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The taon is 2013. Fresh off of the threat of the end of the world in 2012, the political climate is getting pretty hot, and Adam Sandler graced the world with Grown Ups 2. Truly a horrible time to be alive. But hey, at least we got Pacific Rim. That was a good movie. But worst of all, cartoons on TV were fucking lame. Nothing of interest was on, and it didn’t help that Adventure Time was on Season 6 and Gumball on Season 3, which were both just… ugh, a mess. Hell man, even Regular ipakita had it’s issues. But then comes a new challenger, Rebecca Sugar, with her own cartoon. A cartoon that took the world and Tumblr sa pamamagitan ng storm: Steven Universe. I already talked in length about the ipakita and how I like it, even with its flaws, flaws that I think are even madami present in season 5, but I don’t want to talk about that. I wanna talk about the twist with kulay-rosas Diamond, a twist that had the entire fandom split. Some considered it to be the dumbest thing they could’ve done and how it ruined the theme of the ipakita while others considered it a nice twist. But me, I had my issues from the start, but after looking into it, kulay-rosas Diamond may be the most tragic character in the show. madami tragic than Pearl or Lapis or Greg or The pakwan Stevens or even Mr. Smiley. And with that said…

So with that said, kulay-rosas Diamond is Rose Quartz! Surprised gasp. Now that that’s out of the way, let us discuss the build up. Also, before we begin, pagpaparangal to Ryan for handling with research. He is a bigger Steven Universe nerd than I am, so thanks for that trivia, Ryan

1: The Image

From the start of the show, from episode one, we are told sa pamamagitan ng the Crystal Gems just how great Rose Quartz is and how she is just the best at everything and how everyone loves her and how she was totally a better mom than yours even, true fact. From the words of the Crystal Gems, all we knew was that she was a rebel and a fighter, doing her best to fight the tyrannical Diamonds on their tahanan planet. So in short, we had a Phantom Thief on our hands. But that’s it. We were only told about how great she was in story. Aside from that, we were as clueless as Steven and could only go off of stories told sa pamamagitan ng those that knew her and the things she left behind, like her sword or her pet Lion or the video tape she made with Greg at the tabing-dagat which is still the sweetest thing this ipakita ever made. But slowly (And I do mean SLOWLY), the pieces are put together, bit sa pamamagitan ng bit, brick sa pamamagitan ng brick. We also hear about one of the other Diamonds, kulay-rosas Diamond, a Diamond that Rose was able to destroy and prove that the Crystal Gems were fighters, not cowards. And while this did put the Diamonds in their place, this caused a lot of pain to other gems. Gems that missed her, who mourned their fallen leader, and the other Diamonds like Yellow who doubled down on power to make the planet stronger or Blue who thought their actions were responsible for her demise or White who is crazy and horrible and actually puwang Hitler but we’ll tumawid that bridge when we get to it. It’s kind of sad to see the admiration and pag-ibig these Gems had for Pink. But, surely it was all for the best. Rose wouldn’t cause this kind of suffering, would she?........... Would she really? Well, after a bunch of plot stuff and filler and Ronaldo being the worst, Steven finally finds himself on the Gems homeworld and finds out the truth, the horrifying truth, that his mother, Rose, was actual kulay-rosas Diamond. Surprise gasp. But why? How? It doesn’t make any sense! Why would Rose throw all of that away and become a rebel rouser and fight her own tahanan planet? Well…

2: Revelations of the Image

kulay-rosas was always a carefree and fun loving Diamond, seeing the fun in life and always thinking with a wide eyed view on life. However, this is Diamond territory. No fun allowed. Time to lock you in your bedroom as you cry tears for hours and hours. Damn. kulay-rosas never really saw herself as valued sa pamamagitan ng the Diamonds and that she was just setting herself up to disappoint them if she couldn’t be a leader. And that is where Spinel, the Cuphead DLC boss, comes in. One of the few mga kaibigan kulay-rosas had made, a friend that she cared for, and a friend she was madami than ready to leave behind. kulay-rosas wanted to be the leader the other Diamonds wanted her to be. No childish games or fooling around. So, when the time came, kulay-rosas told Spinel to play their paborito game, of standing in a spot until she came back… She never came back. Spinel was left on that rock for decades, waiting for a friend that was never coming to get her. Even when kulay-rosas became Rose and rebelled against the Diamonds, she still never came back for her. On one hand, this is a horrible turn of events that resulted in the destruction of Spinel’s innocence and her mental stability, turning her into a crazed villain that wanted to destroy Steven’s life out of vengeance, something that kulay-rosas could have avoided… But on the other hand, Other mga kaibigan is the best song in the entire show, so it’s not all bad, I guess. After this, kulay-rosas was finally able to become a true Diamond, or so she thought. Bored out of her mind, she changed forms to explore the world below, unaware of the damage the Diamonds were causing to it and the inhabitants that lived on it. But for one civilization to thrive, another must perish. Rose, however, was not prepared for that, and so, with the help of her loyal Pearl, a fusion between a Sapphire and a Ruby, and an imperfect Amethyst, they became the Crystal Gems, ready to fight the Diamonds. And it was… pathetic, really. Very little was done, and of course not. They had no experience in fighting, and they were only brought together because of their mistreatment from the tahanan world, but had nothing to combat that. That is until Bismuth, best gem, gave kulay-rosas the idea to fake her breaking, which would allow her to become Rose full time and give the Crystal Gems a threat. And it worked… But that didn’t change anything. The Crystal Gems were still inexperienced, and all this did was make them a target. And the end result was the Diamonds forced to use a secret weapon on the planet and retreat, turning all lifeforms on the planet into corrupted life forms and losing their sanity, wandering the planet and attacking anyone they saw. So Pink’s decision made her allies enemy to the planet, madami so than some already were, and caused others to pay the price. But, hey, casualties of war, right, or whatever rebels say to justify their cause. At least she still has her friends…

3: Destruction of an Image

Well, Rose never told anyone that she was kulay-rosas Diamond, no one except Pearl, who felt she was the only one Rose could trust. But anyway, now that they were on earth, away from homeworld, they could plan their susunod moves, figure out what they could do next, think of what they can do to better their cause… Or Rose could go and continue her fun loving adventures on a new tahanan world. She always thought humans were special creatures that she admired, admiring them even a bit. That is until one day, she met a very special man. Greg Universe, a wannabe rockstar who lived in a van, had no job, no fame, but at least he had a full head of hair. So why was it Rose was interested in this man, interested in him enough to make Pearl feel like she wasn’t special enough? What made Rose spend so much time with Greg, a large amount of time where Pearl started to feel jealous, fusing with Rose just to taunt Greg, only for it to not work in the end. Rose may not have been aware, but falling in pag-ibig with Greg broke Pearls heart, and it was a pain she felt for years, even after Rose was long gone, she was still not over it. She couldn’t get over it. The one woman she thought was the only one she trusted, and even still, she kept secrets hidden from Pearl, which devastated her. Pearl thought she was special to Pink, but she was no different from the others. Heck, Garnet was split in half when the truth about Rose came up, causing Ruby and Sapphire to need some time apart to think about the whole situation. And this isn’t even discussing Bismuth, who, though was super enthusiastic about shattering the Diamonds, kulay-rosas put her away in a bubble without a segundo thought or even discussing it, leading to Bismuth keeping a lot of anger bottled up even after being freed or how Rose’s rebellion caused Lapis to be mistaken for a Crystal Gem and be imprisoned for thousands of years and made an enemy just sa pamamagitan ng being at the wrong place at the wrong time. But the thing about Pink, the most important thing, is a single quote sa pamamagitan ng Steven in the Steven Universe movie. It’s a simple quote and could be mistaken as a joke, but it is a very depressing comment regardless. “I can’t believe my mother would do that to you… Actually, I can believe it”. Steven has gone from a young wide eyed child, like his mother, who wanted to see her, who believed the stories he was told about her, about how great she was. But now, after all he’s seen, he sees her as a danger to herself and to others. Because after all, kulay-rosas hurt anyone who ever loved her. It’s almost like she’s a complete sociopath, as overused as that word is nowadays. But… not… completely.

4: The Tragedy

If Rose really didn’t care about anyone she ever met… why would she stay with Greg? Like Pearl sinabi in the song, It’s Over, Isn’t It, the other best song in the show, she had met many other men in her life, but they never stuck around, and yet, Greg did? Was he just madami stubborn, or was he just a madami fun person she met, or did she actually fall in pag-ibig with him. I mean, who would fall in pag-ibig with a madala like Greg- sorry not sorry. And despite her… lack of social skills, she expressed genuine joy to see Steven, to see what he would grow up and become. And yet, she never got that chance. She was happy to be with Greg and happy to welcome Steven into the world, and yet she was never able to meet him. And you think, was everything she did truly malicious or was it all just because she foolish, wanting to do what was best for everyone, unaware of the consequences, much like Steven, who, in the first season, was going around, making horrible mistakes all because he wanted to make his mga kaibigan breakfast. kulay-rosas was never a person who did everything because it was for the good of her planet, or because she was so crazy, not that it would matter, because Steven would forgive her anyway- Okay, I gotta talk about this. White Diamond is worst Diamond

Nik, What Are You Doing: White Diamond Is Absolute Trash!

I’m sorry, does going around terrorizing everyone on your planet, corrupted a planets worth of your own people and hunting down any that are imperfect like we’re living in fucking Nazi Germany really warrant an apology. I wouldn’t get upset about this if Steven wasn’t quick to judge kulay-rosas Diamond, and while this doesn’t ruin that, it just pisses me off how much of a fucking baby she and the other Diamonds become. kulay-rosas may have fucked everything up for everyone she ever came into contact with and those sins are fixed only because her son was less of a fuck up, but my god, White Diamond has no depth. The grave that I dug and crawled into with zero intention of crawling out again had madami depth than this character…….. So yeah, season 5’s finale was just okay

 shamelessly stolen from cosmic_fusions
shamelessly stolen from cosmic_fusions

kulay-rosas Diamond was a character that still has fans divided to this araw if her twist was ingenious or if it was a stupid excuse to give the ipakita something interesting to keep fans talking, but that’s not my place to discuss. I’m just here to discuss the tragedy that is kulay-rosas Diamond, a character that wanted to do what she thought was right, only to cause madami tragedy and suffering than she intended to fix, but was able to do right in the end, thanks to her son fixing her mistakes. kulay-rosas Diamond is in fact the worst Diamond, but that is okay, because even a Diamond can be imperfect… That was a fucking horrible sentence!
added by 8theGreat
added by SilentForce
added by tanyya
posted by Windrises
Several of my paborito fictional characters are great alone, but others need a another good character to balance things out. This listahan is about the 5 duos that I like the most. I hope you read it and enjoy the list.

5. the Black Snow Princess and Megumi (Accel World)

Accel World is a anime show. The Black Snow Princess (Kuroyukihime) is the main female character and Megumi is her best friend. The 2 of them have a heartwarming and adorable friendship. The 18th episode is focused on them and it's easily my paborito episode. In that episode it's reveled how much they mean to each other. I'm not...
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added by Mollymolata
added by Gretulee
added by johnnyboy-69
added by nmdis
 Cody Leach
Cody Leach
Let's take the "Cody Leach" approach and do the good, the mixed, and the bad..

When I say I have negatives I'm not saying they ruin the show, they are just complaints I have that i do feel I want to address..

* Let's just say it, Brandon Roger's pangkalahatang prefamance. Not only is he his uaual hammy zany self. But he has a lot "they really can act" moments in the show's madami serious scenes..
* The shows pangkalahatang qulity. You can tell Viv and the team puts a lot of money into it..
* You can tell Viv was exploring a lot ideas for Hazbin in this series. From the Heaven episode, to the idea of...
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added by Crazedsitcomfan
posted by Feathershine

Who do you have a crush on?

If you had to petsa anyone here right now, who would it be?

Name one celebrity you would want to make out with

Name five people you hate and why you hate them

Name all the people you've had a crush on before

Have you ever embarrassed yourself in front of everyone in school? If you did, what did you do?

What embarrassing thing has a parent done to you?

Have you ever cheated on your girlfriend/boyfriend?

Have you had your first kiss, if you have, were was it and who was it with?

Have you ever seen a parent naked?

Have you ever seen mga hayop reproducing?

Have you stalked anyone,...
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found this stuff and i wanted to share with you guys (girls) so enjoy !! =)

1.Stare at someone and if/when they stare back at you, yell, “Staring is extremely impolite!”

2.Bring a Glad product to school and whenever someone gets mad at you, say, “Don’t get mad! Get Glad!” Then hold up the Glad product.

3.Keep talking as if you’re talking to the person susunod to you, and when they answer, scream, “I wasn’t talking to you! Now, Bob, where were we?”

4.When the teacher calls roll, after each name scream "THAT'S MEEEEE!!! Oh, no, sorry."

5.Sing your tanong to the class.

6.Sit in...
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1. Angus is for a beefy yet cute boyfriend, or to bolster up the woefully sagging self-esteem of a weak, pasty face limb noodle who does your homework for you.

2. Babe - is a classic cute boyfriend nickname that will only get you in a slight amount of trouble in front of his friends. ( i call mine this)

3. Baby Boo Boo - is for a boyfriend that you'd like to castrate slowly sa pamamagitan ng giving him effeminate names.

4. Bunny-kins - means you're cousins and will be humping like bunnies at the susunod family wedding.

5. Bunny Wabbit - you may as well stroke his belly with a coonskin takip and feed him grapes when...
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I just wanna say that I didn't wright this, I just reposted it. so I take on credit AT ALL

1. Take someone's shopping kariton and switch the items with stuff from the person susunod to them's cart
2. Walk up to complete strangers and say, "Hi! I haven't seen you in so long!..." etc. See if they play along to avoid embarrassment
3. Smash the person in front of you on the head with a ham
4. Go up to some old geezer & say "Grandpa!!! You're ALIVE!!! It's a MIRACLE!!! etc."
5. Take something from someone else's cart, when they say "hey, that's mine! " call the security and say that the other ... person...
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When you're happy and you know it bomb Iraq
If you cannot find Osama, bomb Iraq.
If the markets are a drama, bomb Iraq.
If the terrorists are frisky,
Pakistan is looking shifty,
North Korea is too risky,
Bomb Iraq.

If you never were elected, bomb Iraq.
If your mood is quite dejected, bomb Iraq.
If you think Saddam's gone mad,
With the weapons that he had,
(And he tried to kill your dad),
Bomb Iraq.

If we have no allies with us, bomb Iraq.
If we think someone's dismissed us, bomb Iraq.
So to hell with the inspections,
Let's look tough for the elections,
Close your mind and take directions,
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posted by invadercalliope
I am your forgotten dream,
Broken and unseen.

I hurt myself,
So I can feel alive.

The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love,
Love someone else in return.

Don’t say you pag-ibig me unless you really mean it,
Cause I might do something crazy like believe it.

Feels like you could halik my imperfections away,
And I would stand sa pamamagitan ng your side until the sun turns the sky.

I swear to you on everything I am,
And I dedicate to you all that I have,
And I promise you that I will stand right sa pamamagitan ng your side,
Forever and always, until the araw I die.

I’m not crying over what you said;
It’s what you didn’t say that...
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We're all familiar with the term damsel in distress and we usually think about a female character that's tied to the train tracks sa pamamagitan ng a villain with a curly-q mustache, and has to be saved sa pamamagitan ng the dashing hero. I wonder where the idea first came from. We've always seen this with female characters because female damsels in distress have been around since the dawn of literature itself. However, during the mid or late 1900's, we've discovered that there are male characters that have to constantly be saved as well. What's the term for male damsel's in distress? There isn't one, even though some people...
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