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posted by Windwakerguy430
~Part 2: Mack the Knife~

*Mikey looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. A black vest with barely visible red lines, atop a white uniform. Seeing himself in such a suit, one he had no intentions of using, was enough to make him feel madami defeated than he did just the night before. He kept his gaze on the mirror, before his eyes fell down in a sort of somber silence, before the door opened, with Mambo leaning against the door, stirring a glass of bourbon, the ice clinking against the glass as Mambo took a slow drink, before looking up, giving a satisfying sigh)
Mambo: Kentucky brand. Perfect. You getting to work anytime soon, Mikey? A bet’s a bet. The sooner you work it off, the sooner you can get outta here
Mikey: Y-Yeah, I’m getting a ilipat on
*Mikey turned from the mirror and made his way to the casino bar, giving a tired sigh. Mambo patted his back as he gave a chuckle*
Mambo: Don’t take it so hard, Mikey. Besides, it’s not all bad, is it.
Mikey: I guess it’s better than finding myself on the streets broke
Mambo: That’s the spirit. Now get to serving those drinks, kiddo
*With one final pat on the back, Mambo turned from Mikey and made his way up stairs, taking a drink from his burbon every chance he could. He gave a knock on the door. Cole spoke from behind the door.*
Cole: Come on in
*Mambo stepped inside, Cole sitting at his mesa as he sat down, pagbaba the morning paper. One artikulo described a man sa pamamagitan ng the name of Dean Lover missing. Cole gave a chuckle as he sat the paper down.*
Cole: Looks like that’s one of the Baddoni’s men taken care of. Now, what do ya need, Italiano baby?
Mambo: Mr. Cole-
*Cole held his hand up*
Cole: Mambo, baby, this has to stop
Mambo: Sorry. Nate. If you don’t mind me asking, why do you want to take out the Baddoni Family? I know they are a rival in the casino business, but they’ve done no harm to us. And if they find out we are killing their men, there will be a war. Many of our men will die
*Cole turned around in his chair, staring out his window, before responding.*
Cole: Yeah, casinos are nice and all, especially when you run it the proper way like I do, but I want something more. I’m worried that those damn Baddonis are gonna come up with a plan soon. They want to take over the entire business of weapons manufacturing in the city. Selling it to those commies in Russia and the Chinese, and that can make some serious cheese. I want a slice of that pie, Mambo, but with the Baddonis as hard as they are with that stuff, they aren’t gonna be willing to share. I try to make deals with them, try to keep a friendly rivalry, but those cut throat fuckers always want something more. I ain’t having it. I don’t want to kill the whole team. Just give them a little scare, make ‘em paranoid, and maybe, just maybe, they’ll kill each other off.
Mambo: M-Mr. Cole, that idea is just insane
Cole: Yeah. I’m aware. But I ain’t looking to run some peewee gang that you find on the playground. I’m making an empire here, Mambo baby. I want to create something here. I want to make a legacy. And goddammit, that’s what I’m gonna do. I ain’t here to make some usual breakfast, I’m making a motherfucking omelette, and sometimes, a few eggs gotta crack.
Mambo: How do we go about doing this?
Cole: Well, that’s just it. The man himself, Chuck Baddoni, is going to be meeting with a little lady tonight. He always wants to explore all the varieties of pleasure that New York has to offer, and he isn’t going to turn up a chance to try out a little of this countries women. That is where you come in, Mambo. You’re my best man when it comes to getting the job done. You just need to bring a guy who can handle himself as well as you can. I’m sure one of the boys around here can be of some help
Mambo: You really want me to do this, boss? I mean, this is Chuck we’re talking about. He’s no slouch
Cole: Mambo, baby, you know I wouldn’t ask you to do this if you weren’t capable of getting the job done. I know you can do this
Mambo: …. Alright, Nate. I’ll get someone on the job and we’ll have that Baddoni bastard taken care of in no time
Cole: I look pasulong to it, Mambo.
*Without another word or a look back, Mambo made his way out the door, leaving Cole to his newspaper.*

*Mikey was sending drinks from one patron to another, moving as fast as he could and talking with each one as best he could. As Mambo was making his way back down the stairs, he saw Mikey talking with a woman, her eyeshadow stained from crying, but wore a smile on her face as Mikey continued to speak with her. As Mambo saw this, he walked over to him, suspecting Mikey of flirting with someone. He sat on the stool, and looked at Mikey, before looking at the woman.*
Mambo: Hey, think you can give us some time to talk
*The woman gave a nod and thanked Mikey as she walked off. Mambo turned to Mikey with an expression of annoyance.*
Mambo: Mikey, if you start flirting with every broad that walks in here, you are just gonna keep adding to the time it takes for you to get outta here
Mikey: Oh, I wasn’t flirting. She just Nawawala her husband of twenty years, and I was telling her that he wouldn’t want her to drink herself to death
Mambo: Mikey, that is the sorriest excuse I ever heard in my life
Mikey: Well, sorry, Mambo, but it’s the god’s honest truth
Mambo: Whatever you say, buddy
*He waved Mikey off, before tapping the table.*
Mambo: Give me a bourbon, will ya?
Mikey: Sure
*Mikey turned to a glass of Kentucky bourbon, pouring it into a glass. As he did, the sound if a loud glass shatter could be heard. Mikey, Mambo, and the attendants turned to see two men, one holding a broken bottle in his hands, aiming it at the other man. The two men, both burley and balding, looked ready for a fight. Before they could advance towards each other, Mikey got in the middle, putting his hands on them to stop them.*
Mikey: Hang on, now. What seems to be the problem?
Big Man: Get outta the way, string bean!
Mikey: Listen, whatever it is, can you take it outside of the bar?
Big Man: I ain’t budging!
Mikey: Sir, with all due respects, you should get moving before-
*Before he could finish, the large man sucker punched Mikey in the face, sending him flying into the other man, who shoved Mikey to the ground.*
Big Man: You done getting in the way, asshole?!
*Mikey stood up, using his thumb to wipe the blood from his nose, as he looked at him.*
Mikey: I’ll ask one madami time. Please, leave
*The big man only chuckled as he threw his fist again, but Mikey was able to dodge the fist this time. Once he was under him, he ilipat to the back of the man, twisting his arm behind his back, and grabbing the back of his hand. He threw the man forward, refusing to hurt him.*
Mikey: We don’t harm patrons in this bar, but I am asking you to leave
Big Man: What, are you some spineless coward?
Mikey: It’s just the employee policy, that’s all
*The big man chuckled as he swung at Mikey again, who backed up and dodged each swing. The man was slowly getting madami and madami angry as Mikey continued to dodge the punches, even starting to ugoy the broken bottle. As Mikey continued to dodge, he slowly lead the large man to the exit. Once they reached the doors, the man swung the broken bottle at Mikey, missing sa pamamagitan ng a mile and falling out the door. As he was about to trip, Mikey moved behind him again and lightly tapped his back, tripping him pasulong without hurting him too badly. Mikey looked out at the man before nodding.*
Mikey: Do make sure to hail a cab home, sir
*With that, Mikey closed the doors and returned to the bar. The other big man stared at Mikey with eyes wide, before returning to his upuan in silence. Mambo also stared at Mikey in surprise, especially with how Mikey returned to the bar so casually.*
Mambo: What was that?!
Mikey: Just me doing the job
Mambo: N-No, that was something else completely. You never told me you had moves like that
Mikey: … Was I supposed to?
Mambo: Not really, but still, it’s amazing
Mikey: Is it?
Mambo: Yeah.
*Without any knowledge of the both of them, Cole looked down from the window of his office at the whole display*

*Mambo and Mikey were driving down the road, Mambo taking the wheel. Mikey stared out the window, before turning to Mambo*
Mikey: So where are we going again?
Mambo: It’s just…. An extra job sa pamamagitan ng Cole. A sort of… delivery
Mikey: Never knew he dealt in deliveries
Mambo: Y-Yeah
*As Mambo drove, he could only think back to what Cole had told him when they met again.*
Cole: Change of plans, Mambo, baby. That new guy, Mikey. I want you to take him with you
Mambo: W-What?! Him?!
Cole: Yeah. He’s new to the city. He’s a good fighter. And most importantly, he’s expendable. No one’s gonna miss him if he dies, and he’s new. If Chuck Baddoni finds out who he is, he won’t be able to trace it back to us. It’s unfair, I know, but that’s business
Mambo: But he’s just a citizen. And for all we know, he just got lucky
Cole: Then you got nothing to worry about if he does bite the dust, Mambo baby. Don’t worry. Everything will be a-okay. Just get the job done and I promise things will go over just fine.
*Mambo continued to drive down the road, avoiding any conversation with Mikey. After all, he was madami than likely going to be dead in a few minutes. He only spoke once they were nearing the motel.*
Mambo: Hey, Mikey. Get that bag in the back, will you? Don’t open it!
Mikey: Oh, sure
*With hesitation, Mikey pulled the bag to the front. Mambo slowly opened the bag, pulling out two hockey masks.*
Mambo: Here, put this on. It’s kinda like a signature of the delivery, you know?
*Mikey looked at the masks, madami skeptical now, and couldn’t help but ask*
Mikey: Mambo, what exactly are we delivering
*Mambo came to a hard stop once they were in the motel parking lot, before he turned to Mikey.*
Mambo: I don’t know! I don’t fucking know, okay?! I’m just doing what Cole says! You should do the same! Fuck! Just stop asking tanong and do the job!
Mikey: ……. Well, okay, if you say so
Mambo: *Without another word, he put the mask on and slammed the car door, heading up to the tuktok rooms of the motel*
*Mikey looked down at the hockey mask, staring at it intently. Something about it felt wrong, something that told him that this was something he should put down right now. But as he stared at it, he could hear gunshots from atop the stairs. Mikey, without hesitation, put the mask on. And there, he felt himself lose total control. Something else was slowly taking over. And then, he couldn’t even feel himself lose control. There was no him with the mask on. He opened the car door and made his way up the stairs. As he did, footsteps could be heard behind him, and the sound of two mga baril clicking, ready to fire.*
Baddoni Member: Don’t move, motherfucker!
*Without a word, they saw as he turned around, his appearance seeming more… threatening than what Mikey had been like before. His eyes were void of expression, as the mask hid his face away. The two men aimed their mga baril at him, ready to apoy at any moment*
Baddoni Member: Hey, we sinabi don’t fucking mo-
Mack: *Within an instant, Mack swung his fist forward, cracking into the guys nose, and breaking it. Before the other one could react, Mack grabbed him and held him in front of him. Before the other man could react, his partner fired into him. The man screamed as he was used as a human shield, two bullets striking his chest and one hitting him in the left side of the head. Once he was dead, Mack took his gun and unloaded the clip into the other man, killing him instantly. He threw the dead member onto the floor susunod to the other and made his way inside. Once he did, he was cracked in the face with the but of a shotgun, but didn’t react. He saw the man holding the shotgun was the man Mambo was looking for: Chuck Baddoni. He wore a grey silk pajama uniform, his wrinkled skin and grey hair the most noticeable traits. For a man who slept around with women, he was very old, about eighty years. He kept the gun aimed at Mack as he shouted*
Chuck: You fucking pricks think you can sneak up on me! I knew that something was going down since I came to this city! But now I got what I need. The Cole Family dies tonight, starting with you two bastards
Mack: *He looked over at Mambo, noticing a bullet wound in his left shoulder, and his gun kicked to the side. As Chuck held the gun, Mack could see Mambo crawling toward the gun. Chuck was quick to see this and cocked his shotgun, ready to apoy again. That was all Mack needed. He got up fast, shrugging off the whack from the gun. Chuck turned and fired, but Mack grabbed the gun, the gun firing just sa pamamagitan ng his head. Once he had the gun, he snatched it from Chuck’s hands and swung it, smashing it into Chuck’s head. Chuck fell against the wall, and Chuck followed, the gun held in his hands, but he didn’t shoot it. He didn’t want to. He was far too angry now to let him die quickly. He raised the gun and smashed it into Chucks head. And he did it again and again and again, Chuck screaming as he was struck. The screams soon turned into begging to stop, than into gurgling, than total silence, but Mack didn’t stop. He kept at it, until Chuck’s face was caved in, his lower jaw sticking out madami than the rest of his face, a horrifying shade of purple and blood red inside the crater that was once his face. Mambo could only stare in shock and horror, and once he saw the display, he could only whisper in terror.*
Mambo: M-Mikey?
Mack: *He turned to Mambo, looking at him, before he pointed to himself, holding the gun that dripped blood from the other end.* …. Mack… Mack the Knife.

Well, here it is. It’s time for the moment you’ve all been waiting for. While I have been busy with a ton of other things like work and the underlying threat of every phone call being a scam artist or something to leave me bankrupt, this artikulo has always been in the back of my mind. And I’m finally gonna talk about it. Today. That’s right. It’s time we finally get to talking about the classic comedy film. Clerks… 2!. Nah, I’m kidding. Fuck that movie. It’s Clerks, the original, 1994 film

I: From Humble Beginnings

Clerks is the best comedy film I have ever seen. Of...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
(Walter and Phillip walk into a building carrying the suitcase)
Doorman: Hold it, who are you two
Walter: I’m Walter, and this is Phillip. We have a meeting with Ricardo
Doorman: The boss? Alright, go on in
Walter: Thanks (Walks in)
Phillip: (Stops) So, what kind of stuff does Ricardo sell, because my friend’s got this good pot and may be able to do business-
Walter: Phillip! Stop screwing around!

(Walter and Phillip wait in an elevator)
Walter: Now, Phillip, let me do the talking
Phillip: Why?
Walter: Because you can’t talk your way out of a problem to save your life. That’s why
Phillip: Please,...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

The story follows a Ethan, young boy with a hatred for criminals and how he uses his new demonic powers to kill criminals to make a better world for himself and his sister



A young unibersidad student practicing to be a prosecutor. At the age of sixteen, his parents were killed sa pamamagitan ng robbers while they were in a store. It was around this time where he grew to have a strong hatred for criminals. However, a few years later, at the age of twenty two, his twenty taon old sister, Rebecca, was almost sexually harassed on her way from school. Ethan was able to save her, but was beaten...
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added by Windwakerguy430
So, there are a lot of fanfics on the internet. I mean A LOT. Even I need a break sometime. So, lets read a internet comic strip. The one known infamously throughout the internet as the Bong Chong Dong Ghost…. Oooooh….. fuck.
So, this is a comic strip that comes from Korea. And, if you’re uncultured, then the only thing you can think of from Korea is Kim Jong Un, and Gundam Style. In other words, GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE FUCKING GUTTER! Anyway, this is probably one of the most well known and most terrifying thing from Korea…. minus their IPhone games, but, I mean actual terror. The Bong...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

(Apologies for the ugly card at the top, I was rushed for time when making this one)
So after I dipped my toes into the vast lake of a franchise with SoulCalibur V, I decided to try out other games. II was good, but never got to play much of it, IV was eh, and we never talk about Legends. Pretend that doesn’t exist. And then, announcement of SoulCalibur VI comes out, and everybody gets hyped. We see Mitsurugi and Ivy in beautiful 4k resolution, and motherfucking Geralt from Witcher, but that ain’t what interested me. When I saw character creator Kirby, and the chance for making the...
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Tonight, I watched the film Annabelle: Creation. This is coming from a person who has never watched a single Conjuring film in my life. I would like to, since I heard good things, but I have never watched them. Now, Annabelle is sinabi to be a prequel to the first Annabelle movie. I have never watched the first one either, but, ibingiay it's poor critical reception, I don't think I'm missing too much. So, is Annabelle's prequel film better, or is it just as bad. Well, let's find out, shall we?

Annabelle: Creation follows a group of young orphaned girls. The two friends, Linda and Janice, the...
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I don’t know what it is, but I think I blame my dad for getting interested in the wild west. He would always ipakita me all of these old western films, and tell me all about it. Though, I wasn’t interested at first. My interest in the old west started when I began listening about it in history class. The thought of an entire small desert town with no law fascinated me….. Okay, none of you believe that. I had my interest sparked after playing video games, of course, what else. And let me tell you, there are quite a lot of cowboys in video games. It may not seem like much, but trust me, there...
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Oh man, I am now realizing what a horrible mistake I’ve made with all this. But I already bought the games, so I have to do it now. Reminder that I spent literally $100 on bad games this year. This website does not pay me for Pagsulat artikulo and all of this is out of passion for criticism and writing. I am actually doing this to myself. I should probably call the suicide hotline cause I’m pretty sure this counts as a form of self harm. Well, regardless, it’s pasko time, and what better way to celebrate the holiday season than sa pamamagitan ng talking about something we all get: Crappy video games....
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#50: Baka and Test

Now, if you want an anime that has the most insane humor imaginable, I can’t think of anything like Baka and Test. The anime is about Yoshii, who is the school’s biggest idiot, who attends Class F, which is the worst possible class to be in, as he and his classmates try to earn the respect of the school sa pamamagitan ng defeating all the madami intelligent classes in a Summoner Test War. And, like I said, the humor is just insane. From Yoshii always getting beaten up sa pamamagitan ng some insane cult that disapproves of women, to one of the Class F students getting tazed, to one of the major...
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Song (Start at 0:07): link

Sean: Ah, they didn't start yet.
Mike: Come on.
Jerry: There we go.
Shayne: Yeah!!
Jesse: *Arrives with Jeff, and Bryce* Why did you tell us on Instagram to come here?
Sean: Because of this.
Jeff: *Hears the music*
Bryce: Now we're talking!
Sean: While we enjoy this music, enjoy The Seven Ups.

Seanthehedgehog Presents

A ponified fanfiction based off a 70's movie

The Seven Up's

Near Grand Central Station in Manehattan

Buddy: *walking along street*
Ponies: *driving cars*
other ponies: *walking down street*
Buddy: *sees window washer* (He's above a building I have to go into)
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added by Seanthehedgehog
posted by Windwakerguy430
Hello there. Due to what people are calling my "Popularity" I've decided to ilipat my onto this fanpage. I will still keep my WYT artiles onto the LP tagahanga page, but here, it will be a little different. On this fanpage, I am going to review everything, not just MLP related. It can be anything. Games, Movies, TV Shows, FanFics, and Videos. I will even use mga boto on which sort of subject I should review. I would also like for some advertisment ideas for my WYT articles. I hope this idea becomes madami widespread and I really hope everyone enjoys this new idea. But thats only my opinion, What's Your Take
Song: link

Ethan: *Waiting in a siding*
Liam: *Sitting in a chair*
Metal Gloss: *Walking around the two* What are we doing again?
Liam: Deciding who to host tonight's segment of Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories.
Metal Gloss: None of us have done it before.
Ethan: Yeah. Let's take turns. Metal Gloss can go first, then for the susunod ipakita in May, Liam can do it.
Liam: Sounds like a plan.
Metal Gloss: In that case, here's tonight's lineup.

8 PM

Ponies On The Rails
Adventures of Thomas & Friends

8:30 PM

The REAL Powerpuff Girls - Bak2Bak

Theme song: link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails

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When it comes to video games, there are always first bosses, which come near the beginning of the game to be a starting challenge for the player to help them see how the game is going to play out. Usually, they are very easy and can be forgotten about within a few hours of gameplay. But, once in awhile, you get that first boss that is one of the best bosses in the entire game. These first bosses offer madami of a challenge to the player and feel like a later boss than the first boss. So, today, I wish to share with you all the ten first bosses that I found to be the most fun. First, the rules....
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Song: link

James: *Singing along to the song* One, two, three o'clock, four o'clock, rock. Five, six, seven o'clock, eight o'clock, rock. Nine, ten, eleven o'clock, twelve o'clock, rock. We're gonna rock around the clock tonight.
Duck, Oliver, & Henry: AH!!!!!
Tom: Make it stop!
Hawkeye: *Leaving with a freight train* It's a good thing I got in the cab of this freight train in time. Now I don't have to hear his terrible singing, unlike the others.
Master Sword: Hawkeye got lucky!! *Catches on fire* RAAAAAAAAAAGE!!!!!!!
Gordon: James, stop singing!
James: When the clock strikes two, three and...
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Song: link

Parker: It's warmer!
Kevin: Not sa pamamagitan ng much.
Parker: *Jumps into his swimming pool*
Snowflake: Can we start the show? I got the lineup ready.
Kevin: Yes Miss. Hostess. You may start.
Jerry: What's the lineup?
Snowflake: Down below.

8 PM

Ponies On The Rails: Bak2Bak

8:30 PM

Under The Arch With Tom Foolery

Theme song: link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Pierce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Coffee Crème From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Stylo From Jimmythedragon

NocturnalMirage from NochurnalMirage

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Wilson,...
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Ethan: *Pulling 3 passenger cars* Well guys, we're glad you had fun, but summer is now over.
Passengers: *Shivering in their bathing suits* Is that why it's so cold?
Kevin: *Throwing a frisbee*
Liam: *Catches the frisbee*
Kevin: Good catch.
Liam: Thanks buddy. *Spots the audience* Oh, hi guys. Welcome to another episode of the S.S.S.S. I'm Liam from The Nut House, and I got everything set up for you to enjoy tonight.

8:00 PM - Now

Johnny Lightning
The Nut House

8:30 PM - Later

Trainz - Bak 2 Bak

Liam: *Throws the frisbee back to Kevin*...
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Okay, so, originally, again, I was gonna talk about a different movie, but instead, sa pamamagitan ng chance, I happened to watch this movie instead and when I realized it too was a cult film, I decided to watch this… I’m bad at keeping with my already made list. But that’s beside the point. Let’s talk about true terror. The 90s. Bucket hats, Limp Bizkit, and a slew of horror pelikula upsetting the public because of the dangers to kids or something. And one such film was the 90s time capsule itself, 1999’s Idle Hands. Was this a film that was a victim of circumstance or did it deserve it’s low critical...
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How do I become sarcastic?
"I'm the reyna of sarcasm, you don't just suddenly become sarcastic, it takes practice"

My house is on fire, what do I do?
"You get off the fuckin computer and go outside!"

My brother hasn't had his period:
"Yeah. It takes longer for boys"

What's an appropriate site for a 13 taon old girl?
"Try Porn-Hub"

Can you get pregnant from watching porn?
"Only on wednesdays"

Every time I drink alcohol I feel sad.
"Your not drinking ENOUGH of of it!"

I was having sex with my sister and got a cramp in my leg.

Why are mga sanggol ugly at first?
"How about you...
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