Penguins of Madagascar Club
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Lorrie Trace was a confident woman with skin the color of creamy gatas chocolate. Her kind eyes saw the world in a perspective that most didn't. She always tried to see the good in everyone and everything. Some might say she has a puso of gold. She attended Harvard unibersidad and received a doctorate in science and physics. Ever since, she's been traveling the world, wanting to know madami about it and its wonders.

As always, it was a freezing, below zero araw in Antarctica. Lorrie was wearing a heavy black amerikana with a sweater underneath, thermal, blue colored gloves, and think black pants, and was out gathering information, such as wind speeds and snow samples. Her pag-ibig for Earth was shown through her years of traveling and research. She's visited madami countries than she could count. However, this was her first time visiting Antarctica. She'd tried many times, but always became distracted when she saw or discovered something that fascinated her. When she arrived in Antarctica, she was told to always travel with someone to ensure her safety.

Preston Daper was a tall man with kulay-dagat eyes and ebony skin and a deep, calming voice that seemed to burrow itself inside you and warm your soul. He'd never met Lorrie before, but he was happy to help her through her research. He was very familiar with Antarctica; he'd done his share of research on Antarctica before, and was, too, intrigued sa pamamagitan ng the adaptations made in its chilling climate.

Now, the two of them were on their way back to the small insulated cabin where the primary research would take place. "So, what started your interest in all of this?" Preston asked.

"Well, when I was a teenager, my family lived near woods. Whenever I was upset or needed to think, I would go sit under this large oak puno and listen to the sounds of the world around me. It helped me appreciate the little things in life." Lorrie answered.

"And you've been traveling for how many years?"

"About eleven."

"My. You've been busy."

Lorrie laughed. "Yeah, I guess you could say that."

Preston smiled shyly. "So you've never been married?"

Lorrie became bashful. "No. I've always been single. Men have tried, but were turned away when they found out how much I travel."

"'s their loss I suppose." Preston sinabi giving her a sideways glance.

Lorrie looked away shyly and something caught her eye. A short distance to her right, something small and black was moving along in the white haze of snow. "Preston, look." She sinabi taking his arm and pointing in the direction of the unknown figure. Preston looked that way and his face fell into a curious concern. He gently took her shoulder and she followed him in the direction on whatever was moving. He moved with caution until it became clear of what the small creature was: a penguin.

"Aw, wheres the rest of his rookery?" Lorrie asked stepping closer, though when she did, she could tell that something was wrong with it. It was moving slow and in an awkward motion that suggested that it was in pain. But that's not the only thing she noticed; there was an egg tucked safely under his belly. When he saw them, he stopped and eyed them both, unsure of whether the tall creatures that stood before him were friendly or not. Lorrie carefully stepped toward him with her hand extended forward. "It's okay, little fella. I'm not gonna hurt you." The ibong dagat seemed to hesitate, then waddle pasulong a couple of steps and allowed her to pet his forehead. Lorrie smiled. "Yeah, it's okay." The ibong dagat seemed to enjoy her touch, though he still seemed to be in pain. "What do you think is wrong with him, Preston? The poor dear seems to be sick or something."

"I don't know. You think we should take him with us? Maybe we can figure out what's wrong with him."

"Yeah. I can't madala to see this sweet little guy like this. Come here and grab the egg when I pick him up and keep it warm."

Preston got ready and Lorrie gently picked up the weak penguin; Preston quickly retrieved the egg from the cold snow. Lorrie and Preston held the ibong dagat and the egg close to their bodies, slightly under their coats.

About another twenty minutos of trudging through the snow and harsh winds, they arrived at the cabin. Upon entering and shutting the door behind them, Preston wrapped the egg gently in a thick blanket and started a fire. Lorrie gently laid the ibong dagat on a mesa and removed her gloves, hat, and scarf, revealing her rosy nose and cheeks and her bright blue eyes. Light specks of snow laid upon her wood-brown hair, which was shoulder length and curled inward at the bottom. She gently stroked the feathers on his belly. "It's okay, little guy. You're gonna be okay.


"Hey! Hey, Lorrie! Wake up!"

Lorrie sluggishly opened her eyes upon Preston shaking her awake and peeked up over the blankets. "Preston? What's wrong? It's 6:30 in the morning."

"Come on! You've got to hurry or you'll miss it!" Preston sinabi pulling the covers off of her and pulling her arm toward the room door. They quickly walked into the living room where the egg lay in a pile of blankets. The ibong dagat was standing susunod to it in wait.

"Whats going on, Preston?"

"Shh! Just watch." They came to a halt sa pamamagitan ng the sopa and waited a moment, then Lorrie heard it. The egg was cracking open. Lorrie cupped her hands over her mouth as a small beak began poking its way through the shell. Finally, the small hatchling poked its head through and worked itself out of the egg. When it finally emerged, it curiously looked around.

Lorrie kneeled susunod to the sopa to get a better look. A huge smile had crossed over her face and she was nearly crying. She held out her finger to the young hatchling and he or she eyed it curiously, then poked her with its flipper. Lorrie gasped in surprise and the hatchling jumped back and shielded its face with its flippers.

"Oh, it's okay baby, I didn't mean to scare you." Lorrie sinabi softly. She gently reached over and petted its soft, fluffy feathers. The hatchling seemed to relax. "There; now go to your Pap..." -She looked at where the other ibong dagat was. "-...a..." She almost started to bawl. The hatchlings' father lay limp and lifeless on the couch, right after his son or daughter had officially entered the world. She scooted over to him and gently stroked his cold feathers.

Preston scooted susunod to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "I'm sorry, Lorrie." Lorrie couldn't contain herself; she turned, buried her face into his chest and cried.

Eventually she cried herself to sleep.


It was about 10:45 when she woke up again. She opened her eyes to see herself once again in her bed, the covers up to her chin. She pushed them off and a shiver immediately shimmied down her spine. She grabbed the blankets and pulled them around her shoulders to shield herself from the cold, got up, and opened the door to her room.

Immediately, the smell of oatmeal and mag-ihaw hit her in the face like a ton of bricks; it was enough to make her stomach growl loud enough to hear through the blankets and the saliva in her mouth to thicken. She followed the scent into the kusina where Preston had just begun pouring oatmeal into two bowls.

"Hey there. I was about to come and get you. I hope you don't mind; I wasn't really in the mood for eggs this morning." He sinabi with a smile.

Lorrie smiled back. "Don't worry, the feeling is mutual. Where is the little hatchling, anyway?" She asked looking around.

"Snoozing away in his little bundle of blankets." Lorrie looked at the pile of blankets in the neighboring living room. The baby ibong dagat was sleeping peacefully. She smiled and looked back toward Preston as he said: "He's a boy, sa pamamagitan ng the way."

Lorrie sat down at the mesa and Preston joined her. "What did you do with his father?" She whispered.

"I got a blood and saliva sample for you before I buried him out back. I figured you'd want to do tests. What are we going to do about the baby?"

Lorrie thought for a moment. "I'll take care of him."

"Are you sure you can handle that kind of responsibility?"

"Absolutely. And besides, I want to know what killed his father." Lorrie answered taking a bite of oatmeal.

"What will you name him?" Preston asked smoothing mantikilya onto his toast.

Lorrie thought long and hard on that one. "I'll name him after my father. He'll be my little Kowalski."


"So have you figured anything out, Lorrie?" Preston asked walking into the room she was in. Lorrie had been examining the blood and saliva samples for three and a half hours now.

"All I'm able to tell sa pamamagitan ng looking at them is that he probably ingested something. What, I don't know. I know a guy in Manhattan. I'm going to let him run an analysis." Lorrie answered taking some madami notes and turning in her chair to face him. "Have you fed him yet, sa pamamagitan ng the way?"

"Actually, that's what I came in here for. Did you wanna help?"

Lorrie smiled. "I'd pag-ibig to." She got to her feet and followed Preston into the kitchen.

Kowalski was in a clothes basket that was half full of blankets. He playfully poked his flipper through the openings in the side chirping happily. Lorrie laughed and gently picked him up and cradled him in her arms. Preston pulled a raw isda from the refrigerator. After shaving it and separating the meat from the bones, he put the meat in the blender. After the isda was blended into a mush, he removed the lid; he nearly gagged at the smell. "Whew! Good luck getting used to that!" Lorrie laughed.

After pouring it into an empty squeezable honey bottle, he handed it to Lorrie. She held Kowalski like a baby and held the bottle to his beak. Kowalski curiously licked the opening, then sucked out the solution. He seemed to enjoy it. Lorrie smiled, then looked at Preston, who was staring at the chick in awe.

After feeding him, Lorrie continued her Antarctic research. She didn't even realize that she was talking to Kowalski as if he were her student. "...The Earth is tilted on an axis, so when the northern hemisphere is facing away in the winter, Antarctica is deprived of sunlight, and when it's facing toward the sun in the summer, it receives light 24/7." She was interrupted sa pamamagitan ng the sound of Preston's voice behind her.

"Why does Kowalski seem to be so mesmerized sa pamamagitan ng that?" He asked with a laugh. She had Kowalski sitting on her desk, and it was as if he was listening intently. Lorrie turned to face him.

"Preston! How long have you been standing there?" She asked, a little embarrassed.

"Not long. I see you've became attached to the little fellow."

Lorrie turned back to Kowalski and stroked his soft feathers. "Well, yeah, I mean...the poor little guy Nawawala his father. He has no one to care for him."

"Well, if he hangs around you for much longer, he's going to be the smartest ibong dagat in Antarctica." Preston joked.

"Well, as much as I wish that could become a reality, I'm pretty sure he can't understand a word I'm saying, and here I am rambling on to him!" She sinabi laughing.

"Did you call patong lalaki about that sample?"

"Mm-hm. I'll be staying here for another week, then I'll leave for Manhattan."

Preston's face fell. "Really? You're leaving that soon?"

"Well, I want to know what happened to his father. Besides, as amazing as Antarctica is, I really don't see much that I can do here anyway. I'll probably come back someday." Lorrie explained.

Preston nodded. "Oh...okay. I understand. Um...I'm gonna go start on something for dinner." He turned and left the room

Lorrie turned back to Kowalski again, who had found amusement in hitting the mesa with a pencil. "Give me that you silly!" Lorrie sinabi with a laugh and taking the pencil from him. She petted his soft head. "Smartest ibong dagat in can imagine."
posted by Cornflak
Despite the fact that it was well early in the morning, the injured Private was ibingiay a few hours to himself for rest and recovery. Skipper stayed true to his word, being sure as to give Private his privacy throughout the entire day. Having done this, the leader also granted the rest of the team absolute freedom for the day. Hopefully, this would give the other penguins some time to themselves. After Private’s unexpected disappearance, it was probably for the best.

Taking advantage of these moments, Kowalski chose to sit in a corner of the room, Pagsulat all of his thoughts on his notepad....
continue reading...
posted by rico911910
..YOU LOOK AT THE susunod PAGE.......................
was nurses and docters all crowded around Skipper how was laying on the hospital kama shacking will the some of them were holding him down. One of the docters puting a oxagen mask on Skipper and held it there so he could breath easier. Then a nurse came in holding a shot with meadisen filled haf way to the top. As the meadisen was injeted into skipper to calm his puso rate down the room begian to fall into silence. Slower and slower his
heart started to bet. When the docters looked at the monuter they side in releaf when Skipper's puso rate...
continue reading...
S:Skipper; K:Kowalski; P: Private; R: Rico; M:Marlene; J: Julien; Mau: Maurice; Mort:Mort. A: Alice

Part Two

Alice breaks the bottle against the tuktok of the cage and the glass shatters everywhere. She places the kutsilyo right in front of the cage door. She opens the cage.

A: Now you can get out! Let’s see if you are smart enough!!!

She stares at them and waits.

S: We aren’t gonna get out like this! Rico!
R: Blaghhh (he pukes a handglider and they all hold on to some ones leg. Alice watches with fury)
A: You aren’t off the hook that easy! And I guess you are wondering what happened to your little...
continue reading...
The rats lead Skipper away on the steel cage. This time he knew better than to struggle, he might as well save his energy for what was coming. ‘Well,’ thinks Skipper ‘I guess that this is the moment of truth.’ The sound of footsteps and the repugnant smell went away after a while and a few moments later Skipper felt himself being lowered down again. The cover is pulled away; Skipper blinks in the sudden light as his eyes adjust. In front of him stood Kowalski, Rico, and Private, all seeming exceedingly happy. Skipper was back inside his lair. The rats climb back outside chuckling as...
continue reading...
[Skipper looks around. His ibong dagat lair is empty]
    Skipper: Kowalski? Rico? Private? Anyone? All my men seem to be gone. Perhaps they’re at Marlene’s.
[He sneaks over to Marlene’s habitat, careful to not be seen]
    Skipper: Marlene? Marlene! She seems to be gone to! This must be a complot, but from who? The only suspicious activity I have seen came from…[Gasps] Kowalski!
[Skipper quickly rushes to the lemur habitat. After much searching (even underneath the "RoyalThrone")he finds it empty]
    Skipper: No! Not the lemurs too!...
continue reading...
Kowalski is walking down the busy sidewalk and stops when he sees Skipper sitting on a kalye corner with a tin can to collect change.
Skipper: Spare change for a new lair, please? Over here, I need dough!
Kowalski: Skipper? What are you doing?
Skipper: Kowalski, I never thought I would be happier to see your brain. How far are we from a new lair?
Kowalski looks in the cup and sees one kendi wrapper along with a button.) At this rate centuries.
Skipper: We are depending on Rico and Private now.
Kowalski: No we’re not.
They see two penguins, Rico and Private, heading toward them.
Skipper: Report....
continue reading...
added by Kinkystar
posted by midnightangel88
private: uh (wakes up) where are we skippah
pinkie: (pops out of nowhere) hi there my names pinkie
private: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
pinkie: oh i'm sorry
private: skippah skippah where are you (wimpers)
pinkie: uy whats wrong
private: (crys) skippah
pinkie: (picks him up and brings him to twilights)
private: where am i (wimpers) skippah please come
twilight: who's skipper
private: skippah's m-my brother so are kowalski and rico (wimpers) i don't know where i am i'm scared
fluttershy: aww what a poor thing
meanwhile at the hq
skipper: uy where's private (hears something)
tv: skippah's my brother so are kowalski and rico (wimpers) i don't know where i am i'm scared
they travel there
skipper: were here
private: (wimpers and gets taken to canterlot)
to be continued
posted by SJF_Penguin2
link if you would like to access the first chapter.


Off the Shelf
A Penguins of Madagascar fanfic
Chapter 2: "Career Change"

Liz glanced at her daughter in the back upuan through the rearview mirror of her silver Subaru Outback. "So, have you named your little mga kaibigan yet?"

"Yes." Chelsea held Skipper up. "This is Mr. Penguin." And then held up Marlene. "And this is Mrs. Penguin."

"No, no, sweetie. The brown one is an otter. Remember the story I told you in the gift shop?"

"I know she's an otter, Mom. But she changed her name when she got married."

continue reading...
“Tuckered Out”
November 1, 2014

Marlene yawned. “Thanks for taking me to that Enrique Guitaro concert, guys,” she sinabi to the penguins as they drove her home. “It went a lot better than last time. And going backstage? That was”—she yawned again as if she hadn’t slept in days—“really awesome,” she finished.

Skipper chuckled from his place to the right of her. “I don’t think staying up all the way to one in the morning is a good idea for you.”

Marlene shook her head. “No, no, I’m awake.” She fought off another yawn and rubbed her eyes. “Tack as a sharp.”

continue reading...
“I Insist”
September 27, 2014

“All right, men. I want a perimeter. Make it fast, make it wide, and make it where you can see everything, but nothing can see you,” Skipper ordered the team in Central Park. “On my mar —”

“Hey, aren’t you those penguins from the aquarium?” Fred interrupted as he approached them.

Skipper rolled his eyes. “Zoo, actually. What do you want, Fred? We’re in the middle of something,” he asked impatiently.

“Yeah, I’m in the middle of something too. I think it’s called Central Park. Anyway, I was just wondering, is that hayop ng oter friend of yours...
continue reading...
“Another Side”
April 26, 2014

    Skipper led a blindfolded Marlene into her cave.

    “Skipper, what is this? What’s the big surprise?” Marlene urged with anticipation.

    “Well, remember a couple of weeks nakaraan when you sinabi you’ve always wanted to stargaze, but couldn’t because of the bright city lights?” Skipper asked, preparing to remove the blindfold.

    “Yes, why?” Marlene answered.

    Skipper pulled off the blindfold. “That’s why,” he sinabi with a grin.

continue reading...
No Time 07.14.16

“Maurice!” Julien cried from his throne.

Maurice trudged up to him, not even trying to hide his contempt. “Yes, your majesty?”

“I need another smoothie,” Julien said, propping his head up with one paw while rubbing his chest with the other. He coughed and wheezed. “I can feel my time approaching . . . so make it with extra mangga for the extra sweet-y-ness-ness . . .”

Maurice rolled his eyes. “You sinabi your time was approaching two days ago,” he said.

“Well, how should I know, Maurice? I am not Clair’s Voyage!” Julien sinabi before coughing again.

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Foreign 02.24.16

“Morning, Nari!” Marlene sinabi one morning, excitedly nudging her habitat-mate and adoptive sister. “Come on, wake up!” she urged, eager to get out in the Monterey sun.

Nari stretched her arms and legs with a yawn as she sat up. “Marlene, the morning will still be there in ten minutes,” she complained with a smile.

Marlene laughed and pulled her arm. “Don’t be a wimp! Come on! Let’s go for a swim!”

The two went outside their cave-like room out into the California spring morning, Marlene at the lead while Nari lagged behind. Marlene kalapati into their pond while...
continue reading...
added by Featherson
Source: Penguins Of Madagascar
posted by peacebaby7
Author’s Note: This is my sixth installment of skits. My first was regular everyday scenarios (link), then Skilene-themed skits (link), then a set for the villains (link), then a set starring the lemurs (link), then a humanized set (link), and lastly, Dorski-themed skits (link). I now present to my readers, Dave Skits! I had loads of fun with this one and I hope you all enjoy them. sa pamamagitan ng the way, I certainly did not do this as an excuse to make celebrity puns. I’m not sure why you would think that . . .

61) Time is Money [XXVIII]

“I want to thank you for meeting with me, Mr. Miyoshi. Your...
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posted by Mother-of-PoM
Then, there were gone. Private went into the bathroom where he noticed something he didn't notice before. A key was sitting susunod to the bathtub. He started to walk in front of the bathtub to get to the key but a zombie threw itself out of the bathtub making him yelp and back away.

'Around the tub then...'

Private was thankful the zombie didn't ilipat as he made his way around. He smiled and picked up the key. Then the zombie lunged at him, Private screamed and moved to doge it then slid out of the room and slammed the door shut. His eyes widened. A doll with red feathers and amber eyes was walking...
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posted by Mother-of-PoM
(This was made for my own enjoyment of PoM and Mad Father, plus I have to get this out of my head XD This takes place before Private even joined the team and this is not cannon. Its fanmade. So without further jibber jabbers, enjoy.)

A small black flipper knocked against a steel door. He frowned when no one answered the door.

"Big Brothah?" He tried again, "Are you in there Blue?" He inquired lowly, he has been warned over and again not to raise his voice in the house. He stepped aside as the door opened and his big brother came out. "Big brothah!" He smiled brightly.

The ibong dagat in front of him...
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Smile 09.06.15

“Operation: nagyelo is a success!” Skipper said, holding up his successfully retrieved snow cone.

Kowalski sighed. “Too bad they were out of blueberry,” he muttered in disappointment.

Skipper rolled his eyes. “Let it go,” he said. He turned toward the others. “Let’s head back to HQ.”

The penguins started their journey back through Central Park to the zoo, happily licking at their snow cones in the mid-summer heat. But when they were about halfway there, Private grabbed his leader’s shoulder to bring him to a stop.

“Wait, Skipper, look over there,” he sinabi pointing...
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