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posted by Windwakerguy430
~Part 2: Mack the Knife~

*Mikey looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. A black vest with barely visible red lines, atop a white uniform. Seeing himself in such a suit, one he had no intentions of using, was enough to make him feel madami defeated than he did just the night before. He kept his gaze on the mirror, before his eyes fell down in a sort of somber silence, before the door opened, with Mambo leaning against the door, stirring a glass of bourbon, the ice clinking against the glass as Mambo took a slow drink, before looking up, giving a satisfying sigh)
Mambo: Kentucky brand. Perfect. You getting to work anytime soon, Mikey? A bet’s a bet. The sooner you work it off, the sooner you can get outta here
Mikey: Y-Yeah, I’m getting a ilipat on
*Mikey turned from the mirror and made his way to the casino bar, giving a tired sigh. Mambo patted his back as he gave a chuckle*
Mambo: Don’t take it so hard, Mikey. Besides, it’s not all bad, is it.
Mikey: I guess it’s better than finding myself on the streets broke
Mambo: That’s the spirit. Now get to serving those drinks, kiddo
*With one final pat on the back, Mambo turned from Mikey and made his way up stairs, taking a drink from his burbon every chance he could. He gave a knock on the door. Cole spoke from behind the door.*
Cole: Come on in
*Mambo stepped inside, Cole sitting at his mesa as he sat down, pagbaba the morning paper. One artikulo described a man sa pamamagitan ng the name of Dean Lover missing. Cole gave a chuckle as he sat the paper down.*
Cole: Looks like that’s one of the Baddoni’s men taken care of. Now, what do ya need, Italiano baby?
Mambo: Mr. Cole-
*Cole held his hand up*
Cole: Mambo, baby, this has to stop
Mambo: Sorry. Nate. If you don’t mind me asking, why do you want to take out the Baddoni Family? I know they are a rival in the casino business, but they’ve done no harm to us. And if they find out we are killing their men, there will be a war. Many of our men will die
*Cole turned around in his chair, staring out his window, before responding.*
Cole: Yeah, casinos are nice and all, especially when you run it the proper way like I do, but I want something more. I’m worried that those damn Baddonis are gonna come up with a plan soon. They want to take over the entire business of weapons manufacturing in the city. Selling it to those commies in Russia and the Chinese, and that can make some serious cheese. I want a slice of that pie, Mambo, but with the Baddonis as hard as they are with that stuff, they aren’t gonna be willing to share. I try to make deals with them, try to keep a friendly rivalry, but those cut throat fuckers always want something more. I ain’t having it. I don’t want to kill the whole team. Just give them a little scare, make ‘em paranoid, and maybe, just maybe, they’ll kill each other off.
Mambo: M-Mr. Cole, that idea is just insane
Cole: Yeah. I’m aware. But I ain’t looking to run some peewee gang that you find on the playground. I’m making an empire here, Mambo baby. I want to create something here. I want to make a legacy. And goddammit, that’s what I’m gonna do. I ain’t here to make some usual breakfast, I’m making a motherfucking omelette, and sometimes, a few eggs gotta crack.
Mambo: How do we go about doing this?
Cole: Well, that’s just it. The man himself, Chuck Baddoni, is going to be meeting with a little lady tonight. He always wants to explore all the varieties of pleasure that New York has to offer, and he isn’t going to turn up a chance to try out a little of this countries women. That is where you come in, Mambo. You’re my best man when it comes to getting the job done. You just need to bring a guy who can handle himself as well as you can. I’m sure one of the boys around here can be of some help
Mambo: You really want me to do this, boss? I mean, this is Chuck we’re talking about. He’s no slouch
Cole: Mambo, baby, you know I wouldn’t ask you to do this if you weren’t capable of getting the job done. I know you can do this
Mambo: …. Alright, Nate. I’ll get someone on the job and we’ll have that Baddoni bastard taken care of in no time
Cole: I look pasulong to it, Mambo.
*Without another word or a look back, Mambo made his way out the door, leaving Cole to his newspaper.*

*Mikey was sending drinks from one patron to another, moving as fast as he could and talking with each one as best he could. As Mambo was making his way back down the stairs, he saw Mikey talking with a woman, her eyeshadow stained from crying, but wore a smile on her face as Mikey continued to speak with her. As Mambo saw this, he walked over to him, suspecting Mikey of flirting with someone. He sat on the stool, and looked at Mikey, before looking at the woman.*
Mambo: Hey, think you can give us some time to talk
*The woman gave a nod and thanked Mikey as she walked off. Mambo turned to Mikey with an expression of annoyance.*
Mambo: Mikey, if you start flirting with every broad that walks in here, you are just gonna keep adding to the time it takes for you to get outta here
Mikey: Oh, I wasn’t flirting. She just Nawawala her husband of twenty years, and I was telling her that he wouldn’t want her to drink herself to death
Mambo: Mikey, that is the sorriest excuse I ever heard in my life
Mikey: Well, sorry, Mambo, but it’s the god’s honest truth
Mambo: Whatever you say, buddy
*He waved Mikey off, before tapping the table.*
Mambo: Give me a bourbon, will ya?
Mikey: Sure
*Mikey turned to a glass of Kentucky bourbon, pouring it into a glass. As he did, the sound if a loud glass shatter could be heard. Mikey, Mambo, and the attendants turned to see two men, one holding a broken bottle in his hands, aiming it at the other man. The two men, both burley and balding, looked ready for a fight. Before they could advance towards each other, Mikey got in the middle, putting his hands on them to stop them.*
Mikey: Hang on, now. What seems to be the problem?
Big Man: Get outta the way, string bean!
Mikey: Listen, whatever it is, can you take it outside of the bar?
Big Man: I ain’t budging!
Mikey: Sir, with all due respects, you should get moving before-
*Before he could finish, the large man sucker punched Mikey in the face, sending him flying into the other man, who shoved Mikey to the ground.*
Big Man: You done getting in the way, asshole?!
*Mikey stood up, using his thumb to wipe the blood from his nose, as he looked at him.*
Mikey: I’ll ask one madami time. Please, leave
*The big man only chuckled as he threw his fist again, but Mikey was able to dodge the fist this time. Once he was under him, he ilipat to the back of the man, twisting his arm behind his back, and grabbing the back of his hand. He threw the man forward, refusing to hurt him.*
Mikey: We don’t harm patrons in this bar, but I am asking you to leave
Big Man: What, are you some spineless coward?
Mikey: It’s just the employee policy, that’s all
*The big man chuckled as he swung at Mikey again, who backed up and dodged each swing. The man was slowly getting madami and madami angry as Mikey continued to dodge the punches, even starting to ugoy the broken bottle. As Mikey continued to dodge, he slowly lead the large man to the exit. Once they reached the doors, the man swung the broken bottle at Mikey, missing sa pamamagitan ng a mile and falling out the door. As he was about to trip, Mikey moved behind him again and lightly tapped his back, tripping him pasulong without hurting him too badly. Mikey looked out at the man before nodding.*
Mikey: Do make sure to hail a cab home, sir
*With that, Mikey closed the doors and returned to the bar. The other big man stared at Mikey with eyes wide, before returning to his upuan in silence. Mambo also stared at Mikey in surprise, especially with how Mikey returned to the bar so casually.*
Mambo: What was that?!
Mikey: Just me doing the job
Mambo: N-No, that was something else completely. You never told me you had moves like that
Mikey: … Was I supposed to?
Mambo: Not really, but still, it’s amazing
Mikey: Is it?
Mambo: Yeah.
*Without any knowledge of the both of them, Cole looked down from the window of his office at the whole display*

*Mambo and Mikey were driving down the road, Mambo taking the wheel. Mikey stared out the window, before turning to Mambo*
Mikey: So where are we going again?
Mambo: It’s just…. An extra job sa pamamagitan ng Cole. A sort of… delivery
Mikey: Never knew he dealt in deliveries
Mambo: Y-Yeah
*As Mambo drove, he could only think back to what Cole had told him when they met again.*
Cole: Change of plans, Mambo, baby. That new guy, Mikey. I want you to take him with you
Mambo: W-What?! Him?!
Cole: Yeah. He’s new to the city. He’s a good fighter. And most importantly, he’s expendable. No one’s gonna miss him if he dies, and he’s new. If Chuck Baddoni finds out who he is, he won’t be able to trace it back to us. It’s unfair, I know, but that’s business
Mambo: But he’s just a citizen. And for all we know, he just got lucky
Cole: Then you got nothing to worry about if he does bite the dust, Mambo baby. Don’t worry. Everything will be a-okay. Just get the job done and I promise things will go over just fine.
*Mambo continued to drive down the road, avoiding any conversation with Mikey. After all, he was madami than likely going to be dead in a few minutes. He only spoke once they were nearing the motel.*
Mambo: Hey, Mikey. Get that bag in the back, will you? Don’t open it!
Mikey: Oh, sure
*With hesitation, Mikey pulled the bag to the front. Mambo slowly opened the bag, pulling out two hockey masks.*
Mambo: Here, put this on. It’s kinda like a signature of the delivery, you know?
*Mikey looked at the masks, madami skeptical now, and couldn’t help but ask*
Mikey: Mambo, what exactly are we delivering
*Mambo came to a hard stop once they were in the motel parking lot, before he turned to Mikey.*
Mambo: I don’t know! I don’t fucking know, okay?! I’m just doing what Cole says! You should do the same! Fuck! Just stop asking tanong and do the job!
Mikey: ……. Well, okay, if you say so
Mambo: *Without another word, he put the mask on and slammed the car door, heading up to the tuktok rooms of the motel*
*Mikey looked down at the hockey mask, staring at it intently. Something about it felt wrong, something that told him that this was something he should put down right now. But as he stared at it, he could hear gunshots from atop the stairs. Mikey, without hesitation, put the mask on. And there, he felt himself lose total control. Something else was slowly taking over. And then, he couldn’t even feel himself lose control. There was no him with the mask on. He opened the car door and made his way up the stairs. As he did, footsteps could be heard behind him, and the sound of two mga baril clicking, ready to fire.*
Baddoni Member: Don’t move, motherfucker!
*Without a word, they saw as he turned around, his appearance seeming more… threatening than what Mikey had been like before. His eyes were void of expression, as the mask hid his face away. The two men aimed their mga baril at him, ready to apoy at any moment*
Baddoni Member: Hey, we sinabi don’t fucking mo-
Mack: *Within an instant, Mack swung his fist forward, cracking into the guys nose, and breaking it. Before the other one could react, Mack grabbed him and held him in front of him. Before the other man could react, his partner fired into him. The man screamed as he was used as a human shield, two bullets striking his chest and one hitting him in the left side of the head. Once he was dead, Mack took his gun and unloaded the clip into the other man, killing him instantly. He threw the dead member onto the floor susunod to the other and made his way inside. Once he did, he was cracked in the face with the but of a shotgun, but didn’t react. He saw the man holding the shotgun was the man Mambo was looking for: Chuck Baddoni. He wore a grey silk pajama uniform, his wrinkled skin and grey hair the most noticeable traits. For a man who slept around with women, he was very old, about eighty years. He kept the gun aimed at Mack as he shouted*
Chuck: You fucking pricks think you can sneak up on me! I knew that something was going down since I came to this city! But now I got what I need. The Cole Family dies tonight, starting with you two bastards
Mack: *He looked over at Mambo, noticing a bullet wound in his left shoulder, and his gun kicked to the side. As Chuck held the gun, Mack could see Mambo crawling toward the gun. Chuck was quick to see this and cocked his shotgun, ready to apoy again. That was all Mack needed. He got up fast, shrugging off the whack from the gun. Chuck turned and fired, but Mack grabbed the gun, the gun firing just sa pamamagitan ng his head. Once he had the gun, he snatched it from Chuck’s hands and swung it, smashing it into Chuck’s head. Chuck fell against the wall, and Chuck followed, the gun held in his hands, but he didn’t shoot it. He didn’t want to. He was far too angry now to let him die quickly. He raised the gun and smashed it into Chucks head. And he did it again and again and again, Chuck screaming as he was struck. The screams soon turned into begging to stop, than into gurgling, than total silence, but Mack didn’t stop. He kept at it, until Chuck’s face was caved in, his lower jaw sticking out madami than the rest of his face, a horrifying shade of purple and blood red inside the crater that was once his face. Mambo could only stare in shock and horror, and once he saw the display, he could only whisper in terror.*
Mambo: M-Mikey?
Mack: *He turned to Mambo, looking at him, before he pointed to himself, holding the gun that dripped blood from the other end.* …. Mack… Mack the Knife.
Now, like I sinabi before, Zelda has a lot of great bosses. But, then there are the bosses that are just… bad. So, I want to talk about the bosses that I find to be the worst. Remember that this is my opinion. If there are any bosses that you wanted on here, then I just thought the ones on my listahan were worse. Now, with that said, lets start the list


#10: Jalhalla - Now, this boss fight may not have been too bad, but this was madami of his disensyo and how he acted. The Earth Temple was a great temple. It was challenging, but it was also very scary. So, I kept thinking the temples boss...
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Song: link

Sean: *Lined up with Johnny Lightning's Plymouth* We'll finally see who's the fastest.
Blossom: You'll have to wait until susunod week.
Johnny: How come?
Blossom: I'm hosting tonight, but we only have one story tonight. Kelly's Heroes. You'll see a real lady in action.
Sean: Kelly's a man. The only women in this story are evil.
Blossom: Oh. Well, let's see it anyway.

It was a dark and stormy night in Naboo. Rain was falling down hard as lightning strikes flashed nearby, followed with the sounds of thunder.

Imperial Officer: *Slowly walking back and forth, making sure the Stormtroopers load...
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 Art sa pamamagitan ng SeantheHedgehog
Art by SeantheHedgehog
You know, I really do enjoy a good crime film from time to time. pelikula like The Godfather, Goodfellas, Scarface, and more. But sometimes, I enjoy the ones that can be pretty humorous. And then there are times where those black comedy crime films have Bampira disguised as strippers… Seriously. Anyway, while I am not questioning the idea of how this is made, we’re going to be taking a look at the classic cult film, From Dusk Till Dawn.

From Dusk Till Dawn is a movie directed sa pamamagitan ng Robert Rodriguez, who worked on Desperado and Sin City and written sa pamamagitan ng Quentin Tarantino, who worked on Kill...
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 Art sa pamamagitan ng Alinah_09
Art by Alinah_09
You know, as much as I pag-ibig psychological horror and creative monster designs, I’ve never gotten a chance to talk about a horror game that isn’t really scary, but madami weird and strange. So, I think I should talk about that. There isn’t really much strange horror games. One of the best known would be Yume Nikki. However, that would be too obvious for me to talk about, really. So, instead, I’m gonna talk about a game that may not be as weird, but still strange on it’s own. This game being They Breathe.

They Breathe is probably one of the shortest games ever made. The game is only...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
(No image I'm afraid. Seems to be a glitch. Hope I can get some posted for the susunod article)

Another season of autumn and you all know what that means? It means we all get to experience some new things. Yes, Halloween is great, and seeing the seasons change from a hot summer to a cool autumn is also neat. But, we all know that there is one thing that we pag-ibig about the coming of October. One thing we all look pasulong to each and every year. It’s something that takes it’s time to arrive, but when it does arrive, you are so happy, that you could explode with joy. And that is… General Mills...
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Believe it or not, I am quite the tagahanga of old black and white style of humor. From the silent pagganap of Charlie Chaplin pre-Hitler stache era to the slapstick ginto of the Three Stooges. Just something about that style of humor from that decade makes me laugh. And Abbott and Costello were no exception. They were just so much fun to watch from their shows and movies. And being a tagahanga of the classic Universal horror monsters, when I heard there was a crossover, I was both excited but skeptical. How could two differentiating genres make for a good movie… Well, you’d be surprised.

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posted by Windwakerguy430
Platinum is a company that really does prefer quality over quantity. At least when they aren’t making Ninja pagong games, but they always make the most amazing games out there. From the stylistic Madworld to the fast-paced Metal Gear Rising to their magnum opus, Bayonetta. They really try their best when making games. And let’s face it, they’re really the only good third party games produced sa pamamagitan ng Sega. So, today, on the May Xbox Gold, I was able to get two games. Streets of Rage Vintage Collection and, of course, a glorious Platinum game, sa pamamagitan ng the pamagat of Vanquish, and of all the games that...
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Song: link

Sean The Hedgehog: It's about time. We're finally back.
Master Sword: *Fighting with Twilight Sparkle*
Tom: *Playing guitar*
Saten Twist: *Playing drums*
Ethan: I am a talking train pag-awit for a Rock & Roll band. Why are we even playing the music?
Fluttershy: *Watching Twilight fight Master Sword* Why are they fighting?
Coffee Creme: Beats me. I don't get involved in that idiotic activity.
Orion: *Sitting on a lawn chair in front of his train, watching Percy, and Jeff fix the tracks*
Sean: *Stops susunod to Percy, and Jeff* Here are those new rails you wanted.
Jeff: Thanks Sean.
Sean: We...
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added by Windwakerguy430
posted by Seanthehedgehog

 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

Somewhere near Mosul, Iraq, a handcar was seen rolling down a train track, surrounded sa pamamagitan ng two madami tracks. On one end was an earth parang buriko that was completely white. On the other end, was a grey hedgehog with black spikes, and a red, white, and blue stripe going around his body. That's me, I'm the hedgehog.

White Pony: Alright buddy, we're in Mosul. But the tanong is, why?
Sean: I'm looking for a pony.
White Pony: Heh! There's thousands of ponies in this town.
Sean: Exactly where I want to...
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You know, I always told myself, if I ever start to run out of ideas, I should review this horror game. And what better time to review it than on the buwan of fear, October. So, I’d say it’s time we break that emergency glass and take out a game that I’ve been holding out on for a long time. The sci-fi horror game, System Shoc- Dead Space. It’s Dead Space. No one cares about System Shock.

Dead puwang is a franchise that reminds me a lot like Alien. Dead puwang 1 is a much madami scary game and filled with terror. Dead puwang 2 is a madami action oriented game due to everyone knowing of...
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Song: link

Sean: *Laughing*
Shayne: *Laughing*
Jerry: *Laughing*
Mike: *Stops susunod to his friends* Heeey. What's with the laughter?
Sean: Listen to the music.
Mike: Ah. *Laughing*
Jerry: We oughta do something like that. Think of how famous we could become.
Shayne: We could, but let's focus on hosting the very last episode of Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories.
Sean: This is the last one?
Shayne: Yeah. Let's give the audience one hell of a show. We'll feature an episode of Trainz, and Johnny Lightning, then ipakita off The Seven Ups.

Theme Song: link

Welcome to a place called The Island Of Errol. A place...
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Now, what is one of the most laughably bad fanfics I have ever read in my entire life. Well, I think that that fanfic would be the katakut-takot na pasta known as Mad for McDonalds.
Now, this story starts with a man who goes to a local McDonalds and starts eating. However, he just keeps eating, to the point where he becomes addicted to it. So addicted to where he goes there all the time, just eating Big Macs and stuff like that. Soon, his family keeps him from going back, so he gets angry and, for some reason, dresses up as Ronald McDonald and sneaks off to eat madami at McDonalds only to become a great big fat fuck.
And that's about it. Like I said, this creepypasta, while not even being all that creepy, but is just so bad, that it is so hilarious. But, hey, that's only my opinion. Whats Your Take
Here is the first tuktok ten of the buwan of October, everyone. And today, let’s liven it up with the total opposite: the living dead. Zombies were not that popular back in the early stages of film. Sure, you had The Mummy and Frankenstein, but nothing crazy like we have today. Then George A. Romero launched them into the mainstream that we known them for today. Nowadays, there everywhere, from horror movies, to practically comedies. We’re in no short supply of these kinds of movies, let me tell you. So, to make this listahan a bit madami interesting, while I will be putting zombies on this list,...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Now, what has to be one of the most insulting moments in anime history. Maybe its poor english voice acting, pathetic censorship, or maybe its the god awful theme songs they add. But, what if they took all those awful things and put them together. Well, thats 4Kids for you.
Now, 4Kids was a channel that was to host anime for kids. Sadly, most of the shows were pretty violent, especially One Piece. So, instead of just putting them for a madami mature audience. They censored out EVERYTHING!!! Literally, everything. All the blood and death was gone, pistols and rifles were turned into hammers or...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Fast motion scene

Ralphie: *Running with Flick, and Schwartz to school*
Scut, and Grover: *ChasingRalphie, and his friends*
Randy: *Chasing Scut, and Grover* Come on you guys, wait up.

At school.

Students: *Handing in themes to Miss. Shields*
Ralphie: *Places his theme on Ms. Shields desk*

I knew I was handing Ms. Shields a masterpeice. Maybe Ms. Shields would be so thrilled with my assignment, that she would excuse me from theme Pagsulat for the rest of my life.

Fantasy time!

Ms. Shields: *Wearing red coat, with black hat that has two long black feathers on it* Look at these themes! Lousy!...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Cody: (Walking with James) Wait, how can you understand what that Egyptian stuff says in History class
James: Simple. It’s like a little picture book. The pictures spell out “the palkon got stepped on sa pamamagitan ng the brown bird and put the pakwan into a bowl and sent it down the river to give it to the spinny thing”
Kids: Hey, you two
Cody: Oh… hello, little guys
Kid: What do you think you’re doing on our turf (A bunch of little kids appear behind him)
James: This is just a school parking lot
Kid: This is the turf for my gang, the Scorpions
Cody: Look, what’s your name
Kid: It’s Snake
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Welcome everyone to another Halloween-oriented list. This week, we will be looking at the walking dead, or undead if you will, zombies. Zombies are very dangerous creatures. Sure, they are slow and not very bright, but they are dangerous in packs, as one bite could infect anyone, causing an outbreak in just a couple of hours. So, with that said, it’s no doubt that zombies have gotten extremely popular in our generation. They’re like ghosts of the eighties, or aliens of the first time pelikula came out. So, with that said, let us look at the ten greatest zombies in my opinion. First off, only...
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Oh... my... fucking... god... Sparking Tickle. That's all I can say.
Now, this is a crossover fanfiction about Iron Man and Astro Boy. I have seen both of these and I enjoyed both of these. So, with that, we get this god awful fanfic. It starts with Astro Boy visiting Tony Stark, sa pamamagitan ng the way, if you watched the Iron Man movies, you'd know that Tony Stark is Iron Man. Anyway, Tony shows Astro Boy gay porn, because he wants to do what all bad fanfics have done before. I'll let you think of what it is.
So, once that is done, Tony proceeds to suck on Astro Boy's penis. And let me remind you that...
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