demise.
"Welcome pen-gu-ins. Ready to meet your ends?" Blowhole asked, holding open the door to a big metal cage, wich was partly submerged in water. "Then, Hans threw...
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Weeks have passed sa pamamagitan ng without another incident, until now. Skipper found a newspaper lying on the ground that read: 6 children murdered in Lower Manhattan. He imediatly knew it was Pennywise. Picking up the newspaper, he headed back to the HQ. "Men, I have good news and bad news, the good news is, Alice has been fired!!" sinabi Skipper, and his men cheered. "The bad news Skippah?" asked Private. "The bad news is, It's back," sinabi Skipper, solemnly. "Oh god. This is going to be very exciting," sinabi Kowalski, sarcastically. "What we need to do is go in after it, but we can't do that yet, we need...
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They soon ran out the dungeon, apparently Rico easily hacked up a bomb to destroy the doors, so the team was free, now they have to save Private and destroy his Future Self. "Where's Lord Murdoch?" asked Skipper. "He should be 8 stories up, let's get to the elevator!!" yelled Kowalski. They soon slid on their bellies and hid behind a crevice to hide from chanting guards, as soon as they passed, they slid to the elevator and then hopped inside. "Alright team, we must defeat Dr. Murdoch, save Private, destroy this building, and go back tahanan safely, remember guys, if any of you die here, you'll...
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posted by fox_tamer_113
At The Penguins HQ

Inside the HQ, the penguins are waiting for Kowalski to ipakita them his new invention, which is under a piece of cloth, just like every week. The others, mostly Skipper, are getting bored at Kowalski's inventions.

"Okay Kowalski, Wow us" Skipper said, bored, sipping a cup of coffee. susunod to him are Private and Rico, waiting for Kowalski to start.

"Okay, as you know for a couple of weeks my inventions are a bit useless-" Kowalski started.

"Yeah, no duh" Skipper commented, as he continuing sipping on his drink.

"As I was saying" Kowalski glaring at Skipper "I heard someone say that...
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"I can't sumali you, I'm sorry, but I just can't," sinabi Private, turning down Lord Murdoch's offer. "No? Well, what a stupid little ibong dagat I was back then," sinabi Lord Murdoch. "Now we came here and ask you nicely, please repeal the Blood Night and end this violence once and for all," sinabi Kowalski. "I refuse, tattletale, I won't let the human overlords take over again, I'm in control now!! These mindless bastards can only be controlled sa pamamagitan ng me without having to kill them," sinabi Lord Murdoch, pointing at a few guards with large clubs and daggers coming to them. "I'm sorry I led you to this Private,...
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posted by skipperfan5431
THE susunod MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Alright boys! Today were gonna do some hand to hand combat for the morning exersices!" Skipper commanded, looking over his shoulder to make sure Roy was pleased. Lilly, Kowalski, Rico, and Private cheered happily. They loved a little hand to hand combat. "So, ready to get whooped Skipper?" Kowalski asked, striking a battle pose. Skipper looked at Kowalski and gave him a weird look. "Uh, you boys won't be fighting ME........your fighting Roy...heh." The team looked up at the tall buff ibong dagat as he flexed his HUGE ibong dagat muscles. "So....who's first?" Ofcourse,...
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After packing up several snacks and packing Rico's gut with weapons and amunition, the penguins were set to go, now all they had to do was convince Marlene and one of the lemurs to tag along with them. "Marlene, how do I tell you this? We need you to go on a mission with us, a mission to save humanity," sinabi Skipper. "What kind of mission? Is it about comando situations again?" asked Marlene. "No, it's a mission to enter an era known as the Blood Night, where according to Future Kowalski and Private, demons and wretched monsters come out from their evil realm and destroy the living," sinabi Skipper,...
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posted by Colonelpenguin
"Enchanting!" cooed me.
"Noble!" exclaimed Kowalski.
"Exsquisite" sinabi Lilly.
The other Guest murmured similar expressions of delight. As all of them where crowded sa pamamagitan ng a new mirror my sister had won.
"It's hard to believe,But I look better than I have ever have," I sinabi checking myself out."Not one of you can hold a candle to me,"I added.
"My dueling has paid off,"said Rico."I'm in better shape then when I was Sixteen!"
"I have a beautiful smile it's breath-taking!" Lilly cooing.
"Well, I'm handsomer than ever," sinabi Jeremy."If only I could remember what caused it?"
"I like a movie star!" sinabi Hannah....
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posted by skipperfan5431
See Jazzy......I wrote need to poke me now, right? Heh heh............O-e!
THE susunod MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Skipper woke up the team as usual and they proceeded with their usual routine. Things were very akward between Skipper and Lilly, considering what happened the night before. "Right kick! Left kick! " Skipper commanded as his team did the motions. Lilly slipped up a few times, and so did Kowalski. They were still getting used to their temporary bodies. "Kowalski! How can you manuntok with these scrawny flippers!?" Lilly complained as...
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     While sitting in front of the telly with his legs crossed, Private stared straight ahead on the screen with a look of happiness on his face; He’s been so busy watching his favourite ipakita about the Lunacorns until he heard a small, faint voice on the metal door just behind him. “Oh dear what was that noise?” the young ibong dagat said. His curiosity became aroused so it was then he turned off the telly and proceeded to the door to examine it.
    While he stood there all alone, he just stared at the large door with the utmost mysterious, inexplicable...
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It was a crisp morning in September most of the leaves where off the trees Kowalski was tinkering in his lab making something so we will all have fun with.
Kow:Eureka I'm done
Me: What is that
Kow: Guess
Me: A new girl penguin
Private: Madonna
Skipper: something good for a change
All:what is it
Kow: Okay...Okay it is a new invention that will make all use small
Me:I'm going to watch Tv
Rico: ooh huh me too
Private:ooo look what is on the tv
Skipper:what does it do
Kow: It minimizes you to one inch
everyone comes back to hear kowalski's great news he had.
All:can we try,can we...
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posted by Colonelpenguin
We were standing in line to wait to eat my sister's famous recipe and dessert.
The line went like this Skipper,Lily,Me,Kowalski,Rico,Private.
Hey ladies first I knocked out Skipper but,me and Lily both stepped up in front of the line just as the pagkain got put on the table.
"MMMMmmm....." the pagkain pagtunaw so good it already melt in our mouths.
"well.. I'm going somewhere to get madami stuff for dessert...Okay."(she left us)
"Well Kowalski the pagkain is on you."(throwing it but Kowalski pato and it hit Skipper instead he ran up and got the steaming hot sarsa and pour it all over me)
kowalski:haha that's...
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posted by Bluepenguin
Writen by: Bluepenguin
Idea and Credit: skipperfan5431

Waiting, expecting the change from brainiac to risky bad boy.
It was 1:00 A.M., Kowalski heard the segundos ticking by, expecting some sort of sudden change to occur to him. He sat there with the dazzling moonlight shining in through the window, endlessly hoping that his potion would work its magic.

*Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.*

Kowalski: *Sigh* I should've expected it would never work.

Gloomy and discouraged, Kowalski sauntered out of his lab and found everyone sound asleep. He went to his bunk, but not before enviously glaring at Rico, wishing...
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(Johnson: Got the idea for this my watching saw and a tagahanga on here who gets credit for helping with the idea got me thinking of making this. Sense me and Manfredi die all the time persay probably you guts will find this interesting to see if we can trick the master of death himself. xD Live on jigsaw!)

"W-what?" I say as I look around feeling so very dizzy as I awaken slowly with blurred vision. I rub the back of my head gently for it was hurting really badly for reasons I don't know why. I think I was hit on the head with some thing. Most have been a rock or a stick. "Ow..., yeah defiantly a...
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posted by skipperfan5431
The girls walk into yet another dim-lighted room.
"Stay close Marlene. Jigsaw is one wacked out man, and he puts traps in the least suspecting places." Lilly whispered as she held her friend's paw. Marlene couldn't help but wondor...How does Lilly know so much about this guy? They walked deeper into the room and heard the sound of a familiar shreik. "RICO!" Lilly cried, realizing who the animal in distress was. Not thinking, she ran to the end of the room and tripped over a good o'l fashioned trip-wire. Suddenly, the lights turned on and revealed Rico, taped to a pader in front of the team's...
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posted by skipperfan5431
The roach told Skipper and Kitka everything they needed to know. How Kowalski used the poor little dude as a distraction, then how he pushed Lilly down and switched her bow for one that had a sticky green substance on it. Also, he had made a little discovery. When Kowalski and Lilly went top-side, he found a small vile with the sticky green substance spilling onto the floor! It had a puso drawn on it which to animals, usualy potion. " Thank you my tiny friend. I salute you honesty and cooperation." Skipper sinabi with a grin as he held the cute little pest in his flipper. " Skipper!...
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posted by 67Dodge
The woods were so remote that Kowalski had trouble looking for any body of water, the only paths there were so thin that he had to walk sideways, and Skipper, being so fat, had to suck his breath in to fit between the foliage. 'We're getting nowhere with this!!! Why me? I could've stayed and tortured Private or have a cup of coffee with him than end up with this mad scientist with little tracking experience!!' yelled Skipper, kicking a puno stump but screaming then, he hopped around on one foot. 'Now Skipper, calm down, we all got only 4 hours of sleep, we're cranky, hungry, and exhausted,...
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posted by 67Dodge
The susunod day, Detective Kowalski Arbogast was looking around the motel, he soon headed to the ice box, there was a red liquid drops, and he lifted the cover. He screamed as he found a severed hand, Kowalski gasped as he pulled it out to reveal that it was an entire arm, attached to a shoulder and severed at the shoulder blade. 'This is the arm of what might be a murdered penguin,' sinabi Kowalski at a speech, 'There are a mass murders in the area, a girl ibong dagat went missing after playing with her toys near Ms. Bates's home, and found dead in a creek three days later, another case, an hayop ng oter by...
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